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// This file is part of Moodle -
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// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
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* Steps definitions related to mod_quiz.
* @package mod_quiz
* @category test
* @copyright 2014 Marina Glancy
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
// NOTE: no MOODLE_INTERNAL test here, this file may be required by behat before including /config.php.
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../../../lib/behat/behat_base.php');
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../../../question/tests/behat/behat_question_base.php');
use Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode;
use Behat\Mink\Exception\DriverException;
use Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException;
use mod_quiz\quiz_attempt;
use mod_quiz\quiz_settings;
* Steps definitions related to mod_quiz.
* @copyright 2014 Marina Glancy
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class behat_mod_quiz extends behat_question_base {
* Convert page names to URLs for steps like 'When I am on the "[page name]" page'.
* Recognised page names are:
* | None so far! | |
* @param string $page name of the page, with the component name removed e.g. 'Admin notification'.
* @return moodle_url the corresponding URL.
* @throws Exception with a meaningful error message if the specified page cannot be found.
protected function resolve_page_url(string $page): moodle_url {
switch (strtolower($page)) {
throw new Exception('Unrecognised quiz page type "' . $page . '."');
* Convert page names to URLs for steps like 'When I am on the "[identifier]" "[page type]" page'.
* Recognised page names are:
* | pagetype | name meaning | description |
* | View | Quiz name | The quiz info page (view.php) |
* | Edit | Quiz name | The edit quiz page (edit.php) |
* | Group overrides | Quiz name | The manage group overrides page |
* | User overrides | Quiz name | The manage user overrides page |
* | Grades report | Quiz name | The overview report for a quiz |
* | Responses report | Quiz name | The responses report for a quiz |
* | Manual grading report | Quiz name | The manual grading report for a quiz |
* | Statistics report | Quiz name | The statistics report for a quiz |
* | Attempt review | Quiz name > username > [Attempt] attempt no | Review page for a given attempt (review.php) |
* | Question bank | Quiz name | The question bank page for a quiz |
* @param string $type identifies which type of page this is, e.g. 'Attempt review'.
* @param string $identifier identifies the particular page, e.g. 'Test quiz > student > Attempt 1'.
* @return moodle_url the corresponding URL.
* @throws Exception with a meaningful error message if the specified page cannot be found.
protected function resolve_page_instance_url(string $type, string $identifier): moodle_url {
global $DB;
switch (strtolower($type)) {
case 'view':
return new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/view.php',
['id' => $this->get_cm_by_quiz_name($identifier)->id]);
case 'edit':
return new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/edit.php',
['cmid' => $this->get_cm_by_quiz_name($identifier)->id]);
case 'multiple grades setup':
return new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/editgrading.php',
['cmid' => $this->get_cm_by_quiz_name($identifier)->id]);
case 'group overrides':
return new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/overrides.php',
['cmid' => $this->get_cm_by_quiz_name($identifier)->id, 'mode' => 'group']);
case 'user overrides':
return new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/overrides.php',
['cmid' => $this->get_cm_by_quiz_name($identifier)->id, 'mode' => 'user']);
case 'grades report':
return new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/report.php',
['id' => $this->get_cm_by_quiz_name($identifier)->id, 'mode' => 'overview']);
case 'responses report':
return new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/report.php',
['id' => $this->get_cm_by_quiz_name($identifier)->id, 'mode' => 'responses']);
case 'statistics report':
return new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/report.php',
['id' => $this->get_cm_by_quiz_name($identifier)->id, 'mode' => 'statistics']);
case 'manual grading report':
return new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/report.php',
['id' => $this->get_cm_by_quiz_name($identifier)->id, 'mode' => 'grading']);
case 'attempt view':
list($quizname, $username, $attemptno, $pageno) = explode(' > ', $identifier);
$pageno = intval($pageno);
$pageno = $pageno > 0 ? $pageno - 1 : 0;
$attemptno = (int) trim(str_replace ('Attempt', '', $attemptno));
$quiz = $this->get_quiz_by_name($quizname);
$quizcm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('quiz', $quiz->id, $quiz->course);
$user = $DB->get_record('user', ['username' => $username], '*', MUST_EXIST);
$attempt = $DB->get_record('quiz_attempts',
['quiz' => $quiz->id, 'userid' => $user->id, 'attempt' => $attemptno], '*', MUST_EXIST);
return new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/attempt.php', [
'attempt' => $attempt->id,
'cmid' => $quizcm->id,
'page' => $pageno
case 'attempt review':
if (substr_count($identifier, ' > ') !== 2) {
throw new coding_exception('For "attempt review", name must be ' .
'"{Quiz name} > {username} > Attempt {attemptnumber}", ' .
'for example "Quiz 1 > student > Attempt 1".');
list($quizname, $username, $attemptno) = explode(' > ', $identifier);
$attemptno = (int) trim(str_replace ('Attempt', '', $attemptno));
$quiz = $this->get_quiz_by_name($quizname);
$user = $DB->get_record('user', ['username' => $username], '*', MUST_EXIST);
$attempt = $DB->get_record('quiz_attempts',
['quiz' => $quiz->id, 'userid' => $user->id, 'attempt' => $attemptno], '*', MUST_EXIST);
return new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/review.php', ['attempt' => $attempt->id]);
case 'question bank':
// The question bank does not handle fields at the edge of the viewport well.
// Increase the size to avoid this.
$this->execute('behat_general::i_change_window_size_to', ['window', 'large']);
return new moodle_url('/question/edit.php', [
'cmid' => $this->get_cm_by_quiz_name($identifier)->id,
throw new Exception('Unrecognised quiz page type "' . $type . '."');
* Get a quiz by name.
* @param string $name quiz name.
* @return stdClass the corresponding DB row.
protected function get_quiz_by_name(string $name): stdClass {
global $DB;
return $DB->get_record('quiz', ['name' => $name], '*', MUST_EXIST);
* Get a quiz cmid from the quiz name.
* @param string $name quiz name.
* @return stdClass cm from get_coursemodule_from_instance.
protected function get_cm_by_quiz_name(string $name): stdClass {
$quiz = $this->get_quiz_by_name($name);
return get_coursemodule_from_instance('quiz', $quiz->id, $quiz->course);
* Put the specified questions on the specified pages of a given quiz.
* The first row should be column names:
* | question | page | maxmark | requireprevious |
* The first two of those are required. The others are optional.
* question needs to uniquely match a question name.
* page is a page number. Must start at 1, and on each following
* row should be the same as the previous, or one more.
* maxmark What the question is marked out of. Defaults to question.defaultmark.
* requireprevious The question can only be attempted after the previous one was completed.
* Then there should be a number of rows of data, one for each question you want to add.
* For backwards-compatibility reasons, specifying the column names is optional
* (but strongly encouraged). If not specified, the columns are asseumed to be
* | question | page | maxmark |.
* @param string $quizname the name of the quiz to add questions to.
* @param TableNode $data information about the questions to add.
* @Given /^quiz "([^"]*)" contains the following questions:$/
public function quiz_contains_the_following_questions($quizname, TableNode $data) {
global $DB;
$quiz = $this->get_quiz_by_name($quizname);
// Deal with backwards-compatibility, optional first row.
$firstrow = $data->getRow(0);
if (!in_array('question', $firstrow) && !in_array('page', $firstrow)) {
if (count($firstrow) == 2) {
$headings = ['question', 'page'];
} else if (count($firstrow) == 3) {
$headings = ['question', 'page', 'maxmark'];
} else {
throw new ExpectationException('When adding questions to a quiz, you should give 2 or three 3 things: ' .
' the question name, the page number, and optionally the maximum mark. ' .
count($firstrow) . ' values passed.', $this->getSession());
$rows = $data->getRows();
array_unshift($rows, $headings);
$data = new TableNode($rows);
// Add the questions.
$lastpage = 0;
foreach ($data->getHash() as $questiondata) {
if (!array_key_exists('question', $questiondata)) {
throw new ExpectationException('When adding questions to a quiz, ' .
'the question name column is required.', $this->getSession());
if (!array_key_exists('page', $questiondata)) {
throw new ExpectationException('When adding questions to a quiz, ' .
'the page number column is required.', $this->getSession());
// Question id, category and type.
$sql = 'SELECT AS id, qbe.questioncategoryid AS category, q.qtype AS qtype
FROM {question} q
JOIN {question_versions} qv ON qv.questionid =
JOIN {question_bank_entries} qbe ON = qv.questionbankentryid
WHERE = :name';
$question = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, ['name' => $questiondata['question']], MUST_EXIST);
// Page number.
$page = clean_param($questiondata['page'], PARAM_INT);
if ($page <= 0 || (string) $page !== $questiondata['page']) {
throw new ExpectationException('The page number for question "' .
$questiondata['question'] . '" must be a positive integer.',
if ($page < $lastpage || $page > $lastpage + 1) {
throw new ExpectationException('When adding questions to a quiz, ' .
'the page number for each question must either be the same, ' .
'or one more, then the page number for the previous question.',
$lastpage = $page;
// Max mark.
if (!array_key_exists('maxmark', $questiondata) || $questiondata['maxmark'] === '') {
$maxmark = null;
} else {
$maxmark = clean_param($questiondata['maxmark'], PARAM_LOCALISEDFLOAT);
if (!is_numeric($maxmark) || $maxmark < 0) {
throw new ExpectationException('The max mark for question "' .
$questiondata['question'] . '" must be a positive number.',
if ($question->qtype == 'random') {
if (!array_key_exists('includingsubcategories', $questiondata) || $questiondata['includingsubcategories'] === '') {
$includingsubcategories = false;
} else {
$includingsubcategories = clean_param($questiondata['includingsubcategories'], PARAM_BOOL);
$filter = [
'category' => [
'jointype' => \qbank_managecategories\category_condition::JOINTYPE_DEFAULT,
'values' => [$question->category],
'filteroptions' => ['includesubcategories' => $includingsubcategories],
$filtercondition['filter'] = $filter;
$settings = quiz_settings::create($quiz->id);
$structure = \mod_quiz\structure::create_for_quiz($settings);
$structure->add_random_questions($page, 1, $filtercondition);
} else {
// Add the question.
quiz_add_quiz_question($question->id, $quiz, $page, $maxmark);
// Look for additional properties we might want to set on the new slot.
$extraslotproperties = [];
// Display number (allowing editable customised question number).
if (array_key_exists('displaynumber', $questiondata)) {
if (!is_number($questiondata['displaynumber']) && !is_string($questiondata['displaynumber'])) {
throw new ExpectationException('Displayed question number for "' . $questiondata['question'] .
'" should either be \'i\', automatically numbered (eg. 1, 2, 3),
or customised (eg. A.1, A.2, 1.1, 1.2)', $this->getSession());
$extraslotproperties['displaynumber'] = $questiondata['displaynumber'];
// Require previous.
if (array_key_exists('requireprevious', $questiondata)) {
if ($questiondata['requireprevious'] === '1') {
$extraslotproperties['requireprevious'] = 1;
} else if ($questiondata['requireprevious'] !== '' && $questiondata['requireprevious'] !== '0') {
throw new ExpectationException('Require previous for question "' .
$questiondata['question'] . '" should be 0, 1 or blank.',
// Grade item.
if (array_key_exists('grade item', $questiondata) && trim($questiondata['grade item']) !== '') {
$extraslotproperties['quizgradeitemid'] =
$DB->get_field('quiz_grade_items', 'id',
['quizid' => $quiz->id, 'name' => $questiondata['grade item']], MUST_EXIST);
// If there were any extra properties, save them.
if ($extraslotproperties) {
// We assume that the slot was just created for this row of data is the highest numbered one.
$extraslotproperties['id'] = $DB->get_field('quiz_slots', 'MAX(id)', ['quizid' => $quiz->id]);
$DB->update_record('quiz_slots', $extraslotproperties);
$quizobj = quiz_settings::create($quiz->id);
* Put the specified section headings to start at specified pages of a given quiz.
* The first row should be column names:
* | heading | firstslot | shufflequestions |
* heading is the section heading text
* firstslot is the slot number where the section starts
* shuffle whether this section is shuffled (0 or 1)
* Then there should be a number of rows of data, one for each section you want to add.
* @param string $quizname the name of the quiz to add sections to.
* @param TableNode $data information about the sections to add.
* @Given /^quiz "([^"]*)" contains the following sections:$/
public function quiz_contains_the_following_sections($quizname, TableNode $data) {
global $DB;
$quiz = $DB->get_record('quiz', ['name' => $quizname], '*', MUST_EXIST);
// Add the sections.
$previousfirstslot = 0;
foreach ($data->getHash() as $rownumber => $sectiondata) {
if (!array_key_exists('heading', $sectiondata)) {
throw new ExpectationException('When adding sections to a quiz, ' .
'the heading name column is required.', $this->getSession());
if (!array_key_exists('firstslot', $sectiondata)) {
throw new ExpectationException('When adding sections to a quiz, ' .
'the firstslot name column is required.', $this->getSession());
if (!array_key_exists('shuffle', $sectiondata)) {
throw new ExpectationException('When adding sections to a quiz, ' .
'the shuffle name column is required.', $this->getSession());
if ($rownumber == 0) {
$section = $DB->get_record('quiz_sections', ['quizid' => $quiz->id], '*', MUST_EXIST);
} else {
$section = new stdClass();
$section->quizid = $quiz->id;
// Heading.
$section->heading = $sectiondata['heading'];
// First slot.
$section->firstslot = clean_param($sectiondata['firstslot'], PARAM_INT);
if ($section->firstslot <= $previousfirstslot ||
(string) $section->firstslot !== $sectiondata['firstslot']) {
throw new ExpectationException('The firstslot number for section "' .
$sectiondata['heading'] . '" must an integer greater than the previous section firstslot.',
if ($rownumber == 0 && $section->firstslot != 1) {
throw new ExpectationException('The first section must have firstslot set to 1.',
// Shuffle.
$section->shufflequestions = clean_param($sectiondata['shuffle'], PARAM_INT);
if ((string) $section->shufflequestions !== $sectiondata['shuffle']) {
throw new ExpectationException('The shuffle value for section "' .
$sectiondata['heading'] . '" must be 0 or 1.',
if ($rownumber == 0) {
$DB->update_record('quiz_sections', $section);
} else {
$DB->insert_record('quiz_sections', $section);
if ($section->firstslot > $DB->count_records('quiz_slots', ['quizid' => $quiz->id])) {
throw new ExpectationException('The section firstslot must be less than the total number of slots in the quiz.',
* Adds a question to the existing quiz with filling the form.
* The form for creating a question should be on one page.
* @When /^I add a "(?P<question_type_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" question to the "(?P<quiz_name_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" quiz with:$/
* @param string $questiontype
* @param string $quizname
* @param TableNode $questiondata with data for filling the add question form
public function i_add_question_to_the_quiz_with($questiontype, $quizname, TableNode $questiondata) {
$quizname = $this->escape($quizname);
$addaquestion = $this->escape(get_string('addaquestion', 'quiz'));
$this->execute('behat_navigation::i_am_on_page_instance', [
'mod_quiz > Edit',
if ($this->running_javascript()) {
$this->execute("behat_action_menu::i_open_the_action_menu_in", ['.slots', "css_element"]);
$this->execute("behat_action_menu::i_choose_in_the_open_action_menu", [$addaquestion]);
} else {
$this->execute('behat_general::click_link', $addaquestion);
$this->finish_adding_question($questiontype, $questiondata);
* Set the max mark for a question on the Edit quiz page.
* @When /^I set the max mark for question "(?P<question_name_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" to "(?P<new_mark_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
* @param string $questionname the name of the question to set the max mark for.
* @param string $newmark the mark to set
public function i_set_the_max_mark_for_quiz_question($questionname, $newmark) {
$this->execute('behat_general::click_link', $this->escape(get_string('editmaxmark', 'quiz')));
$this->execute('behat_general::wait_until_exists', ["li input[name=maxmark]", "css_element"]);
$this->execute('behat_general::assert_page_contains_text', $this->escape(get_string('edittitleinstructions')));
$this->execute('behat_general::i_type', [$newmark]);
$this->execute('behat_general::i_press_named_key', ['', 'enter']);
* Open the add menu on a given page, or at the end of the Edit quiz page.
* @Given /^I open the "(?P<page_n_or_last_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" add to quiz menu$/
* @param string $pageorlast either "Page n" or "last".
public function i_open_the_add_to_quiz_menu_for($pageorlast) {
if (!$this->running_javascript()) {
throw new DriverException('Activities actions menu not available when Javascript is disabled');
if ($pageorlast == 'last') {
$xpath = "//div[@class = 'last-add-menu']//a[contains(@data-toggle, 'dropdown') and contains(., 'Add')]";
} else if (preg_match('~Page (\d+)~', $pageorlast, $matches)) {
$xpath = "//li[@id = 'page-{$matches[1]}']//a[contains(@data-toggle, 'dropdown') and contains(., 'Add')]";
} else {
throw new ExpectationException("The I open the add to quiz menu step must specify either 'Page N' or 'last'.",
$this->find('xpath', $xpath)->click();
* Check whether a particular question is on a particular page of the quiz on the Edit quiz page.
* @Given /^I should see "(?P<question_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" on quiz page "(?P<page_number>\d+)"$/
* @param string $questionname the name of the question we are looking for.
* @param number $pagenumber the page it should be found on.
public function i_should_see_on_quiz_page($questionname, $pagenumber) {
$xpath = "//li[contains(., '" . $this->escape($questionname) .
"')][./preceding-sibling::li[contains(@class, 'pagenumber')][1][contains(., 'Page " .
$pagenumber . "')]]";
$this->execute('behat_general::should_exist', [$xpath, 'xpath_element']);
* Check whether a particular question is not on a particular page of the quiz on the Edit quiz page.
* @Given /^I should not see "(?P<question_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" on quiz page "(?P<page_number>\d+)"$/
* @param string $questionname the name of the question we are looking for.
* @param number $pagenumber the page it should be found on.
public function i_should_not_see_on_quiz_page($questionname, $pagenumber) {
$xpath = "//li[contains(., '" . $this->escape($questionname) .
"')][./preceding-sibling::li[contains(@class, 'pagenumber')][1][contains(., 'Page " .
$pagenumber . "')]]";
$this->execute('behat_general::should_not_exist', [$xpath, 'xpath_element']);
* Check whether one question comes before another on the Edit quiz page.
* The two questions must be on the same page.
* @Given /^I should see "(?P<first_q_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" before "(?P<second_q_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" on the edit quiz page$/
* @param string $firstquestionname the name of the question that should come first in order.
* @param string $secondquestionname the name of the question that should come immediately after it in order.
public function i_should_see_before_on_the_edit_quiz_page($firstquestionname, $secondquestionname) {
$xpath = "//li[contains(., '" . $this->escape($firstquestionname) .
"')]/following-sibling::li" .
"[contains(., '" . $this->escape($secondquestionname) . "')]";
$this->execute('behat_general::should_exist', [$xpath, 'xpath_element']);
* Check the number displayed alongside a question on the Edit quiz page.
* @Given /^"(?P<question_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" should have number "(?P<number>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" on the edit quiz page$/
* @param string $questionname the name of the question we are looking for.
* @param number $number the number (or 'i') that should be displayed beside that question.
public function should_have_number_on_the_edit_quiz_page($questionname, $number) {
if ($number !== get_string('infoshort', 'quiz')) {
// Logic here copied from edit_renderer, which is not ideal, but necessary.
$number = get_string('question') . ' ' . $number;
$xpath = "//li[contains(@class, 'slot') and contains(., '" . $this->escape($questionname) .
"')]//span[contains(@class, 'slotnumber') and normalize-space(.) = '" . $this->escape($number) . "']";
$this->execute('behat_general::should_exist', [$xpath, 'xpath_element']);
* Get the xpath for a partcular add/remove page-break icon.
* @param string $addorremoves 'Add' or 'Remove'.
* @param string $questionname the name of the question before the icon.
* @return string the requried xpath.
protected function get_xpath_page_break_icon_after_question($addorremoves, $questionname) {
return "//li[contains(@class, 'slot') and contains(., '" . $this->escape($questionname) .
"')]//a[contains(@class, 'page_split_join') and @title = '" . $addorremoves . " page break']";
* Click the add or remove page-break icon after a particular question.
* @When /^I click on the "(Add|Remove)" page break icon after question "(?P<question_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
* @param string $addorremoves 'Add' or 'Remove'.
* @param string $questionname the name of the question before the icon to click.
public function i_click_on_the_page_break_icon_after_question($addorremoves, $questionname) {
$xpath = $this->get_xpath_page_break_icon_after_question($addorremoves, $questionname);
$this->execute("behat_general::i_click_on", [$xpath, "xpath_element"]);
* Assert the add or remove page-break icon after a particular question exists.
* @When /^the "(Add|Remove)" page break icon after question "(?P<question_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" should exist$/
* @param string $addorremoves 'Add' or 'Remove'.
* @param string $questionname the name of the question before the icon to click.
* @return array of steps.
public function the_page_break_icon_after_question_should_exist($addorremoves, $questionname) {
$xpath = $this->get_xpath_page_break_icon_after_question($addorremoves, $questionname);
$this->execute('behat_general::should_exist', [$xpath, 'xpath_element']);
* Assert the add or remove page-break icon after a particular question does not exist.
* @When /^the "(Add|Remove)" page break icon after question "(?P<question_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" should not exist$/
* @param string $addorremoves 'Add' or 'Remove'.
* @param string $questionname the name of the question before the icon to click.
* @return array of steps.
public function the_page_break_icon_after_question_should_not_exist($addorremoves, $questionname) {
$xpath = $this->get_xpath_page_break_icon_after_question($addorremoves, $questionname);
$this->execute('behat_general::should_not_exist', [$xpath, 'xpath_element']);
* Check the add or remove page-break link after a particular question contains the given parameters in its url.
* @When /^the "(Add|Remove)" page break link after question "(?P<question_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*) should contain:$/
* @When /^the "(Add|Remove)" page break link after question "(?P<question_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*) should contain:"$/
* @param string $addorremoves 'Add' or 'Remove'.
* @param string $questionname the name of the question before the icon to click.
* @param TableNode $paramdata with data for checking the page break url
* @return array of steps.
public function the_page_break_link_after_question_should_contain($addorremoves, $questionname, $paramdata) {
$xpath = $this->get_xpath_page_break_icon_after_question($addorremoves, $questionname);
$this->execute("behat_general::i_click_on", [$xpath, "xpath_element"]);
* Set Shuffle for shuffling questions within sections
* @param string $heading the heading of the section to change shuffle for.
* @Given /^I click on shuffle for section "([^"]*)" on the quiz edit page$/
public function i_click_on_shuffle_for_section($heading) {
$xpath = $this->get_xpath_for_shuffle_checkbox($heading);
$checkbox = $this->find('xpath', $xpath);
* Check the shuffle checkbox for a particular section.
* @param string $heading the heading of the section to check shuffle for
* @param int $value whether the shuffle checkbox should be on or off.
* @Given /^shuffle for section "([^"]*)" should be "(On|Off)" on the quiz edit page$/
public function shuffle_for_section_should_be($heading, $value) {
$xpath = $this->get_xpath_for_shuffle_checkbox($heading);
$checkbox = $this->find('xpath', $xpath);
if ($value == 'On' && !$checkbox->isChecked()) {
$msg = "Shuffle for section '$heading' is not checked, but you are expecting it to be checked ($value). " .
"Check the line with: \nshuffle for section \"$heading\" should be \"$value\" on the quiz edit page" .
"\nin your behat script";
throw new ExpectationException($msg, $this->getSession());
} else if ($value == 'Off' && $checkbox->isChecked()) {
$msg = "Shuffle for section '$heading' is checked, but you are expecting it not to be ($value). " .
"Check the line with: \nshuffle for section \"$heading\" should be \"$value\" on the quiz edit page" .
"\nin your behat script";
throw new ExpectationException($msg, $this->getSession());
* Return the xpath for shuffle checkbox in section heading
* @param string $heading
* @return string
protected function get_xpath_for_shuffle_checkbox($heading) {
return "//div[contains(@class, 'section-heading') and contains(., '" . $this->escape($heading) .
"')]//input[@type = 'checkbox']";
* Move a question on the Edit quiz page by first clicking on the Move icon,
* then clicking one of the "After ..." links.
* @When /^I move "(?P<question_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" to "(?P<target>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" in the quiz by clicking the move icon$/
* @param string $questionname the name of the question we are looking for.
* @param string $target the target place to move to. One of the links in the pop-up like
* "After Page 1" or "After Question N".
public function i_move_question_after_item_by_clicking_the_move_icon($questionname, $target) {
$iconxpath = "//li[contains(@class, ' slot ') and contains(., '" . $this->escape($questionname) .
"')]//span[contains(@class, 'editing_move')]";
$this->execute("behat_general::i_click_on", [$iconxpath, "xpath_element"]);
$this->execute("behat_general::i_click_on", [$this->escape($target), "button"]);
* Move a question on the Edit quiz page by dragging a given question on top of another item.
* @When /^I move "(?P<question_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" to "(?P<target>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" in the quiz by dragging$/
* @param string $questionname the name of the question we are looking for.
* @param string $target the target place to move to. Ether a question name, or "Page N"
public function i_move_question_after_item_by_dragging($questionname, $target) {
$iconxpath = "//li[contains(@class, ' slot ') and contains(., '" . $this->escape($questionname) .
"')]//span[contains(@class, 'editing_move')]//img";
$destinationxpath = "//li[contains(@class, ' slot ') or contains(@class, 'pagenumber ')]" .
"[contains(., '" . $this->escape($target) . "')]";
[$iconxpath, 'xpath_element', $destinationxpath, 'xpath_element']
* Delete a question on the Edit quiz page by first clicking on the Delete icon,
* then clicking one of the "After ..." links.
* @When /^I delete "(?P<question_name>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" in the quiz by clicking the delete icon$/
* @param string $questionname the name of the question we are looking for.
* @return array of steps.
public function i_delete_question_by_clicking_the_delete_icon($questionname) {
$slotxpath = "//li[contains(@class, ' slot ') and contains(., '" . $this->escape($questionname) .
$deletexpath = "//a[contains(@class, 'editing_delete')]";
$this->execute("behat_general::i_click_on", [$slotxpath . $deletexpath, "xpath_element"]);
['Yes', "button", "Confirm", "dialogue"]
* Set the section heading for a given section on the Edit quiz page
* @When /^I change quiz section heading "(?P<section_name_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" to "(?P<new_section_heading_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
* @param string $sectionname the heading to change.
* @param string $sectionheading the new heading to set.
public function i_set_the_section_heading_for($sectionname, $sectionheading) {
// Empty section headings will have a default names of "Untitled heading".
if (empty($sectionname)) {
$sectionname = get_string('sectionnoname', 'quiz');
$this->execute('behat_general::click_link', $this->escape("Edit heading '{$sectionname}'"));
$this->execute('behat_general::assert_page_contains_text', $this->escape(get_string('edittitleinstructions')));
$this->execute('behat_general::i_press_named_key', ['', 'backspace']);
$this->execute('behat_general::i_type', [$sectionheading]);
$this->execute('behat_general::i_press_named_key', ['', 'enter']);
* Check that a given question comes after a given section heading in the
* quiz navigation block.
* @Then /^I should see question "(?P<questionnumber>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" in section "(?P<section_heading_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" in the quiz navigation$/
* @param string $questionnumber the number of the question to check.
* @param string $sectionheading which section heading it should appear after.
public function i_should_see_question_in_section_in_the_quiz_navigation($questionnumber, $sectionheading) {
// Using xpath literal to avoid quotes problems.
$questionnumberliteral = behat_context_helper::escape($questionnumber);
$headingliteral = behat_context_helper::escape($sectionheading);
// Split in two checkings to give more feedback in case of exception.
$exception = new ExpectationException('Question "' . $questionnumber . '" is not in section "' .
$sectionheading . '" in the quiz navigation.', $this->getSession());
$xpath = "//*[@id = 'mod_quiz_navblock']//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' qnbutton ') and " .
"contains(., {$questionnumberliteral}) and contains(preceding-sibling::h3[1], {$headingliteral})]";
$this->find('xpath', $xpath, $exception);
* Helper used by user_has_attempted_with_responses,
* user_has_started_an_attempt_at_quiz_with_details, etc.
* @param TableNode $attemptinfo data table from the Behat step
* @return array with two elements, $forcedrandomquestions, $forcedvariants,
* that can be passed to $quizgenerator->create_attempt.
protected function extract_forced_randomisation_from_attempt_info(TableNode $attemptinfo) {
global $DB;
$forcedrandomquestions = [];
$forcedvariants = [];
foreach ($attemptinfo->getHash() as $slotinfo) {
if (empty($slotinfo['slot'])) {
throw new ExpectationException('When simulating a quiz attempt, ' .
'the slot column is required.', $this->getSession());
if (!empty($slotinfo['actualquestion'])) {
$forcedrandomquestions[$slotinfo['slot']] = $DB->get_field('question', 'id',
['name' => $slotinfo['actualquestion']], MUST_EXIST);
if (!empty($slotinfo['variant'])) {
$forcedvariants[$slotinfo['slot']] = (int) $slotinfo['variant'];
return [$forcedrandomquestions, $forcedvariants];
* Helper used by user_has_attempted_with_responses, user_has_checked_answers_in_their_attempt_at_quiz,
* user_has_input_answers_in_their_attempt_at_quiz, etc.
* @param TableNode $attemptinfo data table from the Behat step
* @return array of responses that can be passed to $quizgenerator->submit_responses.
protected function extract_responses_from_attempt_info(TableNode $attemptinfo) {
$responses = [];
foreach ($attemptinfo->getHash() as $slotinfo) {
if (empty($slotinfo['slot'])) {
throw new ExpectationException('When simulating a quiz attempt, ' .
'the slot column is required.', $this->getSession());
if (!array_key_exists('response', $slotinfo)) {
throw new ExpectationException('When simulating a quiz attempt, ' .
'the response column is required.', $this->getSession());
$responses[$slotinfo['slot']] = $slotinfo['response'];
return $responses;
* Attempt a quiz.
* The first row should be column names:
* | slot | actualquestion | variant | response |
* The first two of those are required. The others are optional.
* slot The slot
* actualquestion This column is optional, and is only needed if the quiz contains
* random questions. If so, this will let you control which actual
* question gets picked when this slot is 'randomised' at the
* start of the attempt. If you don't specify, then one will be picked
* at random (which might make the response meaningless).
* Give the question name.
* variant This column is similar, and also options. It is only needed if
* the question that ends up in this slot returns something greater
* than 1 for $question->get_num_variants(). Like with actualquestion,
* if you specify a value here it is used the fix the 'random' choice
* made when the quiz is started.
* response The response that was submitted. How this is interpreted depends on
* the question type. It gets passed to
* {@link core_question_generator::get_simulated_post_data_for_question_attempt()}
* and therefore to the un_summarise_response method of the question to decode.
* Then there should be a number of rows of data, one for each question you want to add.
* There is no need to supply answers to all questions. If so, other qusetions will be
* left unanswered.
* @param string $username the username of the user that will attempt.
* @param string $quizname the name of the quiz the user will attempt.
* @param TableNode $attemptinfo information about the questions to add, as above.
* @Given /^user "([^"]*)" has attempted "([^"]*)" with responses:$/
public function user_has_attempted_with_responses($username, $quizname, TableNode $attemptinfo) {
global $DB;
/** @var mod_quiz_generator $quizgenerator */
$quizgenerator = behat_util::get_data_generator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_quiz');
$quizid = $DB->get_field('quiz', 'id', ['name' => $quizname], MUST_EXIST);
$user = $DB->get_record('user', ['username' => $username], '*', MUST_EXIST);
list($forcedrandomquestions, $forcedvariants) =
$responses = $this->extract_responses_from_attempt_info($attemptinfo);
$attempt = $quizgenerator->create_attempt($quizid, $user->id,
$forcedrandomquestions, $forcedvariants);
$quizgenerator->submit_responses($attempt->id, $responses, false, true);
* Start a quiz attempt without answers.
* @param string $username the username of the user that will attempt.
* @param string $quizname the name of the quiz the user will attempt.
* @Given /^user "([^"]*)" has started an attempt at quiz "([^"]*)"$/
public function user_has_started_an_attempt_at_quiz($username, $quizname) {
global $DB;
/** @var mod_quiz_generator $quizgenerator */
$quizgenerator = behat_util::get_data_generator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_quiz');
$quizid = $DB->get_field('quiz', 'id', ['name' => $quizname], MUST_EXIST);
$user = $DB->get_record('user', ['username' => $username], '*', MUST_EXIST);
$quizgenerator->create_attempt($quizid, $user->id);
* Start a quiz attempt without answers.
* The supplied data table for have a row for each slot where you want
* to force either which random question was chose, or which random variant
* was used, as for {@link user_has_attempted_with_responses()} above.
* @param string $username the username of the user that will attempt.
* @param string $quizname the name of the quiz the user will attempt.
* @param TableNode $attemptinfo information about the questions to add, as above.
* @Given /^user "([^"]*)" has started an attempt at quiz "([^"]*)" randomised as follows:$/
public function user_has_started_an_attempt_at_quiz_with_details($username, $quizname, TableNode $attemptinfo) {
global $DB;
/** @var mod_quiz_generator $quizgenerator */
$quizgenerator = behat_util::get_data_generator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_quiz');
$quizid = $DB->get_field('quiz', 'id', ['name' => $quizname], MUST_EXIST);
$user = $DB->get_record('user', ['username' => $username], '*', MUST_EXIST);
list($forcedrandomquestions, $forcedvariants) =
$quizgenerator->create_attempt($quizid, $user->id,
$forcedrandomquestions, $forcedvariants);
* Input answers to particular questions an existing quiz attempt, without
* simulating a click of the 'Check' button, if any.
* Then there should be a number of rows of data, with two columns slot and response,
* as for {@link user_has_attempted_with_responses()} above.
* There is no need to supply answers to all questions. If so, other questions will be
* left unanswered.
* @param string $username the username of the user that will attempt.
* @param string $quizname the name of the quiz the user will attempt.
* @param TableNode $attemptinfo information about the questions to add, as above.
* @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException
* @Given /^user "([^"]*)" has input answers in their attempt at quiz "([^"]*)":$/
public function user_has_input_answers_in_their_attempt_at_quiz($username, $quizname, TableNode $attemptinfo) {
global $DB;
/** @var mod_quiz_generator $quizgenerator */
$quizgenerator = behat_util::get_data_generator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_quiz');
$quizid = $DB->get_field('quiz', 'id', ['name' => $quizname], MUST_EXIST);
$user = $DB->get_record('user', ['username' => $username], '*', MUST_EXIST);
$responses = $this->extract_responses_from_attempt_info($attemptinfo);
$attempts = quiz_get_user_attempts($quizid, $user->id, 'unfinished', true);
$quizgenerator->submit_responses(key($attempts), $responses, false, false);
* Submit answers to questions an existing quiz attempt, with a simulated click on the 'Check' button.
* This step should only be used with question behaviours that have have
* a 'Check' button. Those include Interactive with multiple tires, Immediate feedback
* and Immediate feedback with CBM.
* Then there should be a number of rows of data, with two columns slot and response,
* as for {@link user_has_attempted_with_responses()} above.
* There is no need to supply answers to all questions. If so, other questions will be
* left unanswered.
* @param string $username the username of the user that will attempt.
* @param string $quizname the name of the quiz the user will attempt.
* @param TableNode $attemptinfo information about the questions to add, as above.
* @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException
* @Given /^user "([^"]*)" has checked answers in their attempt at quiz "([^"]*)":$/
public function user_has_checked_answers_in_their_attempt_at_quiz($username, $quizname, TableNode $attemptinfo) {
global $DB;
/** @var mod_quiz_generator $quizgenerator */
$quizgenerator = behat_util::get_data_generator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_quiz');
$quizid = $DB->get_field('quiz', 'id', ['name' => $quizname], MUST_EXIST);
$user = $DB->get_record('user', ['username' => $username], '*', MUST_EXIST);
$responses = $this->extract_responses_from_attempt_info($attemptinfo);
$attempts = quiz_get_user_attempts($quizid, $user->id, 'unfinished', true);
$quizgenerator->submit_responses(key($attempts), $responses, true, false);
* Finish an existing quiz attempt.
* @param string $username the username of the user that will attempt.
* @param string $quizname the name of the quiz the user will attempt.
* @Given /^user "([^"]*)" has finished an attempt at quiz "([^"]*)"$/
public function user_has_finished_an_attempt_at_quiz($username, $quizname) {
global $DB;
$quizid = $DB->get_field('quiz', 'id', ['name' => $quizname], MUST_EXIST);
$user = $DB->get_record('user', ['username' => $username], '*', MUST_EXIST);
$attempts = quiz_get_user_attempts($quizid, $user->id, 'unfinished', true);
$attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create(key($attempts));
$attemptobj->process_finish(time(), true);
* Finish an existing quiz attempt.
* @param string $quizname the name of the quiz the user will attempt.
* @param string $username the username of the user that will attempt.
* @Given the attempt at :quizname by :username was never submitted
public function attempt_was_abandoned($quizname, $username) {
global $DB;
$quizid = $DB->get_field('quiz', 'id', ['name' => $quizname], MUST_EXIST);
$user = $DB->get_record('user', ['username' => $username], '*', MUST_EXIST);
$attempt = quiz_get_user_attempt_unfinished($quizid, $user->id);
if (!$attempt) {
throw new coding_exception("No in-progress attempt found for $username and quiz $quizname.");
$attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create($attempt->id);
$attemptobj->process_abandon(time(), false);
* Return a list of the exact named selectors for the component.
* @return behat_component_named_selector[]
public static function get_exact_named_selectors(): array {
return [
new behat_component_named_selector('Edit slot',
["//li[contains(@class,'qtype')]//span[@class='slotnumber' and contains(., %locator%)]/.."])