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// This file is part of Moodle -
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// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
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namespace mod_quiz;
use question_engine;
use mod_quiz\quiz_settings;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/locallib.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/tests/quiz_question_helper_test_trait.php');
* Quiz attempt walk through using data from csv file.
* @package mod_quiz
* @category test
* @copyright 2013 The Open University
* @author Jamie Pratt <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class attempt_walkthrough_from_csv_test extends \advanced_testcase {
use \quiz_question_helper_test_trait;
* @var string[] names of the files which contain the test data.
protected $files = ['questions', 'steps', 'results'];
* @var stdClass the quiz record we create.
protected $quiz;
* @var array with slot no => question name => questionid. Question ids of questions created in the same category as random q.
protected $randqids;
* The only test in this class. This is run multiple times depending on how many sets of files there are in fixtures/
* directory.
* @param array $quizsettings of settings read from csv file quizzes.csv
* @param array $csvdata of data read from csv file "questionsXX.csv", "stepsXX.csv" and "resultsXX.csv".
* @dataProvider get_data_for_walkthrough
public function test_walkthrough_from_csv($quizsettings, $csvdata): void {
// CSV data files for these tests were generated using :
$this->create_quiz_simulate_attempts_and_check_results($quizsettings, $csvdata);
public function create_quiz($quizsettings, $qs) {
global $SITE, $DB;
/** @var core_question_generator $questiongenerator */
$questiongenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_question');
$slots = [];
$qidsbycat = [];
$sumofgrades = 0;
foreach ($qs as $qsrow) {
$q = $this->explode_dot_separated_keys_to_make_subindexs($qsrow);
$catname = ['name' => $q['cat']];
if (!$cat = $DB->get_record('question_categories', ['name' => $q['cat']])) {
$cat = $questiongenerator->create_question_category($catname);
$q['catid'] = $cat->id;
foreach (['which' => null, 'overrides' => []] as $key => $default) {
if (empty($q[$key])) {
$q[$key] = $default;
if ($q['type'] !== 'random') {
// Don't actually create random questions here.
$overrides = ['category' => $cat->id, 'defaultmark' => $q['mark']] + $q['overrides'];
if ($q['type'] === 'truefalse') {
// True/false question can never have hints, but sometimes we need to put them
// in the CSV file, to keep it rectangular.
$question = $questiongenerator->create_question($q['type'], $q['which'], $overrides);
$q['id'] = $question->id;
if (!isset($qidsbycat[$q['cat']])) {
$qidsbycat[$q['cat']] = [];
if (!empty($q['which'])) {
$name = $q['type'].'_'.$q['which'];
} else {
$name = $q['type'];
$qidsbycat[$q['catid']][$name] = $q['id'];
if (!empty($q['slot'])) {
$slots[$q['slot']] = $q;
$sumofgrades += $q['mark'];
// Make a quiz.
$quizgenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_quiz');
// Settings from param override defaults.
$aggregratedsettings = $quizsettings + ['course' => $SITE->id,
'questionsperpage' => 0,
'grade' => 100.0,
'sumgrades' => $sumofgrades];
$this->quiz = $quizgenerator->create_instance($aggregratedsettings);
$this->randqids = [];
foreach ($slots as $slotno => $slotquestion) {
if ($slotquestion['type'] !== 'random') {
quiz_add_quiz_question($slotquestion['id'], $this->quiz, 0, $slotquestion['mark']);
} else {
$this->add_random_questions($this->quiz->id, 0, $slotquestion['catid'], 1);
$this->randqids[$slotno] = $qidsbycat[$slotquestion['catid']];
* Create quiz, simulate attempts and check results (if resultsXX.csv exists).
* @param array $quizsettings Quiz overrides for this quiz.
* @param array $csvdata Data loaded from csv files for this test.
protected function create_quiz_simulate_attempts_and_check_results(array $quizsettings, array $csvdata) {
$this->create_quiz($quizsettings, $csvdata['questions']);
$attemptids = $this->walkthrough_attempts($csvdata['steps']);
if (isset($csvdata['results'])) {
$this->check_attempts_results($csvdata['results'], $attemptids);
* Get full path of CSV file.
* @param string $setname
* @param string $test
* @return string full path of file.
protected function get_full_path_of_csv_file(string $setname, string $test): string {
return __DIR__."/fixtures/{$setname}{$test}.csv";
* Load dataset from CSV file "{$setname}{$test}.csv".
* @param string $setname
* @param string $test
* @return array
protected function load_csv_data_file(string $setname, string $test = ''): array {
$files = [$setname => $this->get_full_path_of_csv_file($setname, $test)];
return $this->dataset_from_files($files)->get_rows([$setname]);
* Break down row of csv data into sub arrays, according to column names.
* @param array $row from csv file with field names with parts separate by '.'.
* @return array the row with each part of the field name following a '.' being a separate sub array's index.
protected function explode_dot_separated_keys_to_make_subindexs(array $row): array {
$parts = [];
foreach ($row as $columnkey => $value) {
$newkeys = explode('.', trim($columnkey));
$placetoputvalue =& $parts;
foreach ($newkeys as $newkeydepth => $newkey) {
if ($newkeydepth + 1 === count($newkeys)) {
$placetoputvalue[$newkey] = $value;
} else {
// Going deeper down.
if (!isset($placetoputvalue[$newkey])) {
$placetoputvalue[$newkey] = [];
$placetoputvalue =& $placetoputvalue[$newkey];
return $parts;
* Data provider method for test_walkthrough_from_csv. Called by PHPUnit.
* @return array One array element for each run of the test. Each element contains an array with the params for
* test_walkthrough_from_csv.
public function get_data_for_walkthrough(): array {
$quizzes = $this->load_csv_data_file('quizzes')['quizzes'];
$datasets = [];
foreach ($quizzes as $quizsettings) {
$dataset = [];
foreach ($this->files as $file) {
if (file_exists($this->get_full_path_of_csv_file($file, $quizsettings['testnumber']))) {
$dataset[$file] = $this->load_csv_data_file($file, $quizsettings['testnumber'])[$file];
$datasets[] = [$quizsettings, $dataset];
return $datasets;
* @param array $steps the step data from the csv file.
* @return array attempt no as in csv file => the id of the quiz_attempt as stored in the db.
protected function walkthrough_attempts(array $steps): array {
global $DB;
$attemptids = [];
foreach ($steps as $steprow) {
$step = $this->explode_dot_separated_keys_to_make_subindexs($steprow);
// Find existing user or make a new user to do the quiz.
$username = ['firstname' => $step['firstname'],
'lastname' => $step['lastname']];
if (!$user = $DB->get_record('user', $username)) {
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user($username);
if (!isset($attemptids[$step['quizattempt']])) {
// Start the attempt.
$quizobj = quiz_settings::create($this->quiz->id, $user->id);
$quba = question_engine::make_questions_usage_by_activity('mod_quiz', $quizobj->get_context());
$prevattempts = quiz_get_user_attempts($this->quiz->id, $user->id, 'all', true);
$attemptnumber = count($prevattempts) + 1;
$timenow = time();
$attempt = quiz_create_attempt($quizobj, $attemptnumber, null, $timenow, false, $user->id);
// Select variant and / or random sub question.
if (!isset($step['variants'])) {
$step['variants'] = [];
if (isset($step['randqs'])) {
// Replace 'names' with ids.
foreach ($step['randqs'] as $slotno => $randqname) {
$step['randqs'][$slotno] = $this->randqids[$slotno][$randqname];
} else {
$step['randqs'] = [];
quiz_start_new_attempt($quizobj, $quba, $attempt, $attemptnumber, $timenow, $step['randqs'], $step['variants']);
quiz_attempt_save_started($quizobj, $quba, $attempt);
$attemptid = $attemptids[$step['quizattempt']] = $attempt->id;
} else {
$attemptid = $attemptids[$step['quizattempt']];
// Process some responses from the student.
$attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create($attemptid);
$attemptobj->process_submitted_actions($timenow, false, $step['responses']);
// Finish the attempt.
if (!isset($step['finished']) || ($step['finished'] == 1)) {
$attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create($attemptid);
$attemptobj->process_finish($timenow, false);
return $attemptids;
* @param array $results the results data from the csv file.
* @param array $attemptids attempt no as in csv file => the id of the quiz_attempt as stored in the db.
protected function check_attempts_results(array $results, array $attemptids) {
foreach ($results as $resultrow) {
$result = $this->explode_dot_separated_keys_to_make_subindexs($resultrow);
// Re-load quiz attempt data.
$attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create($attemptids[$result['quizattempt']]);
$this->check_attempt_results($result, $attemptobj);
* Check that attempt results are as specified in $result.
* @param array $result row of data read from csv file.
* @param quiz_attempt $attemptobj the attempt object loaded from db.
protected function check_attempt_results(array $result, quiz_attempt $attemptobj) {
foreach ($result as $fieldname => $value) {
if ($value === '!NULL!') {
$value = null;
switch ($fieldname) {
case 'quizattempt' :
case 'attemptnumber' :
$this->assertEquals($value, $attemptobj->get_attempt_number());
case 'slots' :
foreach ($value as $slotno => $slottests) {
foreach ($slottests as $slotfieldname => $slotvalue) {
switch ($slotfieldname) {
case 'mark' :
$this->assertEquals(round($slotvalue, 2), $attemptobj->get_question_mark($slotno),
"Mark for slot $slotno of attempt {$result['quizattempt']}.");
default :
throw new \coding_exception('Unknown slots sub field column in csv file '
case 'finished' :
$this->assertEquals((bool)$value, $attemptobj->is_finished());
case 'summarks' :
$this->assertEquals((float)$value, $attemptobj->get_sum_marks(),
"Sum of marks of attempt {$result['quizattempt']}.");
case 'quizgrade' :
// Check quiz grades.
$grades = quiz_get_user_grades($attemptobj->get_quiz(), $attemptobj->get_userid());
$grade = array_shift($grades);
$this->assertEquals($value, $grade->rawgrade, "Quiz grade for attempt {$result['quizattempt']}.");
case 'gradebookgrade' :
// Check grade book.
$gradebookgrades = grade_get_grades($attemptobj->get_courseid(),
'mod', 'quiz',
$gradebookitem = array_shift($gradebookgrades->items);
$gradebookgrade = array_shift($gradebookitem->grades);
$this->assertEquals($value, $gradebookgrade->grade, "Gradebook grade for attempt {$result['quizattempt']}.");
default :
throw new \coding_exception('Unknown column in csv file '.s($fieldname));