Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
 * Internal library of functions for module hvp
 * All the hvp specific functions, needed to implement the module
 * logic, should go here. Never include this file from your lib.php!
 * @package    mod_hvp
 * @copyright  2016 Joubel AS <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

use core\message\message;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();


 * Get array with settings for hvp core
 * @param \context_course|\context_module [$context]
 * @return array Settings
function hvp_get_core_settings($context) {
    global $USER, $CFG;

    $systemcontext = \context_system::instance();
    $basepath = \mod_hvp\view_assets::getsiteroot() . '/';

    // Check permissions and generate ajax paths.
    $ajaxpaths = array();
    $savefreq = false;
    $ajaxpath = "{$basepath}mod/hvp/ajax.php?contextId={$context->instanceid}&token=";
    if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_MODULE && has_capability('mod/hvp:saveresults', $context)) {
        $ajaxpaths['setFinished'] = $ajaxpath . \H5PCore::createToken('result') . '&action=set_finished';
        $ajaxpaths['xAPIResult'] = $ajaxpath . \H5PCore::createToken('xapiresult') . '&action=xapiresult';
    if (has_capability('mod/hvp:savecontentuserdata', $context)) {
        $ajaxpaths['contentUserData'] = $ajaxpath . \H5PCore::createToken('contentuserdata') .

        if (get_config('mod_hvp', 'enable_save_content_state')) {
            $savefreq = get_config('mod_hvp', 'content_state_frequency');

    $core = \mod_hvp\framework::instance('core');

    $settings = array(
        'baseUrl' => $basepath,
        'url' => "{$basepath}pluginfile.php/{$context->instanceid}/mod_hvp",
        // NOTE: Separate context from content URL !
        'urlLibraries' => "{$basepath}pluginfile.php/{$systemcontext->id}/mod_hvp/libraries",
        'postUserStatistics' => true,
        'ajax' => $ajaxpaths,
        'saveFreq' => $savefreq,
        'siteUrl' => $CFG->wwwroot,
        'l10n' => array('H5P' => $core->getLocalization()),
        'user' => array(
            'name' => $USER->firstname . ' ' . $USER->lastname,
            'mail' => $USER->email
        'hubIsEnabled' => get_config('mod_hvp', 'hub_is_enabled') ? true : false,
        'reportingIsEnabled' => true,
        'crossorigin' => isset($CFG->mod_hvp_crossorigin) ? $CFG->mod_hvp_crossorigin : null,
        'crossoriginRegex' => isset($CFG->mod_hvp_crossoriginRegex) ? $CFG->mod_hvp_crossoriginRegex : null,
        'crossoriginCacheBuster' => isset($CFG->mod_hvp_crossoriginCacheBuster) ? $CFG->mod_hvp_crossoriginCacheBuster : null,
        'libraryConfig' => $core->h5pF->getLibraryConfig(),
        'pluginCacheBuster' => hvp_get_cache_buster(),
        'libraryUrl' => $basepath . 'mod/hvp/library/js'

    return $settings;

 * Get assets (scripts and styles) for hvp core.
 * @param \context_course|\context_module $context
 * @return array
function hvp_get_core_assets($context) {
    global $PAGE;

    // Get core settings.
    $settings = \hvp_get_core_settings($context);
    $settings['core'] = array(
        'styles' => array(),
        'scripts' => array()
    $settings['loadedJs'] = array();
    $settings['loadedCss'] = array();

    // Make sure files are reloaded for each plugin update.
    $cachebuster = \hvp_get_cache_buster();

    // Use relative URL to support both http and https.
    $liburl = \mod_hvp\view_assets::getsiteroot() . '/mod/hvp/library/';
    $relpath = '/' . preg_replace('/^[^:]+:\/\/[^\/]+\//', '', $liburl);

    // Add core stylesheets.
    foreach (\H5PCore::$styles as $style) {
        $settings['core']['styles'][] = $relpath . $style . $cachebuster;
        $PAGE->requires->css(new moodle_url($liburl . $style . $cachebuster));
    // Add core JavaScript.
    foreach (\H5PCore::$scripts as $script) {
        $settings['core']['scripts'][] = $relpath . $script . $cachebuster;
        $PAGE->requires->js(new moodle_url($liburl . $script . $cachebuster), true);

    return $settings;

 * Add required assets for displaying the editor.
 * @param int $id Content being edited. null for creating new content
 * @param string $mformid Id of Moodle form
 * @throws coding_exception
 * @throws moodle_exception
function hvp_add_editor_assets($id = null, $mformid = null) {
    global $PAGE, $CFG, $COURSE;

    // First we need to determine the context for permission handling.
    if ($id) {
        // Use cm context when editing existing content.
        $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('hvp', $id);
        $context = \context_module::instance($cm->id);
    } else {
        // Use course context when there's no content, i.e. adding new content.
        $context = \context_course::instance($COURSE->id);

    $settings = \hvp_get_core_assets($context);

    // Use jQuery and styles from core.
    $assets = array(
        'css' => $settings['core']['styles'],
        'js' => $settings['core']['scripts']

    // Use relative URL to support both http and https.
    $url = \mod_hvp\view_assets::getsiteroot() . '/mod/hvp/';
    $url = '/' . preg_replace('/^[^:]+:\/\/[^\/]+\//', '', $url);

    // Make sure files are reloaded for each plugin update.
    $cachebuster = \hvp_get_cache_buster();

    // Add editor styles.
    foreach (H5peditor::$styles as $style) {
        $assets['css'][] = $url . 'editor/' . $style . $cachebuster;

    // Add editor JavaScript.
    foreach (H5peditor::$scripts as $script) {
        // We do not want the creator of the iframe inside the iframe.
        if ($script !== 'scripts/h5peditor-editor.js') {
            $assets['js'][] = $url . 'editor/' . $script . $cachebuster;

    // Add JavaScript with library framework integration (editor part).
    $PAGE->requires->js(new moodle_url('/mod/hvp/editor/scripts/h5peditor-editor.js' . $cachebuster), true);
    $PAGE->requires->js(new moodle_url('/mod/hvp/editor/scripts/h5peditor-init.js' . $cachebuster), true);
    $PAGE->requires->js(new moodle_url('/mod/hvp/editor.js' . $cachebuster), true);

    // Add translations.
    $language = \mod_hvp\framework::get_language();
    $languagescript = "editor/language/{$language}.js";
    if (!file_exists("{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/hvp/{$languagescript}")) {
        $languagescript = 'editor/language/en.js';
    $PAGE->requires->js(new moodle_url('/mod/hvp/' . $languagescript . $cachebuster), true);

    // Add JavaScript settings.
    $root = \mod_hvp\view_assets::getsiteroot();
    $filespathbase = "{$root}/pluginfile.php/{$context->id}/mod_hvp/";
    $contentvalidator = \mod_hvp\framework::instance('contentvalidator');
    $editorajaxtoken = \H5PCore::createToken('editorajax');

    $interface = \mod_hvp\framework::instance('interface');
    $siteuuid = $interface->getOption('site_uuid', null);
    $secret   = $interface->getOption('hub_secret', null);
    $enablecontenthub = !empty($siteuuid) && !empty($secret);

    $settings['editor'] = array(
      'filesPath' => $filespathbase . 'editor',
      'fileIcon' => array(
        'path' => $url . 'editor/images/binary-file.png',
        'width' => 50,
        'height' => 50,
      'ajaxPath' => "{$url}ajax.php?contextId={$context->id}&token={$editorajaxtoken}&action=",
      'libraryUrl' => $url . 'editor/',
      'copyrightSemantics' => $contentvalidator->getCopyrightSemantics(),
      'metadataSemantics' => $contentvalidator->getMetadataSemantics(),
      'assets' => $assets,
      // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
      'apiVersion' => H5PCore::$coreApi,
      'language' => $language,
      'formId' => $mformid,
      'hub' => [
        'contentSearchUrl' => \H5PHubEndpoints::createURL(\H5PHubEndpoints::CONTENT) . '/search',
      'enableContentHub' => $enablecontenthub,

    if ($id !== null) {
        $settings['editor']['nodeVersionId'] = $id;

        // Find cm context.
        $cm      = \get_coursemodule_from_instance('hvp', $id);
        $context = \context_module::instance($cm->id);

        // Override content URL.
        $contenturl = "{$root}/pluginfile.php/{$context->id}/mod_hvp/content/{$id}";
        $settings['contents']['cid-' . $id]['contentUrl'] = $contenturl;

    $PAGE->requires->data_for_js('H5PIntegration', $settings, true);

 * Add core JS and CSS to page.
 * @param moodle_page $page
 * @param moodle_url|string $liburl
 * @param array|null $settings
 * @throws \coding_exception
function hvp_admin_add_generic_css_and_js($page, $liburl, $settings = null) {
    // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
    foreach (\H5PCore::$adminScripts as $script) {
        $page->requires->js(new moodle_url($liburl . $script . hvp_get_cache_buster()), true);

    if ($settings === null) {
        $settings = array();

    $settings['containerSelector'] = '#h5p-admin-container';
    $settings['l10n'] = array(
        'NA' => get_string('notapplicable', 'hvp'),
        'viewLibrary' => '',
        'deleteLibrary' => '',
        'upgradeLibrary' => get_string('upgradelibrarycontent', 'hvp')

    $page->requires->data_for_js('H5PAdminIntegration', $settings, true);
    $page->requires->css(new moodle_url($liburl . 'styles/h5p.css' . hvp_get_cache_buster()));
    $page->requires->css(new moodle_url($liburl . 'styles/h5p-admin.css' . hvp_get_cache_buster()));

    // Add settings.
    $page->requires->data_for_js('h5p', hvp_get_core_settings(\context_system::instance()), true);

 * Get a query string with the plugin version number to include at the end
 * of URLs. This is used to force the browser to reload the asset when the
 * plugin is updated.
 * @return string
function hvp_get_cache_buster() {
    return '?ver=' . get_config('mod_hvp', 'version');

 * Restrict access to a given content type.
 * @param int $library_id
 * @param bool $restrict
function hvp_restrict_library($libraryid, $restrict) {
    global $DB;
    $DB->update_record('hvp_libraries', (object) array(
        'id' => $libraryid,
        'restricted' => $restrict ? 1 : 0

 * Handle content upgrade progress
 * @method hvp_content_upgrade_progress
 * @param  int $library_id
 * @return object An object including the json content for the H5P instances
 *                (maximum 40) that should be upgraded.
function hvp_content_upgrade_progress($libraryid) {
    global $DB;

    $tolibraryid = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'libraryId');

    // Verify security token.
    if (!\H5PCore::validToken('contentupgrade', required_param('token', PARAM_RAW))) {
        print get_string('upgradeinvalidtoken', 'hvp');

    // Get the library we're upgrading to.
    $tolibrary = $DB->get_record('hvp_libraries', array(
        'id' => $tolibraryid
    if (!$tolibrary) {
        print get_string('upgradelibrarymissing', 'hvp');

    // Prepare response.
    $out = new stdClass();
    $out->params = array();
    $out->token = \H5PCore::createToken('contentupgrade');
    $out->metadata = array();

    // Prepare our interface.
    $interface = \mod_hvp\framework::instance('interface');

    // Get updated params.
    $params = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'params');
    if ($params !== null) {
        // Update params.
        $params = json_decode($params);
        foreach ($params as $id => $param) {
            $upgraded = json_decode($param);
            $metadata = isset($upgraded->metadata) ? $upgraded->metadata : array();

            $fields = array_merge(\H5PMetadata::toDBArray($metadata, false, false), array(
                'id' => $id,
                'main_library_id' => $tolibrary->id,
                'json_content' => json_encode($upgraded->params),
                'filtered' => ''

            $DB->update_record('hvp', $fields);

            // Log content upgrade successful.
            new \mod_hvp\event(
                'content', 'upgrade',
                $id, $DB->get_field_sql("SELECT name FROM {hvp} WHERE id = ?", array($id)),
                $tolibrary->machine_name, $tolibrary->major_version . '.' . $tolibrary->minor_version

    // Determine if any content has been skipped during the process.
    $skipped = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'skipped');
    if ($skipped !== null) {
        $out->skipped = json_decode($skipped);
        // Clean up input, only numbers.
        foreach ($out->skipped as $i => $id) {
            $out->skipped[$i] = intval($id);
        $skipped = implode(',', $out->skipped);
    } else {
        $out->skipped = array();

    // Get number of contents for this library.
    $out->left = $interface->getNumContent($libraryid, $skipped);

    if ($out->left) {
        $skipquery = empty($skipped) ? '' : " AND id NOT IN ($skipped)";

        // Find the 40 first contents using this library version and add to params.
        $results = $DB->get_records_sql(
            "SELECT id, json_content as params, name as title, authors, source, year_from, year_to,
                    license, license_version, changes, license_extras, author_comments, default_language,
               FROM {hvp}
              WHERE main_library_id = ?
           ORDER BY name ASC", array($libraryid), 0 , 40

        foreach ($results as $content) {
            $out->params[$content->id] = '{"params":' . $content->params .
                                         ',"metadata":' . \H5PMetadata::toJSON($content) . '}';

    return $out;

 * Gets the information needed when content is upgraded
 * @method hvp_get_library_upgrade_info
 * @param  string $name
 * @param  int $major
 * @param  int $minor
 * @return object Library metadata including name, version, semantics and path
 *                to upgrade script
function hvp_get_library_upgrade_info($name, $major, $minor) {
    $library = (object) array(
        'name' => $name,
        'version' => (object) array(
            'major' => $major,
            'minor' => $minor

    $core = \mod_hvp\framework::instance();

    $library->semantics = $core->loadLibrarySemantics($library->name, $library->version->major, $library->version->minor);

    $context = \context_system::instance();
    $libraryfoldername = "{$library->name}-{$library->version->major}.{$library->version->minor}";
    if (\mod_hvp\file_storage::fileExists($context->id, 'libraries', '/' . $libraryfoldername . '/', 'upgrades.js')) {
        $basepath = \mod_hvp\view_assets::getsiteroot() . '/';
        $library->upgradesScript = "{$basepath}pluginfile.php/{$context->id}/mod_hvp/libraries/{$libraryfoldername}/upgrades.js";

    return $library;

 * Check permissions to view given user's results
 * @param int $userid Id of the user the results belong to
 * @param context $context Current context, usually course context
 * @return bool true if current user has permission to view given user results
function hvp_has_view_results_permission($userid, $context) {
    global $USER;

    // Check if user can view all results.
    if (has_capability('mod/hvp:viewallresults', $context)) {
        return true;

    // Check if viewing own results, and have permission for it.
    return $userid === (int) $USER->id ? has_capability('mod/hvp:viewresults', $context) : false;

 * Require view results capability for this page
 * @param int $userid User id who owns results
 * @param context $context Current context
 * @param int $redirectcontentid Redirect to this content id if not allowed
 *  to view own results
function hvp_require_view_results_permission($userid, $context, $redirectcontentid = null) {
    global $USER;

    if (!hvp_has_view_results_permission($userid, $context)) {
        if ($userid === (int) $USER->id && isset($redirectcontentid)) {
            // Not allowed to view own results, redirect.
            redirect(new moodle_url('/mod/hvp/view.php', ['id' => $redirectcontentid]));
        } else {
            // Other user's results, require capability to view all results.
            require_capability('mod/hvp:viewallresults', $context);

 * Sends notification messages to the interested parties that assign the role capability
 * @param object $recipient user object of the intended recipient
 * @param $submitter
 * @param object $a associative array of replaceable fields for the templates
 * @return int|false as for {@link message_send()}.
 * @throws coding_exception
function hvp_send_notification($recipient, $submitter, $a) {
    // Recipient info for template.
    $a->useridnumber = $recipient->id;
    $a->username     = fullname($recipient);
    $a->userusername = $recipient->username;

    // Prepare the message.
    $message                    = new message();
    $message->component         = 'mod_hvp';
    $message->name              = 'submission';
    $message->userfrom          = $submitter;
    $message->userto            = $recipient;
    $message->subject           = get_string('emailnotifysubject', 'hvp', $a);
    $message->fullmessage       = get_string('emailnotifybody', 'hvp', $a);
    $message->fullmessageformat = FORMAT_PLAIN;
    $message->fullmessagehtml   = '';
    $message->smallmessage      = get_string('emailnotifysmall', 'hvp', $a);
    $message->courseid          = $a->courseid;

    $message->contexturl     = $a->hvpreporturl;
    $message->contexturlname = $a->hvpname;

    return message_send($message);

 * Sends a confirmation message to the student confirming that the attempt was processed.
 * @param object $a useful information that can be used in the message
 *      subject and body.
 * @return int|false as for {@link message_send()}.
 * @throws coding_exception
function hvp_send_confirmation($recipient, $a) {
    // Add information about the recipient to $a.
    $a->username     = fullname($recipient);
    $a->userusername = $recipient->username;

    // Prepare the message.
    $eventdata               = new \core\message\message();
    $eventdata->courseid     = $a->courseid;
    $eventdata->component    = 'mod_hvp';
    $eventdata->name         = 'confirmation';
    $eventdata->notification = 1;

    $eventdata->userfrom          = core_user::get_noreply_user();
    $eventdata->userto            = $recipient;
    $eventdata->subject           = get_string('emailconfirmsubject', 'hvp', $a);
    $eventdata->fullmessage       = get_string('emailconfirmbody', 'hvp', $a);
    $eventdata->fullmessageformat = FORMAT_PLAIN;
    $eventdata->fullmessagehtml   = '';

    $eventdata->smallmessage   = get_string('emailconfirmsmall', 'hvp', $a);
    $eventdata->contexturl     = $a->hvpurl;
    $eventdata->contexturlname = $a->hvpname;

    return message_send($eventdata);

 * Send all the required messages when a h5p attempt is submitted.
 * @param object $course the course
 * @param object $hvp the h5p
 * @param object $attempt this attempt just finished
 * @param context $context the h5p context
 * @param object $cm the coursemodule for this h5p
 * @return bool true if all necessary messages were sent successfully, else false.
 * @throws coding_exception
 * @throws dml_exception
function hvp_send_notification_messages($course, $hvp, $attempt, $context, $cm) {
    global $CFG, $DB;

    // Do nothing if required objects not present.
    if (empty($course) or empty($hvp) or empty($attempt) or empty($context)) {
        throw new coding_exception('$course, $hvp, $attempt, $context and $cm must all be set.');

    $submitter = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $attempt->userid), '*', MUST_EXIST);

    // Check for confirmation required.
    $sendconfirm        = false;
    $notifyexcludeusers = '';
    if (has_capability('mod/hvp:emailconfirmsubmission', $context, $submitter, false)) {
        $notifyexcludeusers = $submitter->id;
        $sendconfirm        = true;

    // Check for notifications required.
    $notifyfields = ', u.username, u.idnumber,, u.emailstop, u.lang,
            u.timezone, u.mailformat, u.maildisplay, u.auth, u.suspended, u.deleted, ';
    $notifyfields .= get_all_user_name_fields(true, 'u');
    $groups       = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $submitter->id, $cm->groupingid);
    if (is_array($groups) && count($groups) > 0) {
        $groups = array_keys($groups);
    } else if (groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm, $course) != NOGROUPS) {
        // If the user is not in a group, and the hvp is set to group mode,
        // then set $groups to a non-existant id so that only users with
        // 'moodle/site:accessallgroups' get notified.
        $groups = - 1;
    } else {
        $groups = '';
    $userstonotify = get_users_by_capability($context, 'mod/hvp:emailnotifysubmission',
        $notifyfields, '', '', '', $groups, $notifyexcludeusers, false, false, true);

    if (empty($userstonotify) && !$sendconfirm) {
        return true; // Nothing to do.

    $a = new stdClass();
    // Course info.
    $a->courseid        = $course->id;
    $a->coursename      = $course->fullname;
    $a->courseshortname = $course->shortname;

    // H5P info.
    $a->hvpname       = $hvp->name;
    $report           = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/hvp/review.php?id={$hvp->id}&course={$course->id}&user={$submitter->id}";
    $a->hvpreporturl  = $report;
    $a->hvpreportlink = '<a href="' . $a->hvpreporturl . '">' .
                        format_string($hvp->name, true, ['context' => $context]) . ' report</a>';
    $a->hvpurl        = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/hvp/view.php?id=' . $cm->id;
    $a->hvplink       = '<a href="' . $a->hvpurl . '">' .
                        format_string($hvp->name, true, ['context' => $context]) . '</a>';
    $a->hvpid         = $hvp->id;
    $a->hvpcmid       = $cm->id;

    // Student who sat the hvp info.
    $a->studentidnumber = $submitter->id;
    $a->studentname     = fullname($submitter);
    $a->studentusername = $submitter->username;

    $allok = true;

    // Send notifications if required.
    if (!empty($userstonotify)) {
        foreach ($userstonotify as $recipient) {
            $allok = $allok && hvp_send_notification($recipient, $submitter, $a);

    // Send confirmation if required. We send the student confirmation last, so
    // that if message sending is being intermittently buggy, which means we send
    // some but not all messages, and then try again later, then teachers may get
    // duplicate messages, but the student will always get exactly one.
    if ($sendconfirm) {
        $allok = $allok && hvp_send_confirmation($submitter, $a);

    return $allok;

 * Callback for the attempt_submitted event.
 * Sends out notification messages.
 * @param $event
 * @throws coding_exception
 * @throws dml_exception
function hvp_attempt_submitted_handler($event) {
    global $DB, $PAGE;
    $course  = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $event->courseid));
    $cm      = get_coursemodule_from_id('hvp', $event->get_context()->instanceid, $event->courseid);
    $hvp     = $DB->get_record('hvp', array('id' => $cm->instance));
    $attempt = (object) [
        'userid' => $event->userid
    $context = context_module::instance($cm->id);

    hvp_send_notification_messages($course, $hvp, $attempt, $context, $cm);

 * Check and update content hub status for shared content.
 * @param $content
function hvp_update_hub_status($content) {
    $synced = intval($content['synced']);

    // Only check sync status when waiting.
    if (empty($content['contentHubId']) || $synced !== H5PContentHubSyncStatus::WAITING) {
        return false;

    $core = \mod_hvp\framework::instance();
    $newstate = $core->getHubContentStatus($content['contentHubId'], $synced);
    if ($newstate !== false) {
        $core->h5pF->updateContentFields($content['id'], array('synced' => $newstate));

        return $newstate;

    return false;

 * Create URL for Content Hub to download content
 * @param $content
function hvp_create_hub_export_url($cmid, $content) {
    // Create URL.
    $modulecontext = \context_module::instance($cmid);
    $slug          = $content['slug'] ? $content['slug'] . '-' : '';
    $filename      = "{$slug}{$content['id']}.h5p";
    $exporturl     = \moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url($modulecontext->id, 'mod_hvp', 'exports', '', '', $filename)

    // To prevent anyone else from downloading we add an extra token.
    $time  = time();
    $data  = $time . ':' . get_config('mod_hvp', 'site_uuid');
    $hash  = hash_hmac('SHA512', $data, get_config('mod_hvp', 'hub_secret'), true);
    $token = hvp_base64_encode($time) . '.' . hvp_base64_encode($hash);

    return "$exporturl?hub=$token";

 * URL compatible base64 encoding.
 * @param  string  $string
 * @return string
function hvp_base64_encode($string) {
    return str_replace('=', '', strtr(base64_encode($string), '+/', '-_'));