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// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
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* The mod_hvp view assets convenience class for viewing and embedding H5Ps
* @package mod_hvp
* @copyright 2017 Joubel
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace mod_hvp;
use moodle_url;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Handles finding and attaching assets for view
* @package mod_hvp
class view_assets {
private $cm;
private $course;
private $core;
private $content;
private $jsrequires;
private $cssrequires;
protected $settings;
protected $embedtype;
protected $files;
public function __construct($cm, $course, $options = []) {
$this->cm = $cm;
$this->course = $course;
$this->core = framework::instance();
$this->content = $this->core->loadContent($cm->instance);
$this->settings = hvp_get_core_assets(\context_module::instance($cm->id));
$this->jsrequires = [];
$this->cssrequires = [];
$context = \context_module::instance($this->cm->id);
$displayoptions = $this->core->getDisplayOptionsForView($this->content['disable'], $context->instanceid);
if (isset($options['disabledownload']) && $options['disabledownload']) {
$displayoptions[\H5PCore::DISPLAY_OPTION_DOWNLOAD] = false;
if (isset($options['disablefullscreen']) && $options['disablefullscreen']) {
$this->settings['fullscreenDisabled'] = true;
// Add JavaScript settings for this content.
$cid = 'cid-' . $this->content['id'];
$root = self::getsiteroot();
$this->settings['contents'][ $cid ] = array(
'library' => \H5PCore::libraryToString($this->content['library']),
'jsonContent' => $this->getfilteredparameters(),
'fullScreen' => $this->content['library']['fullscreen'],
'exportUrl' => $this->getexportsettings($displayoptions[ \H5PCore::DISPLAY_OPTION_DOWNLOAD ]),
'embedCode' => $this->getembedcode($displayoptions[ \H5PCore::DISPLAY_OPTION_EMBED ]),
'resizeCode' => $this->getresizecode($displayoptions[ \H5PCore::DISPLAY_OPTION_EMBED ]),
'title' => $this->content['title'],
'displayOptions' => $displayoptions,
'url' => "{$root}/mod/hvp/view.php?id={$this->cm->id}",
'contentUrl' => "{$root}/pluginfile.php/{$context->id}/mod_hvp/content/{$this->content['id']}",
'metadata' => $this->content['metadata'],
'contentUserData' => array(
0 => content_user_data::load_pre_loaded_user_data($this->content['id'])
$this->embedtype = isset($options->forceembedtype) ? $options->forceembedtype : \H5PCore::determineEmbedType(
$this->content['embedType'], $this->content['library']['embedTypes']
$this->files = $this->getdependencyfiles();
* Filtered and potentially altered parameters
* @return Object|string
private function getfilteredparameters() {
global $PAGE;
$safeparameters = $this->core->filterParameters($this->content);
$decodedparams = json_decode($safeparameters);
$hvpoutput = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_hvp');
$safeparameters = json_encode($decodedparams);
return $safeparameters;
* Export path for settings
* @param $downloadenabled
* @return string
private function getexportsettings($downloadenabled) {
global $CFG;
if ( ! $downloadenabled || (isset($CFG->mod_hvp_export) && $CFG->mod_hvp_export === false)) {
return '';
$modulecontext = \context_module::instance($this->cm->id);
$slug = $this->content['slug'] ? $this->content['slug'] . '-' : '';
$url = \moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url($modulecontext->id,
return $url->out();
* Embed code for settings
* @param $embedenabled
* @return string
private function getembedcode($embedenabled) {
if ( ! $embedenabled) {
return '';
$root = self::getsiteroot();
$embedurl = new \moodle_url("{$root}/mod/hvp/embed.php?id={$this->cm->id}");
$title = isset($this->content['metadata']['a11yTitle'])
? $this->content['metadata']['a11yTitle']
: (isset($this->content['metadata']['title'])
? $this->content['metadata']['title']
: ''
return "<iframe src=\"{$embedurl->out()}\" width=\":w\" height=\":h\" frameborder=\"0\" " .
"allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\" title=\"{$title}\"></iframe>";
* Resizing script for settings
* @param $embedenabled
* @return string
private function getresizecode($embedenabled) {
if ( ! $embedenabled) {
return '';
$resizeurl = new \moodle_url(self::getsiteroot() . '/mod/hvp/library/js/h5p-resizer.js');
return "<script src=\"{$resizeurl->out()}\" charset=\"UTF-8\"></script>";
* Finds library dependencies of view
* @return array Files that the view has dependencies to
private function getdependencyfiles() {
global $PAGE;
$preloadeddeps = $this->core->loadContentDependencies($this->content['id'], 'preloaded');
$files = $this->core->getDependenciesFiles($preloadeddeps);
// Add additional asset files if required.
$hvpoutput = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_hvp');
$hvpoutput->hvp_alter_scripts($files['scripts'], $preloadeddeps, $this->embedtype);
$hvpoutput->hvp_alter_styles($files['styles'], $preloadeddeps, $this->embedtype);
return $files;
* Generates assets depending on embed type
private function generateassets() {
if ($this->embedtype === 'div') {
$context = \context_system::instance();
$hvppath = "/pluginfile.php/{$context->id}/mod_hvp";
// Schedule JavaScripts for loading through Moodle.
foreach ($this->files['scripts'] as $script) {
$url = $script->path . $script->version;
// Add URL prefix if not external.
$isexternal = strpos($script->path, '://');
if ($isexternal === false) {
$url = $hvppath . $url;
$this->settings['loadedJs'][] = $url;
$this->jsrequires[] = new \moodle_url($isexternal ? $url : self::getsiteroot() . $url);
// Schedule stylesheets for loading through Moodle.
foreach ($this->files['styles'] as $style) {
$url = $style->path . $style->version;
// Add URL prefix if not external.
$isexternal = strpos($style->path, '://');
if ($isexternal === false) {
$url = $hvppath . $url;
$this->settings['loadedCss'][] = $url;
$this->cssrequires[] = new \moodle_url($isexternal ? $url : self::getsiteroot() . $url);
} else {
// JavaScripts and stylesheets will be loaded through h5p.js.
$cid = 'cid-' . $this->content['id'];
$this->settings['contents'][ $cid ]['scripts'] = $this->core->getAssetsUrls($this->files['scripts']);
$this->settings['contents'][ $cid ]['styles'] = $this->core->getAssetsUrls($this->files['styles']);
public function getcontent() {
return $this->content;
* Logs viewed to all handlers
public function logviewed() {
* Logs content viewed to H5P core
public function logh5pviewedevent() {
new event(
'content', null,
$this->content['id'], $this->content['title'],
$this->content['library']['majorVersion'] . '.' . $this->content['library']['minorVersion']
* Logs activity viewed to completion criterias
public function logcompletioncriteriaviewed() {
$completion = new \completion_info($this->course);
* Allows observers to act on viewed event
public function triggermoduleviewedevent() {
$event = event\course_module_viewed::create(array(
'objectid' => $this->cm->instance,
'context' => \context_module::instance($this->cm->id)
$event->add_record_snapshot('course_modules', $this->cm);
* Adds js assets to current page
public function addassetstopage() {
global $PAGE;
foreach ($this->jsrequires as $script) {
$PAGE->requires->js($script, true);
foreach ($this->cssrequires as $css) {
// Print JavaScript settings to page.
$PAGE->requires->data_for_js('H5PIntegration', $this->settings, true);
// Add xAPI collector script.
$PAGE->requires->js(new \moodle_url(self::getsiteroot() . '/mod/hvp/xapi-collector.js'), true);
* Outputs h5p view
public function outputview() {
if ($this->embedtype === 'div') {
echo "<div class=\"h5p-content\" data-content-id=\"{$this->content['id']}\"></div>";
} else {
$title = isset($this->content['metadata']['a11yTitle'])
? $this->content['metadata']['a11yTitle']
: (isset($this->content['metadata']['title'])
? $this->content['metadata']['title']
: ''
echo "<div class=\"h5p-iframe-wrapper\">" .
"<iframe id=\"h5p-iframe-{$this->content['id']}\"" .
" class=\"h5p-iframe\"" .
" data-content-id=\"{$this->content['id']}\"" .
" style=\"height:1px\"" .
" src=\"about:blank\"" .
" frameBorder=\"0\"" .
" scrolling=\"no\"" .
" title=\"{$title}\">" .
"</iframe>" .
* Checks if content is valid, prints an error if not
public function validatecontent() {
if ($this->content === null) {
print_error('invalidhvp', 'mod_hvp');
* Gets the site root absolute address
* @return string Root address for the site
public static function getsiteroot() {
global $CFG;
// In Moodle 3.4 version wwwroot is always the same as httpswwwroot.
if ($CFG->version < 2017111300) {
return $CFG->httpswwwroot;
return $CFG->wwwroot;