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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
namespace mod_questionnaire;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/formslib.php');
* Print the form to add or edit a questionnaire-instance
* @package mod_questionnaire
* @copyright 2016 Mike Churchward (
* @author Joseph Rezeau (based on Quiz by Tim Hunt)
* @license GNU Public License
class feedback_section_form extends \moodleform {
/** @var mixed $_feedbacks */
protected $_feedbacks;
* Form definition.
public function definition() {
global $questionnaire;
$feedbacksection = $this->_customdata->feedbacksection;
$validquestions = $this->_customdata->validquestions;
$survey = $this->_customdata->survey;
$feedbacksections = $questionnaire->survey->feedbacksections;
$this->_feedbacks = $feedbacksection->sectionfeedback;
$this->context = $questionnaire->context;
$mform =& $this->_form;
if ($survey->feedbacksections > 1) {
$mform->addElement('header', 'feedbacksectionsheader', get_string('feedbacksections', 'questionnaire'));
$sselectgroup = [];
$sselect = $mform->createElement('select', 'navigatesections', get_string('navigatetosection', 'questionnaire'),
$sselectgroup[] = $sselect;
$sselectgroup[] = $mform->createElement('submit', 'gotosection', get_string('navigatetosection', 'questionnaire'));
$mform->addGroup($sselectgroup, '');
$addnewsectionarray = [];
$addnewsectionarray[] = $mform->createElement('text', 'newsectionlabel',
get_string('feedbacksectionlabel', 'questionnaire'));
$mform->setType('newsectionlabel', PARAM_TEXT);
$addnewsectionarray[] = $mform->createElement('submit', 'addnewsection', get_string('addnewsection', 'questionnaire'));
$mform->addGroup($addnewsectionarray, '', get_string('feedbacksectionlabel', 'questionnaire'));
if ($feedbacksections == 1) {
$label = get_string('feedbackglobal', 'questionnaire');
$feedbackheading = get_string('feedbackglobalheading', 'questionnaire');
$feedbackmessages = get_string('feedbackglobalmessages', 'questionnaire');
} else {
$label = $feedbacksection->sectionlabel;
$feedbackheading = get_string('feedbacksectionheading', 'questionnaire', $label);
$feedbackmessages = get_string('feedbackmessages', 'questionnaire', $label);
$mform->addElement('header', 'contenthdr', $feedbackheading);
$mform->addElement('text', 'sectionlabel', get_string('feedbacksectionlabel', 'questionnaire'),
['size' => '50', 'maxlength' => '50']);
$mform->setType('sectionlabel', PARAM_TEXT);
$mform->addRule('sectionlabel', null, 'required', null, 'client');
$mform->addHelpButton('sectionlabel', 'feedbacksectionlabel', 'questionnaire');
$editoroptions = ['maxfiles' => EDITOR_UNLIMITED_FILES, 'trusttext' => true];
$mform->addElement('editor', 'sectionheading', get_string('feedbacksectionheadingtext', 'questionnaire'),
null, $editoroptions);
$mform->setType('sectionheading', PARAM_RAW);
$mform->setDefault('feedbacknotes', $questionnaire->survey->feedbacknotes);
$mform->addHelpButton('sectionheading', 'feedbackheading', 'questionnaire');
if ($questionnaire->survey->feedbacksections > 0) {
// Sections.
if ($survey->feedbacksections > 1) {
$mform->addElement('header', 'fbsection_' . $feedbacksection->id,
get_string('feedbacksectionquestions', 'questionnaire', $label));
$qvalid = $validquestions;
if (!empty($feedbacksection->scorecalculation)) {
$rsrc = $questionnaire->renderer->image_url('t/delete');
$strremove = get_string('remove', 'questionnaire');
$rextra = ['alt' => $strremove, 'title' => $strremove];
$counter = 1;
foreach ($feedbacksection->scorecalculation as $qid => $score) {
$questionactions = [];
if ((int)$score !== -1) {
$weight = '<input type="number" style="width: 4em;" id="weight' . $counter . '" ' .
'name="weight[' . $qid . ']" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.01" ' .
'value="' . $score . '">';
} else {
$weight = '<input type="hidden" id="weight' . $counter . '" name="weight[' . $qid . ']" '.
'value="' . $score . '">';
$questionactions[] = $mform->createElement('html', $weight);
$rextra['value'] = $qid;
$questionactions[] = $mform->createElement('image', 'confirmremovequestion[' . $qid . ']', $rsrc, $rextra);
$mform->addGroup($questionactions, '', $questionnaire->questions[$qid]->name);
if (!empty($qvalid)) {
// Merge arrays maintaining keys.
$qselect = [];
$qselect[] = $mform->createElement('select', 'addquestionselect',
get_string('addquestiontosection', 'questionnaire'), $qvalid);
$qselect[] = $mform->createElement('submit', 'addquestion', get_string('addquestion', 'questionnaire'));
$mform->addGroup($qselect, '', get_string('addquestiontosection', 'questionnaire'));
$mform->addElement('header', 'feedbackhdr', $feedbackmessages);
$mform->addHelpButton('feedbackhdr', 'feedback', 'questionnaire');
$mform->addElement('static', 'scoreboundarystatic1', get_string('feedbackscoreboundary', 'questionnaire'), '100%');
$repeatarray = [];
$repeatedoptions = [];
$repeatarray[] = $mform->createElement('editor', 'feedbacktext', get_string('feedback', 'questionnaire'), null,
['maxfiles' => EDITOR_UNLIMITED_FILES, 'noclean' => true, 'context' => $questionnaire->context]);
$repeatarray[] = $mform->createElement(
'text', 'feedbackboundaries', get_string('feedbackscoreboundary', 'questionnaire'), ['size' => 10]);
$repeatedoptions['feedbacklabel']['type'] = PARAM_RAW;
$repeatedoptions['feedbacktext']['type'] = PARAM_RAW;
$repeatedoptions['feedbackboundaries']['type'] = PARAM_RAW;
$numfeedbacks = max(count($this->_feedbacks) * 1, 3);
$nextel = $this->repeat_elements($repeatarray, $numfeedbacks - 1, $repeatedoptions, 'boundary_repeats',
'boundary_add_fields', 2, get_string('feedbackaddmorefeedbacks', 'questionnaire'), true);
// Put some extra elements in before the button.
$mform->createElement('editor', "feedbacktext[$nextel]", get_string('feedback', 'questionnaire'), null,
['maxfiles' => EDITOR_UNLIMITED_FILES, 'noclean' => true, 'context' => $questionnaire->context]),
$mform->createElement('static', 'scoreboundarystatic2', get_string('feedbackscoreboundary', 'questionnaire'), '0%'),
// Hidden fields.
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'id', 0);
$mform->setType('id', PARAM_INT);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'sectionid', 0);
$mform->setType('sectionid', PARAM_INT);
// Buttons.
$buttonarray = [];
$buttonarray[] = $mform->createElement('submit', 'submitbutton', get_string('savechanges'));
$buttonarray[] = $mform->createElement('submit', 'confirmdeletesection', get_string('deletesection', 'questionnaire'));
$buttonarray[] = $mform->createElement('cancel');
$mform->addGroup($buttonarray, 'buttonar', '', ' ', false);
* Form preprocessing.
* @param array $toform
public function data_preprocessing(&$toform) {
if (count($this->_feedbacks)) {
$key = 0;
foreach ($this->_feedbacks as $feedback) {
$draftid = file_get_submitted_draft_itemid('feedbacktext['.$key.']');
$toform['feedbacktext['.$key.']']['text'] = file_prepare_draft_area(
$draftid, // Draftid.
$this->context->id, // Context.
'mod_questionnaire', // Component.
'feedback', // Filarea.
!empty($feedback->id) ? (int)$feedback->id : null, // Itemid.
$feedback->feedbacktext // Text.
$toform['feedbacktext['.$key.']']['format'] = 1;
$toform['feedbacklabel['.$key.']'] = $feedback->feedbacklabel;
$toform['feedbacktext['.$key.']']['itemid'] = $draftid;
if ($feedback->minscore > 0) {
$toform['feedbackboundaries['.$key.']'] = (100.0 * $feedback->minscore / 100 ) . '%';
* Form validation.
* @param array $data
* @param array $files
* @return array
public function validation($data, $files) {
$errors = parent::validation($data, $files);
// Check the boundary value is a number or a percentage, and in range.
$i = 0;
while (!empty($data['feedbackboundaries'][$i])) {
$boundary = trim($data['feedbackboundaries'][$i]);
if (strlen($boundary) > 0 && $boundary[strlen($boundary) - 1] == '%') {
$boundary = trim(substr($boundary, 0, -1));
if (is_numeric($boundary)) {
$boundary = $boundary * 100 / 100.0;
} else {
$errors["feedbackboundaries[$i]"] = get_string('feedbackerrorboundaryformat', 'quiz', $i + 1);
if (is_numeric($boundary) && $boundary <= 0) {
$errors["feedbackboundaries[$i]"] = get_string('feedbackerrorboundaryoutofrange', 'questionnaire', $i + 1);
if (is_numeric($boundary) && $i > 0 &&
$boundary >= $data['feedbackboundaries'][$i - 1]) {
$errors["feedbackboundaries[$i]"] = get_string('feedbackerrororder', 'questionnaire', $i + 1);
$data['feedbackboundaries'][$i] = $boundary;
$i += 1;
$numboundaries = $i;
// Check there is nothing in the remaining unused fields.
if (!empty($data['feedbackboundaries'])) {
for ($i = $numboundaries; $i < count($data['feedbackboundaries']); $i += 1) {
if (!empty($data['feedbackboundaries'][$i] ) &&
trim($data['feedbackboundaries'][$i] ) != '') {
$errors["feedbackboundaries[$i]"] = get_string('feedbackerrorjunkinboundary', 'questionnaire', $i + 1);
for ($i = $numboundaries + 1; $i < count($data['feedbacktext']); $i += 1) {
if (!empty($data['feedbacktext'][$i]['text']) &&
trim($data['feedbacktext'][$i]['text'] ) != '') {
$errors["feedbacktext[$i]"] = get_string('feedbackerrorjunkinfeedback', 'questionnaire', $i + 1);
return $errors;
* Load in existing data as form defaults. Usually new entry defaults are stored directly in
* form definition (new entry form); this function is used to load in data where values
* already exist and data is being edited (edit entry form).
* @param array $defaultvalues
public function set_data($defaultvalues) {
if (is_object($defaultvalues)) {
$defaultvalues = (array)$defaultvalues;