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// This file is part of Moodle -
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// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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* This file contains a class definition for the LTI Gradebook Services
* @package ltiservice_gradebookservices
* @copyright 2017 Cengage Learning
* @author Dirk Singels, Diego del Blanco, Claude Vervoort
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace ltiservice_gradebookservices\local\service;
use ltiservice_gradebookservices\local\resources\lineitem;
use ltiservice_gradebookservices\local\resources\lineitems;
use ltiservice_gradebookservices\local\resources\results;
use ltiservice_gradebookservices\local\resources\scores;
use mod_lti\local\ltiservice\resource_base;
use mod_lti\local\ltiservice\service_base;
use moodle_url;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/lti/locallib.php');
* A service implementing LTI Gradebook Services.
* @package ltiservice_gradebookservices
* @copyright 2017 Cengage Learning
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class gradebookservices extends service_base {
/** Read-only access to Gradebook services */
/** Full access to Gradebook services */
/** Scope for full access to Lineitem service */
/** Scope for full access to Lineitem service */
/** Scope for access to Result service */
/** Scope for access to Score service */
* Class constructor.
public function __construct() {
$this->id = 'gradebookservices';
$this->name = get_string($this->get_component_id(), $this->get_component_id());
* Get the resources for this service.
* @return resource_base[]
public function get_resources() {
// The containers should be ordered in the array after their elements.
// Lineitems should be after lineitem.
if (empty($this->resources)) {
$this->resources = array();
$this->resources[] = new lineitem($this);
$this->resources[] = new lineitems($this);
$this->resources[] = new results($this);
$this->resources[] = new scores($this);
return $this->resources;
* Get the scope(s) permitted for this service.
* @return array
public function get_permitted_scopes() {
$scopes = array();
$ok = !empty($this->get_type());
if ($ok && isset($this->get_typeconfig()['ltiservice_gradesynchronization'])) {
if (!empty($setting = $this->get_typeconfig()['ltiservice_gradesynchronization'])) {
if ($setting == self::GRADEBOOKSERVICES_FULL) {
return $scopes;
* Get the scopes defined by this service.
* @return array
public function get_scopes() {
* Adds form elements for gradebook sync add/edit page.
* @param \MoodleQuickForm $mform Moodle quickform object definition
public function get_configuration_options(&$mform) {
$selectelementname = 'ltiservice_gradesynchronization';
$identifier = 'grade_synchronization';
$options = [
get_string('nevergs', $this->get_component_id()),
get_string('partialgs', $this->get_component_id()),
get_string('alwaysgs', $this->get_component_id())
$mform->addElement('select', $selectelementname, get_string($identifier, $this->get_component_id()), $options);
$mform->setType($selectelementname, 'int');
$mform->setDefault($selectelementname, 0);
$mform->addHelpButton($selectelementname, $identifier, $this->get_component_id());
* For submission review, if there is a dedicated URL, use it as the target link.
* @param string $messagetype message type for this launch
* @param string $targetlinkuri current target link uri
* @param string|null $customstr concatenated list of custom parameters
* @param int $courseid
* @param null|object $lti LTI Instance.
* @return array containing the target link URL and the custom params string to use.
public function override_endpoint(string $messagetype, string $targetlinkuri, ?string $customstr, int $courseid,
?object $lti = null): array {
global $DB;
if ($messagetype == 'LtiSubmissionReviewRequest' && isset($lti->id)) {
$conditions = array('courseid' => $courseid, 'ltilinkid' => $lti->id);
$coupledlineitems = $DB->get_records('ltiservice_gradebookservices', $conditions);
if (count($coupledlineitems) == 1) {
$item = reset($coupledlineitems);
$url = $item->subreviewurl;
$subreviewparams = $item->subreviewparams;
if (!empty($url) && $url != 'DEFAULT') {
$targetlinkuri = $url;
if (!empty($subreviewparams)) {
if (!empty($customstr)) {
$customstr .= "\n{$subreviewparams}";
} else {
$customstr = $subreviewparams;
return [$targetlinkuri, $customstr];
* Return an array of key/claim mapping allowing LTI 1.1 custom parameters
* to be transformed to LTI 1.3 claims.
* @return array Key/value pairs of params to claim mapping.
public function get_jwt_claim_mappings(): array {
return [
'custom_gradebookservices_scope' => [
'suffix' => 'ags',
'group' => 'endpoint',
'claim' => 'scope',
'isarray' => true
'custom_lineitems_url' => [
'suffix' => 'ags',
'group' => 'endpoint',
'claim' => 'lineitems',
'isarray' => false
'custom_lineitem_url' => [
'suffix' => 'ags',
'group' => 'endpoint',
'claim' => 'lineitem',
'isarray' => false
'custom_results_url' => [
'suffix' => 'ags',
'group' => 'endpoint',
'claim' => 'results',
'isarray' => false
'custom_result_url' => [
'suffix' => 'ags',
'group' => 'endpoint',
'claim' => 'result',
'isarray' => false
'custom_scores_url' => [
'suffix' => 'ags',
'group' => 'endpoint',
'claim' => 'scores',
'isarray' => false
'custom_score_url' => [
'suffix' => 'ags',
'group' => 'endpoint',
'claim' => 'score',
'isarray' => false
* Return an array of key/values to add to the launch parameters.
* @param string $messagetype 'basic-lti-launch-request' or 'ContentItemSelectionRequest'.
* @param string $courseid the course id.
* @param object $user The user id.
* @param string $typeid The tool lti type id.
* @param string $modlti The id of the lti activity.
* The type is passed to check the configuration
* and not return parameters for services not used.
* @return array of key/value pairs to add as launch parameters.
public function get_launch_parameters($messagetype, $courseid, $user, $typeid, $modlti = null) {
global $DB;
$launchparameters = array();
// Only inject parameters if the service is enabled for this tool.
if (isset($this->get_typeconfig()['ltiservice_gradesynchronization'])) {
if ($this->get_typeconfig()['ltiservice_gradesynchronization'] == self::GRADEBOOKSERVICES_READ ||
$this->get_typeconfig()['ltiservice_gradesynchronization'] == self::GRADEBOOKSERVICES_FULL) {
// Check for used in context is only needed because there is no explicit site tool - course relation.
if ($this->is_allowed_in_context($typeid, $courseid)) {
$id = null;
if (!is_null($modlti)) {
$conditions = array('courseid' => $courseid, 'itemtype' => 'mod',
'itemmodule' => 'lti', 'iteminstance' => $modlti);
$coupledlineitems = $DB->get_records('grade_items', $conditions);
$conditionsgbs = array('courseid' => $courseid, 'ltilinkid' => $modlti);
$lineitemsgbs = $DB->get_records('ltiservice_gradebookservices', $conditionsgbs);
// If a link has more that one attached grade items, per spec we do not populate line item url.
if (count($lineitemsgbs) == 1) {
$id = reset($lineitemsgbs)->gradeitemid;
if (count($lineitemsgbs) < 2 && count($coupledlineitems) == 1) {
$coupledid = reset($coupledlineitems)->id;
if (!is_null($id) && $id != $coupledid) {
$id = null;
} else {
$id = $coupledid;
$launchparameters['gradebookservices_scope'] = implode(',', $this->get_permitted_scopes());
$launchparameters['lineitems_url'] = '$LineItems.url';
if (!is_null($id)) {
$launchparameters['lineitem_url'] = '$LineItem.url';
return $launchparameters;
* Fetch the lineitem instances.
* @param string $courseid ID of course
* @param string $resourceid Resource identifier used for filtering, may be null
* @param string $ltilinkid Resource Link identifier used for filtering, may be null
* @param string $tag
* @param int $limitfrom Offset for the first line item to include in a paged set
* @param int $limitnum Maximum number of line items to include in the paged set
* @param string $typeid
* @return array
* @throws \Exception
public function get_lineitems($courseid, $resourceid, $ltilinkid, $tag, $limitfrom, $limitnum, $typeid) {
global $DB;
// Select all lti potential linetiems in site.
$params = array('courseid' => $courseid);
$sql = "SELECT i.*
FROM {grade_items} i
WHERE (i.courseid = :courseid)
$lineitems = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
// For each one, check the gbs id, and check that toolproxy matches. If so, add the
// tag to the result and add it to a final results array.
$lineitemstoreturn = array();
$lineitemsandtotalcount = array();
if ($lineitems) {
foreach ($lineitems as $lineitem) {
$gbs = $this->find_ltiservice_gradebookservice_for_lineitem($lineitem->id);
if ($gbs && (!isset($tag) || (isset($tag) && $gbs->tag == $tag))
&& (!isset($ltilinkid) || (isset($ltilinkid) && $gbs->ltilinkid == $ltilinkid))
&& (!isset($resourceid) || (isset($resourceid) && $gbs->resourceid == $resourceid))) {
if (is_null($typeid)) {
if ($this->get_tool_proxy()->id == $gbs->toolproxyid) {
array_push($lineitemstoreturn, $lineitem);
} else {
if ($typeid == $gbs->typeid) {
array_push($lineitemstoreturn, $lineitem);
} else if (($lineitem->itemtype == 'mod' && $lineitem->itemmodule == 'lti'
&& !isset($resourceid) && !isset($tag)
&& (!isset($ltilinkid) || (isset($ltilinkid)
&& $lineitem->iteminstance == $ltilinkid)))) {
// We will need to check if the activity related belongs to our tool proxy.
$ltiactivity = $DB->get_record('lti', array('id' => $lineitem->iteminstance));
if (($ltiactivity) && (isset($ltiactivity->typeid))) {
if ($ltiactivity->typeid != 0) {
$tool = $DB->get_record('lti_types', array('id' => $ltiactivity->typeid));
} else {
$tool = lti_get_tool_by_url_match($ltiactivity->toolurl, $courseid);
if (!$tool) {
$tool = lti_get_tool_by_url_match($ltiactivity->securetoolurl, $courseid);
if (is_null($typeid)) {
if (($tool) && ($this->get_tool_proxy()->id == $tool->toolproxyid)) {
array_push($lineitemstoreturn, $lineitem);
} else {
if (($tool) && ($tool->id == $typeid)) {
array_push($lineitemstoreturn, $lineitem);
$lineitemsandtotalcount = array();
array_push($lineitemsandtotalcount, count($lineitemstoreturn));
// Return the right array based in the paging parameters limit and from.
if (($limitnum) && ($limitnum > 0)) {
$lineitemstoreturn = array_slice($lineitemstoreturn, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
array_push($lineitemsandtotalcount, $lineitemstoreturn);
return $lineitemsandtotalcount;
* Fetch a lineitem instance.
* Returns the lineitem instance if found, otherwise false.
* @param string $courseid ID of course
* @param string $itemid ID of lineitem
* @param string $typeid
* @return \ltiservice_gradebookservices\local\resources\lineitem|bool
public function get_lineitem($courseid, $itemid, $typeid) {
global $DB, $CFG;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/gradelib.php');
$lineitem = \grade_item::fetch(array('id' => $itemid));
if ($lineitem) {
$gbs = $this->find_ltiservice_gradebookservice_for_lineitem($itemid);
if (!$gbs) {
// We will need to check if the activity related belongs to our tool proxy.
$ltiactivity = $DB->get_record('lti', array('id' => $lineitem->iteminstance));
if (($ltiactivity) && (isset($ltiactivity->typeid))) {
if ($ltiactivity->typeid != 0) {
$tool = $DB->get_record('lti_types', array('id' => $ltiactivity->typeid));
} else {
$tool = lti_get_tool_by_url_match($ltiactivity->toolurl, $courseid);
if (!$tool) {
$tool = lti_get_tool_by_url_match($ltiactivity->securetoolurl, $courseid);
if (is_null($typeid)) {
if (!(($tool) && ($this->get_tool_proxy()->id == $tool->toolproxyid))) {
return false;
} else {
if (!(($tool) && ($tool->id == $typeid))) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
return $lineitem;
* Adds a decoupled (standalone) line item.
* Decoupled line items are not directly attached to
* an lti instance activity. They are recorded in
* the gradebook as manual activities and the
* gradebookservices is used to associate that manual column
* with the tool in addition to storing the LTI related
* metadata (resource id, tag).
* @param string $courseid ID of course
* @param string $label label of lineitem
* @param float $maximumscore maximum score of lineitem
* @param string $baseurl
* @param int|null $ltilinkid id of lti instance this line item is associated with
* @param string|null $resourceid resource id of lineitem
* @param string|null $tag tag of lineitem
* @param int $typeid lti type to which this line item is associated with
* @param int|null $toolproxyid lti2 tool proxy to which this lineitem is associated to
* @return int id of the created gradeitem
public function add_standalone_lineitem(string $courseid, string $label, float $maximumscore,
string $baseurl, ?int $ltilinkid, ?string $resourceid, ?string $tag, int $typeid,
int $toolproxyid = null): int {
global $DB;
$params = array();
$params['itemname'] = $label;
$params['gradetype'] = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE;
$params['grademax'] = $maximumscore;
$params['grademin'] = 0;
$item = new \grade_item(array('id' => 0, 'courseid' => $courseid));
\grade_item::set_properties($item, $params);
$item->itemtype = 'manual';
$item->grademax = $maximumscore;
$id = $item->insert('mod/ltiservice_gradebookservices');
$DB->insert_record('ltiservice_gradebookservices', (object)array(
'gradeitemid' => $id,
'courseid' => $courseid,
'toolproxyid' => $toolproxyid,
'typeid' => $typeid,
'baseurl' => $baseurl,
'ltilinkid' => $ltilinkid,
'resourceid' => $resourceid,
'tag' => $tag
return $id;
* Set a grade item.
* @param object $gradeitem Grade Item record
* @param object $score Result object
* @param int $userid User ID
* @throws \Exception
* @deprecated since Moodle 3.7 MDL-62599 - please do not use this function any more.
* @see gradebookservices::save_grade_item($gradeitem, $score, $userid)
public static function save_score($gradeitem, $score, $userid) {
$service = new gradebookservices();
$service->save_grade_item($gradeitem, $score, $userid);
* Saves a score received from the LTI tool.
* @param object $gradeitem Grade Item record
* @param object $score Result object
* @param int $userid User ID
* @throws \Exception
public function save_grade_item($gradeitem, $score, $userid) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$source = 'mod' . $this->get_component_id();
if ($DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $userid)) === false) {
throw new \Exception(null, 400);
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/gradelib.php');
$finalgrade = null;
$timemodified = null;
if (isset($score->scoreGiven)) {
$finalgrade = grade_floatval($score->scoreGiven);
$max = 1;
if (isset($score->scoreMaximum)) {
$max = $score->scoreMaximum;
if (!is_null($max) && grade_floats_different($max, $gradeitem->grademax) && grade_floats_different($max, 0.0)) {
// Rescale to match the grade item maximum.
$finalgrade = grade_floatval($finalgrade * $gradeitem->grademax / $max);
if (isset($score->timestamp)) {
$timemodified = strtotime($score->timestamp);
} else {
$timemodified = time();
$feedbackformat = FORMAT_MOODLE;
$feedback = null;
if (!empty($score->comment)) {
$feedback = $score->comment;
$feedbackformat = FORMAT_PLAIN;
if ($gradeitem->is_manual_item()) {
$result = $gradeitem->update_final_grade($userid, $finalgrade, null, $feedback, FORMAT_PLAIN, null, $timemodified);
} else {
if (!$grade = \grade_grade::fetch(array('itemid' => $gradeitem->id, 'userid' => $userid))) {
$grade = new \grade_grade();
$grade->userid = $userid;
$grade->itemid = $gradeitem->id;
$grade->rawgrademax = $score->scoreMaximum;
$grade->timemodified = $timemodified;
$grade->feedbackformat = $feedbackformat;
$grade->feedback = $feedback;
$grade->rawgrade = $finalgrade;
$status = grade_update($source, $gradeitem->courseid,
$gradeitem->itemtype, $gradeitem->itemmodule,
$gradeitem->iteminstance, $gradeitem->itemnumber, $grade);
$result = ($status == GRADE_UPDATE_OK);
if (!$result) {
debugging("failed to save score for item ".$gradeitem->id." and user ".$grade->userid);
throw new \Exception(null, 500);
* Get the json object representation of the grade item
* @param object $item Grade Item record
* @param string $endpoint Endpoint for lineitems container request
* @param string $typeid
* @return object
public static function item_for_json($item, $endpoint, $typeid) {
$lineitem = new \stdClass();
if (is_null($typeid)) {
$typeidstring = "";
} else {
$typeidstring = "?type_id={$typeid}";
$lineitem->id = "{$endpoint}/{$item->id}/lineitem" . $typeidstring;
$lineitem->label = $item->itemname;
$lineitem->scoreMaximum = floatval($item->grademax);
$gbs = self::find_ltiservice_gradebookservice_for_lineitem($item->id);
if ($gbs) {
$lineitem->resourceId = (!empty($gbs->resourceid)) ? $gbs->resourceid : '';
$lineitem->tag = (!empty($gbs->tag)) ? $gbs->tag : '';
if (isset($gbs->ltilinkid)) {
$lineitem->resourceLinkId = strval($gbs->ltilinkid);
$lineitem->ltiLinkId = strval($gbs->ltilinkid);
if (!empty($gbs->subreviewurl)) {
$submissionreview = new \stdClass();
if ($gbs->subreviewurl != 'DEFAULT') {
$submissionreview->url = $gbs->subreviewurl;
if (!empty($gbs->subreviewparams)) {
$submissionreview->custom = lti_split_parameters($gbs->subreviewparams);
$lineitem->submissionReview = $submissionreview;
} else {
$lineitem->tag = '';
if (isset($item->iteminstance)) {
$lineitem->resourceLinkId = strval($item->iteminstance);
$lineitem->ltiLinkId = strval($item->iteminstance);
return $lineitem;
* Get the object matching the JSON representation of the result.
* @param object $grade Grade record
* @param string $endpoint Endpoint for lineitem
* @param int $typeid The id of the type to include in the result url.
* @return object
public static function result_for_json($grade, $endpoint, $typeid) {
if (is_null($typeid)) {
$id = "{$endpoint}/results?user_id={$grade->userid}";
} else {
$id = "{$endpoint}/results?type_id={$typeid}&user_id={$grade->userid}";
$result = new \stdClass();
$result->id = $id;
$result->userId = $grade->userid;
if (!empty($grade->finalgrade)) {
$result->resultScore = floatval($grade->finalgrade);
$result->resultMaximum = floatval($grade->rawgrademax);
if (!empty($grade->feedback)) {
$result->comment = $grade->feedback;
if (is_null($typeid)) {
$result->scoreOf = $endpoint;
} else {
$result->scoreOf = "{$endpoint}?type_id={$typeid}";
$result->timestamp = date('c', $grade->timemodified);
return $result;
* Check if an LTI id is valid.
* @param string $linkid The lti id
* @param string $course The course
* @param string $toolproxy The tool proxy id
* @return boolean
public static function check_lti_id($linkid, $course, $toolproxy) {
global $DB;
// Check if lti type is zero or not (comes from a backup).
$sqlparams1 = array();
$sqlparams1['linkid'] = $linkid;
$sqlparams1['course'] = $course;
$ltiactivity = $DB->get_record('lti', array('id' => $linkid, 'course' => $course));
if ($ltiactivity->typeid == 0) {
$tool = lti_get_tool_by_url_match($ltiactivity->toolurl, $course);
if (!$tool) {
$tool = lti_get_tool_by_url_match($ltiactivity->securetoolurl, $course);
return (($tool) && ($toolproxy == $tool->toolproxyid));
} else {
$sqlparams2 = array();
$sqlparams2['linkid'] = $linkid;
$sqlparams2['course'] = $course;
$sqlparams2['toolproxy'] = $toolproxy;
$sql = 'SELECT lti.*
FROM {lti} lti
INNER JOIN {lti_types} typ ON lti.typeid =
AND lti.course = ?
AND typ.toolproxyid = ?';
return $DB->record_exists_sql($sql, $sqlparams2);
* Check if an LTI id is valid when we are in a LTI 1.x case
* @param string $linkid The lti id
* @param string $course The course
* @param string $typeid The lti type id
* @return boolean
public static function check_lti_1x_id($linkid, $course, $typeid) {
global $DB;
// Check if lti type is zero or not (comes from a backup).
$sqlparams1 = array();
$sqlparams1['linkid'] = $linkid;
$sqlparams1['course'] = $course;
$ltiactivity = $DB->get_record('lti', array('id' => $linkid, 'course' => $course));
if ($ltiactivity) {
if ($ltiactivity->typeid == 0) {
$tool = lti_get_tool_by_url_match($ltiactivity->toolurl, $course);
if (!$tool) {
$tool = lti_get_tool_by_url_match($ltiactivity->securetoolurl, $course);
return (($tool) && ($typeid == $tool->id));
} else {
$sqlparams2 = array();
$sqlparams2['linkid'] = $linkid;
$sqlparams2['course'] = $course;
$sqlparams2['typeid'] = $typeid;
$sql = 'SELECT lti.*
FROM {lti} lti
INNER JOIN {lti_types} typ ON lti.typeid =
AND lti.course = ?
AND = ?';
return $DB->record_exists_sql($sql, $sqlparams2);
} else {
return false;
* Updates the tag, resourceid and submission review values for a grade item coupled to an lti link instance.
* @param object $ltiinstance The lti instance to which the grade item is coupled to
* @param string|null $resourceid The resourceid to apply to the lineitem. If empty string which will be stored as null.
* @param string|null $tag The tag to apply to the lineitem. If empty string which will be stored as null.
* @param moodle_url|null $subreviewurl The submission review target link URL
* @param string|null $subreviewparams The submission review custom parameters.
public static function update_coupled_gradebookservices(object $ltiinstance,
?string $resourceid, ?string $tag, ?\moodle_url $subreviewurl, ?string $subreviewparams): void {
global $DB;
if ($ltiinstance && $ltiinstance->typeid) {
$gradeitem = $DB->get_record('grade_items', array('itemmodule' => 'lti', 'iteminstance' => $ltiinstance->id));
if ($gradeitem) {
$resourceid = (isset($resourceid) && empty(trim($resourceid))) ? null : $resourceid;
$subreviewurlstr = $subreviewurl ? $subreviewurl->out(false) : null;
$tag = (isset($tag) && empty(trim($tag))) ? null : $tag;
$gbs = self::find_ltiservice_gradebookservice_for_lineitem($gradeitem->id);
if ($gbs) {
$gbs->resourceid = $resourceid;
$gbs->tag = $tag;
$gbs->subreviewurl = $subreviewurlstr;
$gbs->subreviewparams = $subreviewparams;
$DB->update_record('ltiservice_gradebookservices', $gbs);
} else {
$baseurl = lti_get_type_type_config($ltiinstance->typeid)->lti_toolurl;
$DB->insert_record('ltiservice_gradebookservices', (object)array(
'gradeitemid' => $gradeitem->id,
'courseid' => $gradeitem->courseid,
'typeid' => $ltiinstance->typeid,
'baseurl' => $baseurl,
'ltilinkid' => $ltiinstance->id,
'resourceid' => $resourceid,
'tag' => $tag,
'subreviewurl' => $subreviewurlstr,
'subreviewparams' => $subreviewparams
* Called when a new LTI Instance is added.
* @param object $lti LTI Instance.
public function instance_added(object $lti): void {
self::update_coupled_gradebookservices($lti, $lti->lineitemresourceid ?? null, $lti->lineitemtag ?? null,
isset($lti->lineitemsubreviewurl) ? new moodle_url($lti->lineitemsubreviewurl) : null,
$lti->lineitemsubreviewparams ?? null);
* Called when a new LTI Instance is updated.
* @param object $lti LTI Instance.
public function instance_updated(object $lti): void {
self::update_coupled_gradebookservices($lti, $lti->lineitemresourceid ?? null, $lti->lineitemtag ?? null,
isset($lti->lineitemsubreviewurl) ? new moodle_url($lti->lineitemsubreviewurl) : null,
$lti->lineitemsubreviewparams ?? null);
* Set the form data when displaying the LTI Instance form.
* @param object $defaultvalues Default form values.
public function set_instance_form_values(object $defaultvalues): void {
$defaultvalues->lineitemresourceid = '';
$defaultvalues->lineitemtag = '';
$defaultvalues->subreviewurl = '';
$defaultvalues->subreviewparams = '';
if (is_object($defaultvalues) && $defaultvalues->instance) {
$gbs = self::find_ltiservice_gradebookservice_for_lti($defaultvalues->instance);
if ($gbs) {
$defaultvalues->lineitemresourceid = $gbs->resourceid;
$defaultvalues->lineitemtag = $gbs->tag;
$defaultvalues->lineitemsubreviewurl = $gbs->subreviewurl;
$defaultvalues->lineitemsubreviewparams = $gbs->subreviewparams;
* Deletes orphaned rows from the 'ltiservice_gradebookservices' table.
* Sometimes, if a gradebook entry is deleted and it was a lineitem
* the row in the table ltiservice_gradebookservices can become an orphan
* This method will clean these orphans. It will happens based on a task
* because it is not urgent and we don't want to slow the service
public static function delete_orphans_ltiservice_gradebookservices_rows() {
global $DB;
$sql = "DELETE
FROM {ltiservice_gradebookservices}
WHERE gradeitemid NOT IN (SELECT id
FROM {grade_items} gi)";
* Check if a user can be graded in a course
* @param int $courseid The course
* @param int $userid The user
* @return bool
public static function is_user_gradable_in_course($courseid, $userid) {
global $CFG;
$gradableuser = false;
$coursecontext = \context_course::instance($courseid);
if (is_enrolled($coursecontext, $userid, '', false)) {
$roles = get_user_roles($coursecontext, $userid);
$gradebookroles = explode(',', $CFG->gradebookroles);
foreach ($roles as $role) {
foreach ($gradebookroles as $gradebookrole) {
if ($role->roleid === $gradebookrole) {
$gradableuser = true;
return $gradableuser;
* Find the right element in the ltiservice_gradebookservice table for an lti instance
* @param string $instanceid The LTI module instance id
* @return object gradebookservice for this line item
public static function find_ltiservice_gradebookservice_for_lti($instanceid) {
global $DB;
if ($instanceid) {
$gradeitem = $DB->get_record('grade_items', array('itemmodule' => 'lti', 'iteminstance' => $instanceid));
if ($gradeitem) {
return self::find_ltiservice_gradebookservice_for_lineitem($gradeitem->id);
* Find the right element in the ltiservice_gradebookservice table for a lineitem
* @param string $lineitemid The lineitem (gradeitem) id
* @return object gradebookservice if it exists
public static function find_ltiservice_gradebookservice_for_lineitem($lineitemid) {
global $DB;
if ($lineitemid) {
return $DB->get_record('ltiservice_gradebookservices',
array('gradeitemid' => $lineitemid));
* Validates specific ISO 8601 format of the timestamps.
* @param string $date The timestamp to check.
* @return boolean true or false if the date matches the format.
public static function validate_iso8601_date($date) {
if (preg_match('/^([\+-]?\d{4}(?!\d{2}\b))((-?)((0[1-9]|1[0-2])' .
'(\3([12]\d|0[1-9]|3[01]))?|W([0-4]\d|5[0-2])(-?[1-7])?|(00[1-9]|0[1-9]\d|[12]\d{2}|3([0-5]\d|6[1-6])))' .
'([T\s]((([01]\d|2[0-3])((:?)[0-5]\d)?|24\:?00)([\.,]\d+(?!:))?)?(\17[0-5]\d([\.,]\d+)?)' .
'?([zZ]|([\+-])([01]\d|2[0-3]):?([0-5]\d)?)?)?)?$/', $date) > 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;