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@mod @mod_quiz
Feature: Teachers can override the grade for any question
As a teacher
In order to correct errors
I must be able to override the grades that Moodle gives.
Given the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname | email |
| teacher1 | Teacher | 1 | |
| student1 | Student | 1 | |
And the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | category |
| Course 1 | C1 | 0 |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher |
| student1 | C1 | student |
And the following "question categories" exist:
| contextlevel | reference | name |
| Course | C1 | Test questions |
And the following "questions" exist:
| questioncategory | qtype | name | questiontext | defaultmark |
| Test questions | essay | TF1 | First question | 20 |
And the following "activities" exist:
| activity | name | intro | course | idnumber | grade |
| quiz | Quiz 1 | Quiz 1 description | C1 | quiz1 | 20 |
And quiz "Quiz 1" contains the following questions:
| question | page |
| TF1 | 1 |
And the following "user private files" exist:
| user | filepath |
| teacher1 | mod/quiz/tests/fixtures/moodle_logo.jpg |
And I am on the "Quiz 1" "mod_quiz > View" page logged in as "student1"
And I press "Attempt quiz"
And I follow "Finish attempt ..."
And I press "Submit all and finish"
And I click on "Submit all and finish" "button" in the "Submit all your answers and finish?" "dialogue"
And I log out
@javascript @_switch_window @_bug_phantomjs
Scenario: Validating the marking of an essay question attempt.
When I am on the "Quiz 1 > student1 > Attempt 1" "mod_quiz > Attempt review" page logged in as "teacher1"
And I follow "Make comment or override mark"
And I switch to "commentquestion" window
And I set the field "Mark" to "25"
And I press "Save"
Then I should see "This grade is outside the valid range."
And I set the field "Mark" to "aa"
And I press "Save"
And I should see "That is not a valid number."
And I set the field "Mark" to "10.0"
And I press "Save" and switch to main window
And I should see "Complete" in the "Manually graded 10 with comment: " "table_row"
And I follow "Make comment or override mark"
And I switch to "commentquestion" window
And I should see "Teacher 1" in the "Manually graded 10 with comment: " "table_row"
@javascript @_switch_window @_file_upload @_bug_phantomjs @editor_tiny
Scenario: Comment on a response to an essay question attempt.
When I log in as "teacher1"
And I am on the "Quiz 1 > student1 > Attempt 1" "mod_quiz > Attempt review" page
And I follow "Make comment or override mark"
And I switch to "commentquestion" window
And I set the field "Comment" to "Administrator's comment"
And I select the "p" element in position "0" of the "Comment" TinyMCE editor
And I click on the "Image" button for the "Comment" TinyMCE editor
And I click on "Browse repositories" "button" in the "Insert image" "dialogue"
And I click on "Private files" "link" in the ".fp-repo-area" "css_element"
And I click on "moodle_logo.jpg" "link"
And I click on "Select this file" "button"
And I set the field "How would you describe this image to someone who can't see it?" to "It's the logo"
And I click on "Save" "button" in the "Image details" "dialogue"
And I press "Save" and switch to main window
And I switch to the main window
Then I should see "Commented: [It's the logo]" in the ".history table" "css_element"
And "//img[contains(@src, 'moodle_logo.jpg')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the ".comment" "css_element"
# This time is same as time the window is open. So wait for it to close before proceeding.
And I wait "2" seconds