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* Wrapper for CFPropertyList to handle low level iteration.
* @package quizaccess_seb
* @author Andrew Madden <>
* @copyright 2019 Catalyst IT
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace quizaccess_seb;
use CFPropertyList\CFArray;
use CFPropertyList\CFBoolean;
use CFPropertyList\CFData;
use CFPropertyList\CFDate;
use CFPropertyList\CFDictionary;
use CFPropertyList\CFNumber;
use CFPropertyList\CFPropertyList;
use CFPropertyList\CFString;
use CFPropertyList\CFType;
use \Collator;
use \DateTime;
* Wrapper for CFPropertyList to handle low level iteration.
* @copyright 2020 Catalyst IT
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class property_list {
/** A random 4 character unicode string to replace backslashes during json_encode. */
private const BACKSLASH_SUBSTITUTE = "ؼҷҍԴ";
/** @var CFPropertyList $cfpropertylist */
private $cfpropertylist;
* property_list constructor.
* @param string $xml A Plist XML string.
public function __construct(string $xml = '') {
$this->cfpropertylist = new CFPropertyList();
if (empty($xml)) {
// If xml not provided, create a blank PList with root dictionary set up.
$this->cfpropertylist->add(new CFDictionary([]));
} else {
// Parse the XML into a PList object.
$this->cfpropertylist->parse($xml, CFPropertyList::FORMAT_XML);
* Add a new element to the root dictionary element.
* @param string $key Key to assign to new element.
* @param CFType $element The new element. May be a collection such as an array.
public function add_element_to_root(string $key, CFType $element) {
// Get the PList's root dictionary and add new element.
$this->cfpropertylist->getValue()->add($key, $element);
* Get value of element identified by key.
* @param string $key Key of element.
* @return mixed Value of element found, or null if none found.
public function get_element_value(string $key) {
$result = null;
$this->plist_map( function($elvalue, $elkey, $parent) use ($key, &$result) {
// Convert date to iso 8601 if date object.
if ($key === $elkey) {
$result = $elvalue->getValue();
}, $this->cfpropertylist->getValue());
if (is_array($result)) {
// Turn CFType elements in PHP elements.
$result = $this->array_serialize_cftypes($result);
return $result;
* Update the value of any element with matching key.
* Only allow string, number and boolean elements to be updated.
* @param string $key Key of element to update.
* @param mixed $value Value to update element with.
public function update_element_value(string $key, $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
throw new \invalid_parameter_exception('Use update_element_array to update a collection.');
$this->plist_map( function($elvalue, $elkey, $parent) use ($key, $value) {
// Set new value.
if ($key === $elkey) {
$element = $parent->get($elkey);
// Limit update to boolean and strings types, and check value matches expected type.
if (($element instanceof CFString && is_string($value))
|| ($element instanceof CFNumber && is_numeric($value))
|| ($element instanceof CFBoolean && is_bool($value))) {
} else {
throw new \invalid_parameter_exception(
'Only string, number and boolean elements can be updated, or value type does not match element type: '
. get_class($element));
}, $this->cfpropertylist->getValue());
* Update the array of any dict or array element with matching key.
* Will replace array.
* @param string $key Key of element to update.
* @param array $value Array to update element with.
public function update_element_array(string $key, array $value) {
// Validate new array.
foreach ($value as $element) {
// If any element is not a CFType instance, then throw exception.
if (!($element instanceof CFType)) {
throw new \invalid_parameter_exception('New array must only contain CFType objects.');
$this->plist_map( function($elvalue, $elkey, $parent) use ($key, $value) {
if ($key === $elkey) {
$element = $parent->get($elkey);
// Replace existing element with new element and array but same key.
if ($element instanceof CFDictionary) {
$parent->add($elkey, new CFDictionary($value));
} else if ($element instanceof CFArray) {
$parent->add($elkey, new CFArray($value));
}, $this->cfpropertylist->getValue());
* Delete any element with a matching key.
* @param string $key Key of element to delete.
public function delete_element(string $key) {
$this->plist_map( function($elvalue, $elkey, $parent) use ($key) {
// Convert date to iso 8601 if date object.
if ($key === $elkey) {
}, $this->cfpropertylist->getValue());
* Helper function to either set or update a CF type value to the plist.
* @param string $key
* @param CFType $input
public function set_or_update_value(string $key, CFType $input) {
$value = $this->get_element_value($key);
if (empty($value)) {
$this->add_element_to_root($key, $input);
} else {
$this->update_element_value($key, $input->getValue());
* Convert the PList to XML.
* @return string XML ready for creating an XML file.
public function to_xml(): string {
return $this->cfpropertylist->toXML();
* Return a JSON representation of the PList. The JSON is constructed to be used to generate a SEB Config Key.
* See the developer documention for SEB for more information on the requirements on generating a SEB Config Key.
* 1. Don't add any whitespace or line formatting to the SEB-JSON string.
* 2. Don't add character escaping (also backshlashes "\" as found in URL filter rules should not be escaped).
* 3. All <dict> elements from the plist XML must be ordered (alphabetically sorted) by their key names. Use a
* recursive method to apply ordering also to nested dictionaries contained in the root-level dictionary and in
* arrays. Use non-localized (culture invariant), non-ASCII value based case insensitive ordering. For example the
* key <key>allowWlan</key> comes before <key>allowWLAN</key>. Cocoa/Obj-C and .NET/C# usually use this case
* insensitive ordering as default, but PHP for example doesn't.
* 4. Remove empty <dict> elements (key/value). Current versions of SEB clients should anyways not generate empty
* dictionaries, but this was possible with outdated versions. If config files have been generated that time, such
* elements might still be around.
* 5. All string elements must be UTF8 encoded.
* 6. Base16 strings should use lower-case a-f characters, even though this isn't relevant in the current
* implementation of the Config Key calculation.
* 7. <data> plist XML elements must be converted to Base64 strings.
* 8. <date> plist XML elements must be converted to ISO 8601 formatted strings.
* @return string A json encoded string.
public function to_json(): string {
// Create a clone of the PList, so main list isn't mutated.
$jsonplist = new CFPropertyList();
$jsonplist->parse($this->cfpropertylist->toXML(), CFPropertyList::FORMAT_XML);
// Pass root dict to recursively convert dates to ISO 8601 format, encode strings to UTF-8,
// lock data to Base 64 encoding and remove empty dictionaries.
// Serialize PList to array.
$plistarray = $jsonplist->toArray();
// Sort array alphabetically by key using case insensitive, natural sorting. See point 3 for more information.
$plistarray = $this->array_sort($plistarray);
// Encode in JSON with following rules from SEB docs.
// 1. Don't add any whitespace or line formatting to the SEB-JSON string.
// 2. Don't add unicode or slash escaping.
$json = json_encode($plistarray, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE );
// There is no way to prevent json_encode from escaping backslashes. We replace each backslash with a unique string
// prior to encoding in prepare_plist_for_json_encoding(). We can then replace the substitute with a single backslash.
$json = str_replace(self::BACKSLASH_SUBSTITUTE, "\\", $json);
return $json;
* Recursively convert PList date values from unix to iso 8601 format, and ensure strings are UTF 8 encoded.
* This will mutate the PList.
* Recursively convert PList date values from unix to iso 8601 format, and ensure strings are UTF 8 encoded.
* This will mutate the PList.
* @param \Iterator $root The root element of the PList. Must be a dictionary or array.
private function prepare_plist_for_json_encoding($root) {
$this->plist_map( function($value, $key, $parent) {
// Convert date to ISO 8601 if date object.
if ($value instanceof CFDate) {
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat('U', $value->getValue());
$date->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); // Zulu timezone a.k.a. UTC+00.
$isodate = $date->format('c');
// Make sure strings are UTF 8 encoded.
if ($value instanceof CFString) {
// As literal backslashes will be lost during encoding, we must replace them with a unique substitute to be
// reverted after JSON encoding.
$string = str_replace("\\", self::BACKSLASH_SUBSTITUTE, $value->getValue());
$value->setValue(mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8'));
// Data should remain base 64 encoded, so convert to base encoded string for export. Otherwise
// CFData will decode the data when serialized.
if ($value instanceof CFData) {
$data = trim($value->getCodedValue());
$parent->add($key, new CFString($data));
// Empty dictionaries should be removed.
if ($value instanceof CFDictionary && empty($value->getValue())) {
}, $root);
* Iterate through the PList elements, and call the callback on each.
* @param callable $callback A callback function called for every element.
* @param \Iterator $root The root element of the PList. Must be a dictionary or array.
* @param bool $recursive Whether the function should traverse dicts and arrays recursively.
private function plist_map(callable $callback, \Iterator $root, bool $recursive = true) {
while ($root->valid()) {
$value = $root->current();
$key = $root->key();
// Recursively traverse all dicts and arrays if flag is true.
if ($recursive && $value instanceof \Iterator) {
$this->plist_map($callback, $value);
// Callback function called for every element.
$callback($value, $key, $root);
* Recursively sort array alphabetically by key.
* @link
* @param array $array Top level array to process.
* @return array Processed array.
private function array_sort(array $array) {
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$array[$key] = $this->array_sort($array[$key]);
// Sort assoc array. From SEB docs:
// All <dict> elements from the plist XML must be ordered (alphabetically sorted) by their key names. Use
// a recursive method to apply ordering also to nested dictionaries contained in the root-level dictionary
// and in arrays. Use non-localized (culture invariant), non-ASCII value based case insensitive ordering.
// For example the key <key>allowWlan</key> comes before <key>allowWLAN</key>. Cocoa/Obj-C and .NET/C#
// usually use this case insensitive ordering as default, but PHP for example doesn't.
if ($this->is_associative_array($array)) {
// Note this is a pragmatic solution as none of the native PHP *sort method appear to sort strings that
// differ only in case (e.g. ["allowWLAN", "allowWlan"] is expected to have the lower version first).
$keys = array_keys($array);
(new Collator('root'))->asort($keys); // Use Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA).
$original = $array;
$array = [];
foreach ($keys as $key) {
$array[$key] = $original[$key];
return $array;
* Recursively remove empty arrays.
* @param array $array Top level array to process.
* @return array Processed array.
private function array_remove_empty_arrays(array $array) {
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$array[$key] = $this->array_remove_empty_arrays($array[$key]);
// Remove empty arrays.
if (is_array($array[$key]) && empty($array[$key])) {
return $array;
* If an array contains CFType objects, wrap array in a CFDictionary to allow recursive serialization of data
* into a standard PHP array.
* @param array $array Array containing CFType objects.
* @return array Standard PHP array.
private function array_serialize_cftypes(array $array): array {
$array = new CFDictionary($array); // Convert back to CFDictionary so serialization is recursive.
return $array->toArray(); // Serialize.
* Check if an array is associative or sequential.
* @param array $array Array to check.
* @return bool False if not associative.
private function is_associative_array(array $array) {
if (empty($array)) {
return false;
// Check that all keys are not sequential integers starting from 0 (Which is what PHP arrays have behind the scenes.)
return array_keys($array) !== range(0, count($array) - 1);