Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


Autoría | Ultima modificación | Ver Log |

    * o-------------------------------------------------------------------------------o
    * | This file is part of the RGraph package. RGraph is Free software, licensed    |
    * | under the MIT license - so it's free to use for all purposes. Extended        |
    * | support is available if required and donations are always welcome! You can    |
    * | read more here:                                                               |
    * |                                        |
    * o-------------------------------------------------------------------------------o
    if (typeof(RGraph) == 'undefined') RGraph = {};

    * The traditional radar chart constructor
    * @param string id   The ID of the canvas
    * @param array  data An array of data to represent
    RGraph.Radar = function (id, data)
    {                = id;
        this.canvas            = document.getElementById(typeof id === 'object' ? : id);
        this.context           = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
        this.canvas.__object__ = this;
        this.type              = 'radar';
        this.coords            = [];
        this.isRGraph          = true;              = [];
        this.max               = 0;
        this.original_data     = [];
        this.uid               = RGraph.CreateUID();
        this.canvas.uid        = this.canvas.uid ? this.canvas.uid : RGraph.CreateUID();
        this.colorsParsed      = false;
        this.coordsText        = [];

        * This allows for passing all of the arguments as one big array instead of as individual daatasets
        if (typeof arguments[1] == 'object' && typeof arguments[1][0] == 'object') {
            for (var i=0,len=arguments[1].length; i<len; ++i) {
                this.max = Math.max(this.max, RGraph.array_max(arguments[1][i]));
        } else {
            for (var i=1,len=arguments.length; i<len; ++i) {
                this.max = Math.max(this.max, RGraph.array_max(arguments[i]));

        * Compatibility with older browsers

        = {
            'chart.strokestyle':           '#aaa',
            'chart.gutter.left':           25,
            'chart.gutter.right':          25,
            '':            25,
            'chart.gutter.bottom':         25,
            'chart.linewidth':             1,
            'chart.colors':                ['rgba(255,255,0,0.25)','rgba(0,255,255,0.25)','rgba(255,0,0,0.5)', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'pink', 'aqua','brown','orange','grey'],
            'chart.colors.alpha':          null,
            '':                0,
            '':           'red',
            '':         'black',
            'chart.labels':                [],
            'chart.labels.offset':         10,
            'chart.background.circles':    true,
            'chart.background.circles.count': null,
            'chart.background.circles.color': '#ddd',
            'chart.background.circles.poly':  true,
            'chart.text.size':             10,
            'chart.text.size.scale':       null,
            'chart.text.font':             'Arial',
            'chart.text.color':            'black',
            'chart.title':                 '',
            'chart.title.background':      null,
            'chart.title.hpos':            null,
            'chart.title.vpos':            null,
            'chart.title.color':           'black',
            'chart.title.bold':             true,
            'chart.title.font':             null,
            'chart.title.x':                null,
            'chart.title.y':                null,
            'chart.title.halign':           null,
            'chart.title.valign':           null,
            'chart.linewidth':             1,
            'chart.key':                   null,
            'chart.key.background':        'white',
            'chart.key.shadow':            false,
            'chart.key.shadow.color':       '#666',
            'chart.key.shadow.blur':        3,
            'chart.key.shadow.offsetx':     2,
            'chart.key.shadow.offsety':     2,
            'chart.key.position':          'graph',
            'chart.key.halign':             'right',
            'chart.key.position.gutter.boxed': false,
            'chart.key.position.x':         null,
            'chart.key.position.y':         null,
            'chart.key.color.shape':        'square',
            'chart.key.rounded':            true,
            'chart.key.linewidth':          1,
            'chart.key.colors':             null,
            'chart.key.interactive':        false,
            'chart.key.interactive.highlight.chart.stroke': 'rgba(255,0,0,0.3)',
            'chart.key.interactive.highlight.label': 'rgba(255,0,0,0.2)',
            'chart.key.text.color':        'black',
            'chart.contextmenu':           null,
            'chart.annotatable':           false,
            'chart.annotate.color':        'black',
            'chart.zoom.factor':           1.5,
            '':          true,
            'chart.zoom.fade.out':         true,
            'chart.zoom.hdir':             'right',
            'chart.zoom.vdir':             'down',
            'chart.zoom.frames':            25,
            'chart.zoom.delay':             16.666,
            'chart.zoom.shadow':           true,
            'chart.zoom.background':        true,
            'chart.zoom.action':            'zoom',
            'chart.tooltips.effect':        'fade',
            'chart.tooltips.event':         'onmousemove',
            'chart.tooltips.css.class':     'RGraph_tooltip',
            'chart.tooltips.highlight':     true,
            'chart.highlight.stroke':       'gray',
            'chart.highlight.fill':         'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)',
            'chart.highlight.point.radius': 2,
            'chart.resizable':              false,
            'chart.resize.handle.adjust':   [0,0],
            'chart.resize.handle.background': null,
            'chart.labels.axes':            '',
            'chart.labels.background.fill': 'white',
            'chart.labels.boxed':           false,
            'chart.labels.axes.bold':       [],
            'chart.labels.axes.boxed':      null, // This defaults to true - but that's set in the Draw() method
            '': true,
            'chart.labels.specific':        [],
            'chart.labels.count':           5,
            'chart.ymax':                   null,
            'chart.accumulative':           false,
            'chart.radius':                 null,
            '':           null,
            '':       null,
            'chart.scale.decimals':         0,
            'chart.scale.point':            '.',
            'chart.scale.thousand':         ',',
            'chart.units.pre':              '',
            '':             '',
            'chart.tooltips':             null,
            'chart.tooltips.event':       'onmousemove',
            'chart.centerx':              null,
            'chart.centery':              null,
            'chart.radius':               null,
            'chart.numxticks':            5,
            'chart.numyticks':            5,
            'chart.axes.color':           'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
            'chart.highlights':           false,
            'chart.highlights.stroke':    '#ddd',
            'chart.highlights.fill':      null,
            'chart.highlights.radius':    3,
            '':           null,
            'chart.fill.mousemove':       null,
            'chart.fill.tooltips':        null,
            'chart.fill.highlight.fill':   'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)',
            'chart.fill.highlight.stroke': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
            'chart.fill.mousemove.redraw': false,
            'chart.animation.trace.clip': 1

        // Must have at least 3 points
        for (var dataset=0; dataset<; ++dataset) {
            if ([dataset].length < 3) {
                alert('[RADAR] You must specify at least 3 data points');
        * Linearize the data and then create the $ objects
        var idx = 0;
        for (var dataset=0; dataset<; ++dataset) {
            for (var i=0,[dataset].length; i<len; ++i) {
                this['$' + (idx++)] = {};

        * Translate half a pixel for antialiasing purposes - but only if it hasn't beeen
        * done already
        if (!this.canvas.__rgraph_aa_translated__) {
            this.canvas.__rgraph_aa_translated__ = true;

        ///////////////////////////////// SHORT PROPERTIES /////////////////////////////////

        var RG   = RGraph;
        var ca   = this.canvas;
        var co   = ca.getContext('2d');
        var prop =;
        //var $jq  = jQuery;

        //////////////////////////////////// METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////

        * A simple setter
        * @param string name  The name of the property to set
        * @param string value The value of the property
        this.Set = function (name, value)
            name = name.toLowerCase();
            * This should be done first - prepend the propertyy name with "chart." if necessary
            if (name.substr(0,6) != 'chart.') {
                name = 'chart.' + name;
            if (name == 'chart.text.diameter') {
                name = 'chart.text.size';
            * If the name is chart.color, set chart.colors too
            if (name == 'chart.color') {
      ['chart.colors'] = [value];
            prop[name] = value;
            return this;

        * A simple hetter
        * @param string name  The name of the property to get
        this.Get = function (name)
            * This should be done first - prepend the property name with "chart." if necessary
            if (name.substr(0,6) != 'chart.') {
                name = 'chart.' + name;
            if (name == 'chart.text.diameter') {
                name = 'chart.text.size';
            return prop[name];

        * The draw method which does all the brunt of the work
        this.Draw = function ()
            * Fire the onbeforedraw event
            RG.FireCustomEvent(this, 'onbeforedraw');
            // NB: Colors are parsed further down
            // Reset the coords array to stop it growing
            this.coords  = [];
            this.coords2 = [];
            * Reset the data to the original_data
   = RG.array_clone(this.original_data);

            // Loop thru the data array if chart.accumulative is enable checking to see if all the
            // datasets have the same number of elements.
            if (prop['chart.accumulative']) {
                for (var i=0; i<; ++i) {
                    if ([i].length !=[0].length) {
                        alert('[RADAR] Error! When the radar has chart.accumulative set to true all the datasets must have the same number of elements');
            * This defaults to true, but needs to be an array with a size matching the number of
            * labels.
            if (RG.is_null(prop['chart.labels.axes.boxed'])) {
                prop['chart.labels.axes.boxed'] = [];
                for (var i=0; i<(prop['chart.labels.specific'].length || prop['chart.labels.count'] || 5); ++i) {
                    prop['chart.labels.axes.boxed'][i] = true;

            * This is new in May 2011 and facilitates indiviual gutter settings,
            * eg chart.gutter.left
            this.gutterLeft   = prop['chart.gutter.left'];
            this.gutterRight  = prop['chart.gutter.right'];
            this.gutterTop    = prop[''];
            this.gutterBottom = prop['chart.gutter.bottom'];
            this.centerx  = ((ca.width - this.gutterLeft - this.gutterRight) / 2) + this.gutterLeft;
            this.centery  = ((ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom) / 2) + this.gutterTop;
            this.radius   = Math.min(ca.width - this.gutterLeft - this.gutterRight, ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom) / 2;
            * Allow these to be set by hand
            if (typeof(prop['chart.centerx']) == 'number') this.centerx = 2 * prop['chart.centerx'];
            if (typeof(prop['chart.centery']) == 'number') this.centery = 2 * prop['chart.centery'];
            if (typeof(prop['chart.radius']) == 'number') this.radius   = prop['chart.radius'];
            * Parse the colors for gradients. Its down here so that the center X/Y can be used
            if (!this.colorsParsed) {
                // Don't want to do this again
                this.colorsParsed = true;
            // Work out the maximum value and the sum
            if (!prop['chart.ymax']) {
                // this.max is calculated in the constructor
                // Work out this.max again if the chart is (now) set to be accumulative
                if (prop['chart.accumulative']) {
                    var accumulation = [];
                    var len = this.original_data[0].length
                    for (var i=1; i<this.original_data.length; ++i) {
                        if (this.original_data[i].length != len) {
                            alert('[RADAR] Error! Stacked Radar chart datasets must all be the same size!');
                        for (var j=0; j<this.original_data[i].length; ++j) {
                  [i][j] +=[i - 1][j];
                            this.max = Math.max(this.max,[i][j]);
                this.scale2 = RG.getScale2(this, {'max':typeof(prop['chart.ymax']) == 'number' ? prop['chart.ymax'] : this.max,
                this.max = this.scale2.max;
            } else {
                var ymax = prop['chart.ymax'];
                this.scale2 = RG.getScale2(this, {'max':ymax,
                this.max = this.scale2.max;
            * Allow clipping
                    co.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius * 2, -HALFPI, (TWOPI * prop['chart.animation.trace.clip']) - HALFPI, false);
                    co.lineTo(this.centerx, this.centery);
            // Draw the title
            if (prop['chart.title']) {
                RG.DrawTitle(this, prop['chart.title'], this.gutterTop, null, prop['chart.title.diameter'] ? prop['chart.title.diameter'] : null)
            // Draw the key if necessary
            // obj, key, colors
            if (prop['chart.key']) {
                RG.DrawKey(this, prop['chart.key'], prop['chart.colors']);
            * Show the context menu
            if (prop['chart.contextmenu']) {
            * This function enables resizing
            if (prop['chart.resizable']) {
            * This installs the event listeners

            * This installs the Radar chart specific area listener
            if ( (prop[''] || prop['chart.fill.mousemove'] || !RG.is_null(prop['chart.fill.tooltips'])) && !this.__fill_click_listeners_installed__) {
                this.__fill_click_listeners_installed__ = true;

            * Fire the RGraph ondraw event
            RGraph.FireCustomEvent(this, 'ondraw');
            return this;

        * Draws the background circles
        this.DrawBackground = function ()
            var color   = prop['chart.background.circles.color'];
            var poly    = prop['chart.background.circles.poly'];
            var spacing = prop['chart.background.circles.spacing'];
            // Set the linewidth for the grid (so that repeated redrawing works OK)
            co.lineWidth = 1;
            * Draws the background circles
            if (prop['chart.background.circles'] && poly == false) {
                // Draw the concentric circles
                co.strokeStyle = color;
                    var numrings = typeof(prop['chart.background.circles.count']) == 'number' ? prop['chart.background.circles.count'] : prop['chart.labels.count'];

                    // TODO Currently set to 5 - needs changing
                   for (var r=0; r<=this.radius; r+=(this.radius / numrings)) {
                        co.moveTo(this.centerx, this.centery);
                        co.arc(this.centerx, this.centery,r, 0, TWOPI, false);
                * Draw the diagonals/spokes
                co.strokeStyle = color;
                for (var i=0; i<360; i+=15) {
                               (i / 360) * TWOPI,
                               ((i+0.001) / 360) * TWOPI,
                               false); // The 0.01 avoids a bug in Chrome 6
                        co.lineTo(this.centerx, this.centery);
            * The background"circles" are actually drawn as a poly based on how many points there are
            * (ie hexagons if there are 6 points, squares if the are four etc)
            } else if (prop['chart.background.circles'] && poly == true) {
                * Draw the diagonals/spokes
                co.strokeStyle = color;
                var increment = 360 /[0].length
                for (var i=0; i<360; i+=increment) {
                               ((i / 360) * TWOPI) - HALFPI,
                               (((i + 0.001) / 360) * TWOPI) - HALFPI,
                               false); // The 0.001 avoids a bug in Chrome 6
                        co.lineTo(this.centerx, this.centery);
                * Draw the lines that go around the Radar chart
                co.strokeStyle = color;
                    var numrings = typeof(prop['chart.background.circles.count']) == 'number' ? prop['chart.background.circles.count'] : prop['chart.labels.count'];

                    for (var r=0; r<=this.radius; r+=(this.radius / numrings)) {
                            for (var a=0; a<=360; a+=(360 /[0].length)) {
                                       RG.degrees2Radians(a) - HALFPI,
                                       RG.degrees2Radians(a) + 0.001 - HALFPI,

        * Draws the axes
        this.DrawAxes = function ()
            co.strokeStyle = prop['chart.axes.color'];
            var halfsize = this.radius;
                * The Y axis
                co.moveTo(Math.round(this.centerx), this.centery + this.radius);
                co.lineTo(Math.round(this.centerx), this.centery - this.radius);
                // Draw the bits at either end of the Y axis
                co.moveTo(this.centerx - 5, Math.round(this.centery + this.radius));
                co.lineTo(this.centerx + 5, Math.round(this.centery + this.radius));
                co.moveTo(this.centerx - 5, Math.round(this.centery - this.radius));
                co.lineTo(this.centerx + 5, Math.round(this.centery - this.radius));
                // Draw Y axis tick marks
                for (var y=(this.centery - this.radius); y<(this.centery + this.radius); y+=(this.radius/prop['chart.numyticks'])) {
                    co.moveTo(this.centerx - 3, Math.round(y));
                    co.lineTo(this.centerx + 3, Math.round(y));
                * The X axis
                co.moveTo(this.centerx - this.radius, Math.round(this.centery));
                co.lineTo(this.centerx + this.radius, Math.round(this.centery));
                // Draw the bits at the end of the X axis
                co.moveTo(Math.round(this.centerx - this.radius), this.centery - 5);
                co.lineTo(Math.round(this.centerx - this.radius), this.centery + 5);
                co.moveTo(Math.round(this.centerx + this.radius), this.centery - 5);
                co.lineTo(Math.round(this.centerx + this.radius), this.centery + 5);
                // Draw X axis tick marks
                for (var x=(this.centerx - this.radius); x<(this.centerx + this.radius); x+=(this.radius/prop['chart.numxticks'])) {
                    co.moveTo(Math.round(x), this.centery - 3);
                    co.lineTo(Math.round(x), this.centery + 3);
            // Stroke it

        * The function which actually draws the radar chart
        this.DrawChart = function ()
            var alpha = prop['chart.colors.alpha'];
            if (typeof(alpha) == 'number') {
                var oldAlpha = co.globalAlpha;
                co.globalAlpha = alpha;
            var numDatasets =;
            for (var dataset=0; dataset<; ++dataset) {
                    var coords_dataset = [];
                    for (var i=0; i<[dataset].length; ++i) {
                        var coords = this.GetCoordinates(dataset, i);
                        if (coords_dataset == null) {
                            coords_dataset = [];
                    this.coords2[dataset] = coords_dataset;
                    * Now go through the coords and draw the chart itself
                    * 18/5/2012 - chart.strokestyle can now be an array of colors as well as a single color
                    co.strokeStyle = (typeof(prop['chart.strokestyle']) == 'object' && prop['chart.strokestyle'][dataset]) ? prop['chart.strokestyle'][dataset] : prop['chart.strokestyle'];
                    co.fillStyle   = prop['chart.colors'][dataset];
                    co.lineWidth   = prop['chart.linewidth'];
                    for (i=0; i<coords_dataset.length; ++i) {
                        if (i == 0) {
                            co.moveTo(coords_dataset[i][0], coords_dataset[i][1]);
                        } else {
                            co.lineTo(coords_dataset[i][0], coords_dataset[i][1]);
                    // If on the second or greater dataset, backtrack
                    if (prop['chart.accumulative'] && dataset > 0) {
                        // This goes back to the start coords of this particular dataset
                        co.lineTo(coords_dataset[0][0], coords_dataset[0][1]);
                        //Now move down to the end point of the previous dataset
                        co.moveTo(last_coords[0][0], last_coords[0][1]);
                        for (var i=coords_dataset.length - 1; i>=0; --i) {
                            co.lineTo(last_coords[i][0], last_coords[i][1]);
                // This is used by the next iteration of the loop
                var last_coords = coords_dataset;
            // Reset the globalAlpha
            if (typeof(alpha) == 'number') {
                co.globalAlpha = oldAlpha;

        * Gets the coordinates for a particular mark
        * @param  number i The index of the data (ie which one it is)
        * @return array    A two element array of the coordinates
        this.GetCoordinates = function (dataset, index)
            // The number  of data points
            var len =[dataset].length;
            // The magnitude of the data (NOT the x/y coords)
            var mag = ([dataset][index] / this.max) * this.radius;
            * Get the angle
            var angle = (TWOPI / len) * index; // In radians
angle -= HALFPI;
            * Work out the X/Y coordinates
            var x = Math.cos(angle) * mag;
            var y = Math.sin(angle) * mag;
            * Put the coordinate in the right quadrant
            x = this.centerx + x;
            y = this.centery + y;
            return [x,y];

        * This function adds the labels to the chart
        this.DrawLabels = function ()
            var labels = prop['chart.labels'];
            if (labels && labels.length > 0) {
                co.lineWidth = 1;
                co.strokeStyle = 'gray';
                co.fillStyle = prop['chart.text.color'];
                var bgFill  = prop['chart.labels.background.fill'];
                var bold    = prop['chart.labels.bold'];
                var bgBoxed = prop['chart.labels.boxed'];
                var offset  = prop['chart.labels.offset'];
                var font    = prop['chart.text.font'];
                var size    = prop['chart.text.size'];
                var radius  = this.radius;
                for (var i=0; i<labels.length; ++i) {
                    var angle  = (TWOPI / prop['chart.labels'].length) * i;
                        angle -= HALFPI;
                    var x = this.centerx + (Math.cos(angle) * (radius + offset));
                    var y = this.centery + (Math.sin(angle) * (radius + offset));
                    * Horizontal alignment
                    var halign = x < this.centerx ? 'right' : 'left' ;
                    if (i == 0 || (i / labels.length) == 0.5) halign = 'center';
                    if (labels[i] && labels[i].length) {
                        RG.Text2(this, {'font':font,
                                        'tag': 'labels'

        * Draws the circle. No arguments as it gets the information from the object properties.
        this.DrawCircle = function ()
            var circle     = {};
            circle.limit   = prop[''];
            circle.fill    = prop[''];
            circle.stroke  = prop[''];
            if (circle.limit) {
                var r = (circle.limit / this.max) * this.radius;
                co.fillStyle = circle.fill;
                co.strokeStyle = circle.stroke;
                co.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, r, 0, TWOPI, 0);

        * Unsuprisingly, draws the labels
        this.DrawAxisLabels = function ()
            * Draw specific axis labels
            if (RG.is_array(prop['chart.labels.specific']) && prop['chart.labels.specific'].length) {
            co.lineWidth = 1;
            // Set the color to black
            co.fillStyle = 'black';
            co.strokeStyle = 'black';
            var r          = this.radius;
            var font       = prop['chart.text.font'];
            var size       = typeof(prop['chart.text.size.scale']) == 'number' ? prop['chart.text.size.scale'] : prop['chart.text.size'];
            var axes       = prop['chart.labels.axes'].toLowerCase();
            var color      = 'white';
            var drawzero   = false;
            var units_pre  = prop['chart.units.pre'];
            var units_post = prop[''];
            var decimals   = prop['chart.scale.decimals'];
            var bold       = prop['chart.labels.axes.bold'];
            var boxed      = prop['chart.labels.axes.boxed'];
            var centerx    = this.centerx;
            var centery    = this.centery;
            var scale      = this.scale;
            co.fillStyle = prop['chart.text.color'];
            // The "North" axis labels
            if (axes.indexOf('n') > -1) {
                for (var i=0; i<this.scale2.labels.length; ++i) {
                    RG.Text2(this, {'bold':bold[i],
                                    'y':centery - (r * ((i+1)/this.scale2.labels.length)),
                                    'tag': 'scale'
                drawzero = true;
            // The "South" axis labels
            if (axes.indexOf('s') > -1) {
                for (var i=0; i<this.scale2.labels.length; ++i) {
                    RG.Text2(this, {'bold':bold[i],
                                    'y':centery + (r * ((i+1)/this.scale2.labels.length)),
                                    'tag': 'scale'
                drawzero = true;
            // The "East" axis labels
            if (axes.indexOf('e') > -1) {
                for (var i=0; i<this.scale2.labels.length; ++i) {
                    RG.Text2(this, {'bold':bold[i],
                                    'x':centerx + (r * ((i+1)/this.scale2.labels.length)),
                                    'tag': 'scale'
                drawzero = true;
            // The "West" axis labels
            if (axes.indexOf('w') > -1) {
                for (var i=0; i<this.scale2.labels.length; ++i) {
                    RG.Text2(this, {'bold':bold[i],
                                    'x':centerx - (r * ((i+1)/this.scale2.labels.length)),
                                    'tag': 'scale'
                drawzero = true;
            if (drawzero) {
                RG.Text2(this, {'font':font,
                                'text':RG.number_format(this, Number(0).toFixed(decimals), units_pre, units_post),
                                'tag': 'scale'

        * Draws specific axis labels
        this.DrawSpecificAxisLabels = function ()
            * Specific axis labels
            var labels          = prop['chart.labels.specific'];
            var bold            = RG.array_pad(prop['chart.labels.axes.bold'],labels.length);
            var boxed           = RG.array_pad(prop['chart.labels.axes.boxed'],labels.length);
            var reversed_labels = RG.array_reverse(labels);
            var reversed_bold   = RG.array_reverse(bold);
            var reversed_boxed  = RG.array_reverse(boxed);
            var font            = prop['chart.text.font'];
            var size            = typeof(prop['chart.text.size.scale']) == 'number' ? prop['chart.text.size.scale'] : prop['chart.text.size'];
            var axes            = prop['chart.labels.axes'].toLowerCase();
            co.fillStyle = prop['chart.text.color'];

            for (var i=0; i<labels.length; ++i) {
                if (axes.indexOf('n') > -1) RG.Text2(this, {'tag': 'labels.specific', 'bold':reversed_bold[i],'font':font,'size':size,'x':this.centerx,'y':this.centery - this.radius + ((this.radius / labels.length) * i),'text':reversed_labels[i],'valign':'center','halign':'center','bounding':reversed_boxed[i],'boundingFill':'white'});
                if (axes.indexOf('s') > -1) RG.Text2(this, {'tag': 'labels.specific', 'bold':bold[i],'font':font,'size':size,'x':this.centerx,'y':this.centery + ((this.radius / labels.length) * (i+1)),'text':labels[i],'valign':'center','halign':'center','bounding':boxed[i],'boundingFill':'white'});
                if (axes.indexOf('w') > -1) RG.Text2(this, {'tag': 'labels.specific', 'bold':reversed_bold[i],'font':font,'size':size,'x':this.centerx - this.radius + ((this.radius / labels.length) * i),'y':this.centery,'text':reversed_labels[i],'valign':'center','halign':'center','bounding':reversed_boxed[i],'boundingFill':'white'});
                if (axes.indexOf('e') > -1) RG.Text2(this, {'tag': 'labels.specific', 'bold':bold[i],'font':font,'size':size,'x':this.centerx + ((this.radius / labels.length) * (i+1)),'y':this.centery,'text':labels[i],'valign':'center','halign':'center','bounding':boxed[i],'boundingFill':'white'});

        * This method eases getting the focussed point (if any)
        * @param event e The event object
        this.getShape =
        this.getPoint = function (e)
            for (var i=0; i<this.coords.length; ++i) {
                var x        = this.coords[i][0];
                var y        = this.coords[i][1];
                var tooltips = prop['chart.tooltips'];
                var index    = Number(i);
                var mouseXY  = RG.getMouseXY(e);
                var mouseX   = mouseXY[0];
                var mouseY   = mouseXY[1];
                if (   mouseX < (x + 5)
                    && mouseX > (x - 5)
                    && mouseY > (y - 5)
                    && mouseY < (y + 5)
                   ) {
                    var tooltip = RG.parseTooltipText(prop['chart.tooltips'], index);
                    return {0: this,    'object':  this,
                            1: x,       'x':       x,
                            2: y,       'y':       y,
                            3: null, 'dataset': null,
                            4: index,       'index':   i,
                                        'tooltip': tooltip

        * Each object type has its own Highlight() function which highlights the appropriate shape
        * @param object shape The shape to highlight
        this.Highlight = function (shape)
            // Add the new highlight
            RG.Highlight.Point(this, shape);

        * The getObjectByXY() worker method. Don't call this call:
        * RGraph.ObjectRegistry.getObjectByXY(e)
        * @param object e The event object
        this.getObjectByXY = function (e)
            var mouseXY = RG.getMouseXY(e);
            if (
                   mouseXY[0] > (this.centerx - this.radius)
                && mouseXY[0] < (this.centerx + this.radius)
                && mouseXY[1] > (this.centery - this.radius)
                && mouseXY[1] < (this.centery + this.radius)
                ) {
                return this;

        * This function positions a tooltip when it is displayed
        * @param obj object    The chart object
        * @param int x         The X coordinate specified for the tooltip
        * @param int y         The Y coordinate specified for the tooltip
        * @param objec tooltip The tooltips DIV element
        this.positionTooltip = function (obj, x, y, tooltip, idx)
            var dataset    = tooltip.__dataset__;
            var index      = tooltip.__index__;
            var coordX     = this.coords[index][0];
            var coordY     = this.coords[index][1];
            var canvasXY   = RG.getCanvasXY(obj.canvas);
            var gutterLeft = this.gutterLeft;
            var gutterTop  = this.gutterTop;
            var width      = tooltip.offsetWidth;
            // Set the top position
   = 0;
    = parseInt( - 9 + 'px';
            // By default any overflow is hidden
   = '';
            // The arrow
            var img = new Image();
                img.src = '';
       = 'absolute';
       = '__rgraph_tooltip_pointer__';
       = (tooltip.offsetHeight - 2) + 'px';
            // Reposition the tooltip if at the edges:
            // LEFT edge
            if ((canvasXY[0] + coordX - (width / 2)) < 10) {
       = (canvasXY[0] + coordX - (width * 0.1)) + 'px';
       = ((width * 0.1) - 8.5) + 'px';
            // RIGHT edge
            } else if ((canvasXY[0] + coordX + (width / 2)) > document.body.offsetWidth) {
       = canvasXY[0] + coordX - (width * 0.9) + 'px';
       = ((width * 0.9) - 8.5) + 'px';
            // Default positioning - CENTERED
            } else {
       = (canvasXY[0] + coordX - (width * 0.5)) + 'px';
       = ((width * 0.5) - 8.5) + 'px';

        * This draws highlights on the points
        this.DrawHighlights = function ()
            if (prop['chart.highlights']) {
                var sequentialIdx = 0;
                var dataset       = 0;
                var index         = 0;
                var radius        = prop['chart.highlights.radius'];
                for (var dataset=0; dataset <; ++dataset) {
                    for (var index=0; index<[dataset].length; ++index) {
                            co.strokeStyle = prop['chart.highlights.stroke'];
                            co.fillStyle = prop['chart.highlights.fill'] ? prop['chart.highlights.fill'] : ((typeof(prop['chart.strokestyle']) == 'object' && prop['chart.strokestyle'][dataset]) ? prop['chart.strokestyle'][dataset] : prop['chart.strokestyle']);
                            co.arc(this.coords[sequentialIdx][0], this.coords[sequentialIdx][1], radius, 0, TWOPI, false);

        * This function returns the radius (ie the distance from the center) for a particular
        * value. Note that if you want the angle for a point you can use getAngle(index)
        * @param number value The value you want the radius for
        this.getRadius = function (value)
            if (value < 0 || value > this.max) {
                return null;
            // Radar doesn't support minimum value
            var radius = (value / this.max) * this.radius;
            return radius;

        * This function returns the angle (in radians) for a particular index.
        * @param number numitems The total number of items
        * @param number index    The zero index number of the item to get the angle for
        this.getAngle = function (numitems, index)
            var angle = (TWOPI / numitems) * index;
                angle -= HALFPI;
            return angle;

        * This allows for easy specification of gradients
        this.parseColors = function ()
            for (var i=0; i<prop['chart.colors'].length; ++i) {
                prop['chart.colors'][i] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.colors'][i]);
            var keyColors = prop['chart.key.colors'];
            if (typeof(keyColors) != 'null' && keyColors && keyColors.length) {
                for (var i=0; i<prop['chart.key.colors'].length; ++i) {
                    prop['chart.key.colors'][i] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.key.colors'][i]);
            prop['chart.title.color']      = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.title.color']);
            prop['chart.text.color']       = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.text.color']);
            prop['chart.highlight.stroke'] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.highlight.stroke']);
            prop['chart.highlight.fill']   = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.highlight.fill']);
            prop['']      = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['']);
            prop['']    = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['']);

        * This parses a single color value
        this.parseSingleColorForGradient = function (color)
            if (!color || typeof(color) != 'string') {
                return color;
            if (color.match(/^gradient\((.*)\)$/i)) {
                var parts = RegExp.$1.split(':');
                // Create the gradient
                var grad = co.createRadialGradient(this.centerx, this.centery, 0, this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius);
                var diff = 1 / (parts.length - 1);
                grad.addColorStop(0, RG.trim(parts[0]));
                for (var j=1; j<parts.length; ++j) {
                    grad.addColorStop(j * diff, RG.trim(parts[j]));
            return grad ? grad : color;

        this.AddFillListeners = function (e)
            var obj = this;

            var func = function (e)
                //var canvas  =;
                //var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
                var coords  = this.coords;
                var coords2 = this.coords2;
                var mouseXY = RG.getMouseXY(e);
                var dataset = 0;
                if (e.type == 'mousemove' && prop['chart.fill.mousemove.redraw']) {

                for (var dataset=(obj.coords2.length-1); dataset>=0; --dataset) {
                    // Draw the path again so that it can be checked
                        co.moveTo(obj.coords2[dataset][0][0], obj.coords2[dataset][0][1]);
                        for (var j=0; j<obj.coords2[dataset].length; ++j) {
                            co.lineTo(obj.coords2[dataset][j][0], obj.coords2[dataset][j][1]);
                    // Draw a line back to the starting point
                    co.lineTo(obj.coords2[dataset][0][0], obj.coords2[dataset][0][1]);
                    // Go thru the previous datasets coords in reverse order
                    if (prop['chart.accumulative'] && dataset > 0) {
                        co.lineTo(obj.coords2[dataset - 1][0][0], obj.coords2[dataset - 1][0][1]);
                        for (var j=(obj.coords2[dataset - 1].length - 1); j>=0; --j) {
                            co.lineTo(obj.coords2[dataset - 1][j][0], obj.coords2[dataset - 1][j][1]);
                    if (co.isPointInPath(mouseXY[0], mouseXY[1])) {
                        var inPath = true;
                // Call the events
                if (inPath) {
                    var fillTooltips = prop['chart.fill.tooltips'];
                    * Click event
                    if (e.type == 'click') {
                        if (prop['']) {
                            prop[''](e, dataset);
                        if (prop['chart.fill.tooltips'] && prop['chart.fill.tooltips'][dataset]) {
                            obj.DatasetTooltip(e, dataset);

                    * Mousemove event
                    if (e.type == 'mousemove') {
                        if (prop['chart.fill.mousemove']) {
                            prop['chart.fill.mousemove'](e, dataset);
                        if (!RG.is_null(fillTooltips)) {
                   = 'pointer';
                        if (prop['chart.fill.tooltips'] && prop['chart.fill.tooltips'][dataset]) {
                   = 'pointer';
                } else if (e.type == 'mousemove') {
           = 'default';
            * Add the click listener
            if (prop[''] || !RG.is_null(prop['chart.fill.tooltips'])) {
                ca.addEventListener('click', func, false);
            * Add the mousemove listener
            if (prop['chart.fill.mousemove'] || !RG.is_null(prop['chart.fill.tooltips'])) {
                ca.addEventListener('mousemove', func, false);

        * This highlights a specific dataset on the chart
        * @param number dataset The index of the dataset (which starts at zero)
        this.HighlightDataset = function (dataset)
            for (var j=0; j<this.coords2[dataset].length; ++j) {
                if (j == 0) {
                    co.moveTo(this.coords2[dataset][0][0], this.coords2[dataset][0][1]);
                } else {
                    co.lineTo(this.coords2[dataset][j][0], this.coords2[dataset][j][1]);
            co.lineTo(this.coords2[dataset][0][0], this.coords2[dataset][0][1]);
            if (prop['chart.accumulative'] && dataset > 0) {
                co.lineTo(this.coords2[dataset - 1][0][0], this.coords2[dataset - 1][0][1]);
                for (var j=(this.coords2[dataset - 1].length - 1); j>=0; --j) {
                    co.lineTo(this.coords2[dataset - 1][j][0], this.coords2[dataset - 1][j][1]);
            co.strokeStyle = prop['chart.fill.highlight.stroke'];
            co.fillStyle   = prop['chart.fill.highlight.fill'];

        * Shows a tooltip for a dataset (a "fill" tooltip), You can pecify these
        * with chart.fill.tooltips
        this.DatasetTooltip = function (e, dataset)
            // Highlight the dataset
            // Use the First datapoints coords for the Y position of the tooltip NOTE The X position is changed in the
            // obj.positionTooltip() method so set the index to be the first one
            var text = prop['chart.fill.tooltips'][dataset];
            var x    = 0;
            var y    = this.coords2[dataset][0][1] + RG.getCanvasXY(ca)[1];
            // Show a tooltip
            RG.Tooltip(this, text, x, y, 0, e);

        * This function handles highlighting an entire data-series for the interactive
        * key
        * @param int index The index of the data series to be highlighted
        this.interactiveKeyHighlight = function (index)
            var coords = this.coords2[index];

            if (coords) {
                var pre_linewidth = co.lineWidth;
                var pre_linecap   = co.lineCap;
                // ------------------------------------------ //

                co.lineWidth   = prop['chart.linewidth'] + 10;
                co.lineCap     = 'round';
                co.strokeStyle = prop['chart.key.interactive.highlight.chart.stroke'];

                for (var i=0,len=coords.length; i<len; i+=1) {
                    if (i == 0) {
                        co.moveTo(coords[i][0], coords[i][1]);
                    } else {
                        co.lineTo(coords[i][0], coords[i][1]);
                // ------------------------------------------ //
                // Reset the lineCap and lineWidth
                co.lineWidth = pre_linewidth;
                co.lineCap = pre_linecap;

        * Always register the object