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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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@template mod_quiz/edit_grading_page
Display the Quiz complex grading page, from below tertiary nav, to above the footer.
Classes required for JS:
* none.
Data attributes required for JS:
* Many. See mod_quiz/edit_grading module.
Context variables required for this template:
Example context (json):
"quizid": 42,
"hasgradeitems": true,
"gradeitems": [
"id": 123,
"sortorder": 1,
"name": "Reading & writing",
"displayname": "Reading & writing",
"summarks": "10.00",
"isused": true
"hasslots": true,
"sections": [
"displayname": "Section title",
"slots": [
"id": 234,
"displaynumber": "1",
"displayname": "Question name",
"maxmark": "10.00",
"choices": [
"id": 0,
"choice": "[none]",
"isselected": false
"id": 123,
"choice": "Reading & writing",
"isselected": true
"nogradeitems": {
"message": "This quiz does not yet have any grade items defined."
"noslots": {
"message": "No questions have been added to the quiz yet. Please add the questions to the quiz before setting up grading."
<div id="edit_grading_page-contents">
<h2>{{#str}} gradeitemsetup, quiz {{/str}}</h2>
{{> core/notification_info}}
<table class="generaltable table-responsive" id="mod_quiz-grade-item-list" data-quiz-id="{{quizid}}">
<caption class="sr-only"> {{#str}} gradeitems, grades {{/str}} </caption>
<th scope="col">{{#str}} gradeitem, grades {{/str}}</th>
<th scope="col">{{#str}} totalmarks, quiz {{/str}}</th>
<th scope="col">{{#str}} actions {{/str}}</th>
<tr data-quiz-grade-item-id="{{id}}">
<th scope="row" class="align-middle font-weight-normal py-1">
<span class="inplaceeditable inplaceeditable-text w-100"
data-raw-name="{{name}}" data-edit-label="{{#str}} gradeitemnewname, quiz, {{{displayname}}} {{/str}}">
<a href="#" class="quickeditlink w-100" data-action-edit="1" title="{{#str}} gradeitemedit, quiz, {{{displayname}}} {{/str}}">
<span class="displayvalue">{{{displayname}}}</span>
<span class="quickediticon">
{{#pix}}t/editstring, core{{/pix}}
<td class="align-middle text-right py-1">
<td class="align-middle text-center py-1">
<a href="#" data-action-delete="1">
{{#pix}} t/delete, core, {{#str}} gradeitemdelete, quiz, {{{name}}} {{/str}} {{/pix}}
<div class="mb-5">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" id="mod_quiz-add_grade_item"
data-quiz-id="{{quizid}}">{{#str}} additem, grades{{/str}}</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" id="mod_quiz-grades_auto_setup"
data-quiz-id="{{quizid}}">{{#str}} gradeitemsautosetup, quiz{{/str}}</button>
<h3>{{#str}} gradeitemmarkscheme, quiz {{/str}}</h3>
{{> core/notification_info}}
<table class="generaltable table-responsive" id="mod_quiz-slot-list" data-quiz-id="{{quizid}}">
<caption class="sr-only"> {{#str}} gradeitemmarkscheme, quiz {{/str}} </caption>
<th scope="col">{{#str}} numberabbr, quiz {{/str}}</th>
<th scope="col">{{#str}} question, quiz {{/str}}</th>
<th scope="col">{{#str}} marks, quiz {{/str}}</th>
<th scope="col">{{#str}} gradeitem, grades {{/str}}</th>
<tr class="mod_quiz-new-section">
<td colspan="4">
<td class="align-middle py-1">{{displaynumber}}</td>
<th scope="row" class="align-middle py-1"><label for="grade-item-choice-{{id}}" class="my-1">{{{displayname}}}</label></th>
<td class="align-middle text-right py-1">{{maxmark}}</td>
<td class="align-middle py-1">
<select id="grade-item-choice-{{id}}" class="form-control" data-slot-id="{{id}}">
<option value="{{id}}"{{#isselected}} selected="selected"{{/isselected}}>{{{choice}}}</option>
<h3>{{#str}} gradeitemsremovealltitle, quiz {{/str}}</h3>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" id="mod_quiz-grades_reset_all"
data-quiz-id="{{quizid}}">{{#str}} gradeitemsremoveall, quiz {{/str}}</button>