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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
namespace mod_questionnaire\question;
* This file contains the parent class for rate question types.
* @author Mike Churchward
* @copyright 2016 onward Mike Churchward (
* @license GNU Public License
* @package mod_questionnaire
class rate extends question {
/** @var array $nameddegrees */
public $nameddegrees = [];
* The class constructor
* @param int $id
* @param \stdClass $question
* @param \context $context
* @param array $params
public function __construct($id = 0, $question = null, $context = null, $params = array()) {
$this->length = 5;
parent::__construct($id, $question, $context, $params);
* Each question type must define its response class.
* @return object The response object based off of questionnaire_response_base.
protected function responseclass() {
return '\\mod_questionnaire\\responsetype\\rank';
* Short name for this question type - no spaces, etc..
* @return string
public function helpname() {
return 'ratescale';
* Return true if the question has choices.
public function has_choices() {
return true;
* Override and return a form template if provided. Output of question_survey_display is iterpreted based on this.
* @return boolean | string
public function question_template() {
return 'mod_questionnaire/question_rate';
* Override and return a response template if provided. Output of response_survey_display is iterpreted based on this.
* @return boolean | string
public function response_template() {
return 'mod_questionnaire/response_rate';
* Return true if rate scale type is set to "Normal".
* @param int $scaletype
* @return bool
public static function type_is_normal_rate_scale($scaletype) {
return ($scaletype == 0);
* Return true if rate scale type is set to "N/A column".
* @param int $scaletype
* @return bool
public static function type_is_na_column($scaletype) {
return ($scaletype == 1);
* Return true if rate scale type is set to "No duplicate choices".
* @param int $scaletype
* @return bool
public static function type_is_no_duplicate_choices($scaletype) {
return ($scaletype == 2);
* Return true if rate scale type is set to "Osgood".
* @param int $scaletype
* @return bool
public static function type_is_osgood_rate_scale($scaletype) {
return ($scaletype == 3);
* Return true if rate scale type is set to "Normal".
* @return bool
public function normal_rate_scale() {
return self::type_is_normal_rate_scale($this->precise);
* Return true if rate scale type is set to "N/A column".
* @return bool
public function has_na_column() {
return self::type_is_na_column($this->precise);
* Return true if rate scale type is set to "No duplicate choices".
* @return bool
public function no_duplicate_choices() {
return self::type_is_no_duplicate_choices($this->precise);
* Return true if rate scale type is set to "Osgood".
* @return bool
public function osgood_rate_scale() {
return self::type_is_osgood_rate_scale($this->precise);
* True if question type supports feedback options. False by default.
public function supports_feedback() {
return true;
* True if the question supports feedback and has valid settings for feedback. Override if the default logic is not enough.
public function valid_feedback() {
return $this->supports_feedback() && $this->has_choices() && $this->required() && !empty($this->name) &&
($this->normal_rate_scale() || $this->osgood_rate_scale()) && !empty($this->nameddegrees);
* Get the maximum score possible for feedback if appropriate. Override if default behaviour is not correct.
* @return int | boolean
public function get_feedback_maxscore() {
if ($this->valid_feedback()) {
$maxscore = 0;
$nbchoices = count($this->choices);
foreach ($this->nameddegrees as $value => $label) {
if ($value > $maxscore) {
$maxscore = $value;
// The maximum score needs to be multiplied by the number of items to rate.
$maxscore = $maxscore * $nbchoices;
} else {
$maxscore = false;
return $maxscore;
* Return the context tags for the check question template.
* @param \mod_questionnaire\responsetype\response\response $response
* @param string $descendantsdata
* @param boolean $blankquestionnaire
* @return object The check question context tags.
* TODO: This function needs to be rewritten. It is a mess!
protected function question_survey_display($response, $descendantsdata, $blankquestionnaire=false) {
$choicetags = new \stdClass();
$choicetags->qelements = [];
$disabled = '';
if ($blankquestionnaire) {
$disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
if (!empty($data) && ( !isset($data->{'q'.$this->id}) || !is_array($data->{'q'.$this->id}) ) ) {
$data->{'q'.$this->id} = [];
// Check if rate question has one line only to display full width columns of choices.
$nocontent = false;
$nameddegrees = count($this->nameddegrees);
$n = [];
$v = [];
$maxndlen = 0;
foreach ($this->choices as $cid => $choice) {
$content = $choice->content;
if (!$nocontent && $content == '') {
$nocontent = true;
if ($nameddegrees == 0) {
// Determine if the choices have named values.
$contents = questionnaire_choice_values($content);
if ($contents->modname) {
$choice->content = $contents->text;
// The 0.1% right margin is needed to avoid the horizontal scrollbar in Chrome!
// A one-line rate question (no content) does not need to span more than 50%.
$width = $nocontent ? "50%" : "99.9%";
$choicetags->qelements['twidth'] = $width;
$choicetags->qelements['headerrow'] = [];
// If Osgood, adjust central columns to width of named degrees if any.
if ($this->osgood_rate_scale()) {
if ($maxndlen < 4) {
$width = 45;
} else if ($maxndlen < 13) {
$width = 40;
} else {
$width = 30;
$nn = 100 - ($width * 2);
$colwidth = ($nn / $this->length).'%';
$textalign = 'right';
$width = $width . '%';
} else if ($nocontent) {
$width = '0%';
$colwidth = (100 / $this->length).'%';
$textalign = 'right';
} else {
$width = '59%';
$colwidth = (40 / $this->length).'%';
$textalign = 'left';
$choicetags->qelements['headerrow']['col1width'] = $width;
if ($this->has_na_column()) {
$na = get_string('notapplicable', 'questionnaire');
} else {
$na = '';
if ($this->no_duplicate_choices()) {
$order = 'other_rate_uncheck(name, value)';
} else {
$order = '';
if (!$this->no_duplicate_choices()) {
$nbchoices = count($this->choices);
} else { // If "No duplicate choices", can restrict nbchoices to number of rate items specified.
$nbchoices = $this->length;
// Display empty td for Not yet answered column.
if (($nbchoices > 1) && !$this->no_duplicate_choices() && !$blankquestionnaire) {
$choicetags->qelements['headerrow']['colnya'] = true;
$collabel = [];
if ($nameddegrees > 0) {
$currentdegree = reset($this->nameddegrees);
for ($j = 1; $j <= $this->length; $j++) {
$col = [];
if (($nameddegrees > 0) && ($currentdegree !== false)) {
$str = format_text($currentdegree, FORMAT_HTML, ['noclean' => true]);
$currentdegree = next($this->nameddegrees);
} else {
$str = $j;
$val = $j;
if ($blankquestionnaire) {
$val = '<br />('.$val.')';
} else {
$val = '';
$col['colwidth'] = $colwidth;
$col['coltext'] = $str.$val;
$collabel[$j] = $col['coltext'];
$choicetags->qelements['headerrow']['cols'][] = $col;
if ($na) {
$choicetags->qelements['headerrow']['cols'][] = ['colwidth' => $colwidth, 'coltext' => $na];
$collabel[$j] = $na;
$num = 0;
foreach ($this->choices as $cid => $choice) {
$num += (isset($response->answers[$this->id][$cid]) && ($response->answers[$this->id][$cid]->value != -999));
$notcomplete = false;
if ( ($num != $nbchoices) && ($num != 0) ) {
$this->add_notification(get_string('checkallradiobuttons', 'questionnaire', $nbchoices));
$notcomplete = true;
$row = 0;
$choicetags->qelements['rows'] = [];
foreach ($this->choices as $cid => $choice) {
$cols = [];
if (isset($choice->content)) {
$str = 'q'."{$this->id}_$cid";
$content = $choice->content;
if ($this->osgood_rate_scale()) {
list($content, $contentright) = array_merge(preg_split('/[|]/', $content), array(' '));
$cols[] = ['colstyle' => 'text-align: '.$textalign.';',
'coltext' => format_text($content, FORMAT_HTML, ['noclean' => true]).' '];
$bg = 'c0 raterow';
if (($nbchoices > 1) && !$this->no_duplicate_choices() && !$blankquestionnaire) {
$checked = ' checked="checked"';
$completeclass = 'notanswered';
$title = '';
if ($notcomplete && isset($response->answers[$this->id][$cid]) &&
($response->answers[$this->id][$cid]->value == -999)) {
$completeclass = 'notcompleted';
$title = get_string('pleasecomplete', 'questionnaire');
// Set value of notanswered button to -999 in order to eliminate it from form submit later on.
$colinput = ['name' => $str, 'value' => -999];
if (!empty($checked)) {
$colinput['checked'] = true;
if (!empty($order)) {
$colinput['onclick'] = $order;
$cols[] = ['colstyle' => 'width:1%;', 'colclass' => $completeclass, 'coltitle' => $title,
'colinput' => $colinput];
if ($nameddegrees > 0) {
for ($j = 1; $j <= $this->length + $this->has_na_column(); $j++) {
if (!isset($collabel[$j])) {
// If not using this value, continue.
$col = [];
$checked = '';
// If isna column then set na choice to -1 value. This needs work!
if (!empty($this->nameddegrees) && (key($this->nameddegrees) !== null)) {
$value = key($this->nameddegrees);
} else {
$value = ($j <= $this->length ? $j : -1);
if (isset($response->answers[$this->id][$cid]) && ($value == $response->answers[$this->id][$cid]->value)) {
$checked = ' checked="checked"';
$col['colstyle'] = 'text-align:center';
$col['colclass'] = $bg;
$col['colhiddentext'] = get_string('option', 'questionnaire', $j);
$col['colinput']['name'] = $str;
$col['colinput']['value'] = $value;
$col['colinput']['id'] = $str.'_'.$value;
if (!empty($checked)) {
$col['colinput']['checked'] = true;
if (!empty($disabled)) {
$col['colinput']['disabled'] = true;
if (!empty($order)) {
$col['colinput']['onclick'] = $order;
$col['colinput']['label'] = 'Choice '.$collabel[$j].' for row '.format_text($content, FORMAT_PLAIN);
if ($bg == 'c0 raterow') {
$bg = 'c1 raterow';
} else {
$bg = 'c0 raterow';
$cols[] = $col;
if ($this->osgood_rate_scale()) {
$cols[] = ['coltext' => ' '.format_text($contentright, FORMAT_HTML, ['noclean' => true])];
$choicetags->qelements['rows'][] = ['cols' => $cols];
return $choicetags;
* Return the context tags for the rate response template.
* @param \mod_questionnaire\responsetype\response\response $response
* @return \stdClass The rate question response context tags.
* @throws \coding_exception
protected function response_survey_display($response) {
static $uniquetag = 0; // To make sure all radios have unique names.
$resptags = new \stdClass();
$resptags->headers = [];
$resptags->rows = [];
if (!isset($response->answers[$this->id])) {
$response->answers[$this->id][] = new \mod_questionnaire\responsetype\answer\answer();
// Check if rate question has one line only to display full width columns of choices.
$nocontent = false;
foreach ($this->choices as $cid => $choice) {
if ($choice->content == '') {
$nocontent = true;
$resptags->twidth = $nocontent ? "50%" : "99.9%";
$bg = 'c0';
$nameddegrees = 0;
$cidnamed = array();
// Max length of potential named degree in column head.
$maxndlen = 0;
if ($this->osgood_rate_scale()) {
$resptags->osgood = 1;
if ($maxndlen < 4) {
$sidecolwidth = '45%';
$sidecolwidthn = 45;
} else if ($maxndlen < 13) {
$sidecolwidth = '40%';
$sidecolwidthn = 40;
} else {
$sidecolwidth = '30%';
$sidecolwidthn = 30;
$nn = 100 - ($sidecolwidthn * 2);
$resptags->sidecolwidth = $sidecolwidth;
$resptags->colwidth = ($nn / $this->length).'%';
$resptags->textalign = 'right';
} else {
$resptags->sidecolwidth = '49%';
$resptags->colwidth = (50 / $this->length).'%';
$resptags->textalign = 'left';
if (!empty($this->nameddegrees)) {
$this->length = count($this->nameddegrees);
for ($j = 1; $j <= $this->length; $j++) {
$cellobj = new \stdClass();
$cellobj->bg = $bg;
if (!empty($this->nameddegrees)) {
$cellobj->str = current($this->nameddegrees);
} else {
$cellobj->str = $j;
if ($bg == 'c0') {
$bg = 'c1';
} else {
$bg = 'c0';
$resptags->headers[] = $cellobj;
if ($this->has_na_column()) {
$cellobj = new \stdClass();
$cellobj->bg = $bg;
$cellobj->str = get_string('notapplicable', 'questionnaire');
$resptags->headers[] = $cellobj;
foreach ($this->choices as $cid => $choice) {
$rowobj = new \stdClass();
// Do not print column names if named column exist.
if (!array_key_exists($cid, $cidnamed)) {
$str = 'q'."{$this->id}_$cid";
$content = $choice->content;
$contents = questionnaire_choice_values($content);
if ($contents->modname) {
$content = $contents->text;
if ($this->osgood_rate_scale()) {
list($content, $contentright) = array_merge(preg_split('/[|]/', $content), array(' '));
$rowobj->content = format_text($content, FORMAT_HTML, ['noclean' => true]).' ';
$bg = 'c0';
$cols = [];
if (!empty($this->nameddegrees)) {
$this->length = count($this->nameddegrees);
for ($j = 1; $j <= $this->length; $j++) {
$cellobj = new \stdClass();
if (isset($response->answers[$this->id][$cid])) {
if (!empty($this->nameddegrees)) {
if ($response->answers[$this->id][$cid]->value == key($this->nameddegrees)) {
$cellobj->checked = 1;
} else if ($j == $response->answers[$this->id][$cid]->value) {
$cellobj->checked = 1;
$cellobj->str = $str.$j.$uniquetag++;
$cellobj->bg = $bg;
// N/A column checked.
$checkedna = (isset($response->answers[$this->id][$cid]) && ($response->answers[$this->id][$cid]->value == -1));
if ($bg == 'c0') {
$bg = 'c1';
} else {
$bg = 'c0';
$cols[] = $cellobj;
if ($this->has_na_column()) { // N/A column.
$cellobj = new \stdClass();
if ($checkedna) {
$cellobj->checked = 1;
$cellobj->str = $str.$j.$uniquetag++.'na';
$cellobj->bg = $bg;
$cols[] = $cellobj;
$rowobj->cols = $cols;
if ($this->osgood_rate_scale()) {
$rowobj->osgoodstr = ' '.format_text($contentright, FORMAT_HTML, ['noclean' => true]);
$resptags->rows[] = $rowobj;
return $resptags;
* Check question's form data for complete response.
* @param \stdClass $responsedata The data entered into the response.
* @return boolean
public function response_complete($responsedata) {
if (!is_a($responsedata, 'mod_questionnaire\responsetype\response\response')) {
$response = \mod_questionnaire\responsetype\response\response::response_from_webform($responsedata, [$this]);
} else {
$response = $responsedata;
// To make it easier, create an array of answers by choiceid.
$answers = [];
if (isset($response->answers[$this->id])) {
foreach ($response->answers[$this->id] as $answer) {
$answers[$answer->choiceid] = $answer;
$answered = true;
$num = 0;
$nbchoices = count($this->choices);
$na = get_string('notapplicable', 'questionnaire');
foreach ($this->choices as $cid => $choice) {
// In case we have named degrees on the Likert scale, count them to substract from nbchoices.
$nameddegrees = 0;
$content = $choice->content;
if (preg_match("/^[0-9]{1,3}=/", $content)) {
} else {
if (isset($answers[$cid]) && !empty($answers[$cid]) && ($answers[$cid]->value == $na)) {
$answers[$cid]->value = -1;
// If choice value == -999 this is a not yet answered choice.
$num += (isset($answers[$cid]) && ($answers[$cid]->value != -999));
$nbchoices -= $nameddegrees;
if ($num == 0) {
if ($this->required()) {
$answered = false;
return $answered;
* Check question's form data for valid response. Override this is type has specific format requirements.
* @param \stdClass $responsedata The data entered into the response.
* @return boolean
public function response_valid($responsedata) {
// Work with a response object.
if (!is_a($responsedata, 'mod_questionnaire\responsetype\response\response')) {
$response = \mod_questionnaire\responsetype\response\response::response_from_webform($responsedata, [$this]);
} else {
$response = $responsedata;
$num = 0;
$nbchoices = count($this->choices);
$na = get_string('notapplicable', 'questionnaire');
// Create an answers array indexed by choiceid for ease.
$answers = [];
$nodups = [];
if (isset($response->answers[$this->id])) {
foreach ($response->answers[$this->id] as $answer) {
$answers[$answer->choiceid] = $answer;
$nodups[] = $answer->value;
foreach ($this->choices as $cid => $choice) {
// In case we have named degrees on the Likert scale, count them to substract from nbchoices.
$nameddegrees = 0;
$content = $choice->content;
if (preg_match("/^[0-9]{1,3}=/", $content)) {
} else {
if (isset($answers[$cid]) && ($answers[$cid]->value == $na)) {
$answers[$cid]->value = -1;
// If choice value == -999 this is a not yet answered choice.
$num += (isset($answers[$cid]) && ($answers[$cid]->value != -999));
$nbchoices -= $nameddegrees;
// If nodupes and nb choice restricted, nbchoices may be > actual choices, so limit it to $question->length.
$isrestricted = ($this->length < count($this->choices)) && $this->no_duplicate_choices();
if ($isrestricted) {
$nbchoices = min ($nbchoices, $this->length);
// Test for duplicate answers in a no duplicate question type.
if ($this->no_duplicate_choices()) {
foreach ($answers as $answer) {
if (count(array_keys($nodups, $answer->value)) > 1) {
return false;
if (($num != $nbchoices) && ($num != 0)) {
return false;
} else {
return parent::response_valid($responsedata);
* Return the length form element.
* @param \MoodleQuickForm $mform
* @param string $helptext
protected function form_length(\MoodleQuickForm $mform, $helptext = '') {
return parent::form_length($mform, 'numberscaleitems');
* Return the precision form element.
* @param \MoodleQuickForm $mform
* @param string $helptext
protected function form_precise(\MoodleQuickForm $mform, $helptext = '') {
$precoptions = array("0" => get_string('normal', 'questionnaire'),
"1" => get_string('notapplicablecolumn', 'questionnaire'),
"2" => get_string('noduplicates', 'questionnaire'),
"3" => get_string('osgood', 'questionnaire'));
$mform->addElement('select', 'precise', get_string('kindofratescale', 'questionnaire'), $precoptions);
$mform->addHelpButton('precise', 'kindofratescale', 'questionnaire');
$mform->setType('precise', PARAM_INT);
return $mform;
* Override if the question uses the extradata field.
* @param \MoodleQuickForm $mform
* @param string $helpname
* @return \MoodleQuickForm
protected function form_extradata(\MoodleQuickForm $mform, $helpname = '') {
$defaultvalue = '';
foreach ($this->nameddegrees as $value => $label) {
$defaultvalue .= $value . '=' . $label . "\n";
$options = ['wrap' => 'virtual'];
$mform->addElement('textarea', 'allnameddegrees', get_string('allnameddegrees', 'questionnaire'), $options);
$mform->setDefault('allnameddegrees', $defaultvalue);
$mform->setType('allnameddegrees', PARAM_RAW);
$mform->addHelpButton('allnameddegrees', 'allnameddegrees', 'questionnaire');
return $mform;
* Any preprocessing of general data.
* @param \stdClass $formdata
* @return bool
protected function form_preprocess_data($formdata) {
$nameddegrees = [];
// Named degrees are put one per line in the form "[value]=[label]".
if (!empty($formdata->allnameddegrees)) {
$nameddegreelines = explode("\n", $formdata->allnameddegrees);
foreach ($nameddegreelines as $nameddegreeline) {
$nameddegreeline = trim($nameddegreeline);
if (($nameddegree = \mod_questionnaire\question\choice::content_is_named_degree_choice($nameddegreeline)) !==
false) {
$nameddegrees += $nameddegree;
// Now store the new named degrees in extradata.
$formdata->extradata = json_encode($nameddegrees);
return parent::form_preprocess_data($formdata);
* Override this function for question specific choice preprocessing.
* @param \stdClass $formdata
* @return false
protected function form_preprocess_choicedata($formdata) {
if (empty($formdata->allchoices)) {
// Add dummy blank space character for empty value.
$formdata->allchoices = " ";
} else {
$allchoices = $formdata->allchoices;
$allchoices = explode("\n", $allchoices);
$ispossibleanswer = false;
$nbnameddegrees = 0;
$nbvalues = 0;
foreach ($allchoices as $choice) {
if ($choice) {
// Check for number from 1 to 3 digits, followed by the equal sign =.
if (preg_match("/^[0-9]{1,3}=/", $choice)) {
} else {
$ispossibleanswer = true;
// Add carriage return and dummy blank space character for empty value.
if (!$ispossibleanswer) {
$formdata->allchoices .= "\n ";
// Sanity checks for correct number of values in $formdata->length.
// Sanity check for named degrees.
if ($nbnameddegrees && $nbnameddegrees != $formdata->length) {
$formdata->length = $nbnameddegrees;
// Sanity check for "no duplicate choices"".
if (self::type_is_no_duplicate_choices($formdata->precise) && ($formdata->length > $nbvalues || !$formdata->length)) {
$formdata->length = $nbvalues;
return true;
* Update the choice with the choicerecord.
* @param \stdClass $choicerecord
* @return bool
public function update_choice($choicerecord) {
if ($nameddegree = \mod_questionnaire\question\choice::content_is_named_degree_choice($choicerecord->content)) {
// Preserve any existing value from the new array.
$this->nameddegrees = $nameddegree + $this->nameddegrees;
return parent::update_choice($choicerecord);
* Add a new choice to the database.
* @param \stdClass $choicerecord
* @return bool
public function add_choice($choicerecord) {
if ($nameddegree = \mod_questionnaire\question\choice::content_is_named_degree_choice($choicerecord->content)) {
// Preserve any existing value from the new array.
$this->nameddegrees = $nameddegree + $this->nameddegrees;
return parent::add_choice($choicerecord);
* True if question provides mobile support.
* @return bool
public function supports_mobile() {
return true;
* Override and return false if not supporting mobile app.
* @param int $qnum
* @param bool $autonum
* @return \stdClass
public function mobile_question_display($qnum, $autonum = false) {
$mobiledata = parent::mobile_question_display($qnum, $autonum);
$mobiledata->rates = $this->mobile_question_rates_display();
if ($this->has_na_column()) {
$mobiledata->hasnacolumn = (object)['value' => -1, 'label' => get_string('notapplicable', 'questionnaire')];
$mobiledata->israte = true;
return $mobiledata;
* Override and return false if not supporting mobile app.
* @return array
public function mobile_question_choices_display() {
$choices = [];
$excludes = [];
$vals = $extracontents = [];
$cnum = 0;
foreach ($this->choices as $choiceid => $choice) {
$choice->na = false;
$choice->choice_id = $choiceid;
$choice->id = $choiceid;
$choice->question_id = $this->id;
// Add a fieldkey for each choice.
$choice->fieldkey = $this->mobile_fieldkey($choiceid);
if ($this->osgood_rate_scale()) {
list($choice->leftlabel, $choice->rightlabel) = array_merge(preg_split('/[|]/', $choice->content), []);
if ($this->normal_rate_scale() || $this->no_duplicate_choices()) {
$choices[$cnum] = $choice;
if ($this->required()) {
$choices[$cnum]->min = 0;
$choices[$cnum]->minstr = 1;
} else {
$choices[$cnum]->min = 0;
$choices[$cnum]->minstr = 1;
$choices[$cnum]->max = intval($this->length) - 1;
$choices[$cnum]->maxstr = intval($this->length);
} else if ($this->has_na_column()) {
$choices[$cnum] = $choice;
if ($this->required()) {
$choices[$cnum]->min = 0;
$choices[$cnum]->minstr = 1;
} else {
$choices[$cnum]->min = 0;
$choices[$cnum]->minstr = 1;
$choices[$cnum]->max = intval($this->length);
$choices[$cnum]->na = true;
} else {
$excludes[$choiceid] = $choiceid;
if ($choice->value == null) {
if ($arr = explode('|', $choice->content)) {
if (count($arr) == 2) {
$choices[$cnum] = $choice;
$choices[$cnum]->content = '';
$choices[$cnum]->minstr = $arr[0];
$choices[$cnum]->maxstr = $arr[1];
} else {
$val = intval($choice->value);
$vals[$val] = $val;
$extracontents[] = $choice->content;
if ($vals) {
if ($q = $choices) {
foreach (array_keys($q) as $itemid) {
$choices[$itemid]->min = min($vals);
$choices[$itemid]->max = max($vals);
if ($extracontents) {
$extracontents = array_unique($extracontents);
$extrahtml = '<br><ul>';
foreach ($extracontents as $extracontent) {
$extrahtml .= '<li>'.$extracontent.'</li>';
$extrahtml .= '</ul>';
$options = ['noclean' => true, 'para' => false, 'filter' => true,
'context' => $this->context, 'overflowdiv' => true];
$choice->content .= format_text($extrahtml, FORMAT_HTML, $options);
if (!in_array($choiceid, $excludes)) {
$choice->choice_id = $choiceid;
if ($choice->value == null) {
$choice->value = '';
$choices[$cnum] = $choice;
return $choices;
* Display the rates question for mobile.
* @return array
public function mobile_question_rates_display() {
$rates = [];
if (!empty($this->nameddegrees)) {
foreach ($this->nameddegrees as $value => $label) {
$rates[] = (object)['value' => $value, 'label' => $label];
} else {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->length; $i++) {
$rates[] = (object)['value' => $i, 'label' => $i];
return $rates;
* Return the mobile response data.
* @param response $response
* @return array
public function get_mobile_response_data($response) {
$resultdata = [];
if (isset($response->answers[$this->id])) {
foreach ($response->answers[$this->id] as $answer) {
// Add a fieldkey for each choice.
if (!empty($this->nameddegrees)) {
if (isset($this->nameddegrees[$answer->value])) {
$resultdata[$this->mobile_fieldkey($answer->choiceid)] = $this->nameddegrees[$answer->value];
} else {
$resultdata[$this->mobile_fieldkey($answer->choiceid)] = $answer->value;
} else {
$resultdata[$this->mobile_fieldkey($answer->choiceid)] = $answer->value;
return $resultdata;
* Add the nameddegrees property.
private function add_nameddegrees_from_extradata() {
if (!empty($this->extradata)) {
$this->nameddegrees = json_decode($this->extradata, true);
* Insert nameddegress to the extradata database field.
* @param array $nameddegrees
* @return bool
* @throws \dml_exception
public function insert_nameddegrees(array $nameddegrees) {
return $this->insert_extradata(json_encode($nameddegrees));
* Helper function used to move existing named degree choices for the specified question from the "quest_choice" table to the
* "question" table.
* @param int $qid
* @param null|\stdClass $questionrec
public static function move_nameddegree_choices(int $qid = 0, \stdClass $questionrec = null) {
global $DB;
if ($qid !== 0) {
$question = new rate($qid);
} else {
$question = new rate(0, $questionrec);
$nameddegrees = [];
$oldchoiceids = [];
// There was an issue where rate values were being stored as 1..n, no matter what the named degree value was. We need to fix
// the old responses now. This also assumes that the values are now 1 based rather than 0 based.
$newvalues = [];
$oldval = 1;
foreach ($question->choices as $choice) {
if ($nameddegree = $choice->is_named_degree_choice()) {
$nameddegrees += $nameddegree;
$oldchoiceids[] = $choice->id;
$newvalues[$oldval++] = key($nameddegree);
if (!empty($nameddegrees)) {
if ($question->insert_nameddegrees($nameddegrees)) {
// Remove the old named desgree from the choices table.
foreach ($oldchoiceids as $choiceid) {
// First get all existing rank responses for this question.
$responses = $DB->get_recordset('questionnaire_response_rank', ['question_id' => $question->id]);
// Iterating over each response record ensures we won't change an existing record more than once.
foreach ($responses as $response) {
// Then, if the old value exists, set it to the new one.
if (isset($newvalues[$response->rankvalue])) {
$DB->set_field('questionnaire_response_rank', 'rankvalue', $newvalues[$response->rankvalue],
['id' => $response->id]);
* Helper function to move named degree choices for all questions, optionally for a specific surveyid.
* This should only be called for an upgrade from before '2018110103', or from a restore operation for a version of a
* questionnaire before '2018110103'.
* @param int|null $surveyid
public static function move_all_nameddegree_choices(int $surveyid = null) {
global $DB;
// This operation might take a while. Cancel PHP timeouts for this.
// First, let's adjust all rate answers from zero based to one based (see GHI223).
// If a specific survey is being dealt with, only use the questions from that survey.
$skip = false;
if ($surveyid !== null) {
$qids = $DB->get_records_menu('questionnaire_question', ['surveyid' => $surveyid, 'type_id' => QUESRATE],
'', 'id,surveyid');
if (!empty($qids)) {
list($qsql, $qparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($qids));
} else {
// No relevant questions, so no need to do this step.
$skip = true;
// If we're doing this step, let's do it.
if (!$skip) {
$select = 'UPDATE {questionnaire_response_rank} ' .
'SET rankvalue = (rankvalue + 1) ' .
'WHERE (rankvalue >= 0)';
if ($surveyid !== null) {
$select .= ' AND (question_id ' . $qsql . ')';
} else {
$qparams = [];
$DB->execute($select, $qparams);
$args = ['type_id' => QUESRATE];
if ($surveyid !== null) {
$args['surveyid'] = $surveyid;
$ratequests = $DB->get_recordset('questionnaire_question', $args);
foreach ($ratequests as $questionrec) {
self::move_nameddegree_choices(0, $questionrec);