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@javascript @mod_quiz @quizaccess @quizaccess_seb
Feature: Safe Exam Browser settings in quiz edit form
Given the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname |
| Course 1 | C1 |
And the following "activities" exist:
| activity | course | section | name |
| quiz | C1 | 1 | Quiz 1 |
Scenario: Quiz setting "Require the use of Safe Exam Browser" has all types, except "Use an existing template".
When I am on the "Quiz 1" "quiz activity editing" page logged in as admin
And I expand all fieldsets
And the "Require the use of Safe Exam Browser" select box should contain "Yes – Configure manually"
And the "Require the use of Safe Exam Browser" select box should not contain "Yes – Use an existing template"
And the "Require the use of Safe Exam Browser" select box should contain "Yes – Upload my own config"
And the "Require the use of Safe Exam Browser" select box should contain "Yes – Use SEB client config"
And the field "Require the use of Safe Exam Browser" matches value "No"
Scenario: Quiz setting "Require the use of Safe Exam Browser" has all types if at least one template has been added.
Given the following "quizaccess_seb > seb templates" exist:
| name |
| Template 1 |
When I am on the "Quiz 1" "quiz activity editing" page logged in as admin
And I expand all fieldsets
And the "Require the use of Safe Exam Browser" select box should contain "Yes – Configure manually"
And the "Require the use of Safe Exam Browser" select box should contain "Yes – Use an existing template"
And the "Require the use of Safe Exam Browser" select box should contain "Yes – Upload my own config"
And the "Require the use of Safe Exam Browser" select box should contain "Yes – Use SEB client config"
And the field "Require the use of Safe Exam Browser" matches value "No"
Scenario: Quiz can be edited without capability to select SEB template
Given the following "permission override" exists:
| role | editingteacher |
| capability | quizaccess/seb:manage_seb_templateid |
| permission | Prevent |
| contextlevel | System |
| reference | |
And the following "user" exists:
| username | teacher |
| firstname | Teacher |
| lastname | One |
And the following "course enrolment" exists:
| user | teacher |
| course | C1 |
| role | editingteacher |
And I log in as "teacher"
# Create the quiz.
When I add a quiz activity to course "Course 1" section "0" and I fill the form with:
| Name | My quiz |
Then I should not see "New Quiz"
# Edit the quiz.
And I am on the "My quiz" "quiz activity editing" page
And I set the field "Name" to "My quiz edited"
And I press "Save and return to course"
And I should not see "Edit settings"
Scenario: SEB settings if using No SEB
Given the following "quizaccess_seb > seb templates" exist:
| name |
| Template 1 |
And I am on the "Quiz 1" "quiz activity editing" page logged in as admin
And I expand all fieldsets
And I set the field "Require the use of Safe Exam Browser" to "No"
Then I should not see "Upload Safe Exam Browser config file"
Then I should not see "Safe Exam Browser config template"
Then I should not see "Template 1"
Then I should not see "Show Safe Exam Browser download button"
Then I should not see "Enable quitting of SEB"
Then I should not see "Quit password"
Then I should not see "Allowed browser exam keys"
Then I should not see "Show Exit Safe Exam Browser button, configured with this quit link"
Then I should not see "Ask user to confirm quitting"
Then I should not see "Enable reload in exam"
Then I should not see "Show SEB task bar"
Then I should not see "Show reload button"
Then I should not see "Show time"
Then I should not see "Show keyboard layout"
Then I should not see "Show Wi-Fi control"
Then I should not see "Enable audio controls"
Then I should not see "Mute on startup"
Then I should not see "Enable spell checking"
Then I should not see "Enable URL filtering"
Then I should not see "Filter also embedded content"
Then I should not see "Expressions allowed"
Then I should not see "Regex allowed"
Then I should not see "Expressions blocked"
Then I should not see "Regex blocked"
Scenario: SEB settings if using Use SEB client config
Given the following "quizaccess_seb > seb templates" exist:
| name |
| Template 1 |
And I am on the "Quiz 1" "quiz activity editing" page logged in as admin
And I expand all fieldsets
And I set the field "Require the use of Safe Exam Browser" to "Yes – Use SEB client config"
Then I should see "Show Safe Exam Browser download button"
Then I should see "Allowed browser exam keys"
Then I should not see "Upload Safe Exam Browser config file"
Then I should not see "Safe Exam Browser config template"
Then I should not see "Template 1"
Then I should not see "Enable quitting of SEB"
Then I should not see "Quit password"
Then I should not see "Show Exit Safe Exam Browser button, configured with this quit link"
Then I should not see "Ask user to confirm quitting"
Then I should not see "Enable reload in exam"
Then I should not see "Show SEB task bar"
Then I should not see "Show reload button"
Then I should not see "Show time"
Then I should not see "Show keyboard layout"
Then I should not see "Show Wi-Fi control"
Then I should not see "Enable audio controls"
Then I should not see "Mute on startup"
Then I should not see "Enable spell checking"
Then I should not see "Enable URL filtering"
Then I should not see "Filter also embedded content"
Then I should not see "Expressions allowed"
Then I should not see "Regex allowed"
Then I should not see "Expressions blocked"
Then I should not see "Regex blocked"
Scenario: SEB settings if using Upload my own config
Given the following "quizaccess_seb > seb templates" exist:
| name |
| Template 1 |
And I am on the "Quiz 1" "quiz activity editing" page logged in as admin
And I expand all fieldsets
And I set the field "Require the use of Safe Exam Browser" to "Yes – Upload my own config"
Then I should see "Upload Safe Exam Browser config file"
Then I should see "Show Safe Exam Browser download button"
Then I should not see "Enable quitting of SEB"
Then I should not see "Quit password"
Then I should see "Allowed browser exam keys"
Then I should not see "Show Exit Safe Exam Browser button, configured with this quit link"
Then I should not see "Ask user to confirm quitting"
Then I should not see "Enable reload in exam"
Then I should not see "Show SEB task bar"
Then I should not see "Show reload button"
Then I should not see "Show time"
Then I should not see "Show keyboard layout"
Then I should not see "Show Wi-Fi control"
Then I should not see "Enable audio controls"
Then I should not see "Mute on startup"
Then I should not see "Enable spell checking"
Then I should not see "Enable URL filtering"
Then I should not see "Filter also embedded content"
Then I should not see "Expressions allowed"
Then I should not see "Regex allowed"
Then I should not see "Expressions blocked"
Then I should not see "Regex blocked"
Then I should not see "Safe Exam Browser config template"
Then I should not see "Template 1"
Scenario: SEB settings if using Use an existing template
Given the following "quizaccess_seb > seb templates" exist:
| name |
| Template 1 |
And I am on the "Quiz 1" "quiz activity editing" page logged in as admin
And I expand all fieldsets
And I set the field "Require the use of Safe Exam Browser" to "Yes – Use an existing template"
Then I should see "Safe Exam Browser config template"
Then I should see "Template 1"
Then I should see "Show Safe Exam Browser download button"
Then I should see "Enable quitting of SEB"
Then I should see "Quit password"
Then I should not see "Allowed browser exam keys"
Then I should not see "Upload Safe Exam Browser config file"
Then I should not see "Show Exit Safe Exam Browser button, configured with this quit link"
Then I should not see "Ask user to confirm quitting"
Then I should not see "Enable reload in exam"
Then I should not see "Show SEB task bar"
Then I should not see "Show reload button"
Then I should not see "Show time"
Then I should not see "Show keyboard layout"
Then I should not see "Show Wi-Fi control"
Then I should not see "Enable audio controls"
Then I should not see "Mute on startup"
Then I should not see "Enable spell checking"
Then I should not see "Enable URL filtering"
Then I should not see "Filter also embedded content"
Then I should not see "Expressions allowed"
Then I should not see "Regex allowed"
Then I should not see "Expressions blocked"
Then I should not see "Regex blocked"
And I set the field "Enable quitting of SEB" to "No"
Then I should not see "Quit password"
Scenario: SEB settings if using Configure manually
Given the following "quizaccess_seb > seb templates" exist:
| name |
| Template 1 |
And I am on the "Quiz 1" "quiz activity editing" page logged in as admin
And I expand all fieldsets
And I set the field "Require the use of Safe Exam Browser" to "Yes – Configure manually"
Then I should see "Show Safe Exam Browser download button"
Then I should see "Enable quitting of SEB"
Then I should see "Quit password"
Then I should see "Show Exit Safe Exam Browser button, configured with this quit link"
Then I should see "Ask user to confirm quitting"
Then I should see "Enable reload in exam"
Then I should see "Show SEB task bar"
Then I should see "Show reload button"
Then I should see "Show time"
Then I should see "Show keyboard layout"
Then I should see "Show Wi-Fi control"
Then I should see "Enable audio controls"
Then I should not see "Mute on startup"
Then I should see "Enable spell checking"
Then I should see "Enable URL filtering"
Then I should not see "Filter also embedded content"
Then I should not see "Expressions allowed"
Then I should not see "Regex allowed"
Then I should not see "Expressions blocked"
Then I should not see "Regex blocked"
And I set the field "Enable quitting of SEB" to "No"
Then I should not see "Quit password"
And I set the field "Show SEB task bar" to "No"
Then I should not see "Show reload button"
Then I should not see "Show time"
Then I should not see "Show keyboard layout"
Then I should not see "Show Wi-Fi control"
And I set the field "Enable audio controls" to "Yes"
Then I should see "Mute on startup"
And I set the field "Enable URL filtering" to "Yes"
Then I should see "Filter also embedded content"
Then I should see "Expressions allowed"
Then I should see "Regex allowed"
Then I should see "Expressions blocked"
Then I should see "Regex blocked"
Then I should not see "Upload Safe Exam Browser config file"
Then I should not see "Allowed browser exam keys"
Then I should not see "Safe Exam Browser config template"
Then I should not see "Template 1"