Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

use mod_quiz\question\display_options;

 * Structure step to restore one quiz activity
 * @package    mod_quiz
 * @subpackage backup-moodle2
 * @copyright  2010 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link}
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class restore_quiz_activity_structure_step extends restore_questions_activity_structure_step {

     * @var bool tracks whether the quiz contains at least one section. Before
     * Moodle 2.9 quiz sections did not exist, so if the file being restored
     * did not contain any, we need to create one in {@link after_execute()}.
    protected $sectioncreated = false;

    /** @var stdClass|null $currentquizattempt Track the current quiz attempt being restored. */
    protected $currentquizattempt = null;

     * @var bool when restoring old quizzes (2.8 or before) this records the
     * shufflequestionsoption quiz option which has moved to the quiz_sections table.
    protected $legacyshufflequestionsoption = false;

    /** @var stdClass */
    protected $oldquizlayout;

     * @var array Track old question ids that need to be removed at the end of the restore.
    protected $oldquestionids = [];

    protected function define_structure() {

        $paths = [];
        $userinfo = $this->get_setting_value('userinfo');

        $quiz = new restore_path_element('quiz', '/activity/quiz');
        $paths[] = $quiz;

        // A chance for access subplugings to set up their quiz data.
        $this->add_subplugin_structure('quizaccess', $quiz);

        $paths[] = new restore_path_element('quiz_grade_item', '/activity/quiz/quiz_grade_items/quiz_grade_item');
        $quizquestioninstance = new restore_path_element('quiz_question_instance',
        $paths[] = $quizquestioninstance;
        if ($this->task->get_old_moduleversion() < 2021091700) {
            $paths[] = new restore_path_element('quiz_slot_tags',
        } else {
            $this->add_question_references($quizquestioninstance, $paths);
            $this->add_question_set_references($quizquestioninstance, $paths);
        $paths[] = new restore_path_element('quiz_section', '/activity/quiz/sections/section');
        $paths[] = new restore_path_element('quiz_feedback', '/activity/quiz/feedbacks/feedback');
        $paths[] = new restore_path_element('quiz_override', '/activity/quiz/overrides/override');

        if ($userinfo) {
            $paths[] = new restore_path_element('quiz_grade', '/activity/quiz/grades/grade');

            if ($this->task->get_old_moduleversion() > 2011010100) {
                // Restoring from a version 2.1 dev or later.
                // Process the new-style attempt data.
                $quizattempt = new restore_path_element('quiz_attempt',
                $paths[] = $quizattempt;

                // Add states and sessions.
                $this->add_question_usages($quizattempt, $paths);

                // A chance for access subplugings to set up their attempt data.
                $this->add_subplugin_structure('quizaccess', $quizattempt);

            } else {
                // Restoring from a version 2.0.x+ or earlier.
                // Upgrade the legacy attempt data.
                $quizattempt = new restore_path_element('quiz_attempt_legacy',
                $paths[] = $quizattempt;
                $this->add_legacy_question_attempt_data($quizattempt, $paths);

        // Return the paths wrapped into standard activity structure.
        return $this->prepare_activity_structure($paths);

     * Process the quiz data.
     * @param stdClass|array $data
    protected function process_quiz($data) {
        global $CFG, $DB, $USER;

        $data = (object)$data;
        $oldid = $data->id;
        $data->course = $this->get_courseid();

        // Any changes to the list of dates that needs to be rolled should be same during course restore and course reset.
        // See MDL-9367.

        $data->timeopen = $this->apply_date_offset($data->timeopen);
        $data->timeclose = $this->apply_date_offset($data->timeclose);

        if (property_exists($data, 'questions')) {
            // Needed by {@link process_quiz_attempt_legacy}, in which case it will be present.
            $this->oldquizlayout = $data->questions;

        // The setting quiz->attempts can come both in data->attempts and
        // data->attempts_number, handle both. MDL-26229.
        if (isset($data->attempts_number)) {
            $data->attempts = $data->attempts_number;

        // The old optionflags and penaltyscheme from 2.0 need to be mapped to
        // the new preferredbehaviour. See MDL-20636.
        if (!isset($data->preferredbehaviour)) {
            if (empty($data->optionflags)) {
                $data->preferredbehaviour = 'deferredfeedback';
            } else if (empty($data->penaltyscheme)) {
                $data->preferredbehaviour = 'adaptivenopenalty';
            } else {
                $data->preferredbehaviour = 'adaptive';

        // The old review column from 2.0 need to be split into the seven new
        // review columns. See MDL-20636.
        if (isset($data->review)) {
            require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/locallib.php');

            if (!defined('QUIZ_OLD_IMMEDIATELY')) {
                define('QUIZ_OLD_IMMEDIATELY', 0x3c003f);
                define('QUIZ_OLD_OPEN',        0x3c00fc0);
                define('QUIZ_OLD_CLOSED',      0x3c03f000);

                define('QUIZ_OLD_RESPONSES',        1*0x1041);
                define('QUIZ_OLD_SCORES',           2*0x1041);
                define('QUIZ_OLD_FEEDBACK',         4*0x1041);
                define('QUIZ_OLD_ANSWERS',          8*0x1041);
                define('QUIZ_OLD_SOLUTIONS',       16*0x1041);
                define('QUIZ_OLD_GENERALFEEDBACK', 32*0x1041);
                define('QUIZ_OLD_OVERALLFEEDBACK',  1*0x4440000);

            $oldreview = $data->review;

            $data->reviewattempt =
                    display_options::DURING |
                    ($oldreview & QUIZ_OLD_IMMEDIATELY & QUIZ_OLD_RESPONSES ?
                            display_options::IMMEDIATELY_AFTER : 0) |
                    ($oldreview & QUIZ_OLD_OPEN & QUIZ_OLD_RESPONSES ?
                            display_options::LATER_WHILE_OPEN : 0) |
                    ($oldreview & QUIZ_OLD_CLOSED & QUIZ_OLD_RESPONSES ?
                            display_options::AFTER_CLOSE : 0);

            $data->reviewcorrectness =
                    display_options::DURING |
                    ($oldreview & QUIZ_OLD_IMMEDIATELY & QUIZ_OLD_SCORES ?
                            display_options::IMMEDIATELY_AFTER : 0) |
                    ($oldreview & QUIZ_OLD_OPEN & QUIZ_OLD_SCORES ?
                            display_options::LATER_WHILE_OPEN : 0) |
                    ($oldreview & QUIZ_OLD_CLOSED & QUIZ_OLD_SCORES ?
                            display_options::AFTER_CLOSE : 0);

            $data->reviewmarks =
                    display_options::DURING |
                    ($oldreview & QUIZ_OLD_IMMEDIATELY & QUIZ_OLD_SCORES ?
                            display_options::IMMEDIATELY_AFTER : 0) |
                    ($oldreview & QUIZ_OLD_OPEN & QUIZ_OLD_SCORES ?
                            display_options::LATER_WHILE_OPEN : 0) |
                    ($oldreview & QUIZ_OLD_CLOSED & QUIZ_OLD_SCORES ?
                            display_options::AFTER_CLOSE : 0);

            $data->reviewspecificfeedback =
                    ($oldreview & QUIZ_OLD_IMMEDIATELY & QUIZ_OLD_FEEDBACK ?
                            display_options::DURING : 0) |
                    ($oldreview & QUIZ_OLD_IMMEDIATELY & QUIZ_OLD_FEEDBACK ?
                            display_options::IMMEDIATELY_AFTER : 0) |
                    ($oldreview & QUIZ_OLD_OPEN & QUIZ_OLD_FEEDBACK ?
                            display_options::LATER_WHILE_OPEN : 0) |
                    ($oldreview & QUIZ_OLD_CLOSED & QUIZ_OLD_FEEDBACK ?
                            display_options::AFTER_CLOSE : 0);

            $data->reviewgeneralfeedback =
                    ($oldreview & QUIZ_OLD_IMMEDIATELY & QUIZ_OLD_GENERALFEEDBACK ?
                            display_options::DURING : 0) |
                    ($oldreview & QUIZ_OLD_IMMEDIATELY & QUIZ_OLD_GENERALFEEDBACK ?
                            display_options::IMMEDIATELY_AFTER : 0) |
                    ($oldreview & QUIZ_OLD_OPEN & QUIZ_OLD_GENERALFEEDBACK ?
                            display_options::LATER_WHILE_OPEN : 0) |
                    ($oldreview & QUIZ_OLD_CLOSED & QUIZ_OLD_GENERALFEEDBACK ?
                            display_options::AFTER_CLOSE : 0);

            $data->reviewrightanswer =
                    ($oldreview & QUIZ_OLD_IMMEDIATELY & QUIZ_OLD_ANSWERS ?
                            display_options::DURING : 0) |
                    ($oldreview & QUIZ_OLD_IMMEDIATELY & QUIZ_OLD_ANSWERS ?
                            display_options::IMMEDIATELY_AFTER : 0) |
                    ($oldreview & QUIZ_OLD_OPEN & QUIZ_OLD_ANSWERS ?
                            display_options::LATER_WHILE_OPEN : 0) |
                    ($oldreview & QUIZ_OLD_CLOSED & QUIZ_OLD_ANSWERS ?
                            display_options::AFTER_CLOSE : 0);

            $data->reviewoverallfeedback =
                    0 |
                    ($oldreview & QUIZ_OLD_IMMEDIATELY & QUIZ_OLD_OVERALLFEEDBACK ?
                            display_options::IMMEDIATELY_AFTER : 0) |
                    ($oldreview & QUIZ_OLD_OPEN & QUIZ_OLD_OVERALLFEEDBACK ?
                            display_options::LATER_WHILE_OPEN : 0) |
                    ($oldreview & QUIZ_OLD_CLOSED & QUIZ_OLD_OVERALLFEEDBACK ?
                            display_options::AFTER_CLOSE : 0);

        // New setting in 4.3 needs to be set if not in the backup.
        if (!isset($data->reviewmaxmarks)) {
            $data->reviewmaxmarks =
                    display_options::DURING |
                    display_options::IMMEDIATELY_AFTER |
                    display_options::LATER_WHILE_OPEN |

        // The old popup column from from <= 2.1 need to be mapped to
        // the new browsersecurity. See MDL-29627.
        if (!isset($data->browsersecurity)) {
            if (empty($data->popup)) {
                $data->browsersecurity = '-';
            } else if ($data->popup == 1) {
                $data->browsersecurity = 'securewindow';
            } else if ($data->popup == 2) {
                // Since 3.9 quizaccess_safebrowser replaced with a new quizaccess_seb.
                $data->browsersecurity = '-';
                $addsebrule = true;
            } else {
                $data->preferredbehaviour = '-';
        } else if ($data->browsersecurity == 'safebrowser') {
            // Since 3.9 quizaccess_safebrowser replaced with a new quizaccess_seb.
            $data->browsersecurity = '-';
            $addsebrule = true;

        if (!isset($data->overduehandling)) {
            $data->overduehandling = get_config('quiz', 'overduehandling');

        // Old shufflequestions setting is now stored in quiz sections,
        // so save it here if necessary so it is available when we need it.
        $this->legacyshufflequestionsoption = !empty($data->shufflequestions);

        // Insert the quiz record.
        $newitemid = $DB->insert_record('quiz', $data);
        // Immediately after inserting "activity" record, call this.

        // Process Safe Exam Browser settings for backups taken in Moodle < 3.9.
        if (!empty($addsebrule)) {
            $sebsettings = new stdClass();

            $sebsettings->quizid = $newitemid;
            $sebsettings->cmid = $this->task->get_moduleid();
            $sebsettings->templateid = 0;
            $sebsettings->requiresafeexambrowser = \quizaccess_seb\settings_provider::USE_SEB_CLIENT_CONFIG;
            $sebsettings->showsebtaskbar = null;
            $sebsettings->showwificontrol = null;
            $sebsettings->showreloadbutton = null;
            $sebsettings->showtime = null;
            $sebsettings->showkeyboardlayout = null;
            $sebsettings->allowuserquitseb = null;
            $sebsettings->quitpassword = null;
            $sebsettings->linkquitseb = null;
            $sebsettings->userconfirmquit = null;
            $sebsettings->enableaudiocontrol = null;
            $sebsettings->muteonstartup = null;
            $sebsettings->allowspellchecking = null;
            $sebsettings->allowreloadinexam = null;
            $sebsettings->activateurlfiltering = null;
            $sebsettings->filterembeddedcontent = null;
            $sebsettings->expressionsallowed = null;
            $sebsettings->regexallowed = null;
            $sebsettings->expressionsblocked = null;
            $sebsettings->regexblocked = null;
            $sebsettings->allowedbrowserexamkeys = null;
            $sebsettings->showsebdownloadlink = 1;
            $sebsettings->usermodified = $USER->id;
            $sebsettings->timecreated = time();
            $sebsettings->timemodified = time();

            $DB->insert_record('quizaccess_seb_quizsettings', $sebsettings);

        // If we are dealing with a backup from < 4.0 then we need to move completionpass to core.
        if (!empty($data->completionpass)) {
            $params = ['id' => $this->task->get_moduleid()];
            $DB->set_field('course_modules', 'completionpassgrade', $data->completionpass, $params);

     * Process a quiz grade items.
     * @param stdClass|array $data
    protected function process_quiz_grade_item($data): void {
        global $DB;

        $data = (object) $data;
        $data->quizid = $this->get_new_parentid('quiz');
        $oldid = $data->id;
        $newitemid = $DB->insert_record('quiz_grade_items', $data);
        $this->set_mapping('quiz_grade_item', $oldid, $newitemid, true);

     * Process the data for pre 4.0 quiz data where the question_references and question_set_references table introduced.
     * @param stdClass|array $data
    protected function process_quiz_question_legacy_instance($data) {
        global $DB;

        $questionid = $this->get_mappingid('question', $data->questionid);
        $sql = 'SELECT as questionbankentryid,
                       qc.contextid as questioncontextid,
              as category,
              as questionid
                  FROM {question} q
                  JOIN {question_versions} qv ON qv.questionid =
                  JOIN {question_bank_entries} qbe ON = qv.questionbankentryid
                  JOIN {question_categories} qc ON = qbe.questioncategoryid
                 WHERE = ?';
        $question = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, [$questionid]);
        $module = $DB->get_record('quiz', ['id' => $data->quizid]);

        if ($question->qtype === 'random') {
            // Set reference data.
            $questionsetreference = new stdClass();
            $questionsetreference->usingcontextid = context_module::instance(get_coursemodule_from_instance(
                "quiz", $module->id, $module->course)->id)->id;
            $questionsetreference->component = 'mod_quiz';
            $questionsetreference->questionarea = 'slot';
            $questionsetreference->itemid = $data->id;
            // If, in the orginal quiz that was backed up, this random question was pointing to a
            // category in the quiz question bank, then (for reasons explained in {@see restore_move_module_questions_categories})
            // right now, $question->questioncontextid will incorrectly point to the course contextid.
            // This will get fixed up later in restore_move_module_questions_categories
            // as part of moving the question categories to the right place.
            $questionsetreference->questionscontextid = $question->questioncontextid;
            $filtercondition = new stdClass();
            $filtercondition->questioncategoryid = $question->category;
            $filtercondition->includingsubcategories = $data->includingsubcategories ?? false;
            $questionsetreference->filtercondition = json_encode($filtercondition);
            $DB->insert_record('question_set_references', $questionsetreference);
            $this->oldquestionids[$question->questionid] = 1;
        } else {
            // Reference data.
            $questionreference = new \stdClass();
            $questionreference->usingcontextid = context_module::instance(get_coursemodule_from_instance(
                "quiz", $module->id, $module->course)->id)->id;
            $questionreference->component = 'mod_quiz';
            $questionreference->questionarea = 'slot';
            $questionreference->itemid = $data->id;
            $questionreference->questionbankentryid = $question->questionbankentryid;
            $questionreference->version = null; // Default to Always latest.
            $DB->insert_record('question_references', $questionreference);

     * Process quiz slots.
     * @param stdClass|array $data
    protected function process_quiz_question_instance($data) {
        global $DB;

        $data = (object)$data;
        $oldid = $data->id;

        // Backwards compatibility for old field names (MDL-43670).
        if (!isset($data->questionid) && isset($data->question)) {
            $data->questionid = $data->question;
        if (!isset($data->maxmark) && isset($data->grade)) {
            $data->maxmark = $data->grade;

        if (!property_exists($data, 'slot')) {
            $page = 1;
            $slot = 1;
            foreach (explode(',', $this->oldquizlayout) as $item) {
                if ($item == 0) {
                    $page += 1;
                if (isset($data->questionid) && $item == $data->questionid) {
                    $data->slot = $slot;
                    $data->page = $page;
                $slot += 1;

        if (!property_exists($data, 'slot')) {
            // There was a question_instance in the backup file for a question
            // that was not actually in the quiz. Drop it.
            $this->log('question ' . $data->questionid . ' was associated with quiz ' .
                    $this->get_new_parentid('quiz') . ' but not actually used. ' .
                    'The instance has been ignored.', backup::LOG_INFO);

        if (isset($data->quizgradeitemid)) {
            $data->quizgradeitemid = $this->get_mappingid('quiz_grade_item', $data->quizgradeitemid);

        $data->quizid = $this->get_new_parentid('quiz');

        $newitemid = $DB->insert_record('quiz_slots', $data);
        // Add mapping, restore of slot tags (for random questions) need it.
        $this->set_mapping('quiz_question_instance', $oldid, $newitemid);

        if ($this->task->get_old_moduleversion() < 2022020300) {
            $data->id = $newitemid;

     * Process a quiz_slot_tags to restore the tags to the new structure.
     * @param stdClass|array $data The quiz_slot_tags data
    protected function process_quiz_slot_tags($data) {
        global $DB;

        $data = (object) $data;
        $slotid = $this->get_new_parentid('quiz_question_instance');

        if ($this->task->is_samesite() && $tag = core_tag_tag::get($data->tagid, 'id, name')) {
            $data->tagname = $tag->name;
        } else if ($tag = core_tag_tag::get_by_name(0, $data->tagname, 'id, name')) {
            $data->tagid = $tag->id;
        } else {
            $data->tagid = null;
            $data->tagname = $tag->name;

        $tagstring = "{$data->tagid},{$data->tagname}";
        $setreferencedata = $DB->get_record('question_set_references',
            ['itemid' => $slotid, 'component' => 'mod_quiz', 'questionarea' => 'slot']);
        $filtercondition = json_decode($setreferencedata->filtercondition);
        $filtercondition->tags[] = $tagstring;
        $setreferencedata->filtercondition = json_encode($filtercondition);
        $DB->update_record('question_set_references', $setreferencedata);

    protected function process_quiz_section($data) {
        global $DB;

        $data = (object) $data;
        $data->quizid = $this->get_new_parentid('quiz');
        $oldid = $data->id;
        $newitemid = $DB->insert_record('quiz_sections', $data);
        $this->sectioncreated = true;
        $this->set_mapping('quiz_section', $oldid, $newitemid, true);

    protected function process_quiz_feedback($data) {
        global $DB;

        $data = (object)$data;
        $oldid = $data->id;

        $data->quizid = $this->get_new_parentid('quiz');

        $newitemid = $DB->insert_record('quiz_feedback', $data);
        $this->set_mapping('quiz_feedback', $oldid, $newitemid, true); // Has related files.

    protected function process_quiz_override($data) {
        global $DB;

        $data = (object)$data;
        $oldid = $data->id;

        // Based on userinfo, we'll restore user overides or no.
        $userinfo = $this->get_setting_value('userinfo');

        // Skip user overrides if we are not restoring userinfo.
        if (!$userinfo && !is_null($data->userid)) {

        $data->quiz = $this->get_new_parentid('quiz');

        if ($data->userid !== null) {
            $data->userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->userid);

        if ($data->groupid !== null) {
            $data->groupid = $this->get_mappingid('group', $data->groupid);

        // Skip if there is no user and no group data.
        if (empty($data->userid) && empty($data->groupid)) {

        $data->timeopen = $this->apply_date_offset($data->timeopen);
        $data->timeclose = $this->apply_date_offset($data->timeclose);

        $newitemid = $DB->insert_record('quiz_overrides', $data);

        // Add mapping, restore of logs needs it.
        $this->set_mapping('quiz_override', $oldid, $newitemid);

    protected function process_quiz_grade($data) {
        global $DB;

        $data = (object)$data;
        $oldid = $data->id;

        $data->quiz = $this->get_new_parentid('quiz');

        $data->userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->userid);
        $data->grade = $data->gradeval;

        $DB->insert_record('quiz_grades', $data);

    protected function process_quiz_attempt($data) {
        $data = (object)$data;

        $data->quiz = $this->get_new_parentid('quiz');
        $data->attempt = $data->attemptnum;

        // Get user mapping, return early if no mapping found for the quiz attempt.
        $olduserid = $data->userid;
        $data->userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $olduserid, 0);
        if ($data->userid === 0) {
            $this->log('Mapped user ID not found for user ' . $olduserid . ', quiz ' . $this->get_new_parentid('quiz') .
                ', attempt ' . $data->attempt . '. Skipping quiz attempt', backup::LOG_INFO);

            $this->currentquizattempt = null;

        if (!empty($data->timecheckstate)) {
            $data->timecheckstate = $this->apply_date_offset($data->timecheckstate);
        } else {
            $data->timecheckstate = 0;

        if (!isset($data->gradednotificationsenttime)) {
            // For attempts restored from old Moodle sites before this field
            // existed, we never want to send emails.
            $data->gradednotificationsenttime = $data->timefinish;

        // Deals with up-grading pre-2.3 back-ups to 2.3+.
        if (!isset($data->state)) {
            if ($data->timefinish > 0) {
                $data->state = 'finished';
            } else {
                $data->state = 'inprogress';

        // The data is actually inserted into the database later in inform_new_usage_id.
        $this->currentquizattempt = clone($data);

    protected function process_quiz_attempt_legacy($data) {
        global $DB;


        $quiz = $DB->get_record('quiz', ['id' => $this->get_new_parentid('quiz')]);
        $quiz->oldquestions = $this->oldquizlayout;
        $this->process_legacy_quiz_attempt_data($data, $quiz);

    protected function inform_new_usage_id($newusageid) {
        global $DB;

        $data = $this->currentquizattempt;
        if ($data === null) {

        $oldid = $data->id;
        $data->uniqueid = $newusageid;

        $newitemid = $DB->insert_record('quiz_attempts', $data);

        // Save quiz_attempt->id mapping, because logs use it.
        $this->set_mapping('quiz_attempt', $oldid, $newitemid, false);

    protected function after_execute() {
        global $DB;

        // Add quiz related files, no need to match by itemname (just internally handled context).
        $this->add_related_files('mod_quiz', 'intro', null);
        // Add feedback related files, matching by itemname = 'quiz_feedback'.
        $this->add_related_files('mod_quiz', 'feedback', 'quiz_feedback');

        if (!$this->sectioncreated) {
            $DB->insert_record('quiz_sections', [
                    'quizid' => $this->get_new_parentid('quiz'),
                    'firstslot' => 1, 'heading' => '',
                    'shufflequestions' => $this->legacyshufflequestionsoption]);

    protected function after_restore() {
        // Delete old random questions that have been converted to set references.
        foreach (array_keys($this->oldquestionids) as $oldquestionid) {