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@template mod_questionnaire/mobile_view_activity_page
Template which defines a questionnaire display in the mobile app.
Context variables required for this template:
* questionnaire - object: "intro" and "autonumquestions" strings for first respondent link.
* previous - object: "url" and "title" strings for previous link.
* respnumber - object: Current positio ("currpos") and "total" number of responses.
* next - object: "url" and "title" strings for next link.
* lastrespondent - object: "url" and "title" strings for last respondent link.
* listlink - string: Url of the link back to the response list.
* printaction - string: HTML to launch the print function.
Example context (json):
"cmid": 985,
"userid": 267,
"intro": "Welcome to the questionnaire",
"autonumquestions": "1",
"id": "342",
"rid": 0,
"surveyid": "23",
"action": "nextpage",
"pagenum": 0,
"nextpage": 1,
"prevpage": 0,
"completed": "1",
"complete_userdate": "Monday, 17 December 2018, 3:34pm",
"emptypage": "0",
"emptypage_content": "This is an empty page.",
"pagequestions": [
"id": 5432,
"type_id": 4,
"qnum": "Q1",
"content": "Answer this question",
"required": "1",
"fieldkey": "response_1_23",
"isselect": "0",
"isbool": "0",
"isradiobutton": "1",
"ischeckbox": "0",
"istextessay": "0",
"israte": "0",
"choices": [
"id": 745,
"content": "Red",
"value": " ",
"choice_id": 745,
"min": 0,
"max": 5,
"minstr": "Low",
"maxstr": "High",
"na": 0
{{=<% %>=}}
<core-course-module-description description="<%intro%>"
component="mod_questionnaire" componentId="<%cmid%>"
<ion-list-header text-wrap>
<%#autonumquestions%><ion-badge color="dark" item-start><%qnum%></ion-badge><%/autonumquestions%>
<core-format-text text="<%content%>"></core-format-text>
<%#required%><ion-badge item-end color="danger">{{ 'plugin.mod_questionnaire.required' | translate }}</ion-badge><%/required%>
<%> mod_questionnaire/local/mobile/ionic3/select_question %>
<%> mod_questionnaire/local/mobile/ionic3/boolean_question %>
<%> mod_questionnaire/local/mobile/ionic3/radio_question %>
<%> mod_questionnaire/local/mobile/ionic3/checkbox_question %>
<%> mod_questionnaire/local/mobile/ionic3/text_question %>
<%> mod_questionnaire/local/mobile/ionic3/numeric_question %>
<%> mod_questionnaire/local/mobile/ionic3/date_question %>
<%> mod_questionnaire/local/mobile/ionic3/rate_question %>
<%> mod_questionnaire/local/mobile/ionic3/slider_question %>
<p>No questions found.</p>
<button ion-button item-end outline icon-start block core-site-plugins-new-content component="mod_questionnaire" method="mobile_view_activity"
cmid: <%cmid%>,
rid: <%rid%>,
completeq: 1,
action: 'previouspage',
pagenum: <%pagenum%>
[preSets]="{getFromCache: 0, saveToCache: 0}"
samePage="true" type="submit"
><ion-icon name="arrow-back"></ion-icon> {{ 'plugin.mod_questionnaire.previouspage' | translate }}</button>
<button ion-button item-end outline icon-end block core-site-plugins-new-content component="mod_questionnaire" method="mobile_view_activity"
cmid: <%cmid%>,
rid: <%rid%>,
completeq: 1,
action: 'nextpage',
pagenum: <%pagenum%>
[preSets]="{getFromCache: 0, saveToCache: 0}"
samePage="true" type="submit"
>{{ 'plugin.mod_questionnaire.nextpage' | translate }} <ion-icon name="arrow-forward"></ion-icon></button>
<button ion-button block core-site-plugins-new-content component="mod_questionnaire" method="mobile_view_activity"
questionnaireid: <%id%>,
surveyid: <%surveyid%>,
userid: <%userid%>,
cmid: <%cmid%>,
pagenum: <%pagenum%>,
completed: <%completed%>,
rid: <%rid%>,
submit: 1,
action: 'submit'
[preSets]="{getFromCache: 0, saveToCache: 0}"
samePage="true" type="submit"
>{{ 'plugin.mod_questionnaire.savechanges' | translate }}</button>