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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
use mod_questionnaire\feedback\section;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Provided the main API functions for questionnaire.
* @package mod_questionnaire
* @copyright 2016 Mike Churchward (
* @author Mike Churchward
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class questionnaire {
// Class Properties.
* @var \mod_questionnaire\question\question[] $quesitons
public $questions = [];
* The survey record.
* @var object $survey
// Todo var $survey; TODO.
* @var $renderer Contains the page renderer when loaded, or false if not.
public $renderer = false;
* @var $page Contains the renderable, templatable page when loaded, or false if not.
public $page = false;
// Class Methods.
* The constructor.
* @param stdClass $course
* @param stdClass $cm
* @param int $id
* @param null|stdClass $questionnaire
* @param bool $addquestions
* @throws dml_exception
public function __construct(&$course, &$cm, $id = 0, $questionnaire = null, $addquestions = true) {
global $DB;
if ($id) {
$questionnaire = $DB->get_record('questionnaire', array('id' => $id));
if (is_object($questionnaire)) {
$properties = get_object_vars($questionnaire);
foreach ($properties as $property => $value) {
$this->$property = $value;
if (!empty($this->sid)) {
$this->course = $course;
$this->cm = $cm;
// When we are creating a brand new questionnaire, we will not yet have a context.
if (!empty($cm) && !empty($this->id)) {
$this->context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
} else {
$this->context = null;
if ($addquestions && !empty($this->sid)) {
// Load the capabilities for this user and questionnaire, if not creating a new one.
if (!empty($this->cm->id)) {
$this->capabilities = questionnaire_load_capabilities($this->cm->id);
// Don't automatically add responses.
$this->responses = [];
* Adding a survey record to the object.
* @param int $sid
* @param null $survey
public function add_survey($sid = 0, $survey = null) {
global $DB;
if ($sid) {
$this->survey = $DB->get_record('questionnaire_survey', array('id' => $sid));
} else if (is_object($survey)) {
$this->survey = clone($survey);
* Adding questions to the object.
* @param bool $sid
public function add_questions($sid = false) {
global $DB;
if ($sid === false) {
$sid = $this->sid;
if (!isset($this->questions)) {
$this->questions = [];
$this->questionsbysec = [];
$select = 'surveyid = ? AND deleted = ?';
$params = [$sid, 'n'];
if ($records = $DB->get_records_select('questionnaire_question', $select, $params, 'position')) {
$sec = 1;
$isbreak = false;
foreach ($records as $record) {
$this->questions[$record->id] = \mod_questionnaire\question\question::question_builder($record->type_id,
$record, $this->context);
if ($record->type_id != QUESPAGEBREAK) {
$this->questionsbysec[$sec][] = $record->id;
$isbreak = false;
} else {
// Sanity check: no section break allowed as first position, no 2 consecutive section breaks.
if ($record->position != 1 && $isbreak == false) {
$isbreak = true;
* Load all response information for this user.
* @param int $userid
public function add_user_responses($userid = null) {
global $USER, $DB;
// Empty questionnaires cannot have responses.
if (empty($this->id)) {
if ($userid === null) {
$userid = $USER->id;
$responses = $this->get_responses($userid);
foreach ($responses as $response) {
$this->responses[$response->id] = mod_questionnaire\responsetype\response\response::create_from_data($response);
* Load the specified response information.
* @param int $responseid
public function add_response(int $responseid) {
global $DB;
// Empty questionnaires cannot have responses.
if (empty($this->id)) {
$response = $DB->get_record('questionnaire_response', ['id' => $responseid]);
$this->responses[$response->id] = mod_questionnaire\responsetype\response\response::create_from_data($response);
* Load the response information from a submitted web form.
* @param stdClass $formdata
public function add_response_from_formdata(stdClass $formdata) {
$this->responses[0] = mod_questionnaire\responsetype\response\response::response_from_webform($formdata, $this->questions);
* Return a response object from a submitted mobile app form.
* @param stdClass $appdata
* @param int $sec
* @return bool|\mod_questionnaire\responsetype\response\response
public function build_response_from_appdata(stdClass $appdata, $sec=0) {
$questions = [];
if ($sec == 0) {
$questions = $this->questions;
} else {
foreach ($this->questionsbysec[$sec] as $questionid) {
$questions[$questionid] = $this->questions[$questionid];
return mod_questionnaire\responsetype\response\response::response_from_appdata($this->id, 0, $appdata, $questions);
* Add the renderer to the questionnaire object.
* @param plugin_renderer_base $renderer The module renderer, extended from core renderer.
public function add_renderer(plugin_renderer_base $renderer) {
$this->renderer = $renderer;
* Add the templatable page to the questionnaire object.
* @param templatable $page The page to render, implementing core classes.
public function add_page($page) {
$this->page = $page;
* Return true if questions should be automatically numbered.
* @return bool
public function questions_autonumbered() {
// Value of 1 if questions should be numbered. Value of 3 if both questions and pages should be numbered.
return (!empty($this->autonum) && (($this->autonum == 1) || ($this->autonum == 3)));
* Return true if pages should be automatically numbered.
* @return bool
public function pages_autonumbered() {
// Value of 2 if pages should be numbered. Value of 3 if both questions and pages should be numbered.
return (!empty($this->autonum) && (($this->autonum == 2) || ($this->autonum == 3)));
* The main module view function.
public function view() {
global $CFG, $USER, $PAGE;
// Initialise the JavaScript.
$PAGE->requires->js_init_call('M.mod_questionnaire.init_attempt_form', null, false, questionnaire_get_js_module());
$message = $this->user_access_messages($USER->id, true);
if ($message !== false) {
$this->page->add_to_page('notifications', $message);
} else {
// Handle the main questionnaire completion page.
$quser = $USER->id;
$msg = $this->print_survey($quser, $USER->id);
// If Questionnaire was submitted with all required fields completed ($msg is empty),
// then record the submittal.
$viewform = data_submitted($CFG->wwwroot."/mod/questionnaire/complete.php");
if ($viewform && confirm_sesskey() && isset($viewform->submit) && isset($viewform->submittype) &&
($viewform->submittype == "Submit Survey") && empty($msg)) {
if (!empty($viewform->rid)) {
$viewform->rid = (int)$viewform->rid;
if (!empty($viewform->sec)) {
$viewform->sec = (int)$viewform->sec;
$this->response_delete($viewform->rid, $viewform->sec);
$this->rid = $this->response_insert($viewform, $quser);
// Update completion state.
$completion = new completion_info($this->course);
if ($completion->is_enabled($this->cm) && $this->completionsubmit) {
$completion->update_state($this->cm, COMPLETION_COMPLETE);
// Log this submitted response. Note this removes the anonymity in the logged event.
$context = context_module::instance($this->cm->id);
$anonymous = $this->respondenttype == 'anonymous';
$params = array(
'context' => $context,
'courseid' => $this->course->id,
'relateduserid' => $USER->id,
'anonymous' => $anonymous,
'other' => array('questionnaireid' => $this->id)
$event = \mod_questionnaire\event\attempt_submitted::create($params);
* Delete the specified response, and insert a new one.
* @param int $rid
* @param int $sec
* @param int $quser
* @return bool|int
public function delete_insert_response($rid, $sec, $quser) {
$this->response_delete($rid, $sec);
$this->rid = $this->response_insert((object)['sec' => $sec, 'rid' => $rid], $quser);
return $this->rid;
* Commit the response.
* @param int $rid
* @param int $quser
public function commit_submission_response($rid, $quser) {
// If it was a previous save, rid is in the form...
if (!empty($rid) && is_numeric($rid)) {
$rid = $rid;
// Otherwise its in this object.
} else {
$rid = $this->rid;
// Update completion state.
$completion = new \completion_info($this->course);
if ($completion->is_enabled($this->cm) && $this->completionsubmit) {
$completion->update_state($this->cm, COMPLETION_COMPLETE);
// Log this submitted response.
$context = \context_module::instance($this->cm->id);
$anonymous = $this->respondenttype == 'anonymous';
$params = [
'context' => $context,
'courseid' => $this->course->id,
'relateduserid' => $quser,
'anonymous' => $anonymous,
'other' => array('questionnaireid' => $this->id)
$event = \mod_questionnaire\event\attempt_submitted::create($params);
* Update the grade for this questionnaire and user.
* @param int $userid
private function update_grades($userid) {
if ($this->grade != 0) {
$questionnaire = new \stdClass();
$questionnaire->id = $this->id;
$questionnaire->name = $this->name;
$questionnaire->grade = $this->grade;
$questionnaire->cmidnumber = $this->cm->idnumber;
$questionnaire->courseid = $this->course->id;
questionnaire_update_grades($questionnaire, $userid);
* Function to view an entire responses data.
* @param int $rid
* @param string $referer
* @param string $resps
* @param bool $compare
* @param bool $isgroupmember
* @param bool $allresponses
* @param int $currentgroupid
* @param string $outputtarget
public function view_response($rid, $referer= '', $resps = '', $compare = false, $isgroupmember = false, $allresponses = false,
$currentgroupid = 0, $outputtarget = 'html') {
$this->print_survey_start('', 1, 1, 0, $rid, false, $outputtarget);
$i = 0;
if ($referer != 'print') {
$feedbackmessages = $this->response_analysis($rid, $resps, $compare, $isgroupmember, $allresponses, $currentgroupid);
if ($feedbackmessages) {
$msgout = '';
foreach ($feedbackmessages as $msg) {
$msgout .= $msg;
$this->page->add_to_page('feedbackmessages', $msgout);
if ($this->survey->feedbacknotes) {
$text = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($this->survey->feedbacknotes, 'pluginfile.php',
$this->context->id, 'mod_questionnaire', 'feedbacknotes', $this->survey->id);
$this->page->add_to_page('feedbacknotes', $this->renderer->box(format_text($text, FORMAT_HTML)));
$pdf = ($outputtarget == 'pdf') ? true : false;
foreach ($this->questions as $question) {
if ($question->type_id < QUESPAGEBREAK) {
if ($question->type_id != QUESPAGEBREAK) {
$this->renderer->response_output($question, $this->responses[$rid], $i, $pdf));
* Function to view all loaded responses.
public function view_all_responses() {
$this->print_survey_start('', 1, 1, 0);
// If a student's responses have been deleted by teacher while student was viewing the report,
// then responses may have become empty, hence this test is necessary.
if (!empty($this->responses)) {
$this->page->add_to_page('responses', $this->renderer->all_response_output($this->responses, $this->questions));
} else {
$this->page->add_to_page('responses', $this->renderer->all_response_output(get_string('noresponses', 'questionnaire')));
$this->print_survey_end(1, 1);
// Access Methods.
* True if the questionnaire is active.
* @return bool
public function is_active() {
return (!empty($this->survey));
* True if the questionnaire is open.
* @return bool
public function is_open() {
return ($this->opendate > 0) ? ($this->opendate < time()) : true;
* True if the questionnaire is closed.
* @return bool
public function is_closed() {
return ($this->closedate > 0) ? ($this->closedate < time()) : false;
* True if the specified user can complete this questionnaire.
* @param int $userid
* @return bool
public function user_can_take($userid) {
if (!$this->is_active() || !$this->user_is_eligible($userid)) {
return false;
} else if ($this->qtype == QUESTIONNAIREUNLIMITED) {
return true;
} else if ($userid > 0) {
return $this->user_time_for_new_attempt($userid);
} else {
return false;
* True if the specified user is eligible to complete this questionnaire.
* @param int $userid
* @return bool
public function user_is_eligible($userid) {
return ($this->capabilities->view && $this->capabilities->submit);
* Return any message if the user cannot complete this questionnaire, explaining why.
* @param int $userid
* @param bool $asnotification Return as a rendered notification.
* @return bool|string
public function user_access_messages($userid = 0, $asnotification = false) {
global $USER;
if ($userid == 0) {
$userid = $USER->id;
$message = false;
if (!$this->is_active()) {
if ($this->capabilities->manage) {
$msg = 'removenotinuse';
} else {
$msg = 'notavail';
$message = get_string($msg, 'questionnaire');
} else if ($this->survey->realm == 'template') {
$message = get_string('templatenotviewable', 'questionnaire');
} else if (!$this->is_open()) {
$message = get_string('notopen', 'questionnaire', userdate($this->opendate));
} else if ($this->is_closed()) {
$message = get_string('closed', 'questionnaire', userdate($this->closedate));
} else if (!$this->user_is_eligible($userid)) {
$message = get_string('noteligible', 'questionnaire');
} else if (!$this->user_can_take($userid)) {
switch ($this->qtype) {
$msgstring = ' ' . get_string('today', 'questionnaire');
$msgstring = ' ' . get_string('thisweek', 'questionnaire');
$msgstring = ' ' . get_string('thismonth', 'questionnaire');
$msgstring = '';
$message = get_string("alreadyfilled", "questionnaire", $msgstring);
if (($message !== false) && $asnotification) {
$message = $this->renderer->notification($message, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_ERROR);
return $message;
* True if the specified user has a saved response for this questionnaire.
* @param int $userid
* @return bool
public function user_has_saved_response($userid) {
global $DB;
return $DB->record_exists('questionnaire_response',
['questionnaireid' => $this->id, 'userid' => $userid, 'complete' => 'n']);
* True if the specified user can complete this questionnaire at this time.
* @param int $userid
* @return bool
public function user_time_for_new_attempt($userid) {
global $DB;
$params = ['questionnaireid' => $this->id, 'userid' => $userid, 'complete' => 'y'];
if (!($attempts = $DB->get_records('questionnaire_response', $params, 'submitted DESC'))) {
return true;
$attempt = reset($attempts);
$timenow = time();
switch ($this->qtype) {
$cantake = true;
$cantake = false;
$attemptyear = date('Y', $attempt->submitted);
$currentyear = date('Y', $timenow);
$attemptdayofyear = date('z', $attempt->submitted);
$currentdayofyear = date('z', $timenow);
$cantake = (($attemptyear < $currentyear) ||
(($attemptyear == $currentyear) && ($attemptdayofyear < $currentdayofyear)));
$attemptyear = date('Y', $attempt->submitted);
$currentyear = date('Y', $timenow);
$attemptweekofyear = date('W', $attempt->submitted);
$currentweekofyear = date('W', $timenow);
$cantake = (($attemptyear < $currentyear) ||
(($attemptyear == $currentyear) && ($attemptweekofyear < $currentweekofyear)));
$attemptyear = date('Y', $attempt->submitted);
$currentyear = date('Y', $timenow);
$attemptmonthofyear = date('n', $attempt->submitted);
$currentmonthofyear = date('n', $timenow);
$cantake = (($attemptyear < $currentyear) ||
(($attemptyear == $currentyear) && ($attemptmonthofyear < $currentmonthofyear)));
$cantake = false;
return $cantake;
* True if the accessing course contains the actual questionnaire, as opposed to an instance of a public questionnaire.
* @return bool
public function is_survey_owner() {
return (!empty($this->survey->courseid) && ($this->course->id == $this->survey->courseid));
* True if the user can view the specified response.
* @param int $rid
* @return bool|void
public function can_view_response($rid) {
global $USER, $DB;
if (!empty($rid)) {
$response = $DB->get_record('questionnaire_response', array('id' => $rid));
// If the response was not found, can't view it.
if (empty($response)) {
return false;
// If the response belongs to a different survey than this one, can't view it.
if ($response->questionnaireid != $this->id) {
return false;
// If you can view all responses always, then you can view it.
if ($this->capabilities->readallresponseanytime) {
return true;
// If you are allowed to view this response for another user.
// If resp_view is set to QUESTIONNAIRE_STUDENTVIEWRESPONSES_NEVER, then this will always be false.
if ($this->capabilities->readallresponses &&
($this->resp_view == QUESTIONNAIRE_STUDENTVIEWRESPONSES_WHENCLOSED && $this->is_closed()) ||
($this->resp_view == QUESTIONNAIRE_STUDENTVIEWRESPONSES_WHENANSWERED && !$this->user_can_take($USER->id)))) {
return true;
// If you can read your own response.
if (($response->userid == $USER->id) && $this->capabilities->readownresponses &&
($this->count_submissions($USER->id) > 0)) {
return true;
} else {
// If you can view all responses always, then you can view it.
if ($this->capabilities->readallresponseanytime) {
return true;
// If you are allowed to view this response for another user.
// If resp_view is set to QUESTIONNAIRE_STUDENTVIEWRESPONSES_NEVER, then this will always be false.
if ($this->capabilities->readallresponses &&
($this->resp_view == QUESTIONNAIRE_STUDENTVIEWRESPONSES_WHENCLOSED && $this->is_closed()) ||
($this->resp_view == QUESTIONNAIRE_STUDENTVIEWRESPONSES_WHENANSWERED && !$this->user_can_take($USER->id)))) {
return true;
// If you can read your own response.
if ($this->capabilities->readownresponses && ($this->count_submissions($USER->id) > 0)) {
return true;
* True if the user can view the responses to this questionnaire, and there are valid responses.
* @param null|int $usernumresp
* @return bool
public function can_view_all_responses($usernumresp = null) {
global $USER, $SESSION;
$owner = $this->is_survey_owner();
$numresp = $this->count_submissions();
if ($usernumresp === null) {
$usernumresp = $this->count_submissions($USER->id);
// Number of Responses in currently selected group (or all participants etc.).
if (isset($SESSION->questionnaire->numselectedresps)) {
$numselectedresps = $SESSION->questionnaire->numselectedresps;
} else {
$numselectedresps = $numresp;
// If questionnaire is set to separate groups, prevent user who is not member of any group
// to view All responses.
$canviewgroups = true;
$canviewallgroups = has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $this->context);
$groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($this->cm, $this->course);
if ($groupmode == 1) {
$canviewgroups = groups_has_membership($this->cm, $USER->id);
$grouplogic = $canviewgroups || $canviewallgroups;
$respslogic = ($numresp > 0) && ($numselectedresps > 0);
return $this->can_view_all_responses_anytime($grouplogic, $respslogic) ||
$this->can_view_all_responses_with_restrictions($usernumresp, $grouplogic, $respslogic);
* True if the user can view all of the responses to this questionnaire any time, and there are valid responses.
* @param bool $grouplogic
* @param bool $respslogic
* @return bool
public function can_view_all_responses_anytime($grouplogic = true, $respslogic = true) {
// Can view if you are a valid group user, this is the owning course, and there are responses, and you have no
// response view restrictions.
return $grouplogic && $respslogic && $this->is_survey_owner() && $this->capabilities->readallresponseanytime;
* True if the user can view all of the responses to this questionnaire any time, and there are valid responses.
* @param null|int $usernumresp
* @param bool $grouplogic
* @param bool $respslogic
* @return bool
public function can_view_all_responses_with_restrictions($usernumresp, $grouplogic = true, $respslogic = true) {
// Can view if you are a valid group user, this is the owning course, and there are responses, and you can view
// subject to viewing settings..
return $grouplogic && $respslogic && $this->is_survey_owner() &&
($this->capabilities->readallresponses &&
($this->resp_view == QUESTIONNAIRE_STUDENTVIEWRESPONSES_WHENCLOSED && $this->is_closed()) ||
* Return the number of submissions for this questionnaire.
* @param bool $userid
* @param int $groupid
* @return int
public function count_submissions($userid=false, $groupid=0) {
global $DB;
$params = [];
$groupsql = '';
$groupcnd = '';
if ($groupid != 0) {
$groupsql = 'INNER JOIN {groups_members} gm ON r.userid = gm.userid ';
$groupcnd = ' AND gm.groupid = :groupid ';
$params['groupid'] = $groupid;
// Since submission can be across questionnaires in the case of public questionnaires, need to check the realm.
// Public questionnaires can have responses to multiple questionnaire instances.
if ($this->survey_is_public_master()) {
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT( ' .
'FROM {questionnaire_response} r ' .
'INNER JOIN {questionnaire} q ON r.questionnaireid = ' .
'INNER JOIN {questionnaire_survey} s ON q.sid = ' .
$groupsql .
'WHERE = :surveyid AND r.complete = :status' . $groupcnd;
$params['surveyid'] = $this->sid;
$params['status'] = 'y';
} else {
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT( ' .
'FROM {questionnaire_response} r ' .
$groupsql .
'WHERE r.questionnaireid = :questionnaireid AND r.complete = :status' . $groupcnd;
$params['questionnaireid'] = $this->id;
$params['status'] = 'y';
if ($userid) {
$sql .= ' AND r.userid = :userid';
$params['userid'] = $userid;
return $DB->count_records_sql($sql, $params);
* Get the requested responses for this questionnaire.
* @param int|bool $userid
* @param int $groupid
* @return array
public function get_responses($userid=false, $groupid=0) {
global $DB;
$params = [];
$groupsql = '';
$groupcnd = '';
if ($groupid != 0) {
$groupsql = 'INNER JOIN {groups_members} gm ON r.userid = gm.userid ';
$groupcnd = ' AND gm.groupid = :groupid ';
$params['groupid'] = $groupid;
// Since submission can be across questionnaires in the case of public questionnaires, need to check the realm.
// Public questionnaires can have responses to multiple questionnaire instances.
if ($this->survey_is_public_master()) {
$sql = 'SELECT r.* ' .
'FROM {questionnaire_response} r ' .
'INNER JOIN {questionnaire} q ON r.questionnaireid = ' .
'INNER JOIN {questionnaire_survey} s ON q.sid = ' .
$groupsql .
'WHERE = :surveyid AND r.complete = :status' . $groupcnd;
$params['surveyid'] = $this->sid;
$params['status'] = 'y';
} else {
$sql = 'SELECT r.* ' .
'FROM {questionnaire_response} r ' .
$groupsql .
'WHERE r.questionnaireid = :questionnaireid AND r.complete = :status' . $groupcnd;
$params['questionnaireid'] = $this->id;
$params['status'] = 'y';
if ($userid) {
$sql .= ' AND r.userid = :userid';
$params['userid'] = $userid;
$sql .= ' ORDER BY';
return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params) ?? [];
* True if any of the questions are required.
* @param int $section
* @return bool
private function has_required($section = 0) {
if (empty($this->questions)) {
return false;
} else if ($section <= 0) {
foreach ($this->questions as $question) {
if ($question->required()) {
return true;
} else {
foreach ($this->questionsbysec[$section] as $questionid) {
if ($this->questions[$questionid]->required()) {
return true;
return false;
* Check if current questionnaire has dependencies set and any question has dependencies.
* @return boolean Whether dependencies are set or not.
public function has_dependencies() {
$hasdependencies = false;
if (($this->navigate > 0) && isset($this->questions) && !empty($this->questions)) {
foreach ($this->questions as $question) {
if ($question->has_dependencies()) {
$hasdependencies = true;
return $hasdependencies;
* Get a list of all dependent questions.
* @param int $questionid
* @return array
public function get_all_dependants($questionid) {
$directids = $this->get_dependants($questionid);
$directs = [];
$indirects = [];
foreach ($directids as $directid) {
$indirectids = $this->get_dependants($directid);
foreach ($this->questions[$directid]->dependencies as $dep) {
if ($dep->dependquestionid == $questionid) {
$directs[$directid][] = $dep;
foreach ($indirectids as $indirectid) {
foreach ($this->questions[$indirectid]->dependencies as $dep) {
if ($dep->dependquestionid != $questionid) {
$indirects[$indirectid][] = $dep;
$alldependants = new stdClass();
$alldependants->directs = $directs;
$alldependants->indirects = $indirects;
* Get a list of all dependent questions.
* @param int $questionid
* @return array
public function get_dependants($questionid) {
$qu = [];
// Create an array which shows for every question the child-IDs.
foreach ($this->questions as $question) {
if ($question->has_dependencies()) {
foreach ($question->dependencies as $dependency) {
if (($dependency->dependquestionid == $questionid) && !in_array($question->id, $qu)) {
$qu[] = $question->id;
* Function to sort descendants array in get_dependants function.
* @param mixed $a
* @param mixed $b
* @return int
private static function cmp($a, $b) {
if ($a == $b) {
return 0;
} else if ($a < $b) {
return -1;
} else {
return 1;
* Get all descendants and choices for questions with descendants.
* @return array
public function get_dependants_and_choices() {
$questions = array_reverse($this->questions, true);
$parents = [];
foreach ($questions as $question) {
foreach ($question->dependencies as $dependency) {
$child = new stdClass();
$child->choiceid = $dependency->dependchoiceid;
$child->logic = $dependency->dependlogic;
$child->andor = $dependency->dependandor;
$parents[$dependency->dependquestionid][$question->id][] = $child;
* Load needed parent question information into the dependencies structure for the requested question.
* @param \mod_questionnaire\question\question $question
* @return bool
public function load_parents($question) {
foreach ($question->dependencies as $did => $dependency) {
$dependquestion = $this->questions[$dependency->dependquestionid];
$qdependchoice = '';
switch ($dependquestion->type_id) {
$qdependchoice = $dependency->dependchoiceid;
$dependchoice = $dependquestion->choices[$dependency->dependchoiceid]->content;
$contents = questionnaire_choice_values($dependchoice);
if ($contents->modname) {
$dependchoice = $contents->modname;
switch ($dependency->dependchoiceid) {
case 0:
$dependchoice = get_string('yes');
$qdependchoice = 'y';
case 1:
$dependchoice = get_string('no');
$qdependchoice = 'n';
// Qdependquestion, parenttype and qdependchoice fields to be used in preview mode.
$question->dependencies[$did]->qdependquestion = 'q'.$dependquestion->id;
$question->dependencies[$did]->qdependchoice = $qdependchoice;
$question->dependencies[$did]->parenttype = $dependquestion->type_id;
// Other fields to be used in Questions edit mode.
$question->dependencies[$did]->position = $question->position;
$question->dependencies[$did]->name = $question->name;
$question->dependencies[$did]->content = $question->content;
$question->dependencies[$did]->parentposition = $dependquestion->position;
$question->dependencies[$did]->parent = $dependquestion->name.'->'.$dependchoice;
return true;
* Determine the next valid page and return it. Return false if no valid next page.
* @param int $secnum
* @param int $rid
* @return int | bool
public function next_page($secnum, $rid) {
$numsections = isset($this->questionsbysec) ? count($this->questionsbysec) : 0;
if ($this->has_dependencies()) {
while (!$this->eligible_questions_on_page($secnum, $rid)) {
// We have reached the end of questionnaire on a page without any question left.
if ($secnum > $numsections) {
$secnum = false;
return $secnum;
* Determine the previous valid page and return it. Return false if no valid previous page.
* @param int $secnum
* @param int $rid
* @return int | bool
public function prev_page($secnum, $rid) {
if ($this->has_dependencies()) {
while (($secnum > 0) && !$this->eligible_questions_on_page($secnum, $rid)) {
if ($secnum === 0) {
$secnum = false;
return $secnum;
* Return the correct action to a next page request.
* @param mod_questionnaire\responsetype\response\response $response
* @param int $userid
* @return bool|int|string
public function next_page_action($response, $userid) {
$msg = $this->response_check_format($response->sec, $response);
if (empty($msg)) {
$response->rid = $this->existing_response_action($response, $userid);
return $this->next_page($response->sec, $response->rid);
} else {
return $msg;
* Return the correct action to a previous page request.
* @param mod_questionnaire\responsetype\response\response $response
* @param int $userid
* @return bool|int
public function previous_page_action($response, $userid) {
$response->rid = $this->existing_response_action($response, $userid);
return $this->prev_page($response->sec, $response->rid);
* Handle updating an existing response.
* @param mod_questionnaire\responsetype\response\response $response
* @param int $userid
* @return bool|int
public function existing_response_action($response, $userid) {
$this->response_delete($response->rid, $response->sec);
return $this->response_insert($response, $userid);
* Are there any eligible questions to be displayed on the specified page/section.
* @param int $secnum The section number to check.
* @param int $rid The current response id.
* @return boolean
public function eligible_questions_on_page($secnum, $rid) {
$questionstodisplay = false;
foreach ($this->questionsbysec[$secnum] as $questionid) {
if ($this->questions[$questionid]->dependency_fulfilled($rid, $this->questions)) {
$questionstodisplay = true;
return $questionstodisplay;
// Display Methods.
* The main display method for the survey. Adds HTML to the templates.
* @param int $quser
* @param bool $userid
* @return string|void
public function print_survey($quser, $userid=false) {
global $SESSION, $CFG;
if (!($formdata = data_submitted()) || !confirm_sesskey()) {
$formdata = new stdClass();
$formdata->rid = $this->get_latest_responseid($quser);
// If student saved a "resume" questionnaire OR left a questionnaire unfinished
// and there are more pages than one find the page of the last answered question.
if (($formdata->rid != 0) && (empty($formdata->sec) || intval($formdata->sec) < 1)) {
$formdata->sec = $this->response_select_max_sec($formdata->rid);
if (empty($formdata->sec)) {
$formdata->sec = 1;
} else {
$formdata->sec = (intval($formdata->sec) > 0) ? intval($formdata->sec) : 1;
$numsections = isset($this->questionsbysec) ? count($this->questionsbysec) : 0; // Indexed by section.
$msg = '';
$action = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/questionnaire/complete.php?id='.$this->cm->id;
// TODO - Need to rework this. Too much crossover with ->view method.
// Skip logic :: if this is page 1, it cannot be the end page with no questions on it!
if ($formdata->sec == 1) {
$SESSION->questionnaire->end = false;
if (!empty($formdata->submit)) {
// Skip logic: we have reached the last page without any questions on it.
if (isset($SESSION->questionnaire->end) && $SESSION->questionnaire->end == true) {
$msg = $this->response_check_format($formdata->sec, $formdata);
if (empty($msg)) {
$formdata->rid = $this->existing_response_action($formdata, $userid);
if (!empty($formdata->resume) && ($this->resume)) {
$this->response_delete($formdata->rid, $formdata->sec);
$formdata->rid = $this->response_insert($formdata, $quser, true);
// Save each section 's $formdata somewhere in case user returns to that page when navigating the questionnaire.
if (!empty($formdata->next)) {
$msg = $this->response_check_format($formdata->sec, $formdata);
if ($msg) {
$formdata->next = '';
$formdata->rid = $this->existing_response_action($formdata, $userid);
} else {
$nextsec = $this->next_page_action($formdata, $userid);
if ($nextsec === false) {
$SESSION->questionnaire->end = true; // End of questionnaire reached on a no questions page.
$formdata->sec = $numsections + 1;
} else {
$formdata->sec = $nextsec;
if (!empty($formdata->prev)) {
// If skip logic and this is last page reached with no questions,
// unlock questionnaire->end to allow navigate back to previous page.
if (isset($SESSION->questionnaire->end) && ($SESSION->questionnaire->end == true)) {
$SESSION->questionnaire->end = false;
// Prevent navigation to previous page if wrong format in answered questions).
$msg = $this->response_check_format($formdata->sec, $formdata, false, true);
if ($msg) {
$formdata->prev = '';
$formdata->rid = $this->existing_response_action($formdata, $userid);
} else {
$prevsec = $this->previous_page_action($formdata, $userid);
if ($prevsec === false) {
$formdata->sec = 0;
} else {
$formdata->sec = $prevsec;
if (!empty($formdata->rid)) {
$formdatareferer = !empty($formdata->referer) ? htmlspecialchars($formdata->referer) : '';
$formdatarid = isset($formdata->rid) ? $formdata->rid : '0';
$this->page->add_to_page('formstart', $this->renderer->complete_formstart($action, ['referer' => $formdatareferer,
'a' => $this->id, 'sid' => $this->survey->id, 'rid' => $formdatarid, 'sec' => $formdata->sec, 'sesskey' => sesskey()]));
if (isset($this->questions) && $numsections) { // Sanity check.
$this->survey_render($formdata, $formdata->sec, $msg);
$controlbuttons = [];
if ($formdata->sec > 1) {
$controlbuttons['prev'] = ['type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn btn-secondary control-button-prev',
'value' => '<< '.get_string('previouspage', 'questionnaire')];
if ($this->resume) {
$controlbuttons['resume'] = ['type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn btn-secondary control-button-save',
'value' => get_string('save_and_exit', 'questionnaire')];
// Add a 'hidden' variable for the mod's 'view.php', and use a language variable for the submit button.
if ($formdata->sec == $numsections) {
$controlbuttons['submittype'] = ['type' => 'hidden', 'value' => 'Submit Survey'];
$controlbuttons['submit'] = ['type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn btn-primary control-button-submit',
'value' => get_string('submitsurvey', 'questionnaire')];
} else {
$controlbuttons['next'] = ['type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn btn-secondary control-button-next',
'value' => get_string('nextpage', 'questionnaire').' >>'];
$this->page->add_to_page('controlbuttons', $this->renderer->complete_controlbuttons($controlbuttons));
} else {
$this->renderer->complete_controlbuttons(get_string('noneinuse', 'questionnaire')));
$this->page->add_to_page('formend', $this->renderer->complete_formend());
return $msg;
* Print the entire survey page.
* @param stdClass $formdata
* @param int $section
* @param string $message
* @return bool|void
private function survey_render(&$formdata, $section = 1, $message = '') {
$this->usehtmleditor = null;
if (empty($section)) {
$section = 1;
$numsections = isset($this->questionsbysec) ? count($this->questionsbysec) : 0;
if ($section > $numsections) {
$formdata->sec = $numsections;
$this->renderer->notification(get_string('finished', 'questionnaire'), \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_WARNING));
return(false); // Invalid section.
// Check to see if there are required questions.
$hasrequired = $this->has_required($section);
// Find out what question number we are on $i New fix for question numbering.
$i = 0;
if ($section > 1) {
for ($j = 2; $j <= $section; $j++) {
foreach ($this->questionsbysec[$j - 1] as $questionid) {
if ($this->questions[$questionid]->type_id < QUESPAGEBREAK) {
$this->print_survey_start($message, $section, $numsections, $hasrequired, '', 1);
// Only show progress bar on questionnaires with more than one page.
if ($this->progressbar && isset($this->questionsbysec) && count($this->questionsbysec) > 1) {
$this->renderer->render_progress_bar($section, $this->questionsbysec));
foreach ($this->questionsbysec[$section] as $questionid) {
if ($this->questions[$questionid]->type_id != QUESSECTIONTEXT) {
// Need questionnaire id to get the questionnaire object in sectiontext (Label) question class.
$formdata->questionnaire_id = $this->id;
if (isset($formdata->rid) && !empty($formdata->rid)) {
} else {
(isset($this->responses[$formdata->rid]) ? $this->responses[$formdata->rid] : []),
$i, $this->usehtmleditor, []));
$this->print_survey_end($section, $numsections);
* Print the start of the survey page.
* @param string $message
* @param int $section
* @param int $numsections
* @param bool $hasrequired
* @param string $rid
* @param bool $blankquestionnaire
* @param string $outputtarget
private function print_survey_start($message, $section, $numsections, $hasrequired, $rid='', $blankquestionnaire=false,
$outputtarget = 'html') {
global $CFG, $DB;
$userid = '';
$resp = '';
$groupname = '';
$currentgroupid = 0;
$timesubmitted = '';
// Available group modes (0 = no groups; 1 = separate groups; 2 = visible groups).
if ($rid) {
$courseid = $this->course->id;
if ($resp = $DB->get_record('questionnaire_response', array('id' => $rid)) ) {
if ($this->respondenttype == 'fullname') {
$userid = $resp->userid;
// Display name of group(s) that student belongs to... if questionnaire is set to Groups separate or visible.
if (groups_get_activity_groupmode($this->cm, $this->course)) {
if ($groups = groups_get_all_groups($courseid, $resp->userid)) {
if (count($groups) == 1) {
$group = current($groups);
$currentgroupid = $group->id;
$groupname = ' ('.get_string('group').': '.$group->name.')';
} else {
$groupname = ' ('.get_string('groups').': ';
foreach ($groups as $group) {
$groupname .= $group->name.', ';
$groupname = substr($groupname, 0, strlen($groupname) - 2).')';
} else {
$groupname = ' ('.get_string('groupnonmembers').')';
$params = array(
'objectid' => $this->survey->id,
'context' => $this->context,
'courseid' => $this->course->id,
'relateduserid' => $userid,
'other' => array('action' => 'vresp', 'currentgroupid' => $currentgroupid, 'rid' => $rid)
$event = \mod_questionnaire\event\response_viewed::create($params);
$ruser = '';
if ($resp && !$blankquestionnaire) {
if ($userid) {
if ($user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $userid))) {
$ruser = fullname($user);
if ($this->respondenttype == 'anonymous') {
$ruser = '- '.get_string('anonymous', 'questionnaire').' -';
} else {
// JR DEV comment following line out if you do NOT want time submitted displayed in Anonymous surveys.
if ($resp->submitted) {
$timesubmitted = ' '.get_string('submitted', 'questionnaire').' '.userdate($resp->submitted);
if ($ruser) {
$respinfo = '';
if ($outputtarget == 'html') {
// Disable the pdf function for now, until it looks a lot better.
if (false) {
$linkname = get_string('downloadpdf', 'mod_questionnaire');
$link = new moodle_url('/mod/questionnaire/report.php',
'action' => 'vresp',
'instance' => $this->id,
'target' => 'pdf',
'individualresponse' => 1,
'rid' => $rid
$downpdficon = new pix_icon('b/pdfdown', $linkname, 'mod_questionnaire');
$respinfo .= $this->renderer->action_link($link, null, null, null, $downpdficon);
$linkname = get_string('print', 'mod_questionnaire');
$link = new \moodle_url('/mod/questionnaire/report.php',
['action' => 'vresp', 'instance' => $this->id, 'target' => 'print', 'individualresponse' => 1, 'rid' => $rid]);
$htmlicon = new pix_icon('t/print', $linkname);
$options = ['menubar' => true, 'location' => false, 'scrollbars' => true, 'resizable' => true,
'height' => 600, 'width' => 800, 'title' => $linkname];
$name = 'popup';
$action = new popup_action('click', $link, $name, $options);
$respinfo .= $this->renderer->action_link($link, null, $action, ['title' => $linkname], $htmlicon) . ' ';
$respinfo .= get_string('respondent', 'questionnaire').': <strong>'.$ruser.'</strong>';
if ($this->survey_is_public()) {
// For a public questionnaire, look for the course that used it.
$coursename = '';
$sql = 'SELECT, q.course, c.fullname ' .
'FROM {questionnaire_response} qr ' .
'INNER JOIN {questionnaire} q ON qr.questionnaireid = ' .
'INNER JOIN {course} c ON q.course = ' .
'WHERE = ? AND qr.complete = ? ';
if ($record = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, [$rid, 'y'])) {
$coursename = $record->fullname;
$respinfo .= ' '.get_string('course'). ': '.$coursename;
$respinfo .= $groupname;
$respinfo .= $timesubmitted;
$this->page->add_to_page('respondentinfo', $this->renderer->respondent_info($respinfo));
// We don't want to display the print icon in the print popup window itself!
if ($this->capabilities->printblank && $blankquestionnaire && $section == 1) {
// Open print friendly as popup window.
$linkname = ' '.get_string('printblank', 'questionnaire');
$title = get_string('printblanktooltip', 'questionnaire');
$url = '/mod/questionnaire/print.php?qid='.$this->id.'&rid=0&'.'courseid='.$this->course->id.'&sec=1';
$options = array('menubar' => true, 'location' => false, 'scrollbars' => true, 'resizable' => true,
'height' => 600, 'width' => 800, 'title' => $title);
$name = 'popup';
$link = new moodle_url($url);
$action = new popup_action('click', $link, $name, $options);
$class = "floatprinticon";
$this->renderer->action_link($link, $linkname, $action, array('class' => $class, 'title' => $title),
new pix_icon('t/print', $title)));
if ($section == 1) {
if (!empty($this->survey->title)) {
$this->survey->title = format_string($this->survey->title);
$this->page->add_to_page('title', $this->survey->title);
if (!empty($this->survey->subtitle)) {
$this->survey->subtitle = format_string($this->survey->subtitle);
$this->page->add_to_page('subtitle', $this->survey->subtitle);
if ($this->survey->info) {
$infotext = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($this->survey->info, 'pluginfile.php',
$this->context->id, 'mod_questionnaire', 'info', $this->survey->id);
$this->page->add_to_page('addinfo', $infotext);
if ($message) {
$this->page->add_to_page('message', $this->renderer->notification($message, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_ERROR));
* Print the end of the survey page.
* @param int $section
* @param int $numsections
private function print_survey_end($section, $numsections) {
// If no pages autonumbering.
if (!$this->pages_autonumbered()) {
if ($numsections > 1) {
$a = new stdClass();
$a->page = $section;
$a->totpages = $numsections;
$this->renderer->container(get_string('pageof', 'questionnaire', $a).' ', 'surveyPage'));
* Display a survey suitable for printing.
* @param int $courseid
* @param string $message
* @param string $referer
* @param int $rid
* @param bool $blankquestionnaire If we are printing a blank questionnaire.
* @return false|void
public function survey_print_render($courseid, $message = '', $referer='', $rid=0, $blankquestionnaire=false) {
global $DB, $CFG;
if (! $course = $DB->get_record("course", array("id" => $courseid))) {
throw new \moodle_exception('incorrectcourseid', 'mod_questionnaire');
$this->course = $course;
if (!empty($rid)) {
// If we're viewing a response, use this method.
$this->view_response($rid, $referer);
if (empty($section)) {
$section = 1;
if (isset($this->questionsbysec)) {
$numsections = count($this->questionsbysec);
} else {
$numsections = 0;
if ($section > $numsections) {
return(false); // Invalid section.
$hasrequired = $this->has_required();
// Find out what question number we are on $i.
$i = 1;
for ($j = 2; $j <= $section; $j++) {
$i += count($this->questionsbysec[$j - 1]);
$action = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/questionnaire/preview.php?id='.$this->cm->id;
// Print all sections.
$formdata = new stdClass();
$errors = 1;
if (data_submitted()) {
$formdata = data_submitted();
$formdata->rid = $formdata->rid ?? 0;
$pageerror = '';
$s = 1;
$errors = 0;
foreach ($this->questionsbysec as $section) {
$errormessage = $this->response_check_format($s, $formdata);
if ($errormessage) {
if ($numsections > 1) {
$pageerror = get_string('page', 'questionnaire').' '.$s.' : ';
$this->renderer->notification($pageerror.$errormessage, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_ERROR));
$s ++;
$this->print_survey_start($message, 1, 1, $hasrequired, '');
if (($referer == 'preview') && $this->has_dependencies()) {
$allqdependants = $this->get_dependants_and_choices();
} else {
$allqdependants = [];
if ($errors == 0) {
$this->renderer->notification(get_string('submitpreviewcorrect', 'questionnaire'),
$page = 1;
foreach ($this->questionsbysec as $section) {
$output = '';
if ($numsections > 1) {
$output .= $this->renderer->print_preview_pagenumber(get_string('page', 'questionnaire').' '.$page);
foreach ($section as $questionid) {
if ($this->questions[$questionid]->type_id == QUESSECTIONTEXT) {
if (isset($allqdependants[$questionid])) {
$dependants = $allqdependants[$questionid];
} else {
$dependants = [];
$output .= $this->renderer->question_output($this->questions[$questionid], $this->responses[0] ?? [],
$i++, null, $dependants);
$this->page->add_to_page('questions', $output);
$output = '';
// End of questions.
if ($referer == 'preview' && !$blankquestionnaire) {
$url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/questionnaire/preview.php?id='.$this->cm->id;
$this->renderer->print_preview_formend($url, get_string('submitpreview', 'questionnaire'), get_string('reset')));
* Update an existing survey.
* @param stdClass $sdata
* @return bool|int
public function survey_update($sdata) {
global $DB;
$errstr = ''; // TODO: notused!
// New survey.
if (empty($this->survey->id)) {
// Create a new survey in the database.
$fields = array('name', 'realm', 'title', 'subtitle', 'email', 'theme', 'thanks_page', 'thank_head',
'thank_body', 'feedbacknotes', 'info', 'feedbacksections', 'feedbackscores', 'chart_type');
// Theme field deprecated.
$record = new stdClass();
$record->id = 0;
$record->courseid = $sdata->courseid;
foreach ($fields as $f) {
if (isset($sdata->$f)) {
$record->$f = $sdata->$f;
$this->survey = new stdClass();
$this->survey->id = $DB->insert_record('questionnaire_survey', $record);
if (!$this->survey->id) {
$errstr = get_string('errnewname', 'questionnaire') .' [ : ]'; // TODO: notused!
} else {
if (empty($sdata->name) || empty($sdata->title) || empty($sdata->realm)) {
if (!isset($sdata->chart_type)) {
$sdata->chart_type = '';
$fields = array('name', 'realm', 'title', 'subtitle', 'email', 'theme', 'thanks_page',
'thank_head', 'thank_body', 'feedbacknotes', 'info', 'feedbacksections', 'feedbackscores', 'chart_type');
$name = $DB->get_field('questionnaire_survey', 'name', array('id' => $this->survey->id));
// Trying to change survey name.
if (trim($name) != trim(stripslashes($sdata->name))) { // Var $sdata will already have slashes added to it.
$count = $DB->count_records('questionnaire_survey', array('name' => $sdata->name));
if ($count != 0) {
$errstr = get_string('errnewname', 'questionnaire'); // TODO: notused!
// UPDATE the row in the DB with current values.
$surveyrecord = new stdClass();
$surveyrecord->id = $this->survey->id;
foreach ($fields as $f) {
if (isset($sdata->{$f})) {
$surveyrecord->$f = trim($sdata->{$f});
$result = $DB->update_record('questionnaire_survey', $surveyrecord);
if (!$result) {
$errstr = get_string('warning', 'questionnaire').' [ : ]'; // TODO: notused!
* Creates an editable copy of a survey.
* @param int $owner
* @return bool|int
public function survey_copy($owner) {
global $DB;
// Clear the sid, clear the creation date, change the name, and clear the status.
$survey = clone($this->survey);
$survey->courseid = $owner;
// Make sure that the survey name is not larger than the field size (CONTRIB-2999). Leave room for extra chars.
$survey->name = core_text::substr($survey->name, 0, (64 - 10));
$survey->name .= '_copy';
$survey->status = 0;
// Check for 'name' conflict, and resolve.
$i = 0;
$name = $survey->name;
while ($DB->count_records('questionnaire_survey', array('name' => $name)) > 0) {
$name = $survey->name.(++$i);
if ($i) {
$survey->name .= $i;
// Create new survey.
if (!($newsid = $DB->insert_record('questionnaire_survey', $survey))) {
// Make copies of all the questions.
$pos = 1;
// Skip logic: some changes needed here for dependencies down below.
$qidarray = array();
$cidarray = array();
foreach ($this->questions as $question) {
// Fix some fields first.
$oldid = $question->id;
$question->surveyid = $newsid;
$question->position = $pos++;
// Copy question to new survey.
if (!($newqid = $DB->insert_record('questionnaire_question', $question))) {
$qidarray[$oldid] = $newqid;
foreach ($question->choices as $key => $choice) {
$oldcid = $key;
$choice->question_id = $newqid;
if (!$newcid = $DB->insert_record('questionnaire_quest_choice', $choice)) {
$cidarray[$oldcid] = $newcid;
// Replicate all dependency data.
if ($dependquestions = $DB->get_records('questionnaire_dependency', ['surveyid' => $this->survey->id], 'questionid')) {
foreach ($dependquestions as $dquestion) {
$record = new stdClass();
$record->questionid = $qidarray[$dquestion->questionid];
$record->surveyid = $newsid;
$record->dependquestionid = $qidarray[$dquestion->dependquestionid];
// The response may not use choice id's (example boolean). If not, just copy the value.
$responsetype = $this->questions[$dquestion->dependquestionid]->responsetype;
if ($responsetype->transform_choiceid($dquestion->dependchoiceid) == $dquestion->dependchoiceid) {
$record->dependchoiceid = $cidarray[$dquestion->dependchoiceid];
} else {
$record->dependchoiceid = $dquestion->dependchoiceid;
$record->dependlogic = $dquestion->dependlogic;
$record->dependandor = $dquestion->dependandor;
$DB->insert_record('questionnaire_dependency', $record);
// Replicate any feedback data.
// TODO: Need to handle image attachments (same for other copies above).
if ($fbsections = $DB->get_records('questionnaire_fb_sections', ['surveyid' => $this->survey->id], 'id')) {
foreach ($fbsections as $fbsid => $fbsection) {
$fbsection->surveyid = $newsid;
$scorecalculation = section::decode_scorecalculation($fbsection->scorecalculation);
$newscorecalculation = [];
foreach ($scorecalculation as $qid => $val) {
$newscorecalculation[$qidarray[$qid]] = $val;
$fbsection->scorecalculation = serialize($newscorecalculation);
$newfbsid = $DB->insert_record('questionnaire_fb_sections', $fbsection);
if ($feedbackrecs = $DB->get_records('questionnaire_feedback', ['sectionid' => $fbsid], 'id')) {
foreach ($feedbackrecs as $feedbackrec) {
$feedbackrec->sectionid = $newfbsid;
$DB->insert_record('questionnaire_feedback', $feedbackrec);
* Check that all questions have been answered in a suitable way.
* @param int $section
* @param stdClass $formdata
* @param bool $checkmissing
* @param bool $checkwrongformat
* @return string
private function response_check_format($section, $formdata, $checkmissing = true, $checkwrongformat = true) {
$missing = 0;
$strmissing = ''; // Missing questions.
$wrongformat = 0;
$strwrongformat = ''; // Wrongly formatted questions (Numeric, 5:Check Boxes, Date).
$i = 1;
for ($j = 2; $j <= $section; $j++) {
foreach ($this->questionsbysec[$j - 1] as $questionid) {
$tid = $this->questions[$questionid]->type_id;
if ($tid < QUESPAGEBREAK) {
$qnum = $i - 1;
if (key_exists($section, $this->questionsbysec)) {
foreach ($this->questionsbysec[$section] as $questionid) {
$tid = $this->questions[$questionid]->type_id;
if ($tid != QUESSECTIONTEXT) {
if (!$this->questions[$questionid]->response_complete($formdata)) {
$strnum = get_string('num', 'questionnaire') . $qnum . '. ';
$strmissing .= $strnum;
// Pop-up notification at the point of the error.
$strnoti = get_string('missingquestion', 'questionnaire') . $strnum;
if (!$this->questions[$questionid]->response_valid($formdata)) {
$strwrongformat .= get_string('num', 'questionnaire') . $qnum . '. ';
$message = '';
$nonumbering = false;
// If no questions autonumbering do not display missing question(s) number(s).
if (!$this->questions_autonumbered()) {
$nonumbering = true;
if ($checkmissing && $missing) {
if ($nonumbering) {
$strmissing = '';
if ($missing == 1) {
$message = get_string('missingquestion', 'questionnaire').$strmissing;
} else {
$message = get_string('missingquestions', 'questionnaire').$strmissing;
if ($wrongformat) {
$message .= '<br />';
if ($checkwrongformat && $wrongformat) {
if ($nonumbering) {
$message .= get_string('wronganswers', 'questionnaire');
} else {
if ($wrongformat == 1) {
$message .= get_string('wrongformat', 'questionnaire').$strwrongformat;
} else {
$message .= get_string('wrongformats', 'questionnaire').$strwrongformat;
return ($message);
* Delete the spcified response.
* @param int $rid
* @param null|int $sec
private function response_delete($rid, $sec = null) {
global $DB;
if (empty($rid)) {
if ($sec != null) {
if ($sec < 1) {
// Skip logic.
$numsections = isset($this->questionsbysec) ? count($this->questionsbysec) : 0;
$sec = min($numsections , $sec);
/* get question_id's in this section */
$qids = array();
foreach ($this->questionsbysec[$sec] as $questionid) {
$qids[] = $questionid;
if (empty($qids)) {
} else {
list($qsql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($qids);
$qsql = ' AND question_id ' . $qsql;
} else {
/* delete all */
$qsql = '';
$params = array();
/* delete values */
$select = 'response_id = \'' . $rid . '\' ' . $qsql;
foreach (array('response_bool', 'resp_single', 'resp_multiple', 'response_rank', 'response_text',
'response_other', 'response_date') as $tbl) {
$DB->delete_records_select('questionnaire_'.$tbl, $select, $params);
* Commit the specified response.
* @param int $rid
* @return bool
private function response_commit($rid) {
global $DB;
$record = new stdClass();
$record->id = $rid;
$record->complete = 'y';
$record->submitted = time();
if ($this->grade < 0) {
$record->grade = 1; // Don't know what to do if its a scale...
} else {
$record->grade = $this->grade;
return $DB->update_record('questionnaire_response', $record);
* Get the latest response id for the user, or verify that the given response id is valid.
* @param int $userid
* @return int
public function get_latest_responseid($userid) {
global $DB;
// Find latest in progress rid.
$params = ['questionnaireid' => $this->id, 'userid' => $userid, 'complete' => 'n'];
if ($records = $DB->get_records('questionnaire_response', $params, 'submitted DESC', 'id,questionnaireid', 0, 1)) {
$rec = reset($records);
return $rec->id;
} else {
return 0;
* Returns the number of the section in which questions have been answered in a response.
* @param int $rid
* @return int
private function response_select_max_sec($rid) {
global $DB;
$pos = $this->response_select_max_pos($rid);
$select = 'surveyid = ? AND type_id = ? AND position < ? AND deleted = ?';
$params = [$this->sid, QUESPAGEBREAK, $pos, 'n'];
$max = $DB->count_records_select('questionnaire_question', $select, $params) + 1;
return $max;
* Returns the position of the last answered question in a response.
* @param int $rid
* @return int
private function response_select_max_pos($rid) {
global $DB;
$max = 0;
foreach (array('response_bool', 'resp_single', 'resp_multiple', 'response_rank', 'response_text',
'response_other', 'response_date') as $tbl) {
$sql = 'SELECT MAX(q.position) as num FROM {questionnaire_'.$tbl.'} a, {questionnaire_question} q '.
'WHERE a.response_id = ? AND '.
' = a.question_id AND '.
'q.surveyid = ? AND '.
'q.deleted = \'n\'';
if ($record = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, array($rid, $this->sid))) {
$newmax = (int)$record->num;
if ($newmax > $max) {
$max = $newmax;
return $max;
* Handle all submission notification actions.
* @param int $rid The id of the response record.
* @return boolean Operation success.
private function submission_notify($rid) {
global $DB;
$success = true;
if (isset($this->survey)) {
if (isset($this->survey->email)) {
$email = $this->survey->email;
} else {
$email = $DB->get_field('questionnaire_survey', 'email', ['id' => $this->survey->id]);
} else {
$email = '';
if (!empty($email)) {
$success = $this->response_send_email($rid, $email);
if (!empty($this->notifications)) {
// Handle notification of submissions.
$success = $this->send_submission_notifications($rid) && $success;
return $success;
* Send submission notifications to users with "submissionnotification" capability.
* @param int $rid The id of the response record.
* @return boolean Operation success.
private function send_submission_notifications($rid) {
global $CFG, $USER;
$message = '';
if ($this->notifications == 2) {
$message .= $this->get_full_submission_for_notifications($rid);
$success = true;
if ($notifyusers = $this->get_notifiable_users($USER->id)) {
$info = new stdClass();
// Need to handle user differently for anonymous surveys.
if ($this->respondenttype != 'anonymous') {
$info->userfrom = $USER;
$info->username = fullname($info->userfrom, true);
$info->profileurl = $CFG->wwwroot.'/user/view.php?id='.$info->userfrom->id.'&course='.$this->course->id;
$langstringtext = 'submissionnotificationtextuser';
$langstringhtml = 'submissionnotificationhtmluser';
} else {
$info->userfrom = \core_user::get_noreply_user();
$info->username = '';
$info->profileurl = '';
$langstringtext = 'submissionnotificationtextanon';
$langstringhtml = 'submissionnotificationhtmlanon';
$info->name = format_string($this->name);
$info->submissionurl = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/questionnaire/report.php?action=vresp&sid='.$this->survey->id.
$info->coursename = $this->course->fullname;
$info->postsubject = get_string('submissionnotificationsubject', 'questionnaire');
$info->posttext = get_string($langstringtext, 'questionnaire', $info);
$info->posthtml = '<p>' . get_string($langstringhtml, 'questionnaire', $info) . '</p>';
if (!empty($message)) {
$info->posttext .= html_to_text($message);
$info->posthtml .= $message;
foreach ($notifyusers as $notifyuser) {
$info->userto = $notifyuser;
$this->send_message($info, 'notification');
return $success;
* Message someone about something.
* @param object $info The information for the message.
* @param string $eventtype
* @return void
private function send_message($info, $eventtype) {
$eventdata = new \core\message\message();
$eventdata->courseid = $this->course->id;
$eventdata->modulename = 'questionnaire';
$eventdata->userfrom = $info->userfrom;
$eventdata->userto = $info->userto;
$eventdata->subject = $info->postsubject;
$eventdata->fullmessage = $info->posttext;
$eventdata->fullmessageformat = FORMAT_PLAIN;
$eventdata->fullmessagehtml = $info->posthtml;
$eventdata->smallmessage = $info->postsubject;
$eventdata->name = $eventtype;
$eventdata->component = 'mod_questionnaire';
$eventdata->notification = 1;
$eventdata->contexturl = $info->submissionurl;
$eventdata->contexturlname = $info->name;
* Returns a list of users that should receive notification about given submission.
* @param int $userid The submission to grade
* @return array
public function get_notifiable_users($userid) {
// Potential users should be active users only.
$potentialusers = get_enrolled_users($this->context, 'mod/questionnaire:submissionnotification',
null, 'u.*', null, null, null, true);
$notifiableusers = [];
if (groups_get_activity_groupmode($this->cm) == SEPARATEGROUPS) {
if ($groups = groups_get_all_groups($this->course->id, $userid, $this->cm->groupingid)) {
foreach ($groups as $group) {
foreach ($potentialusers as $potentialuser) {
if ($potentialuser->id == $userid) {
// Do not send self.
if (groups_is_member($group->id, $potentialuser->id)) {
$notifiableusers[$potentialuser->id] = $potentialuser;
} else {
// User not in group, try to find graders without group.
foreach ($potentialusers as $potentialuser) {
if ($potentialuser->id == $userid) {
// Do not send self.
if (!groups_has_membership($this->cm, $potentialuser->id)) {
$notifiableusers[$potentialuser->id] = $potentialuser;
} else {
foreach ($potentialusers as $potentialuser) {
if ($potentialuser->id == $userid) {
// Do not send self.
$notifiableusers[$potentialuser->id] = $potentialuser;
return $notifiableusers;
* Return a formatted string containing all the questions and answers for a specific submission.
* @param int $rid
* @return string
private function get_full_submission_for_notifications($rid) {
$responses = $this->get_full_submission_for_export($rid);
$message = '';
foreach ($responses as $response) {
$message .= html_to_text($response->questionname) . "<br />\n";
$message .= get_string('question') . ': ' . html_to_text($response->questiontext) . "<br />\n";
$message .= get_string('answers', 'questionnaire') . ":<br />\n";
foreach ($response->answers as $answer) {
$message .= html_to_text($answer) . "<br />\n";
$message .= "<br />\n";
return $message;
* Construct the response data for a given response and return a structured export.
* @param int $rid
* @return string
* @throws coding_exception
public function get_structured_response($rid) {
return $this->get_full_submission_for_export($rid);
* Return a JSON structure containing all the questions and answers for a specific submission.
* @param int $rid
* @return array
private function get_full_submission_for_export($rid) {
if (!isset($this->responses[$rid])) {
$exportstructure = [];
foreach ($this->questions as $question) {
$rqid = 'q' . $question->id;
$response = new stdClass();
$response->questionname = $question->position . '. ' . $question->name;
$response->questiontext = $question->content;
$response->answers = [];
if ($question->type_id == 8) {
$choices = [];
$cids = [];
foreach ($question->choices as $cid => $choice) {
if (!empty($choice->value) && (strpos($choice->content, '=') !== false)) {
$choices[$choice->value] = substr($choice->content, (strpos($choice->content, '=') + 1));
} else {
$cids[$rqid . '_' . $cid] = $choice->content;
if (isset($this->responses[$rid]->answers[$question->id])) {
foreach ($cids as $rqid => $choice) {
$cid = substr($rqid, (strpos($rqid, '_') + 1));
if (isset($this->responses[$rid]->answers[$question->id][$cid])) {
if (isset($question->choices[$cid]) &&
isset($choices[$this->responses[$rid]->answers[$question->id][$cid]->value])) {
$rating = $choices[$this->responses[$rid]->answers[$question->id][$cid]->value];
} else {
$rating = $this->responses[$rid]->answers[$question->id][$cid]->value;
$response->answers[] = $question->choices[$cid]->content . ' = ' . $rating;
} else if ($question->has_choices()) {
$answertext = '';
if (isset($this->responses[$rid]->answers[$question->id])) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($this->responses[$rid]->answers[$question->id] as $answer) {
if ($i > 0) {
$answertext .= '; ';
if ($question->choices[$answer->choiceid]->is_other_choice()) {
$answertext .= $answer->value;
} else {
$answertext .= $question->choices[$answer->choiceid]->content;
$response->answers[] = $answertext;
} else if (isset($this->responses[$rid]->answers[$question->id])) {
$response->answers[] = $this->responses[$rid]->answers[$question->id][0]->value;
$exportstructure[] = $response;
return $exportstructure;
* Format the submission answers for legacy email delivery.
* @param array $answers The array of response answers.
* @return array The formatted set of answers as plain text and HTML.
private function get_formatted_answers_for_emails($answers) {
global $USER;
// Line endings for html and plaintext emails.
$endhtml = "\r\n<br />";
$endplaintext = "\r\n";
$formatted = array('plaintext' => '', 'html' => '');
for ($i = 0; $i < count($answers[0]); $i++) {
$sep = ' : ';
switch($i) {
case 1:
$sep = ' ';
case 4:
$formatted['plaintext'] .= get_string('user').' ';
$formatted['html'] .= get_string('user').' ';
case 6:
if ($this->respondenttype != 'anonymous') {
$formatted['html'] .= get_string('email').$sep.$USER->email. $endhtml;
$formatted['plaintext'] .= get_string('email'). $sep. $USER->email. $endplaintext;
$formatted['html'] .= $answers[0][$i].$sep.$answers[1][$i]. $endhtml;
$formatted['plaintext'] .= $answers[0][$i].$sep.$answers[1][$i]. $endplaintext;
return $formatted;
* Send the full response submission to the defined email addresses.
* @param int $rid The id of the response record.
* @param string $email The comma separated list of emails to send to.
* @return bool
private function response_send_email($rid, $email) {
global $CFG;
$submission = $this->generate_csv(0, $rid, '', null, 1);
if (!empty($submission)) {
$answers = $this->get_formatted_answers_for_emails($submission);
} else {
$answers = ['html' => '', 'plaintext' => ''];
$name = s($this->name);
if (empty($email)) {
// Line endings for html and plaintext emails.
$endhtml = "\r\n<br>";
$endplaintext = "\r\n";
$subject = get_string('surveyresponse', 'questionnaire') .": $name [$rid]";
$url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/questionnaire/report.php?action=vresp&sid='.$this->survey->id.
// Html and plaintext body.
$bodyhtml = '<a href="'.$url.'">'.$url.'</a>'.$endhtml;
$bodyplaintext = $url.$endplaintext;
$bodyhtml .= get_string('surveyresponse', 'questionnaire') .' "'.$name.'"'.$endhtml;
$bodyplaintext .= get_string('surveyresponse', 'questionnaire') .' "'.$name.'"'.$endplaintext;
$bodyhtml .= $answers['html'];
$bodyplaintext .= $answers['plaintext'];
// Use plaintext version for altbody.
$altbody = "\n$bodyplaintext\n";
$return = true;
$mailaddresses = preg_split('/,|;/', $email);
foreach ($mailaddresses as $email) {
$userto = new stdClass();
$userto->email = trim($email);
$userto->mailformat = 1;
// Dummy userid to keep email_to_user happy in moodle 2.6.
$userto->id = -10;
$userfrom = $CFG->noreplyaddress;
if (email_to_user($userto, $userfrom, $subject, $altbody, $bodyhtml)) {
$return = $return && true;
} else {
$return = false;
return $return;
* Insert the provided response.
* @param object $responsedata An object containing all data for the response.
* @param int $userid
* @param bool $resume
* @return bool|int
public function response_insert($responsedata, $userid, $resume=false) {
global $DB;
$record = new stdClass();
$record->submitted = time();
if (empty($responsedata->rid)) {
// Create a uniqe id for this response.
$record->questionnaireid = $this->id;
$record->userid = $userid;
$responsedata->rid = $DB->insert_record('questionnaire_response', $record);
$responsedata->id = $responsedata->rid;
} else {
$record->id = $responsedata->rid;
$DB->update_record('questionnaire_response', $record);
if ($resume) {
// Log this saved response.
// Needed for the event logging.
$context = context_module::instance($this->cm->id);
$anonymous = $this->respondenttype == 'anonymous';
$params = array(
'context' => $context,
'courseid' => $this->course->id,
'relateduserid' => $userid,
'anonymous' => $anonymous,
'other' => array('questionnaireid' => $this->id)
$event = \mod_questionnaire\event\attempt_saved::create($params);
if (!isset($responsedata->sec)) {
$responsedata->sec = 1;
if (!empty($this->questionsbysec[$responsedata->sec])) {
foreach ($this->questionsbysec[$responsedata->sec] as $questionid) {
* Get the answers for the all response types.
* @param int $rid
* @return array
private function response_select($rid) {
// Response_bool (yes/no).
$values = \mod_questionnaire\responsetype\boolean::response_select($rid);
// Response_single (radio button or dropdown).
$values += \mod_questionnaire\responsetype\single::response_select($rid);
// Response_multiple.
$values += \mod_questionnaire\responsetype\multiple::response_select($rid);
// Response_rank.
$values += \mod_questionnaire\responsetype\rank::response_select($rid);
// Response_text.
$values += \mod_questionnaire\responsetype\text::response_select($rid);
// Response_date.
$values += \mod_questionnaire\responsetype\date::response_select($rid);
* Redirect to the appropriate finish page.
private function response_goto_thankyou() {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB;
$select = 'id = '.$this->survey->id;
$fields = 'thanks_page, thank_head, thank_body';
if ($result = $DB->get_record_select('questionnaire_survey', $select, null, $fields)) {
$thankurl = $result->thanks_page;
$thankhead = $result->thank_head;
$thankbody = $result->thank_body;
} else {
$thankurl = '';
$thankhead = '';
$thankbody = '';
if (!empty($thankurl)) {
if (!headers_sent()) {
header("Location: $thankurl");
echo '
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
<h2 class="thankhead">Thank You for completing this survey.</h2>
<blockquote class="thankbody">Please click
<a href="'.$thankurl.'">here</a> to continue.</blockquote>
if (empty($thankhead)) {
$thankhead = get_string('thank_head', 'questionnaire');
if ($this->progressbar && isset($this->questionsbysec) && count($this->questionsbysec) > 1) {
// Show 100% full progress bar on completion.
$this->renderer->render_progress_bar(count($this->questionsbysec) + 1, $this->questionsbysec));
$this->page->add_to_page('title', $thankhead);
format_text(file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($thankbody, 'pluginfile.php',
$this->context->id, 'mod_questionnaire', 'thankbody', $this->survey->id), FORMAT_HTML, ['noclean' => true]));
// Default set currentgroup to view all participants.
// TODO why not set to current respondent's groupid (if any)?
$currentgroupid = 0;
$currentgroupid = groups_get_activity_group($this->cm);
if (!groups_is_member($currentgroupid, $USER->id)) {
$currentgroupid = 0;
if ($this->capabilities->readownresponses) {
$url = new moodle_url('myreport.php', ['id' => $this->cm->id, 'instance' => $this->cm->instance, 'user' => $USER->id,
'byresponse' => 0, 'action' => 'vresp']);
$this->page->add_to_page('continue', $this->renderer->single_button($url, get_string('continue')));
} else {
$url = new moodle_url('/course/view.php', ['id' => $this->course->id]);
$this->page->add_to_page('continue', $this->renderer->single_button($url, get_string('continue')));
* Redirect to the provided url.
* @param string $url
private function response_goto_saved($url) {
global $CFG, $USER;
$resumesurvey = get_string('resumesurvey', 'questionnaire');
$savedprogress = get_string('savedprogress', 'questionnaire', '<strong>'.$resumesurvey.'</strong>');
$this->renderer->notification($savedprogress, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS));
get_string("backto", "moodle", $this->course->fullname)));
if ($this->resume) {
$message = $this->user_access_messages($USER->id, true);
if ($message === false) {
if ($this->user_can_take($USER->id)) {
if ($this->questions) { // Sanity check.
if ($this->user_has_saved_response($USER->id)) {
$this->renderer->homelink($CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/questionnaire/complete.php?' .
'id=' . $this->cm->id . '&resume=1', $resumesurvey));
// Survey Results Methods.
* Add the navigation to the responses page.
* @param int $currrid
* @param int $currentgroupid
* @param stdClass $cm
* @param bool $byresponse
public function survey_results_navbar_alpha($currrid, $currentgroupid, $cm, $byresponse) {
global $CFG, $DB;
// Is this questionnaire set to fullname or anonymous?
$isfullname = $this->respondenttype != 'anonymous';
if ($isfullname) {
$responses = $this->get_responses(false, $currentgroupid);
} else {
$responses = $this->get_responses();
if (!$responses) {
$total = count($responses);
if ($total === 0) {
$rids = array();
if ($isfullname) {
$ridssub = array();
$ridsuserfullname = array();
$ridsuserid = array();
$i = 0;
$currpos = -1;
foreach ($responses as $response) {
array_push($rids, $response->id);
if ($isfullname) {
$user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $response->userid));
array_push($ridssub, $response->submitted);
array_push($ridsuserfullname, fullname($user));
array_push($ridsuserid, $response->userid);
if ($response->id == $currrid) {
$currpos = $i;
$url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/questionnaire/report.php?action=vresp&group='.$currentgroupid.'&individualresponse=1';
if (!$byresponse) { // Display navbar.
// Build navbar.
$navbar = new \stdClass();
$prevrid = ($currpos > 0) ? $rids[$currpos - 1] : null;
$nextrid = ($currpos < $total - 1) ? $rids[$currpos + 1] : null;
$firstrid = $rids[0];
$lastrid = $rids[$total - 1];
if ($prevrid != null) {
$pos = $currpos - 1;
$title = '';
$firstuserfullname = '';
$navbar->firstrespondent = ['url' => ($url.'&rid='.$firstrid)];
$navbar->previous = ['url' => ($url.'&rid='.$prevrid)];
if ($isfullname) {
$responsedate = userdate($ridssub[$pos]);
$title = $ridsuserfullname[$pos];
// Only add date if more than one response by a student.
if ($ridsuserid[$pos] == $ridsuserid[$currpos]) {
$title .= ' | '.$responsedate;
$firstuserfullname = $ridsuserfullname[0];
$navbar->firstrespondent['title'] = $firstuserfullname;
$navbar->previous['title'] = $title;
$navbar->respnumber = ['currpos' => ($currpos + 1), 'total' => $total];
if ($nextrid != null) {
$pos = $currpos + 1;
$responsedate = '';
$title = '';
$lastuserfullname = '';
$navbar->lastrespondent = ['url' => ($url.'&rid='.$lastrid)];
$navbar->next = ['url' => ($url.'&rid='.$nextrid)];
if ($isfullname) {
$responsedate = userdate($ridssub[$pos]);
$title = $ridsuserfullname[$pos];
// Only add date if more than one response by a student.
if ($ridsuserid[$pos] == $ridsuserid[$currpos]) {
$title .= ' | '.$responsedate;
$lastuserfullname = $ridsuserfullname[$total - 1];
$navbar->lastrespondent['title'] = $lastuserfullname;
$navbar->next['title'] = $title;
$url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/questionnaire/report.php?action=vresp&byresponse=1&group='.$currentgroupid;
// Display navbar.
$navbar->listlink = $url;
// Display a "print this response" icon here in prevision of total removal of tabs in version 2.6.
$linkname = ' '.get_string('print', 'questionnaire');
$url = '/mod/questionnaire/print.php?qid='.$this->id.'&rid='.$currrid.
$title = get_string('printtooltip', 'questionnaire');
$options = array('menubar' => true, 'location' => false, 'scrollbars' => true,
'resizable' => true, 'height' => 600, 'width' => 800);
$name = 'popup';
$link = new moodle_url($url);
$action = new popup_action('click', $link, $name, $options);
$actionlink = $this->renderer->action_link($link, $linkname, $action, ['title' => $title],
new pix_icon('t/print', $title));
$navbar->printaction = $actionlink;
$this->page->add_to_page('navigationbar', $this->renderer->navigationbar($navbar));
} else { // Display respondents list.
$resparr = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
if ($isfullname) {
$responsedate = userdate($ridssub[$i]);
$resparr[] = '<a title = "'.$responsedate.'" href="'.$url.'&rid='.
$rids[$i].'&individualresponse=1" >'.$ridsuserfullname[$i].'</a> ';
} else {
$responsedate = '';
$resparr[] = '<a title = "'.$responsedate.'" href="'.$url.'&rid='.
$rids[$i].'&individualresponse=1" >'.
get_string('response', 'questionnaire').($i + 1).'</a> ';
// Table formatting from
$total = count($resparr);
$entries = count($resparr);
// Default max 3 columns, max 25 lines per column.
// TODO make this setting customizable.
$maxlines = 20;
$maxcols = 3;
if ($entries >= $maxlines) {
$colnumber = min (intval($entries / $maxlines), $maxcols);
} else {
$colnumber = 1;
$lines = 0;
$a = 0;
// How many lines with an entry in every column do we have?
while ($entries / $colnumber > 1) {
$entries = $entries - $colnumber;
// Prepare output.
$respcols = new stdClass();
for ($i = 0; $i < $colnumber; $i++) {
$colname = 'respondentscolumn'.$i;
$respcols->$colname = (object)['respondentlink' => []];
for ($j = 0; $j < $lines; $j++) {
$respcols->{$colname}->respondentlink[] = $resparr[$a];
// The rest of the entries (less than the number of cols).
if ($entries) {
$respcols->{$colname}->respondentlink[] = $resparr[$a];
$this->page->add_to_page('responses', $this->renderer->responselist($respcols));
* Display responses for current user (your responses).
* @param int $currrid
* @param int $userid
* @param int $instance
* @param array $resps
* @param string $reporttype
* @param string $sid
public function survey_results_navbar_student($currrid, $userid, $instance, $resps, $reporttype='myreport', $sid='') {
global $DB;
$stranonymous = get_string('anonymous', 'questionnaire');
$total = count($resps);
$rids = array();
$ridssub = array();
$ridsusers = array();
$i = 0;
$currpos = -1;
$title = '';
foreach ($resps as $response) {
array_push($rids, $response->id);
array_push($ridssub, $response->submitted);
$ruser = '';
if ($reporttype == 'report') {
if ($this->respondenttype != 'anonymous') {
if ($user = $DB->get_record('user', ['id' => $response->userid])) {
$ruser = ' | ' .fullname($user);
} else {
$ruser = ' | ' . $stranonymous;
array_push($ridsusers, $ruser);
if ($response->id == $currrid) {
$currpos = $i;
$prevrid = ($currpos > 0) ? $rids[$currpos - 1] : null;
$nextrid = ($currpos < $total - 1) ? $rids[$currpos + 1] : null;
if ($reporttype == 'myreport') {
$url = 'myreport.php?instance='.$instance.'&user='.$userid.'&action=vresp&byresponse=1&individualresponse=1';
} else {
$url = 'report.php?instance='.$instance.'&user='.$userid.'&action=vresp&byresponse=1&individualresponse=1&sid='.$sid;
$navbar = new \stdClass();
$displaypos = 1;
if ($prevrid != null) {
$title = userdate($ridssub[$currpos - 1].$ridsusers[$currpos - 1]);
$navbar->previous = ['url' => ($url.'&rid='.$prevrid), 'title' => $title];
for ($i = 0; $i < $currpos; $i++) {
$title = userdate($ridssub[$i]).$ridsusers[$i];
$navbar->prevrespnumbers[] = ['url' => ($url.'&rid='.$rids[$i]), 'title' => $title, 'respnumber' => $displaypos];
$navbar->currrespnumber = $displaypos;
for (++$i; $i < $total; $i++) {
$title = userdate($ridssub[$i]).$ridsusers[$i];
$navbar->nextrespnumbers[] = ['url' => ($url.'&rid='.$rids[$i]), 'title' => $title, 'respnumber' => $displaypos];
if ($nextrid != null) {
$title = userdate($ridssub[$currpos + 1]).$ridsusers[$currpos + 1];
$navbar->next = ['url' => ($url.'&rid='.$nextrid), 'title' => $title];
$this->page->add_to_page('navigationbar', $this->renderer->usernavigationbar($navbar));
$this->page->add_to_page('bottomnavigationbar', $this->renderer->usernavigationbar($navbar));
* Builds HTML for the results for the survey. If a question id and choice id(s) are given, then the results are only calculated
* for respodants who chose from the choice ids for the given question id. Returns empty string on success, else returns an
* error string.
* @param string $rid
* @param bool $uid
* @param bool $pdf
* @param string $currentgroupid
* @param string $sort
* @return string|void
public function survey_results($rid = '', $uid=false, $pdf = false, $currentgroupid='', $sort='') {
global $SESSION, $DB;
$SESSION->questionnaire->noresponses = false;
// Build associative array holding whether each question
// type has answer choices or not and the table the answers are in
$haschoices = array();
$responsetable = array();
if (!($types = $DB->get_records('questionnaire_question_type', array(), 'typeid', 'typeid, has_choices, response_table'))) {
$errmsg = sprintf('%s [ %s: question_type ]',
get_string('errortable', 'questionnaire'), 'Table');
foreach ($types as $type) {
$haschoices[$type->typeid] = $type->has_choices; // TODO is that variable actually used?
$responsetable[$type->typeid] = $type->response_table;
// Load survey title (and other globals).
if (empty($this->survey)) {
$errmsg = get_string('erroropening', 'questionnaire') ." [ ID:{$this->sid} R:";
if (empty($this->questions)) {
$errmsg = get_string('erroropening', 'questionnaire') .' '. 'No questions found.';
// Find total number of survey responses and relevant response ID's.
if (!empty($rid)) {
$rids = $rid;
if (is_array($rids)) {
$navbar = false;
} else {
$navbar = true;
$numresps = 1;
} else {
$navbar = false;
if ($uid !== false) { // One participant only.
$rows = $this->get_responses($uid);
// All participants or all members of a group.
} else if ($currentgroupid == 0) {
$rows = $this->get_responses();
} else { // Members of a specific group.
$rows = $this->get_responses(false, $currentgroupid);
if (!$rows) {
$this->renderer->notification(get_string('noresponses', 'questionnaire'),
$SESSION->questionnaire->noresponses = true;
$numresps = count($rows);
' '.get_string('responses', 'questionnaire').': <strong>'.$numresps.'</strong>');
if (empty($rows)) {
$errmsg = get_string('erroropening', 'questionnaire') .' '. get_string('noresponsedata', 'questionnaire');
$rids = array();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
array_push($rids, $row->id);
if ($navbar) {
// Show response navigation bar.
$this->page->add_to_page('title', format_string($this->survey->title));
if ($this->survey->subtitle) {
$this->page->add_to_page('subtitle', format_string($this->survey->subtitle));
if ($this->survey->info) {
$infotext = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($this->survey->info, 'pluginfile.php',
$this->context->id, 'mod_questionnaire', 'info', $this->survey->id);
$this->page->add_to_page('addinfo', format_text($infotext, FORMAT_HTML, ['noclean' => true]));
$qnum = 0;
$anonymous = $this->respondenttype == 'anonymous';
foreach ($this->questions as $question) {
if ($question->type_id == QUESPAGEBREAK) {
if ($question->type_id != QUESSECTIONTEXT) {
if (!$pdf) {
$this->page->add_to_page('responses', $this->renderer->container_start('qn-container'));
$this->page->add_to_page('responses', $this->renderer->container_start('qn-info'));
if ($question->type_id != QUESSECTIONTEXT) {
$this->page->add_to_page('responses', $this->renderer->heading($qnum, 2, 'qn-number'));
$this->page->add_to_page('responses', $this->renderer->container_end()); // End qn-info.
$this->page->add_to_page('responses', $this->renderer->container_start('qn-content'));
// If question text is "empty", i.e. 2 non-breaking spaces were inserted, do not display any question text.
if ($question->content == '<p>Â Â </p>') {
$question->content = '';
if ($pdf) {
$response = new stdClass();
if ($question->type_id != QUESSECTIONTEXT) {
$response->qnum = $qnum;
$response->qcontent = format_text(file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($question->content, 'pluginfile.php',
$question->context->id, 'mod_questionnaire', 'question', $question->id),
FORMAT_HTML, ['noclean' => true]);
$response->results = $this->renderer->results_output($question, $rids, $sort, $anonymous, $pdf);
$this->page->add_to_page('responses', $response);
} else {
$this->renderer->container(format_text(file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($question->content, 'pluginfile.php',
$question->context->id, 'mod_questionnaire', 'question', $question->id),
FORMAT_HTML, ['noclean' => true]), 'qn-question'));
$this->page->add_to_page('responses', $this->renderer->results_output($question, $rids, $sort, $anonymous));
$this->page->add_to_page('responses', $this->renderer->container_end()); // End qn-content.
$this->page->add_to_page('responses', $this->renderer->container_end()); // End qn-container.
* Get unique list of question types used in the current survey.
* author: Guy Thomas
* @param bool $uniquebytable
* @return array
protected function get_survey_questiontypes($uniquebytable = false) {
$uniquetypes = [];
$uniquetables = [];
foreach ($this->questions as $question) {
$type = $question->type_id;
$responsetable = $question->responsetable;
// Build SQL for this question type if not already done.
if (!$uniquebytable || !in_array($responsetable, $uniquetables)) {
if (!in_array($type, $uniquetypes)) {
$uniquetypes[] = $type;
if (!in_array($responsetable, $uniquetables)) {
$uniquetables[] = $responsetable;
return $uniquetypes;
* Return array of all types considered to be choices.
* @return array
protected function choice_types() {
* Return all the fields to be used for users in questionnaire sql.
* author: Guy Thomas
* @return array|string
protected function user_fields() {
if (class_exists('\core_user\fields')) {
$userfieldsarr = \core_user\fields::get_name_fields();
} else {
$userfieldsarr = get_all_user_name_fields();
$userfieldsarr = array_merge($userfieldsarr, ['username', 'department', 'institution']);
return $userfieldsarr;
* Get all survey responses in one go.
* author: Guy Thomas
* @param string $rid
* @param string $userid
* @param bool $groupid
* @param int $showincompletes
* @return array
protected function get_survey_all_responses($rid = '', $userid = '', $groupid = false, $showincompletes = 0) {
global $DB;
$uniquetypes = $this->get_survey_questiontypes(true);
$allresponsessql = "";
$allresponsesparams = [];
// If a questionnaire is "public", and this is the master course, need to get responses from all instances.
if ($this->survey_is_public_master()) {
$qids = array_keys($DB->get_records('questionnaire', ['sid' => $this->sid], 'id') ?? []);
} else {
$qids = $this->id;
foreach ($uniquetypes as $type) {
$question = \mod_questionnaire\question\question::question_builder($type);
if (!isset($question->responsetype)) {
$allresponsessql .= $allresponsessql == '' ? '' : ' UNION ALL ';
list ($sql, $params) = $question->responsetype->get_bulk_sql($qids, $rid, $userid, $groupid, $showincompletes);
$allresponsesparams = array_merge($allresponsesparams, $params);
$allresponsessql .= $sql;
$allresponsessql .= " ORDER BY usrid, id";
$allresponses = $DB->get_recordset_sql($allresponsessql, $allresponsesparams);
return $allresponses ?? [];
* Return true if the survey is a 'public' one.
* @return boolean
public function survey_is_public() {
return is_object($this->survey) && ($this->survey->realm == 'public');
* Return true if the survey is a 'public' one and this is the master instance.
* @return boolean
public function survey_is_public_master() {
return $this->survey_is_public() && ($this->course->id == $this->survey->courseid);
* Process individual row for csv output
* @param array $row
* @param stdClass $resprow resultset row
* @param int $currentgroupid
* @param array $questionsbyposition
* @param int $nbinfocols
* @param int $numrespcols
* @param int $showincompletes
* @return array
protected function process_csv_row(array &$row,
stdClass $resprow,
array &$questionsbyposition,
$numrespcols, $showincompletes = 0) {
global $DB;
static $config = null;
// If using an anonymous response, map users to unique user numbers so that number of unique anonymous users can be seen.
static $anonumap = [];
if ($config === null) {
$config = get_config('questionnaire', 'downloadoptions');
$options = empty($config) ? array() : explode(',', $config);
if ($showincompletes == 1) {
$options[] = 'complete';
$positioned = [];
$user = new stdClass();
foreach ($this->user_fields() as $userfield) {
$user->$userfield = $resprow->$userfield;
$user->id = $resprow->userid;
$isanonymous = ($this->respondenttype == 'anonymous');
// Moodle:
// Get the course name that this questionnaire belongs to.
if (!$this->survey_is_public()) {
$courseid = $this->course->id;
$coursename = $this->course->fullname;
} else {
// For a public questionnaire, look for the course that used it.
$sql = 'SELECT, q.course, c.fullname ' .
'FROM {questionnaire_response} qr ' .
'INNER JOIN {questionnaire} q ON qr.questionnaireid = ' .
'INNER JOIN {course} c ON q.course = ' .
'WHERE = ? AND qr.complete = ? ';
if ($record = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, [$resprow->rid, 'y'])) {
$courseid = $record->course;
$coursename = $record->fullname;
} else {
$courseid = $this->course->id;
$coursename = $this->course->fullname;
// Moodle:
// Determine if the user is a member of a group in this course or not.
// TODO - review for performance.
$groupname = '';
if (groups_get_activity_groupmode($this->cm, $this->course)) {
if ($currentgroupid > 0) {
$groupname = groups_get_group_name($currentgroupid);
} else {
if ($user->id) {
if ($groups = groups_get_all_groups($courseid, $user->id)) {
foreach ($groups as $group) {
$groupname .= $group->name.', ';
$groupname = substr($groupname, 0, strlen($groupname) - 2);
} else {
$groupname = ' ('.get_string('groupnonmembers').')';
if ($isanonymous) {
if (!isset($anonumap[$user->id])) {
$anonumap[$user->id] = count($anonumap) + 1;
$fullname = get_string('anonymous', 'questionnaire') . $anonumap[$user->id];
$username = '';
$uid = '';
} else {
$uid = $user->id;
$fullname = fullname($user);
$username = $user->username;
if (in_array('response', $options)) {
array_push($positioned, $resprow->rid);
if (in_array('submitted', $options)) {
// For better compabitility & readability with Excel.
$submitted = date(get_string('strfdateformatcsv', 'questionnaire'), $resprow->submitted);
array_push($positioned, $submitted);
if (in_array('institution', $options)) {
array_push($positioned, $user->institution);
if (in_array('department', $options)) {
array_push($positioned, $user->department);
if (in_array('course', $options)) {
array_push($positioned, $coursename);
if (in_array('group', $options)) {
array_push($positioned, $groupname);
if (in_array('id', $options)) {
array_push($positioned, $uid);
if (in_array('fullname', $options)) {
array_push($positioned, $fullname);
if (in_array('username', $options)) {
array_push($positioned, $username);
if (in_array('complete', $options)) {
array_push($positioned, $resprow->complete);
for ($c = $nbinfocols; $c < $numrespcols; $c++) {
if (isset($row[$c])) {
$positioned[] = $row[$c];
} else if (isset($questionsbyposition[$c])) {
$question = $questionsbyposition[$c];
$qtype = intval($question->type_id);
if ($qtype === QUESCHECK) {
$positioned[] = '0';
} else {
$positioned[] = null;
} else {
$positioned[] = null;
return $positioned;
* Exports the results of a survey to an array.
* @param int $currentgroupid
* @param string $rid
* @param string $userid
* @param int $choicecodes
* @param int $choicetext
* @param int $showincompletes
* @param int $rankaverages
* @return array
public function generate_csv($currentgroupid, $rid='', $userid='', $choicecodes=1, $choicetext=0, $showincompletes=0,
$rankaverages=0) {
global $DB;
$output = array();
$stringother = get_string('other', 'questionnaire');
$config = get_config('questionnaire', 'downloadoptions');
$options = empty($config) ? array() : explode(',', $config);
if ($showincompletes == 1) {
$options[] = 'complete';
$columns = array();
$types = array();
foreach ($options as $option) {
if (in_array($option, array('response', 'submitted', 'id'))) {
$columns[] = get_string($option, 'questionnaire');
$types[] = 0;
} else {
$columns[] = get_string($option);
$types[] = 1;
$nbinfocols = count($columns);
$idtocsvmap = array(
'0', // 0: unused
'0', // 1: bool -> boolean
'1', // 2: text -> string
'1', // 3: essay -> string
'0', // 4: radio -> string
'0', // 5: check -> string
'0', // 6: dropdn -> string
'0', // 7: rating -> number
'0', // 8: rate -> number
'1', // 9: date -> string
'0', // 10: numeric -> number.
'0', // 11: slider -> number.
if (!$survey = $DB->get_record('questionnaire_survey', array('id' => $this->survey->id))) {
throw new \moodle_exception('surveynotexists', 'mod_questionnaire');
// Get all responses for this survey in one go.
$allresponsesrs = $this->get_survey_all_responses($rid, $userid, $currentgroupid, $showincompletes);
// Do we have any questions of type RADIO, DROP, CHECKBOX OR RATE? If so lets get all their choices in one go.
$choicetypes = $this->choice_types();
// Get unique list of question types used in this survey.
$uniquetypes = $this->get_survey_questiontypes();
if (count(array_intersect($choicetypes, $uniquetypes)) > 0) {
$choiceparams = [$this->survey->id];
$choicesql = "
SELECT DISTINCT as cid, as qid, q.precise AS precise,, c.content
FROM {questionnaire_question} q
JOIN {questionnaire_quest_choice} c ON question_id =
WHERE q.surveyid = ? ORDER BY cid ASC
$choicerecords = $DB->get_records_sql($choicesql, $choiceparams);
$choicesbyqid = [];
if (!empty($choicerecords)) {
// Hash the options by question id.
foreach ($choicerecords as $choicerecord) {
if (!isset($choicesbyqid[$choicerecord->qid])) {
// New question id detected, intialise empty array to store choices.
$choicesbyqid[$choicerecord->qid] = [];
$choicesbyqid[$choicerecord->qid][$choicerecord->cid] = $choicerecord;
$num = 1;
$questionidcols = [];
foreach ($this->questions as $question) {
// Skip questions that aren't response capable.
if (!isset($question->responsetype)) {
// Establish the table's field names.
$qid = $question->id;
$qpos = $question->position;
$col = $question->name;
$type = $question->type_id;
if (in_array($type, $choicetypes)) {
/* single or multiple or rate */
if (!isset($choicesbyqid[$qid])) {
throw new coding_exception('Choice question has no choices!', 'question id '.$qid.' of type '.$type);
$choices = $choicesbyqid[$qid];
switch ($type) {
case QUESRADIO: // Single.
$columns[][$qpos] = $col;
$questionidcols[][$qpos] = $qid;
array_push($types, $idtocsvmap[$type]);
$thisnum = 1;
foreach ($choices as $choice) {
$content = $choice->content;
// If "Other" add a column for the actual "other" text entered.
if (\mod_questionnaire\question\choice::content_is_other_choice($content)) {
$col = $choice->name.'_'.$stringother;
$columns[][$qpos] = $col;
$questionidcols[][$qpos] = null;
array_push($types, '0');
case QUESCHECK: // Multiple.
$thisnum = 1;
foreach ($choices as $choice) {
$content = $choice->content;
$modality = '';
$contents = questionnaire_choice_values($content);
if ($contents->modname) {
$modality = $contents->modname;
} else if ($contents->title) {
$modality = $contents->title;
} else {
$modality = strip_tags($contents->text);
$col = $choice->name.'->'.$modality;
$columns[][$qpos] = $col;
$questionidcols[][$qpos] = $qid.'_'.$choice->cid;
array_push($types, '0');
// If "Other" add a column for the "other" checkbox.
// Then add a column for the actual "other" text entered.
if (\mod_questionnaire\question\choice::content_is_other_choice($content)) {
$content = $stringother;
$col = $choice->name.'->['.$content.']';
$columns[][$qpos] = $col;
$questionidcols[][$qpos] = null;
array_push($types, '0');
case QUESRATE: // Rate.
foreach ($choices as $choice) {
$nameddegrees = 0;
$modality = '';
$content = $choice->content;
$osgood = false;
if (\mod_questionnaire\question\rate::type_is_osgood_rate_scale($choice->precise)) {
$osgood = true;
if (preg_match("/^[0-9]{1,3}=/", $content, $ndd)) {
} else {
if ($osgood) {
list($contentleft, $contentright) = array_merge(preg_split('/[|]/', $content), array(' '));
$contents = questionnaire_choice_values($contentleft);
if ($contents->title) {
$contentleft = $contents->title;
$contents = questionnaire_choice_values($contentright);
if ($contents->title) {
$contentright = $contents->title;
$modality = strip_tags($contentleft.'|'.$contentright);
$modality = preg_replace("/[\r\n\t]/", ' ', $modality);
} else {
$contents = questionnaire_choice_values($content);
if ($contents->modname) {
$modality = $contents->modname;
} else if ($contents->title) {
$modality = $contents->title;
} else {
$modality = strip_tags($contents->text);
$modality = preg_replace("/[\r\n\t]/", ' ', $modality);
$col = $choice->name.'->'.$modality;
$columns[][$qpos] = $col;
$questionidcols[][$qpos] = $qid.'_'.$choice->cid;
array_push($types, $idtocsvmap[$type]);
} else {
$columns[][$qpos] = $col;
$questionidcols[][$qpos] = $qid;
array_push($types, $idtocsvmap[$type]);
array_push($output, $columns);
$numrespcols = count($output[0]); // Number of columns used for storing question responses.
// Flatten questionidcols.
$tmparr = [];
for ($c = 0; $c < $nbinfocols; $c++) {
$tmparr[] = null; // Pad with non question columns.
foreach ($questionidcols as $i => $positions) {
foreach ($positions as $position => $qid) {
$tmparr[] = $qid;
$questionidcols = $tmparr;
// Create array of question positions hashed by question / question + choiceid.
// And array of questions hashed by position.
$questionpositions = [];
$questionsbyposition = [];
$p = 0;
foreach ($questionidcols as $qid) {
if ($qid === null) {
// This is just padding, skip.
$questionpositions[$qid] = $p;
if (strpos($qid, '_') !== false) {
$tmparr = explode ('_', $qid);
$questionid = $tmparr[0];
} else {
$questionid = $qid;
$questionsbyposition[$p] = $this->questions[$questionid];
$formatoptions = new stdClass();
$formatoptions->filter = false; // To prevent any filtering in CSV output.
if ($rankaverages) {
$averages = [];
$rids = [];
$allresponsesrs2 = $this->get_survey_all_responses($rid, $userid, $currentgroupid);
foreach ($allresponsesrs2 as $responserow) {
if (!isset($rids[$responserow->rid])) {
$rids[$responserow->rid] = $responserow->rid;
// Get textual versions of responses, add them to output at the correct col position.
$prevresprow = false; // Previous response row.
$row = [];
if ($rankaverages) {
$averagerow = [];
foreach ($allresponsesrs as $responserow) {
$rid = $responserow->rid;
$qid = $responserow->question_id;
// It's possible for a response to exist for a deleted question. Ignore these.
if (!isset($this->questions[$qid])) {
$question = $this->questions[$qid];
$qtype = intval($question->type_id);
if ($rankaverages) {
if ($qtype === QUESRATE) {
if (empty($averages[$qid])) {
$results = $this->questions[$qid]->responsetype->get_results($rids);
foreach ($results as $qresult) {
$averages[$qid][$qresult->id] = $qresult->average;
$questionobj = $this->questions[$qid];
if ($prevresprow !== false && $prevresprow->rid !== $rid) {
$output[] = $this->process_csv_row($row, $prevresprow, $currentgroupid, $questionsbyposition,
$nbinfocols, $numrespcols, $showincompletes);
$row = [];
if ($qtype === QUESRATE || $qtype === QUESCHECK) {
$key = $qid.'_'.$responserow->choice_id;
$position = $questionpositions[$key];
if ($qtype === QUESRATE) {
$choicetxt = $responserow->rankvalue;
if ($rankaverages) {
$averagerow[$position] = $averages[$qid][$responserow->choice_id];
} else {
$content = $choicesbyqid[$qid][$responserow->choice_id]->content;
if (\mod_questionnaire\question\choice::content_is_other_choice($content)) {
// If this is an "other" column, put the text entered in the next position.
$row[$position + 1] = $responserow->response;
$choicetxt = empty($responserow->choice_id) ? '0' : '1';
} else if (!empty($responserow->choice_id)) {
$choicetxt = '1';
} else {
$choicetxt = '0';
$responsetxt = $choicetxt;
$row[$position] = $responsetxt;
} else {
$position = $questionpositions[$qid];
if ($questionobj->has_choices()) {
// This is choice type question, so process as so.
$c = 0;
if (in_array(intval($question->type_id), $choicetypes)) {
$choices = $choicesbyqid[$qid];
// Get position of choice.
foreach ($choices as $choice) {
if ($responserow->choice_id === $choice->cid) {
$content = $choicesbyqid[$qid][$responserow->choice_id]->content;
if (\mod_questionnaire\question\choice::content_is_other_choice($content)) {
// If this has an "other" text, use it.
$responsetxt = \mod_questionnaire\question\choice::content_other_choice_display($content);
$responsetxt1 = $responserow->response;
} else if (($choicecodes == 1) && ($choicetext == 1)) {
$responsetxt = $c.' : '.$content;
} else if ($choicecodes == 1) {
$responsetxt = $c;
} else {
$responsetxt = $content;
} else if (intval($qtype) === QUESYESNO) {
// At this point, the boolean responses are returned as characters in the "response"
// field instead of "choice_id" for csv exports (CONTRIB-6436).
$responsetxt = $responserow->response === 'y' ? "1" : "0";
} else {
// Strip potential html tags from modality name.
$responsetxt = $responserow->response;
if (!empty($responsetxt)) {
$responsetxt = $responserow->response;
$responsetxt = strip_tags($responsetxt);
$responsetxt = preg_replace("/[\r\n\t]/", ' ', $responsetxt);
$row[$position] = $responsetxt;
// Check for "other" text and set it to the next position if present.
if (!empty($responsetxt1)) {
$responsetxt1 = preg_replace("/[\r\n\t]/", ' ', $responsetxt1);
$row[$position + 1] = $responsetxt1;
$prevresprow = $responserow;
if ($prevresprow !== false) {
// Add final row to output. May not exist if no response data was ever present.
$output[] = $this->process_csv_row($row, $prevresprow, $currentgroupid, $questionsbyposition,
$nbinfocols, $numrespcols, $showincompletes);
// Add averages row if appropriate.
if ($rankaverages) {
$summaryrow = [];
$summaryrow[0] = get_string('averagesrow', 'questionnaire');
$i = 1;
for ($i = 1; $i < $nbinfocols; $i++) {
$summaryrow[$i] = '';
$pos = 0;
for ($i = $nbinfocols; $i < $numrespcols; $i++) {
$summaryrow[$i] = isset($averagerow[$i]) ? $averagerow[$i] : '';
$output[] = $summaryrow;
// Change table headers to incorporate actual question numbers.
$numquestion = 0;
$oldkey = 0;
for ($i = $nbinfocols; $i < $numrespcols; $i++) {
$sep = '';
$thisoutput = current($output[0][$i]);
$thiskey = key($output[0][$i]);
// Case of unnamed rate single possible answer (full stop char is used for support).
if (strstr($thisoutput, '->.')) {
$thisoutput = str_replace('->.', '', $thisoutput);
// If variable is not named no separator needed between Question number and potential sub-variables.
if ($thisoutput == '' || strstr($thisoutput, '->.') || substr($thisoutput, 0, 2) == '->'
|| substr($thisoutput, 0, 1) == '_') {
$sep = '';
} else {
$sep = '_';
if ($thiskey > $oldkey) {
$oldkey = $thiskey;
// Abbreviated modality name in multiple or rate questions (COLORS->blue=the color of the sky...).
$pos = strpos($thisoutput, '=');
if ($pos) {
$thisoutput = substr($thisoutput, 0, $pos);
$out = 'Q'.sprintf("%02d", $numquestion).$sep.$thisoutput;
$output[0][$i] = $out;
return $output;
* Function to move a question to a new position.
* Adapted from feedback plugin.
* @param int $moveqid The id of the question to be moved.
* @param int $movetopos The position to move question to.
public function move_question($moveqid, $movetopos) {
global $DB;
$questions = $this->questions;
$movequestion = $this->questions[$moveqid];
if (is_array($questions)) {
$index = 1;
foreach ($questions as $question) {
if ($index == $movetopos) {
if ($question->id == $movequestion->id) {
$movequestion->position = $movetopos;
$DB->update_record("questionnaire_question", $movequestion);
$question->position = $index;
$DB->update_record("questionnaire_question", $question);
return true;
return false;
* Render the response analysis page.
* @param int $rid
* @param array $resps
* @param bool $compare
* @param bool $isgroupmember
* @param bool $allresponses
* @param int $currentgroupid
* @param array $filteredsections
* @return array|string
public function response_analysis($rid, $resps, $compare, $isgroupmember, $allresponses, $currentgroupid,
$filteredsections = null) {
global $DB, $CFG;
// Find if there are any feedbacks in this questionnaire.
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {questionnaire_fb_sections} WHERE surveyid = ? AND section IS NOT NULL";
if (!$fbsections = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, [$this->survey->id])) {
return '';
$action = optional_param('action', 'vall', PARAM_ALPHA);
$resp = $DB->get_record('questionnaire_response', ['id' => $rid]);
if (!empty($resp)) {
$userid = $resp->userid;
$user = $DB->get_record('user', ['id' => $userid]);
if (!empty($user)) {
if ($this->respondenttype == 'anonymous') {
$ruser = '- ' . get_string('anonymous', 'questionnaire') . ' -';
} else {
$ruser = fullname($user);
// Available group modes (0 = no groups; 1 = separate groups; 2 = visible groups).
$groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($this->cm, $this->course);
$groupname = get_string('allparticipants');
if ($groupmode > 0) {
if ($currentgroupid > 0) {
$groupname = groups_get_group_name($currentgroupid);
} else {
$groupname = get_string('allparticipants');
if ($this->survey->feedbackscores) {
$table = new html_table();
$table->size = [null, null];
$table->align = ['left', 'right', 'right'];
$table->head = [];
$table->wrap = [];
if ($compare) {
$table->head = [get_string('feedbacksection', 'questionnaire'), $ruser, $groupname];
} else {
$table->head = [get_string('feedbacksection', 'questionnaire'), $groupname];
$fbsectionsnb = array_keys($fbsections);
$numsections = count($fbsections);
// Get all response ids for all respondents.
$rids = array();
foreach ($resps as $key => $resp) {
$rids[] = $key;
$nbparticipants = count($rids);
$responsescores = [];
// Calculate max score per question in questionnaire.
$qmax = [];
$maxtotalscore = 0;
foreach ($this->questions as $question) {
$qid = $question->id;
if ($question->valid_feedback()) {
$qmax[$qid] = $question->get_feedback_maxscore();
$maxtotalscore += $qmax[$qid];
// Get all the feedback scores for this question.
$responsescores[$qid] = $question->get_feedback_scores($rids);
// Just in case no values have been entered in the various questions possible answers field.
if ($maxtotalscore === 0) {
return '';
$feedbackmessages = [];
// Get individual scores for each question in this responses set.
$qscore = [];
$allqscore = [];
if (!$allresponses && $groupmode != 0) {
$nbparticipants = max(1, $nbparticipants - !$isgroupmember);
foreach ($responsescores as $qid => $responsescore) {
if (!empty($responsescore)) {
foreach ($responsescore as $rrid => $response) {
// If this is current user's response OR if current user is viewing another group's results.
if ($rrid == $rid || $allresponses) {
if (!isset($qscore[$qid])) {
$qscore[$qid] = 0;
$qscore[$qid] = $response->score;
// Course score.
if (!isset($allqscore[$qid])) {
$allqscore[$qid] = 0;
// Only add current score if conditions below are met.
if ($groupmode == 0 || $isgroupmember || (!$isgroupmember && $rrid != $rid) || $allresponses) {
$allqscore[$qid] += $response->score;
$totalscore = array_sum($qscore);
$scorepercent = round($totalscore / $maxtotalscore * 100);
$oppositescorepercent = 100 - $scorepercent;
$alltotalscore = array_sum($allqscore);
$allscorepercent = round($alltotalscore / $nbparticipants / $maxtotalscore * 100);
// No need to go further if feedback is global, i.e. only relying on total score.
if ($this->survey->feedbacksections == 1) {
$sectionid = $fbsectionsnb[0];
$sectionlabel = $fbsections[$sectionid]->sectionlabel;
$sectionheading = $fbsections[$sectionid]->sectionheading;
$labels = array();
if ($feedbacks = $DB->get_records('questionnaire_feedback', ['sectionid' => $sectionid])) {
foreach ($feedbacks as $feedback) {
if ($feedback->feedbacklabel != '') {
$labels[] = $feedback->feedbacklabel;
$feedback = $DB->get_record_select('questionnaire_feedback',
'sectionid = ? AND minscore <= ? AND ? < maxscore', [$sectionid, $scorepercent, $scorepercent]);
// To eliminate all potential % chars in heading text (might interfere with the sprintf function).
$sectionheading = str_replace('%', '', $sectionheading);
// Replace section heading placeholders with their actual value (if any).
$original = array('$scorepercent', '$oppositescorepercent');
$result = array('%s%%', '%s%%');
$sectionheading = str_replace($original, $result, $sectionheading);
$sectionheading = sprintf($sectionheading , $scorepercent, $oppositescorepercent);
$sectionheading = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($sectionheading, 'pluginfile.php',
$this->context->id, 'mod_questionnaire', 'sectionheading', $sectionid);
$feedbackmessages[] = $this->renderer->box_start();
$feedbackmessages[] = format_text($sectionheading, FORMAT_HTML, ['noclean' => true]);
$feedbackmessages[] = $this->renderer->box_end();
if (!empty($feedback->feedbacktext)) {
// Clean the text, ready for display.
$formatoptions = new stdClass();
$formatoptions->noclean = true;
$feedbacktext = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($feedback->feedbacktext, 'pluginfile.php',
$this->context->id, 'mod_questionnaire', 'feedback', $feedback->id);
$feedbacktext = format_text($feedbacktext, $feedback->feedbacktextformat, $formatoptions);
$feedbackmessages[] = $this->renderer->box_start();
$feedbackmessages[] = $feedbacktext;
$feedbackmessages[] = $this->renderer->box_end();
$score = array($scorepercent, 100 - $scorepercent);
$allscore = null;
if ($compare || $allresponses) {
$allscore = array($allscorepercent, 100 - $allscorepercent);
$usergraph = get_config('questionnaire', 'usergraph');
if ($usergraph && $this->survey->chart_type) {
draw_chart ($feedbacktype = 'global', $labels, $groupname,
$allresponses, $this->survey->chart_type, $score, $allscore, $sectionlabel));
// Display class or group score. Pending chart library decision to display?
// Find out if this feedback sectionlabel has a pipe separator.
$lb = explode("|", $sectionlabel);
$oppositescore = '';
$oppositeallscore = '';
if (count($lb) > 1) {
$sectionlabel = $lb[0].' | '.$lb[1];
$oppositescore = ' | '.$score[1].'%';
$oppositeallscore = ' | '.$allscore[1].'%';
if ($this->survey->feedbackscores) {
$table = $table ?? new html_table();
if ($compare) {
$table->data[] = array($sectionlabel, $score[0].'%'.$oppositescore, $allscore[0].'%'.$oppositeallscore);
} else {
$table->data[] = array($sectionlabel, $allscore[0].'%'.$oppositeallscore);
$this->page->add_to_page('feedbackscores', html_writer::table($table));
return $feedbackmessages;
// Now process scores for more than one section.
// Initialize scores and maxscores to 0.
$score = array();
$allscore = array();
$maxscore = array();
$scorepercent = array();
$allscorepercent = array();
$oppositescorepercent = array();
$alloppositescorepercent = array();
$chartlabels = array();
// Sections where all questions are unseen because of the $advdependencies.
$nanscores = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= $numsections; $i++) {
$score[$i] = 0;
$allscore[$i] = 0;
$maxscore[$i] = 0;
$scorepercent[$i] = 0;
for ($section = 1; $section <= $numsections; $section++) {
// Get feedback messages only for this sections.
if (($filteredsections != null) && !in_array($section, $filteredsections)) {
foreach ($fbsections as $key => $fbsection) {
if ($fbsection->section == $section) {
$feedbacksectionid = $key;
$scorecalculation = section::decode_scorecalculation($fbsection->scorecalculation);
if (empty($scorecalculation) && !is_array($scorecalculation)) {
$scorecalculation = [];
$sectionheading = $fbsection->sectionheading;
$imageid = $fbsection->id;
$chartlabels[$section] = $fbsection->sectionlabel;
foreach ($scorecalculation as $qid => $key) {
// Just in case a question pertaining to a section has been deleted or made not required
// after being included in scorecalculation.
if (isset($qscore[$qid])) {
$key = ($key == 0) ? 1 : $key;
$score[$section] += round($qscore[$qid] * $key);
$maxscore[$section] += round($qmax[$qid] * $key);
if ($compare || $allresponses) {
$allscore[$section] += round($allqscore[$qid] * $key);
if ($maxscore[$section] == 0) {
array_push($nanscores, $section);
$scorepercent[$section] = ($maxscore[$section] > 0) ? (round($score[$section] / $maxscore[$section] * 100)) : 0;
$oppositescorepercent[$section] = 100 - $scorepercent[$section];
if (($compare || $allresponses) && $nbparticipants != 0) {
$allscorepercent[$section] = ($maxscore[$section] > 0) ? (round(($allscore[$section] / $nbparticipants) /
$maxscore[$section] * 100)) : 0;
$alloppositescorepercent[$section] = 100 - $allscorepercent[$section];
if (!$allresponses) {
if (is_nan($scorepercent[$section])) {
// Info: all questions of $section are unseen
// -> $scorepercent[$section] = round($score[$section] / $maxscore[$section] * 100) == NAN
// -> $maxscore[$section] == 0 -> division by zero
// $DB->get_record_select(...) fails, don't show feedbackmessage.
// To eliminate all potential % chars in heading text (might interfere with the sprintf function).
$sectionheading = str_replace('%', '', $sectionheading);
// Replace section heading placeholders with their actual value (if any).
$original = array('$scorepercent', '$oppositescorepercent');
$result = array("$scorepercent[$section]%", "$oppositescorepercent[$section]%");
$sectionheading = str_replace($original, $result, $sectionheading);
$formatoptions = new stdClass();
$formatoptions->noclean = true;
$sectionheading = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($sectionheading, 'pluginfile.php',
$this->context->id, 'mod_questionnaire', 'sectionheading', $imageid);
$sectionheading = format_text($sectionheading, 1, $formatoptions);
$feedbackmessages[] = $this->renderer->box_start('reportQuestionTitle');
$feedbackmessages[] = format_text($sectionheading, FORMAT_HTML, $formatoptions);
$feedback = $DB->get_record_select('questionnaire_feedback',
'sectionid = ? AND minscore <= ? AND ? < maxscore',
array($feedbacksectionid, $scorepercent[$section], $scorepercent[$section]),
$feedbackmessages[] = $this->renderer->box_end();
if (!empty($feedback->feedbacktext)) {
// Clean the text, ready for display.
$formatoptions = new stdClass();
$formatoptions->noclean = true;
$feedbacktext = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($feedback->feedbacktext, 'pluginfile.php',
$this->context->id, 'mod_questionnaire', 'feedback', $feedback->id);
$feedbacktext = format_text($feedbacktext, $feedback->feedbacktextformat, $formatoptions);
$feedbackmessages[] = $this->renderer->box_start('feedbacktext');
$feedbackmessages[] = $feedbacktext;
$feedbackmessages[] = $this->renderer->box_end();
// Display class or group score.
switch ($action) {
case 'vallasort':
case 'vallarsort':
if ($this->survey->feedbackscores) {
foreach ($allscore as $key => $sc) {
if (isset($chartlabels[$key])) {
$lb = explode("|", $chartlabels[$key]);
$oppositescore = '';
$oppositeallscore = '';
if (count($lb) > 1) {
$sectionlabel = $lb[0] . ' | ' . $lb[1];
$oppositescore = ' | ' . $oppositescorepercent[$key] . '%';
$oppositeallscore = ' | ' . $alloppositescorepercent[$key] . '%';
} else {
$sectionlabel = $chartlabels[$key];
// If all questions of $section are unseen then don't show feedbackscores for this section.
if ($compare && !is_nan($scorepercent[$key])) {
$table = $table ?? new html_table();
$table->data[] = array($sectionlabel, $scorepercent[$key] . '%' . $oppositescore,
$allscorepercent[$key] . '%' . $oppositeallscore);
} else if (isset($allscorepercent[$key]) && !is_nan($allscorepercent[$key])) {
$table = $table ?? new html_table();
$table->data[] = array($sectionlabel, $allscorepercent[$key] . '%' . $oppositeallscore);
$usergraph = get_config('questionnaire', 'usergraph');
// Don't show feedbackcharts for sections in $nanscores -> remove sections from array.
foreach ($nanscores as $val) {
if ($usergraph && $this->survey->chart_type) {
if ($this->survey->feedbackscores) {
$this->page->add_to_page('feedbackscores', html_writer::table($table));
return $feedbackmessages;
// Mobile support area.
* Save the data from the mobile app.
* @param int $userid
* @param int $sec
* @param bool $completed
* @param int $rid
* @param bool $submit
* @param string $action
* @param array $responses
* @return array
public function save_mobile_data($userid, $sec, $completed, $rid, $submit, $action, array $responses) {
global $DB, $CFG; // Do not delete "$CFG".
$ret = [];
$response = $this->build_response_from_appdata((object)$responses, $sec);
$response->sec = $sec;
$response->rid = $rid;
$response->id = $rid;
if ($action == 'nextpage') {
$result = $this->next_page_action($response, $userid);
if (is_string($result)) {
$ret['warnings'] = $result;
} else {
$ret['nextpagenum'] = $result;
} else if ($action == 'previouspage') {
$ret['nextpagenum'] = $this->previous_page_action($response, $userid);
} else if (!$completed) {
// If reviewing a completed questionnaire, don't insert a response.
$msg = $this->response_check_format($response->sec, $response);
if (empty($msg)) {
$rid = $this->response_insert($response, $userid);
} else {
$ret['warnings'] = $msg;
$ret['response'] = $response;
if ($submit && (!isset($ret['warnings']) || empty($ret['warnings']))) {
$this->commit_submission_response($rid, $userid);
return $ret;
* Get all of the areas that can have files.
* @return array
* @throws dml_exception
public function get_all_file_areas() {
global $DB;
$areas = [];
$areas['info'] = $this->sid;
$areas['thankbody'] = $this->sid;
// Add question areas.
if (empty($this->questions)) {
$areas['question'] = [];
foreach ($this->questions as $question) {
$areas['question'][] = $question->id;
// Add feedback areas.
$areas['feedbacknotes'] = $this->sid;
$fbsections = $DB->get_records('questionnaire_fb_sections', ['surveyid' => $this->sid]);
if (!empty($fbsections)) {
$areas['sectionheading'] = [];
foreach ($fbsections as $section) {
$areas['sectionheading'][] = $section->id;
$feedbacks = $DB->get_records('questionnaire_feedback', ['sectionid' => $section->id]);
if (!empty($feedbacks)) {
$areas['feedback'] = [];
foreach ($feedbacks as $feedback) {
$areas['feedback'][] = $feedback->id;
return $areas;