Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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{"version":3,"file":"reopen_attempt_ui.min.js","sources":["../src/reopen_attempt_ui.js"],"sourcesContent":["// This file is part of Moodle -\n//\n// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n// (at your option) any later version.\n//\n// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the\n// GNU General Public License for more details.\n//\n// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.\n\n/**\n * This module has the code to make the Re-open attempt button work, if present.\n *\n * That is, it looks for buttons with HTML like\n * &lt;button type=\"button\" data-action=\"reopen-attempt\" data-attempt-id=\"227000\" data-after-action-url=\"/mod/quiz/report.php\">\n * and if that is clicked, it first shows an 'Are you sure' pop-up, and if they are sure,\n * the attempt is re-opened, and then the page reloads.\n *\n * @module    mod_quiz/reopen_attempt_ui\n * @copyright 2023 The Open University\n * @license GNU GPL v3 or later\n */\n\nimport {exception as displayException} from 'core/notification';\nimport {call as fetchMany} from 'core/ajax';\nimport {getString} from 'core/str';\nimport {saveCancelPromise} from 'core/notification';\n\n/**\n * Handle a click if it is on one of our buttons.\n *\n * @param {MouseEvent} e the click event.\n */\nconst reopenButtonClicked = async(e) => {\n    if (!( instanceof HTMLElement) || !'button[data-action=\"reopen-attempt\"]')) {\n        return;\n    }\n\n    e.preventDefault();\n    const attemptId =;\n\n    try {\n        // We fetch the confirmation message from the server now, so the message is based\n        // on the latest state of the attempt, rather than when the containing page loaded.\n        const messages = fetchMany([{\n            methodname: 'mod_quiz_get_reopen_attempt_confirmation',\n            args: {\n                \"attemptid\": attemptId,\n            },\n        }]);\n\n        await saveCancelPromise(\n            getString('reopenattemptareyousuretitle', 'mod_quiz'),\n            messages[0],\n            getString('reopenattempt', 'mod_quiz'),\n            {triggerElement:},\n       );\n\n        await (fetchMany([{\n            methodname: 'mod_quiz_reopen_attempt',\n            args: {\n                \"attemptid\": attemptId,\n            },\n        }])[0]);\n        window.location = M.cfg.wwwroot +;\n\n    } catch (error) {\n        if (error.type === 'modal-save-cancel:cancel') {\n            // User clicked Cancel, so do nothing.\n            return;\n        }\n        await displayException(error);\n    }\n};\n\nexport const init = () => {\n    document.addEventListener('click', reopenButtonClicked);\n};\n"],"names":["reopenButtonClicked","async","e","target","HTMLElement","matches","preventDefault","attemptId","dataset","messages","methodname","args","triggerElement","window","location","M","cfg","wwwroot","afterActionUrl","error","type","document","addEventListener"],"mappings":";;;;;;;;;;;;;MAsCMA,oBAAsBC,MAAAA,SAClBC,EAAEC,kBAAkBC,aAAiBF,EAAEC,OAAOE,QAAQ,gDAI5DH,EAAEI,uBACIC,UAAYL,EAAEC,OAAOK,QAAQD,oBAKzBE,UAAW,cAAU,CAAC,CACxBC,WAAY,2CACZC,KAAM,WACWJ,oBAIf,oCACF,kBAAU,+BAAgC,YAC1CE,SAAS,IACT,kBAAU,gBAAiB,YAC3B,CAACG,eAAgBV,EAAEC,eAGhB,cAAU,CAAC,CACdO,WAAY,0BACZC,KAAM,WACWJ,cAEjB,GACJM,OAAOC,SAAWC,EAAEC,IAAIC,QAAUf,EAAEC,OAAOK,QAAQU,eAErD,MAAOC,UACc,6BAAfA,MAAMC,kBAIJ,2BAAiBD,uBAIX,KAChBE,SAASC,iBAAiB,QAAStB"}