Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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// This file is part of Moodle -
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 * Manage the access to the quiz.
 * @package    quizaccess_seb
 * @author     Tim Hunt
 * @author     Luca Bösch <>
 * @author     Andrew Madden <>
 * @author     Dmitrii Metelkin <>
 * @copyright  2019 Catalyst IT
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

namespace quizaccess_seb;

use context_module;
use mod_quiz\quiz_settings;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

 * Manage the access to the quiz.
 * @copyright  2020 Catalyst IT
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class seb_access_manager {

    /** Header sent by Safe Exam Browser containing the Config Key hash. */

    /** Header sent by Safe Exam Browser containing the Browser Exam Key hash. */

    /** @var quiz_settings $quiz A quiz object containing all information pertaining to current quiz. */
    private $quiz;

    /** @var seb_quiz_settings $quizsettings A quiz settings persistent object containing plugin settings */
    private $quizsettings;

    /** @var context_module $context Context of this quiz activity. */
    private $context;

    /** @var string|null $validconfigkey Expected valid SEB config key. */
    private $validconfigkey = null;

     * The access_manager constructor.
     * @param quiz_settings $quiz The details of the quiz.
    public function __construct(quiz_settings $quiz) {
        $this->quiz = $quiz;
        $this->context = context_module::instance($quiz->get_cmid());
        $this->quizsettings = seb_quiz_settings::get_by_quiz_id($quiz->get_quizid());
        $this->validconfigkey = seb_quiz_settings::get_config_key_by_quiz_id($quiz->get_quizid());

     * Validate browser exam key. It will validate a provided browser exam key if provided, then will fall back to checking
     * the header.
     * @param string|null $browserexamkey Optional. Can validate a provided key, or will fall back to checking header.
     * @param string|null $url Optionally provide URL of page to validate.
     * @return bool
    public function validate_browser_exam_key(?string $browserexamkey = null, ?string $url = null): bool {
        if (!$this->should_validate_browser_exam_key()) {
            // Browser exam key should not be checked, so do not prevent access.
            return true;

        if (!$this->is_allowed_browser_examkeys_configured()) {
            return true; // If no browser exam keys, no check required.

        if (empty($browserexamkey)) {
            $browserexamkey = $this->get_received_browser_exam_key();

        $validbrowserexamkeys = $this->quizsettings->get('allowedbrowserexamkeys');

        // If the Browser Exam Key header isn't present, prevent access.
        if (is_null($browserexamkey)) {
            return false;

        return $this->check_browser_exam_keys($validbrowserexamkeys, $browserexamkey, $url);

     * Validate a config key. It will check a provided config key if provided then will fall back to checking config
     * key in header.
     * @param string|null $configkey Optional. Can validate a provided key, or will fall back to checking header.
     * @param string|null $url URL of page to validate.
     * @return bool
    public function validate_config_key(?string $configkey = null, ?string $url = null): bool {
        if (!$this->should_validate_config_key()) {
            // Config key should not be checked, so do not prevent access.
            return true;

        // If using client config, or with no requirement, then no check required.
        $requiredtype = $this->get_seb_use_type();
        if ($requiredtype == settings_provider::USE_SEB_NO
                || $requiredtype == settings_provider::USE_SEB_CLIENT_CONFIG) {
            return true;

        if (empty($configkey)) {
            $configkey = $this->get_received_config_key();

        if (empty($this->validconfigkey)) {
            return false; // No config key has been saved.

        if (is_null($configkey)) {
            return false;

        // Check if there is a valid config key supplied in the header.
        return $this->check_key($this->validconfigkey, $configkey, $url);

     * Check if Safe Exam Browser is required to access quiz.
     * If quizsettings do not exist, then there is no requirement for using SEB.
     * @return bool If required.
    public function seb_required(): bool {
        if (!$this->quizsettings) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return $this->get_seb_use_type() != settings_provider::USE_SEB_NO;

     * This is the basic check for the Safe Exam Browser previously used in the quizaccess_safebrowser plugin that
     * managed basic Moodle interactions with SEB.
     * @return bool
    public function validate_basic_header(): bool {
        if (!$this->should_validate_basic_header()) {
            // Config key should not be checked, so do not prevent access.
            return true;

        if ($this->get_seb_use_type() == settings_provider::USE_SEB_CLIENT_CONFIG) {
            return $this->is_using_seb();
        return true;

     * Check if using Safe Exam Browser.
     * @return bool
    public function is_using_seb(): bool {
        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
            return strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'SEB') !== false;

        return false;

     * Check if user has any capability to bypass the Safe Exam Browser requirement.
     * @return bool True if user can bypass check.
    public function can_bypass_seb(): bool {
        return has_capability('quizaccess/seb:bypassseb', $this->context);

     * Return the full URL that was used to request the current page, which is
     * what we need for verifying the X-SafeExamBrowser-RequestHash header.
    private function get_this_page_url(): string {
        global $CFG, $FULLME;
        // If $FULLME not set fall back to wwwroot.
        if ($FULLME == null) {
            return $CFG->wwwroot;
        return $FULLME;

     * Return expected SEB config key.
     * @return string|null
    public function get_valid_config_key(): ?string {
        return $this->validconfigkey;

     * Getter for the quiz object.
     * @return \mod_quiz\quiz_settings
    public function get_quiz(): quiz_settings {
        return $this->quiz;

     * Check that at least one browser exam key exists in the quiz settings.
     * @return bool True if one or more keys are set in quiz settings.
    private function is_allowed_browser_examkeys_configured(): bool {
        return !empty($this->quizsettings->get('allowedbrowserexamkeys'));

     * Check the hash from the request header against the permitted browser exam keys.
     * @param array $keys Allowed browser exam keys.
     * @param string $header The value of the X-SafeExamBrowser-RequestHash to check.
     * @param string|null $url URL of page to validate.
     * @return bool True if the hash matches.
    private function check_browser_exam_keys(array $keys, string $header, ?string $url = null): bool {
        foreach ($keys as $key) {
            if ($this->check_key($key, $header, $url)) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Check the hash from the request header against a single permitted key.
     * @param string $validkey An allowed key.
     * @param string $key The value of X-SafeExamBrowser-RequestHash, X-SafeExamBrowser-ConfigKeyHash or a provided key to check.
     * @param string|null $url URL of page to validate.
     * @return bool True if the hash matches.
    private function check_key(string $validkey, string $key, ?string $url = null): bool {
        if (empty($url)) {
            $url = $this->get_this_page_url();
        return hash('sha256', $url . $validkey) === $key;

     * Returns Safe Exam Browser Config Key hash.
     * @return string|null
    public function get_received_config_key(): ?string {
        if (isset($_SERVER[self::CONFIG_KEY_HEADER])) {
            return trim($_SERVER[self::CONFIG_KEY_HEADER]);

        return null;

     * Returns the Browser Exam Key hash.
     * @return string|null
    public function get_received_browser_exam_key(): ?string {
        if (isset($_SERVER[self::BROWSER_EXAM_KEY_HEADER])) {
            return trim($_SERVER[self::BROWSER_EXAM_KEY_HEADER]);

        return null;

     * Get type of SEB usage for the quiz.
     * @return int
    public function get_seb_use_type(): int {
        if (empty($this->quizsettings)) {
            return settings_provider::USE_SEB_NO;
        } else {
            return $this->quizsettings->get('requiresafeexambrowser');

     * Should validate basic header?
     * @return bool
    public function should_validate_basic_header(): bool {
        return in_array($this->get_seb_use_type(), [

     * Should validate SEB config key?
     * @return bool
    public function should_validate_config_key(): bool {
        return in_array($this->get_seb_use_type(), [

     * Should validate browser exam key?
     * @return bool
    public function should_validate_browser_exam_key(): bool {
        return in_array($this->get_seb_use_type(), [

     * Set session access for quiz.
     * @param bool $accessallowed
    public function set_session_access(bool $accessallowed): void {
        global $SESSION;
        if (!isset($SESSION->quizaccess_seb_access)) {
            $SESSION->quizaccess_seb_access = [];
        $SESSION->quizaccess_seb_access[$this->quiz->get_cmid()] = $accessallowed;

     * Check session access for quiz if already set.
     * @return bool
    public function validate_session_access(): bool {
        global $SESSION;
        return !empty($SESSION->quizaccess_seb_access[$this->quiz->get_cmid()]);

     * Unset the global session access variable for this quiz.
    public function clear_session_access(): void {
        global $SESSION;

     * Redirect to SEB config link. This will force Safe Exam Browser to be reconfigured.
    public function redirect_to_seb_config_link(): void {
        global $PAGE;

        $seblink = \quizaccess_seb\link_generator::get_link($this->quiz->get_cmid(), true, is_https());
        $PAGE->requires->js_amd_inline("document.location.replace('" . $seblink . "')");

     * Check if we need to redirect to SEB config link.
     * @return bool
    public function should_redirect_to_seb_config_link(): bool {
        // We check if there is an existing config key header. If there is none, we assume that
        // the SEB application is not using header verification so auto redirect should not proceed.
        $haskeyinheader = !is_null($this->get_received_config_key());

        return $this->is_using_seb()
                && get_config('quizaccess_seb', 'autoreconfigureseb')
                && $haskeyinheader;