Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


Autoría | Ultima modificación | Ver Log |

@mod @mod_lti
Feature: Add tools
  In order to provide activities for learners
  As a teacher
  I need to be able to add instances of external tools to a course

    Given the following "users" exist:
      | username | firstname | lastname | email                |
      | teacher1 | Terry1    | Teacher1 | |
    And the following "courses" exist:
      | fullname | shortname | category |
      | Course 1 | C1 | 0 |
    And the following "course enrolments" exist:
      | user | course | role |
      | teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher |
    # A site tool configured to show as a preconfigured tool and in the activity chooser.
    And the following "mod_lti > tool types" exist:
      | name            | baseurl                                   | coursevisible | state |
      | Teaching Tool 1 | /mod/lti/tests/fixtures/tool_provider.php | 2             | 1     |
    # A course tool in course 1.
    And the following "mod_lti > course tools" exist:
      | name          | baseurl                                   | course |
      | Course tool 1 | /mod/lti/tests/fixtures/tool_provider.php | C1     |

  Scenario: Add a site tool via the activity picker
    Given I log in as "teacher1"
    And I am on "Course 1" course homepage with editing mode on
    When I add a "Teaching Tool 1" to section "1" using the activity chooser
    And I set the field "Activity name" to "Test tool activity 1"
    And "Launch container" "field" should not be visible
    # For tool that does not support Content-Item message type, the Select content button must be disabled.
    And "Select content" "button" should not be visible
    And "Tool URL" "field" should not be visible
    And I press "Save and return to course"
    And I am on the "Test tool activity 1" "lti activity editing" page
    Then the field "Activity name" matches value "Test tool activity 1"
    And "Launch container" "field" should not be visible
    And "Select content" "button" should not be visible
    And "Tool URL" "field" should not be visible

  Scenario: Add a course tool via the activity picker
    Given I log in as "teacher1"
    And I am on "Course 1" course homepage with editing mode on
    When I add a "Course tool 1" to section "1" using the activity chooser
    And I set the field "Activity name" to "Test tool activity 2"
    And "Launch container" "field" should not be visible
    # For tool that does not support Content-Item message type, the Select content button must be disabled.
    And "Select content" "button" should not be visible
    And I press "Save and return to course"
    And I am on the "Test tool activity 2" "lti activity editing" page
    Then the field "Activity name" matches value "Test tool activity 2"
    And "Launch container" "field" should not be visible
    And "Select content" "button" should not be visible
    And "Tool URL" "field" should not be visible

  Scenario: Editing a (deprecated) manually configured activity instance, confirming that config changes aren't possible
    Given the following "activities" exist:
      | activity | name          | course | toolurl                                                  |
      | lti      | A manual tool | C1     | /mod/lti/tests/fixtures/ims_cartridge_basic_lti_link.xml |
    # Add a course tool with the same URL as that of the manually configured instance (the tool URL found in the above cartridge).
    # This would normally be domain-matched during edit, resulting in the assignment of a preconfigured tool to the instance.
    # In this case, because config changes and domain matching are disabled, the test confirms this doesn't take place.
    And the following "mod_lti > course tools" exist:
      | name          | baseurl                                 | course | lti_sendname | lti_sendemailaddr | lti_acceptgrades |
      | Course tool 2 | | C1     | 0            | 1                 | 2                |
    When I am on the "A manual tool" "lti activity editing" page logged in as teacher1
    Then I should see "Manually configured External tool activities are no longer supported"
    And I follow "Show more..."
    And I expand all fieldsets
    # The privacy values below represent the existing values of the privacy settings, before saving and inheriting from the
    # domain-matched tool values.
    And the following fields match these values:
    | Activity name                    | A manual tool                                 |
    | id_showdescription               | 0                                             |
    | Consumer key                     | 12345                                         |
    | Icon URL                         |  |
    | Secure icon URL                  | |
    | Tool URL                         |       |
    | id_instructorchoicesendname      | 1                                             |
    | id_instructorchoicesendemailaddr | 1                                             |
    | id_instructorchoiceacceptgrades  | 1                                             |
    And the "Activity name" "field" should be enabled
    And the "Activity description" "field" should be enabled
    And the "id_showdescription" "checkbox" should be enabled
    And the "id_showtitlelaunch" "checkbox" should be enabled
    And the "id_showdescriptionlaunch" "checkbox" should be enabled
    And the "Secure tool URL" "field" should be disabled
    And the "Consumer key" "field" should be enabled
    And the "Shared secret" "field" should be enabled
    And I click on "Reveal" "icon"
    And I should see "secret"
    And the "Custom parameters" "field" should be disabled
    And the "Icon URL" "field" should be disabled
    And the "Secure icon URL" "field" should be disabled
    And I should see "Automatic, based on tool URL"
    And the "Select content" "button" should be disabled
    And the "Tool URL" "field" should be disabled
    And the "id_instructorchoicesendname" "checkbox" should be disabled
    And the "id_instructorchoicesendemailaddr" "checkbox" should be disabled
    And the "id_instructorchoiceacceptgrades" "checkbox" should be disabled
    And I set the following fields to these values:
    | Activity name      | A manual tool name edited |
    | id_showdescription | 1                         |
    | Consumer key       | key                       |
    | Shared secret      | secret                    |
    And I press "Save and return to course"
    And I am on the "A manual tool" "lti activity editing" page logged in as teacher1
    And I follow "Show more..."
    # This confirms that the instance config, while locked to user edits, still inherits privacy settings from the tool which
    # it was domain-matched to.
    And the following fields match these values:
    | Activity name                    | A manual tool name edited                     |
    | id_showdescription               | 1                                             |
    | Consumer key                     | key                                           |
    | Shared secret                    | secret                                        |
    | Icon URL                         |  |
    | Secure icon URL                  | |
    | Tool URL                         |       |
    | id_instructorchoicesendname      | 0                                             |
    | id_instructorchoicesendemailaddr | 1                                             |
    | id_instructorchoiceacceptgrades  | 2                                             |
    And the "Activity name" "field" should be enabled
    And the "Activity description" "field" should be enabled
    And the "id_showdescription" "checkbox" should be enabled
    And the "id_showtitlelaunch" "checkbox" should be enabled
    And the "id_showdescriptionlaunch" "checkbox" should be enabled
    And the "Secure tool URL" "field" should be disabled
    And the "Consumer key" "field" should be enabled
    And the "Shared secret" "field" should be enabled
    And I click on "Reveal" "icon"
    And I should see "secret"
    And the "Custom parameters" "field" should be disabled
    And the "Icon URL" "field" should be disabled
    And the "Secure icon URL" "field" should be disabled
    And I should see "Automatic, based on tool URL"
    And the "Select content" "button" should be disabled
    And the "Tool URL" "field" should be disabled
    And the "id_instructorchoicesendname" "checkbox" should be disabled
    And the "id_instructorchoicesendemailaddr" "checkbox" should be disabled
    And the "id_instructorchoiceacceptgrades" "checkbox" should be disabled