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/* global ns */
H5PEditor.ListEditor = (function ($) {
* Draws the list.
* @class
* @param {List} list
function ListEditor(list) {
var self = this;
var entity = list.getEntity();
// Create list html
var $list = $('<ul/>', {
id: list.getId(),
'aria-describedby': list.getDescriptionId(),
'class': 'h5p-ul'
// Create add button
var $button = ns.createButton(list.getImportance(), H5PEditor.t('core', 'addEntity', {':entity': entity}), function () {
}, true);
// Used when dragging items around
var adjustX, adjustY, marginTop, formOffset;
* @private
* @param {jQuery} $item
* @param {jQuery} $placeholder
* @param {Number} x
* @param {Number} y
var moveItem = function ($item, $placeholder, x, y) {
var currentIndex;
// Adjust so the mouse is placed on top of the icon.
x = x - adjustX;
y = y - adjustY;
top: y - marginTop -,
left: x - formOffset.left
// Try to move up.
var $prev = $item.prev().prev();
if ($prev.length && y < $prev.offset().top + ($prev.height() / 2)) {
currentIndex = $item.index();
list.moveItem(currentIndex, currentIndex - 1);
// Try to move down.
var $next = $;
if ($next.length && y + $item.height() > $next.offset().top + ($next.height() / 2)) {
currentIndex = $item.index() - 2;
list.moveItem(currentIndex, currentIndex + 1);
* Default confirm handler.
* @param {Object} item Content parameters
* @param {number} id Index of element being removed
* @param {Object} buttonOffset Delete button offset, useful for positioning dialog
* @param {function} confirm Run to confirm delete
self.defaultConfirmHandler = function (item, id, buttonOffset, confirm) {
// Create default confirmation dialog for removing list item
const confirmRemovalDialog = new H5P.ConfirmationDialog({
dialogText: H5PEditor.t('core', 'confirmRemoval', {':type': entity})
// Remove list item on confirmation
confirmRemovalDialog.on('confirmed', confirm);;
// Use the default confirmation handler by default
let confirmHandler = self.defaultConfirmHandler;
* Set a custom confirmation handler callback (instead of the default dialog)
* @public
* @param {function} confirmHandler
self.setConfirmHandler = function (handler) {
confirmHandler = handler;
* Adds UI items to the widget.
* @public
* @param {Object} item
self.addItem = function (item) {
var $placeholder, mouseDownAt;
var $item = $('<li/>', {
'class' : 'h5p-li',
* Mouse move callback
* @private
* @param {Object} event
var move = function (event) {
if (mouseDownAt) {
// Have not started moving yet
if (! (event.pageX > mouseDownAt.x + 5 || event.pageX < mouseDownAt.x - 5 ||
event.pageY > mouseDownAt.y + 5 || event.pageY < mouseDownAt.y - 5) ) {
return; // Not ready to start moving
// Prevent wysiwyg becoming unresponsive
// Prepare to start moving
mouseDownAt = null;
var offset = $item.offset();
adjustX = event.pageX - offset.left;
adjustY = event.pageY -;
marginTop = parseInt($item.css('marginTop'));
formOffset = $list.offsetParent().offset();
// TODO: Couldn't formOffset and margin be added?
var width = $item.width();
var height = $item.height();
width: width,
height: height
$placeholder = $('<li/>', {
'class': 'placeholder h5p-li',
css: {
width: width,
height: height
moveItem($item, $placeholder, event.pageX, event.pageY);
* Mouse button release callback
* @private
var up = function () {
// Stop listening for mouse move events
.unbind('mousemove', move)
.unbind('mouseup', up);
// Enable text select again
'-moz-user-select': '',
'-webkit-user-select': '',
'user-select': '',
'-ms-user-select': ''
.attr('unselectable', 'off')[0].onselectstart = H5P.$body[0].ondragstart = null;
if (!mouseDownAt) {
// Not your regular click, we have been moving
width: 'auto',
height: 'auto'
if (item instanceof H5PEditor.Group) {
// Avoid groups expand/collapse toggling
item.preventToggle = true;
* Mouse button down callback
* @private
var down = function (event) {
if (event.which !== 1) {
return; // Only allow left mouse button
mouseDownAt = {
x: event.pageX,
y: event.pageY
// Start listening for mouse move events
// Prevent text select
'-moz-user-select': 'none',
'-webkit-user-select': 'none',
'user-select': 'none',
'-ms-user-select': 'none'
.attr('unselectable', 'on')[0].onselectstart = H5P.$body[0].ondragstart = function () {
return false;
* Order current list item up
* @private
var moveItemUp = function () {
var $prev = $item.prev();
if (!$prev.length) {
return; // Cannot move item further up
// Prevent wysiwyg becoming unresponsive
var currentIndex = $item.index();
list.moveItem(currentIndex, currentIndex - 1);
* Order current ist item down
* @private
var moveItemDown = function () {
var $next = $;
if (!$next.length) {
return; // Cannot move item further down
// Prevent wysiwyg becoming unresponsive
var currentIndex = $item.index();
list.moveItem(currentIndex, currentIndex + 1);
// List item title bar
var $titleBar = $('<div/>', {
'class': 'list-item-title-bar',
appendTo: $item
// Container for list actions
var $listActions = $('<div/>', {
class: 'list-actions',
appendTo: $titleBar
// Append order button
var $orderGroup = $('<div/>', {
class : 'order-group',
appendTo: $listActions
H5PEditor.createButton('order-up', H5PEditor.t('core', 'orderItemUp'), moveItemUp).appendTo($orderGroup);
H5PEditor.createButton('order-down', H5PEditor.t('core', 'orderItemDown'), moveItemDown).appendTo($orderGroup);
H5PEditor.createButton('remove', H5PEditor.t('core', 'removeItem'), function () {
confirmHandler(item, $item.index(), $(this).offset(), function () {
// Append new field item to content wrapper
if (item instanceof H5PEditor.Group) {
// Append to item
// Move label
// Handle expand and collapse
item.on('expanded', function () {
item.on('collapsed', function () {
else {
// Append content wrapper
var $content = $('<div/>', {
'class' : 'content'
// Add importance to items not in groups
// Append field
if (item.field.label !== 0) {
// Try to find and move the label to the title bar
const $label = $content.children('.field').find('.h5peditor-label:first');
if ($label.length !== 0) {
$titleBar.append($('<label/>', {
'class': 'h5peditor-label',
'for': $label.parent().attr('for'),
html: $label.html()
// Append item to list
if (item instanceof H5PEditor.Group && item.field.expanded !== false) {
// Good UX: automatically expand groups if not explicitly disabled by semantics
* Determine if child is a text field
* @param {Object} child
* @returns {boolean} True if child is a text field
self.isTextField = function (child) {
var widget = ns.getWidgetName(child.field);
return widget === 'html' || widget === 'text';
* Puts this widget at the end of the given container.
* @public
* @param {jQuery} $container
self.appendTo = function ($container) {
* Remove this widget from the editor DOM.
* @public
self.remove = function () {
return ListEditor;