Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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// This file is part of Moodle -
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// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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namespace mod_questionnaire\question;

 * This file contains the parent class for numeric question types.
 * @author Mike Churchward
 * @copyright  2016 onward Mike Churchward (
 * @license GNU Public License
 * @package mod_questionnaire
class numerical extends question {

     * Constructor. Use to set any default properties.
     * @param int $id
     * @param \stdClass $question
     * @param string $context
     * @param array $params
    public function __construct($id = 0, $question = null, $context = null, $params = []) {
        $this->length = 10;
        return parent::__construct($id, $question, $context, $params);

     * Each question type must define its response class.
     * @return string The response object based off of questionnaire_response_base.
    protected function responseclass() {
        return '\\mod_questionnaire\\responsetype\\numericaltext';

     * Short name for this question type - no spaces, etc..
     * @return string
    public function helpname() {
        return 'numeric';

     * Override and return a form template if provided. Output of question_survey_display is iterpreted based on this.
     * @return string
    public function question_template() {
        return 'mod_questionnaire/question_numeric';

     * Override and return a response template if provided. Output of response_survey_display is iterpreted based on this.
     * @return string
    public function response_template() {
        return 'mod_questionnaire/response_numeric';

     * Return the context tags for the check question template.
     * @param \mod_questionnaire\responsetype\response\response $response
     * @param array $descendantsdata
     * @param boolean $blankquestionnaire
     * @return \stdClass The check question context tags.
    protected function question_survey_display($response, $descendantsdata, $blankquestionnaire=false) {
        // Numeric.
        $questiontags = new \stdClass();
        $precision = $this->precise;
        $a = '';
        if (isset($response->answers[$this->id][0])) {
            $mynumber = $response->answers[$this->id][0]->value;
            if ($mynumber != '') {
                $mynumber0 = $mynumber;
                if (!is_numeric($mynumber) ) {
                    $msg = get_string('notanumber', 'questionnaire', $mynumber);
                } else {
                    if ($precision) {
                        $pos = strpos($mynumber, '.');
                        if (!$pos) {
                            if (strlen($mynumber) > $this->length) {
                                $mynumber = substr($mynumber, 0 , $this->length);
                        $this->length += (1 + $precision); // To allow for n numbers after decimal point.
                    $mynumber = number_format($mynumber, $precision , '.', '');
                    if ( $mynumber != $mynumber0) {
                        $a->number = $mynumber0;
                        $a->precision = $precision;
                        $msg = get_string('numberfloat', 'questionnaire', $a);
            if ($mynumber != '') {
                $response->answers[$this->id][0]->value = $mynumber;

        $choice = new \stdClass();
        $choice->onkeypress = 'return event.keyCode != 13;';
        $choice->size = $this->length;
        // Add a 'thousands separator' instruction if there is a size setting greater than three.
        $choice->instruction = (empty($choice->size) || ($choice->size > 3)) ? get_string('thousands', 'mod_questionnaire') : '';
        $choice->name = 'q'.$this->id;
        $choice->maxlength = $this->length;
        $choice->value = (isset($response->answers[$this->id][0]) ? $response->answers[$this->id][0]->value : '');
        $choice->id = self::qtypename($this->type_id) . $this->id;
        $questiontags->qelements = new \stdClass();
        $questiontags->qelements->choice = $choice;
        return $questiontags;

     * Check question's form data for valid response. Override this is type has specific format requirements.
     * @param \stdClass $responsedata The data entered into the response.
     * @return boolean
    public function response_valid($responsedata) {
        $responseval = false;
        if (is_a($responsedata, 'mod_questionnaire\responsetype\response\response')) {
            // If $responsedata is a response object, look through the answers.
            if (isset($responsedata->answers[$this->id]) && !empty($responsedata->answers[$this->id])) {
                $answer = $responsedata->answers[$this->id][0];
                $responseval = $answer->value;
        } else if (isset($responsedata->{'q'.$this->id})) {
            $responseval = $responsedata->{'q' . $this->id};
        if ($responseval !== false) {
            // If commas are present, replace them with periods, in case that was meant as the European decimal place.
            $responseval = str_replace(',', '.', $responseval);
            return (($responseval == '') || is_numeric($responseval));
        } else {
            return parent::response_valid($responsedata);

     * Return the context tags for the numeric response template.
     * @param \mod_questionnaire\responsetype\response\response $response
     * @return \stdClass The numeric question response context tags.
    protected function response_survey_display($response) {
        $resptags = new \stdClass();
        if (isset($response->answers[$this->id])) {
            $answer = reset($response->answers[$this->id]);
            $resptags->content = $answer->value;
        return $resptags;

     * Return the length form element.
     * @param \MoodleQuickForm $mform
     * @param string $helptext
    protected function form_length(\MoodleQuickForm $mform, $helptext = '') {
        $this->length = isset($this->length) ? $this->length : 10;
        return parent::form_length($mform, 'maxdigitsallowed');

     * Return the precision form element.
     * @param \MoodleQuickForm $mform
     * @param string $helptext
    protected function form_precise(\MoodleQuickForm $mform, $helptext = '') {
        return parent::form_precise($mform, 'numberofdecimaldigits');

     * True if question provides mobile support.
     * @return bool
    public function supports_mobile() {
        return true;

     * Return the mobile question display.
     * @param int $qnum
     * @param bool $autonum
     * @return \stdClass
    public function mobile_question_display($qnum, $autonum = false) {
        $mobiledata = parent::mobile_question_display($qnum, $autonum);
        $mobiledata->isnumeric = true;
        return $mobiledata;

     * Return the mobile question choices display.
     * @return array
    public function mobile_question_choices_display() {
        $choices = [];
        $choices[0] = new \stdClass();
        $choices[0]->id = 0;
        $choices[0]->choice_id = 0;
        $choices[0]->question_id = $this->id;
        $choices[0]->content = '';
        $choices[0]->value = null;
        return $choices;