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* This file contains a class definition for the Memberships service
* @package ltiservice_memberships
* @copyright 2015 Vital Source Technologies
* @author Stephen Vickers
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace ltiservice_memberships\local\service;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* A service implementing Memberships.
* @package ltiservice_memberships
* @since Moodle 3.0
* @copyright 2015 Vital Source Technologies
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class memberships extends \mod_lti\local\ltiservice\service_base {
/** Default prefix for context-level roles */
/** Context-level role for Instructor */
/** Context-level role for Learner */
/** Capability used to identify Instructors */
const INSTRUCTOR_CAPABILITY = 'moodle/course:manageactivities';
/** Always include field */
/** Allow the instructor to decide if included */
/** Instructor chose to include field */
/** Instructor delegated and approved for include */
/** Scope for reading membership data */
* Class constructor.
public function __construct() {
$this->id = 'memberships';
$this->name = get_string($this->get_component_id(), $this->get_component_id());
* Get the resources for this service.
* @return array
public function get_resources() {
if (empty($this->resources)) {
$this->resources = array();
$this->resources[] = new \ltiservice_memberships\local\resources\contextmemberships($this);
$this->resources[] = new \ltiservice_memberships\local\resources\linkmemberships($this);
return $this->resources;
* Get the scope(s) permitted for the tool relevant to this service.
* @return array
public function get_permitted_scopes() {
$scopes = array();
$ok = !empty($this->get_type());
if ($ok && isset($this->get_typeconfig()[$this->get_component_id()]) &&
($this->get_typeconfig()[$this->get_component_id()] == parent::SERVICE_ENABLED)) {
$scopes[] = self::SCOPE_MEMBERSHIPS_READ;
return $scopes;
* Get the scope(s) defined by this service.
* @return array
public function get_scopes() {
* Get the JSON for members.
* @param \mod_lti\local\ltiservice\resource_base $resource Resource handling the request
* @param \context_course $context Course context
* @param string $contextid Course ID
* @param object $tool Tool instance object
* @param string $role User role requested (empty if none)
* @param int $limitfrom Position of first record to be returned
* @param int $limitnum Maximum number of records to be returned
* @param object $lti LTI instance record
* @param \core_availability\info_module $info Conditional availability information
* for LTI instance (null if context-level request)
* @return string
* @deprecated since Moodle 3.7 MDL-62599 - please do not use this function any more.
* @see memberships::get_members_json($resource, $context, $course, $role, $limitfrom, $limitnum, $lti, $info, $response)
public static function get_users_json($resource, $context, $contextid, $tool, $role, $limitfrom, $limitnum, $lti, $info) {
global $DB;
debugging('get_users_json() has been deprecated, ' .
'please use memberships::get_members_json() instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $contextid), 'id,shortname,fullname', IGNORE_MISSING);
$memberships = new memberships();
$memberships->check_tool($tool->id, null, array(self::SCOPE_MEMBERSHIPS_READ));
$response = new \mod_lti\local\ltiservice\response();
$json = $memberships->get_members_json($resource, $context, $course, $role, $limitfrom, $limitnum, $lti, $info, $response);
return $json;
* Get the JSON for members.
* @param \mod_lti\local\ltiservice\resource_base $resource Resource handling the request
* @param \context_course $context Course context
* @param \course $course Course
* @param string $role User role requested (empty if none)
* @param int $limitfrom Position of first record to be returned
* @param int $limitnum Maximum number of records to be returned
* @param object $lti LTI instance record
* @param \core_availability\info_module $info Conditional availability information
* for LTI instance (null if context-level request)
* @param \mod_lti\local\ltiservice\response $response Response object for the request
* @return string
public function get_members_json($resource, $context, $course, $role, $limitfrom, $limitnum, $lti, $info, $response) {
$withcapability = '';
$exclude = array();
if (!empty($role)) {
if ((strpos($role, 'http://') !== 0) && (strpos($role, 'https://') !== 0)) {
$role = self::CONTEXT_ROLE_PREFIX . $role;
if ($role === self::CONTEXT_ROLE_INSTRUCTOR) {
$withcapability = self::INSTRUCTOR_CAPABILITY;
} else if ($role === self::CONTEXT_ROLE_LEARNER) {
$exclude = array_keys(get_enrolled_users($context, self::INSTRUCTOR_CAPABILITY, 0, '',
null, null, null, true));
$users = get_enrolled_users($context, $withcapability, 0, 'u.*', null, 0, 0, true);
if (($response->get_accept() === 'application/vnd.ims.lti-nrps.v2.membershipcontainer+json') ||
(($response->get_accept() !== 'application/vnd.ims.lis.v2.membershipcontainer+json') &&
($this->get_type()->ltiversion === LTI_VERSION_1P3))) {
$json = $this->users_to_json($resource, $users, $course, $exclude, $limitfrom, $limitnum, $lti, $info, $response);
} else {
$json = $this->users_to_jsonld($resource, $users, $course->id, $exclude, $limitfrom, $limitnum, $lti, $info, $response);
return $json;
* Get the JSON-LD representation of the users.
* Note that when a limit is set and the exclude array is not empty, then the number of memberships
* returned may be less than the limit.
* @param \mod_lti\local\ltiservice\resource_base $resource Resource handling the request
* @param array $users Array of user records
* @param string $contextid Course ID
* @param array $exclude Array of user records to be excluded from the response
* @param int $limitfrom Position of first record to be returned
* @param int $limitnum Maximum number of records to be returned
* @param object $lti LTI instance record
* @param \core_availability\info_module $info Conditional availability information
* for LTI instance (null if context-level request)
* @param \mod_lti\local\ltiservice\response $response Response object for the request
* @return string
private function users_to_jsonld($resource, $users, $contextid, $exclude, $limitfrom, $limitnum,
$lti, $info, $response) {
global $DB;
$tool = $this->get_type();
$toolconfig = $this->get_typeconfig();
$arrusers = [
'@context' => '',
'@type' => 'Page',
'@id' => $resource->get_endpoint(),
$arrusers['pageOf'] = [
'@type' => 'LISMembershipContainer',
'membershipSubject' => [
'@type' => 'Context',
'contextId' => $contextid,
'membership' => []
$enabledcapabilities = lti_get_enabled_capabilities($tool);
$islti2 = $tool->toolproxyid > 0;
$n = 0;
$more = false;
foreach ($users as $user) {
if (in_array($user->id, $exclude)) {
if (!empty($info) && !$info->is_user_visible($info->get_course_module(), $user->id)) {
if ($limitnum > 0) {
if ($n <= $limitfrom) {
if (count($arrusers['pageOf']['membershipSubject']['membership']) >= $limitnum) {
$more = true;
$member = new \stdClass();
$member->{"@type" } = 'LISPerson';
$membership = new \stdClass();
$membership->status = 'Active';
$membership->role = explode(',', lti_get_ims_role($user->id, null, $contextid, true));
$instanceconfig = null;
if (!is_null($lti)) {
$instanceconfig = lti_get_type_config_from_instance($lti->id);
$isallowedlticonfig = self::is_allowed_field_set($toolconfig, $instanceconfig,
['name' => 'sendname', 'email' => 'sendemailaddr']);
$includedcapabilities = [
'' => ['type' => 'id',
'member.field' => 'userId',
'source.value' => $user->id],
'Person.sourcedId' => ['type' => 'id',
'member.field' => 'sourcedId',
'source.value' => format_string($user->idnumber)],
'' => ['type' => 'name',
'member.field' => 'name',
'source.value' => format_string("{$user->firstname} {$user->lastname}")],
'' => ['type' => 'name',
'member.field' => 'givenName',
'source.value' => format_string($user->firstname)],
'' => ['type' => 'name',
'member.field' => 'familyName',
'source.value' => format_string($user->lastname)],
'' => ['type' => 'email',
'member.field' => 'email',
'source.value' => format_string($user->email)],
'User.username' => ['type' => 'name',
'member.field' => 'ext_user_username',
'source.value' => format_string($user->username)]
if (!is_null($lti)) {
$message = new \stdClass();
$message->message_type = 'basic-lti-launch-request';
$conditions = array('courseid' => $contextid, 'itemtype' => 'mod',
'itemmodule' => 'lti', 'iteminstance' => $lti->id);
if (!empty($lti->servicesalt) && $DB->record_exists('grade_items', $conditions)) {
$message->lis_result_sourcedid = json_encode(lti_build_sourcedid($lti->id,
// Not per specification but added to comply with earlier version of the service.
$member->resultSourcedId = $message->lis_result_sourcedid;
$membership->message = [$message];
foreach ($includedcapabilities as $capabilityname => $capability) {
if ($islti2) {
if (in_array($capabilityname, $enabledcapabilities)) {
$member->{$capability['member.field']} = $capability['source.value'];
} else {
if (($capability['type'] === 'id')
|| ($capability['type'] === 'name' && $isallowedlticonfig['name'])
|| ($capability['type'] === 'email' && $isallowedlticonfig['email'])) {
$member->{$capability['member.field']} = $capability['source.value'];
$membership->member = $member;
$arrusers['pageOf']['membershipSubject']['membership'][] = $membership;
if ($more) {
$nextlimitfrom = $limitfrom + $limitnum;
$nextpage = "{$resource->get_endpoint()}?limit={$limitnum}&from={$nextlimitfrom}";
if (!is_null($lti)) {
$nextpage .= "&rlid={$lti->id}";
$arrusers['nextPage'] = $nextpage;
return json_encode($arrusers);
* Get the NRP service JSON representation of the users.
* Note that when a limit is set and the exclude array is not empty, then the number of memberships
* returned may be less than the limit.
* @param \mod_lti\local\ltiservice\resource_base $resource Resource handling the request
* @param array $users Array of user records
* @param \course $course Course
* @param array $exclude Array of user records to be excluded from the response
* @param int $limitfrom Position of first record to be returned
* @param int $limitnum Maximum number of records to be returned
* @param object $lti LTI instance record
* @param \core_availability\info_module $info Conditional availability information for LTI instance
* @param \mod_lti\local\ltiservice\response $response Response object for the request
* @return string
private function users_to_json($resource, $users, $course, $exclude, $limitfrom, $limitnum,
$lti, $info, $response) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$tool = $this->get_type();
$toolconfig = $this->get_typeconfig();
$context = new \stdClass();
$context->id = $course->id;
$context->label = trim(html_to_text($course->shortname, 0));
$context->title = trim(html_to_text($course->fullname, 0));
$arrusers = [
'id' => $resource->get_endpoint(),
'context' => $context,
'members' => []
$islti2 = $tool->toolproxyid > 0;
$n = 0;
$more = false;
foreach ($users as $user) {
if (in_array($user->id, $exclude)) {
if (!empty($info) && !$info->is_user_visible($info->get_course_module(), $user->id)) {
if ($limitnum > 0) {
if ($n <= $limitfrom) {
if (count($arrusers['members']) >= $limitnum) {
$more = true;
$member = new \stdClass();
$member->status = 'Active';
$member->roles = explode(',', lti_get_ims_role($user->id, null, $course->id, true));
$instanceconfig = null;
if (!is_null($lti)) {
$instanceconfig = lti_get_type_config_from_instance($lti->id);
if (!$islti2) {
$isallowedlticonfig = self::is_allowed_field_set($toolconfig, $instanceconfig,
['name' => 'sendname', 'givenname' => 'sendname', 'familyname' => 'sendname',
'email' => 'sendemailaddr']);
} else {
$isallowedlticonfig = self::is_allowed_capability_set($tool,
['name' => '', 'givenname' => '',
'familyname' => '', 'email' => '']);
$includedcapabilities = [
'' => ['type' => 'id',
'member.field' => 'user_id',
'source.value' => $user->id],
'Person.sourcedId' => ['type' => 'id',
'member.field' => 'lis_person_sourcedid',
'source.value' => format_string($user->idnumber)],
'' => ['type' => 'name',
'member.field' => 'name',
'source.value' => format_string("{$user->firstname} {$user->lastname}")],
'' => ['type' => 'givenname',
'member.field' => 'given_name',
'source.value' => format_string($user->firstname)],
'' => ['type' => 'familyname',
'member.field' => 'family_name',
'source.value' => format_string($user->lastname)],
'' => ['type' => 'email',
'member.field' => 'email',
'source.value' => format_string($user->email)],
'User.username' => ['type' => 'name',
'member.field' => 'ext_user_username',
'source.value' => format_string($user->username)],
if (!is_null($lti)) {
$message = new \stdClass();
$message->{''} = 'LtiResourceLinkRequest';
$conditions = array('courseid' => $course->id, 'itemtype' => 'mod',
'itemmodule' => 'lti', 'iteminstance' => $lti->id);
if (!empty($lti->servicesalt) && $DB->record_exists('grade_items', $conditions)) {
$basicoutcome = new \stdClass();
$basicoutcome->lis_result_sourcedid = json_encode(lti_build_sourcedid($lti->id,
// Add outcome service URL.
$serviceurl = new \moodle_url('/mod/lti/service.php');
$serviceurl = $serviceurl->out();
$forcessl = false;
if (!empty($CFG->mod_lti_forcessl)) {
$forcessl = true;
if ((isset($toolconfig['forcessl']) && ($toolconfig['forcessl'] == '1')) or $forcessl) {
$serviceurl = lti_ensure_url_is_https($serviceurl);
$basicoutcome->lis_outcome_service_url = $serviceurl;
$message->{''} = $basicoutcome;
$member->message = [$message];
foreach ($includedcapabilities as $capabilityname => $capability) {
if (($capability['type'] === 'id') || $isallowedlticonfig[$capability['type']]) {
$member->{$capability['member.field']} = $capability['source.value'];
$arrusers['members'][] = $member;
if ($more) {
$nextlimitfrom = $limitfrom + $limitnum;
$nextpage = "{$resource->get_endpoint()}?limit={$limitnum}&from={$nextlimitfrom}";
if (!is_null($lti)) {
$nextpage .= "&rlid={$lti->id}";
$response->add_additional_header("Link: <{$nextpage}>; rel=\"next\"");
return json_encode($arrusers);
* Determines whether a user attribute may be used as part of LTI membership
* @param array $toolconfig Tool config
* @param object $instanceconfig Tool instance config
* @param array $fields Set of fields to return if allowed or not
* @return array Verification which associates an attribute with a boolean (allowed or not)
private static function is_allowed_field_set($toolconfig, $instanceconfig, $fields) {
$isallowedstate = [];
foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
$allowed = isset($toolconfig[$field]) && (self::ALWAYS_INCLUDE_FIELD == $toolconfig[$field]);
if (!$allowed && isset($toolconfig[$field]) && (self::DELEGATE_TO_INSTRUCTOR == $toolconfig[$field]) &&
!is_null($instanceconfig)) {
$allowed = isset($instanceconfig->{"lti_{$field}"}) &&
($instanceconfig->{"lti_{$field}"} == self::INSTRUCTOR_INCLUDED);
$isallowedstate[$key] = $allowed;
return $isallowedstate;
* Adds form elements for membership add/edit page.
* @param \MoodleQuickForm $mform
public function get_configuration_options(&$mform) {
$elementname = $this->get_component_id();
$options = [
get_string('notallow', $this->get_component_id()),
get_string('allow', $this->get_component_id())
$mform->addElement('select', $elementname, get_string($elementname, $this->get_component_id()), $options);
$mform->setType($elementname, 'int');
$mform->setDefault($elementname, 0);
$mform->addHelpButton($elementname, $elementname, $this->get_component_id());
* Return an array of key/values to add to the launch parameters.
* @param string $messagetype 'basic-lti-launch-request' or 'ContentItemSelectionRequest'.
* @param string $courseid The course id.
* @param string $user The user id.
* @param string $typeid The tool lti type id.
* @param string $modlti The id of the lti activity.
* The type is passed to check the configuration
* and not return parameters for services not used.
* @return array of key/value pairs to add as launch parameters.
public function get_launch_parameters($messagetype, $courseid, $user, $typeid, $modlti = null) {
global $COURSE;
$launchparameters = array();
$tool = lti_get_type_type_config($typeid);
if (isset($tool->{$this->get_component_id()})) {
if ($tool->{$this->get_component_id()} == parent::SERVICE_ENABLED && $this->is_used_in_context($typeid, $courseid)) {
$launchparameters['context_memberships_url'] = '$ToolProxyBinding.memberships.url';
$launchparameters['context_memberships_v2_url'] = '$ToolProxyBinding.memberships.url';
$launchparameters['context_memberships_versions'] = '1.0,2.0';
return $launchparameters;
* Return an array of key/claim mapping allowing LTI 1.1 custom parameters
* to be transformed to LTI 1.3 claims.
* @return array Key/value pairs of params to claim mapping.
public function get_jwt_claim_mappings(): array {
return [
'custom_context_memberships_v2_url' => [
'suffix' => 'nrps',
'group' => 'namesroleservice',
'claim' => 'context_memberships_url',
'isarray' => false
'custom_context_memberships_versions' => [
'suffix' => 'nrps',
'group' => 'namesroleservice',
'claim' => 'service_versions',
'isarray' => true