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@mod @mod_quiz @quiz @quiz_overview @javascript
Feature: Regrading quiz attempts using the Grades report
    In order to be able to correct mistakes I made setting up my quiz
    As a teacher
    I need to be able to re-grade attempts after editing questions

    Given the following "users" exist:
      | username | firstname | lastname  |
      | teacher  | Mark      | Allwright |
      | student1 | Student   | One       |
      | student2 | Student   | Two       |
      | student3 | Student   | Three     |
    And the following "courses" exist:
      | fullname | shortname | category |
      | Course 1 | C1        | 0        |
    And the following "course enrolments" exist:
      | user     | course | role           |
      | teacher  | C1     | editingteacher |
      | student1 | C1     | student        |
      | student2 | C1     | student        |
      | student3 | C1     | student        |
    And the following "question categories" exist:
      | contextlevel | reference | name           |
      | Course       | C1        | Test questions |
    And the following "activities" exist:
      | activity | name                       | course | idnumber |
      | quiz     | Quiz for testing regrading | C1     | quiz1    |
    And the following "questions" exist:
      | questioncategory | qtype       | name |
      | Test questions   | truefalse   | TF   |
      | Test questions   | shortanswer | SA   |
    And quiz "Quiz for testing regrading" contains the following questions:
      | question | page | maxmark |
      | TF       | 1    | 5.0     |
      | SA       | 1    | 5.0     |
    And user "student1" has attempted "Quiz for testing regrading" with responses:
      | slot | response |
      | 1    | True     |
      | 2    | frog     |
    And user "student2" has attempted "Quiz for testing regrading" with responses:
      | slot | response |
      | 1    | True     |
      | 2    | toad     |

  Scenario: Regrade all attempts
    Given I am on the "Quiz for testing regrading" "quiz activity" page logged in as teacher
    And I navigate to "Results" in current page administration
    When I press "Regrade all"

    # Note, the order is not defined, so we can only check part of the message.
    # Also, nothing has changed in the quiz, so the regrade won't alter any scores,
    # but this is still a useful test that the regrade process completes without errors.
    Then I should see "Quiz for testing regrading"
    And I should see "Finished regrading (2/2)"
    And I should see "Regrade completed"
    And I press "Continue"

    # These next tests just serve to check we got back to the report.
    And I should see "Quiz for testing regrading"
    And I should see "Overall number of students achieving grade ranges"

  Scenario: Regrade selected attempts
    Given I am on the "Quiz for testing regrading" "quiz activity" page logged in as teacher
    And I navigate to "Results" in current page administration
    When I click on "Select attempt" "checkbox" in the "Student Two" "table_row"

    And I press "Regrade selected attempts"
    Then I should see "Quiz for testing regrading"
    And I should see "Finished regrading (1/1)"
    And I should see "Regrade completed"
    And I press "Continue"

    # These next tests just serve to check we got back to the report.
    And I should see "Quiz for testing regrading"
    And I should see "Overall number of students achieving grade ranges"

  Scenario: Dry-run a full regrade, then regrade the attempts that will need it.
    Given I am on the "Quiz for testing regrading" "mod_quiz > edit" page logged in as teacher
    And I follow "Edit question SA"
    And I set the field "id_fraction_1" to "50%"
    And I press "id_submitbutton"
    And I set the field "version" in the "TF" "list_item" to "v1"
    And I set the field "version" in the "SA" "list_item" to "v2 (latest)"
    And I follow "Attempts: 2"
    And I press "Dry run a full regrade"

    # Note, the order is not defined, so we can only check part of the message.
    Then I should see "Quiz for testing regrading"
    And I should see "Finished regrading (2/2)"
    And I should see "Regrade completed"
    And I press "Continue"

    And "Student One" row "Regrade" column of "attempts" table should not contain "Needed"
    And "Student TwoReview attempt" row "Regrade" column of "attempts" table should contain "Needed"
    # In the following, the first number is strike-through, and the second is not, but Behat can't see that.
    # At this point, it is showing what would change.
    And "Student TwoReview attempt" row "Q. 2/50.00Sort by Q. 2/50.00 Ascending" column of "attempts" table should contain "40.00/25.00"
    And "Student TwoReview attempt" row "Grade/100.00Sort by Grade/100.00 Ascending" column of "attempts" table should contain "90.00/75.00"
    And I press "Regrade attempts marked as needing regrading (1)"
    And I should see "Quiz for testing regrading"
    And I should see "Finished regrading (1/1)"
    And I should see "Regrade completed"
    And I press "Continue"

    # These next tests just serve to check we got back to the report.
    And I should see "Quiz for testing regrading"
    And I should see "Overall number of students achieving grade ranges"
    # Now, both old-score strike-through and new score plain, are still shown, but now it indicates what did change.
    And "Student TwoReview attempt" row "Q. 2/50.00Sort by Q. 2/50.00 Ascending" column of "attempts" table should contain "40.00/25.00"
    And "Student TwoReview attempt" row "Grade/100.00Sort by Grade/100.00 Ascending" column of "attempts" table should contain "90.00/75.00"
    And "Regrade attempts marked as needing regrading" "button" should not exist

  Scenario: Regrade all attempts works against quiz selected question version
    Given I am on the "Quiz for testing regrading" "quiz activity" page logged in as teacher
    And I navigate to "Results" in current page administration
    When I press "Dry run a full regrade"
    Then I should see "Quiz for testing regrading"
    And I should see "Finished regrading (2/2)"
    And I should see "Regrade completed"
    And I press "Continue"
    And I should see "Quiz for testing regrading"
    And I should see "Overall number of students achieving grade ranges"
    And "Student One" row "Regrade" column of "attempts" table should not contain "Needed"
    And I am on the "Quiz for testing regrading" "mod_quiz > question bank" page
    And I choose "Edit question" action for "TF" in the question bank
    And I set the field "Correct answer" to "False"
    And I press "id_submitbutton"
    And I am on the "Quiz for testing regrading" "mod_quiz > edit" page
    And I set the field "version" in the "TF" "list_item" to "v2 (latest)"
    And I navigate to "Results" in current page administration
    And I press "Dry run a full regrade"
    And I should see "Regrade completed"
    And I press "Continue"
    And "" row "Regrade" column of "attempts" table should contain "Needed"
    And "Correct" "icon" should appear before "50.00/0.00" "text"
    And I press "Regrade all"
    And I should see "Regrade completed"
    And I press "Continue"
    Then "" row "Regrade" column of "attempts" table should contain "Done"
    And "Student OneReview attempt" row "Q. 1/50.00Sort by Q. 1/50.00 Ascending" column of "attempts" table should contain "50.00/0.00"
    And "Incorrect" "icon" should appear before "50.00/0.00" "text"

  Scenario: Regrade all attempts works against quiz selected latest question version
    Given I am on the "Quiz for testing regrading" "quiz activity" page logged in as teacher
    And I navigate to "Results" in current page administration
    And I click on "mod-quiz-report-overview-report-selectall-attempts" "checkbox"
    And I click on "Delete selected attempts" "button"
    And I click on "Yes" "button"
    And I am on the "Quiz for testing regrading" "mod_quiz > edit" page
    And I should see "(latest)" in the "TF" "list_item"
    # Create multiple question versions.
    And I am on the "Quiz for testing regrading" "mod_quiz > question bank" page
    And I choose "Edit question" action for "TF" in the question bank
    And I set the field "Correct answer" to "True"
    And I press "id_submitbutton"
    And I choose "Edit question" action for "TF" in the question bank
    And I set the field "Question name" to "New version of TF"
    And I set the field "Correct answer" to "False"
    And I press "id_submitbutton"
    And I am on the "Quiz for testing regrading" "mod_quiz > edit" page
    And I should see "(latest)" in the "TF" "list_item"
    And I click on "version" "select" in the "TF" "list_item"
    And I should see "v1"
    And I should see "v2"
    And I should see "v3 (latest)"
    # Set version that is going to be attempted to an older one.
    And I set the field "version" in the "TF" "list_item" to "v1"
    And user "student3" has attempted "Quiz for testing regrading" with responses:
      | slot | response |
      | 1    | True     |
      | 2    | toad     |
    And I am on the "Quiz for testing regrading" "mod_quiz > edit" page
    And I set the field "version" in the "TF" "list_item" to "Always latest"
    And I navigate to "Results" in current page administration
    And I press "Regrade all"
    And I should see "Finished regrading (1/1)"
    And I should see "Regrade completed"
    And I press "Continue"
    Then "" row "Q. 1/50.00Sort by Q. 1/50.00 Ascending" column of "attempts" table should contain "50.00/0.00"
    And "Incorrect" "icon" should appear before "50.00/0.00" "text"

  Scenario: Regrade attempts should always regrade against latest random question version
    Given I am on the "Quiz for testing regrading" "quiz activity" page logged in as teacher
    And I navigate to "Results" in current page administration
    And I click on "mod-quiz-report-overview-report-selectall-attempts" "checkbox"
    And I click on "Delete selected attempts" "button"
    And I click on "Yes" "button"
    # Create multiple question versions.
    And I am on the "Quiz for testing regrading" "mod_quiz > question bank" page
    And I choose "Delete" action for "SA" in the question bank
    And I press "Delete"
    And I am on the "Quiz for testing regrading" "mod_quiz > edit" page
    And I click on "Delete" "link" in the "TF" "list_item"
    And I click on "Yes" "button" in the "Confirm" "dialogue"
    And I click on "Delete" "link" in the "SA" "list_item"
    And I click on "Yes" "button" in the "Confirm" "dialogue"
    And I click on "Add" "link"
    And I follow "a random question"
    And I press "Add random question"
    And I am on the "Quiz for testing regrading" "quiz activity" page logged in as student3
    And I click on "Attempt quiz" "button"
    And I should see "The answer is true."
    And I set the field "True" to "1"
    And I click on "Finish attempt ..." "button"
    And I press "Submit all and finish"
    And I click on "Submit" "button" in the "Submit all your answers and finish?" "dialogue"
    And I am on the "Quiz for testing regrading" "mod_quiz > question bank" page logged in as teacher
    And I choose "Edit question" action for "TF" in the question bank
    And I set the field "Correct answer" to "False"
    And I press "id_submitbutton"
    And I navigate to "Results" in current page administration
    And "" row "Q. 1/100.00Sort by Q. 1/100.00 Ascending" column of "attempts" table should contain "100.00"
    And "Correct" "icon" should be visible
    And I press "Regrade all"
    And I should see "Finished regrading (1/1)"
    And I should see "Regrade completed"
    And I press "Continue"
    Then "" row "Q. 1/100.00Sort by Q. 1/100.00 Ascending" column of "attempts" table should contain "100.00/0.00"
    And "Incorrect" "icon" should be visible