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// This file is part of Moodle -
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// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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* The mod_hvp file storage
* @package mod_hvp
* @copyright 2016 Joubel AS
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace mod_hvp;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* The mod_hvp file storage class.
* @package mod_hvp
* @since Moodle 2.7
* @copyright 2016 Joubel AS
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class results {
// Type specific inputs.
protected $contentid;
// Generic result inputs.
protected $offset, $limit, $orderby, $orderdir, $filters;
* Start handling results by filtering input parameters.
public function __construct() {
* Filter and load input parameters
* @throws \coding_exception
protected function filter_input() {
// Type specifc.
$this->contentid = optional_param('content_id', 0, PARAM_INT);
// Used to handle pagination.
$this->offset = optional_param('offset', 0, PARAM_INT);
// Max number of items to display on one page.
$this->limit = optional_param('limit', 20, PARAM_INT);
if ($this->limit > 100) {
// Avoid wrong usage.
throw new \coding_exception('limit to high');
// Field to order by.
$this->orderby = optional_param('sortBy', 0, PARAM_INT);
// Direction to order in.
$this->orderdir = optional_param('sortDir', 0, PARAM_INT);
// List of fields to filter results on.
$this->filters = optional_param_array('filters', array(), PARAM_RAW_TRIMMED);
* Print results data
public function print_results() {
global $USER;
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('hvp', $this->contentid);
if (!$cm) {
\H5PCore::ajaxError('No such content');
// Check permission.
$context = \context_module::instance($cm->id);
$viewownresults = has_capability('mod/hvp:viewresults', $context);
$viewallresults = has_capability('mod/hvp:viewallresults', $context);
if (!$viewownresults && !$viewallresults) {
\H5PCore::ajaxError(get_string('nopermissiontoviewresult', 'hvp'));
// Only get own results if can't view all.
$uid = $viewallresults ? null : (int)$USER->id;
$results = $this->get_results($uid);
$rows = $this->get_human_readable_results($results, $cm->course);
header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
header('Content-type: application/json');
print json_encode(array(
'num' => $this->get_results_num(),
'rows' => $rows
* Constructs human readable results
* @param $results
* @param $course
* @return array
private function get_human_readable_results($results, $course) {
// Make data readable for humans.
$rows = array();
foreach ($results as $result) {
$userlink = \html_writer::link(
new \moodle_url('/user/view.php', array(
'id' => $result->id,
'course' => $course
$reviewlink = '—';
// Check if result has xAPI data.
if ($result->xapiid) {
$reviewlink = \html_writer::link(
new \moodle_url('/mod/hvp/review.php',
'id' => $this->contentid,
'course' => $course,
'user' => $result->id
get_string('viewreportlabel', 'hvp')
} else if ($result->rawgrade !== null) {
$reviewlink = get_string('reportnotsupported', 'hvp');
$rows[] = array(
$result->rawgrade === null ? '—' : (int) $result->rawgrade,
$result->rawgrade === null ? '—' : (int) $result->rawgrademax,
empty($result->timemodified) ? '—' : date('Y/m/d – H:i', $result->timemodified),
return $rows;
* Builds the SQL query required to retrieve results for the given
* interactive content.
* @param int $uid Only get results for uid
* @throws \coding_exception
* @return array
protected function get_results($uid=null) {
// Add extra fields, joins and where for the different result lists.
if ($this->contentid !== 0) {
list($fields, $join, $where, $order, $args) = $this->get_content_sql($uid);
} else {
throw new \coding_exception('missing content_id');
// Xapi join.
$where[] = "x.content_id = ?";
$args[] = $this->contentid;
// Build where statement.
$where[] = "i.itemtype = 'mod'";
$where[] = "i.itemmodule = 'hvp'";
$where[] = "x.parent_id IS NULL";
$where = 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where);
// Order results by the select column and direction.
$order[] = 'g.rawgrade';
$order[] = 'g.rawgrademax';
$order[] = 'g.timemodified';
$orderby = $this->get_order_sql($order);
// Join on xAPI results.
$join .= ' LEFT JOIN {hvp_xapi_results} x ON g.userid = x.user_id';
$groupby = ' GROUP BY,,, i.iteminstance,';
// Get from statement.
$from = $this->get_from_sql();
// Execute query and get results.
return $this->get_sql_results("
SELECT, AS gradeitemid, AS gradeid,
g.timemodified, as xapiid
", $args,
* Build and execute the query needed to tell the number of total results.
* This is used to create pagination.
* @return int
protected function get_results_num() {
global $DB;
list(, $join, $where, , $args) = $this->get_content_sql();
$where[] = "i.itemtype = 'mod'";
$where[] = "i.itemmodule = 'hvp'";
$where = 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where);
$from = $this->get_from_sql();
return (int) $DB->get_field_sql("SELECT COUNT( {$from} {$join} {$where}", $args);
* Builds the order part of the SQL query.
* @param array $fields Fields allowed to order by
* @throws \coding_exception
* @return string
protected function get_order_sql($fields) {
// Make sure selected order field is valid.
if (!isset($fields[$this->orderby])) {
throw new \coding_exception('invalid order field');
// Find selected sortable field.
$field = $fields[$this->orderby];
if (is_object($field)) {
// Some fields are reverse sorted by default, e.g. text fields.
// This feels more natural for the humans.
if (!empty($field->reverse)) {
$this->orderdir = !$this->orderdir;
$field = $field->name;
$dir = ($this->orderdir ? 'ASC' : 'DESC');
if ($field === 'u.firstname') {
// Order by all user name fields.
$field = implode(" {$dir}, ", self::get_ordered_user_name_fields());
return "ORDER BY {$field} {$dir}";
* Get from part of the SQL query.
* @return string
protected function get_from_sql() {
return " FROM {grade_items} i LEFT JOIN {grade_grades} g ON = g.itemid LEFT JOIN {user} u ON = g.userid";
* Get all user name fields in display order.
* @param string $prefix Optional table prefix to prepend to all fields
* @return array
public static function get_ordered_user_name_fields($prefix = 'u.') {
static $ordered;
if (empty($ordered)) {
$available = \get_all_user_name_fields();
$displayname = \fullname((object)$available);
if (empty($displayname)) {
$ordered = array("{$prefix}firstname", "{$prefix}lastname");
} else {
// Find fields in order.
foreach ($available as $key => $value) {
$ordered[] = $prefix . $available[$key];
return $ordered;
* Get the different parts needed to create the SQL for getting results
* belonging to a specifc content.
* (An alternative to this could be getting all the results for a
* specified user.)
* @param int $uid Only get users with this id
* @return array $fields, $join, $where, $order, $args
protected function get_content_sql($uid=null) {
global $DB;
$usernamefields = implode(', ', self::get_ordered_user_name_fields());
$fields = " {$usernamefields}, ";
$join = "";
$where = array("i.iteminstance = ?");
$args = array($this->contentid);
// Only get entries with own user id.
if (isset($uid)) {
array_push($where, " = ?");
array_push($args, $uid);
if (isset($this->filters[0])) {
$keywordswhere = array();
// Split up keywords using whitespace and comma.
foreach (preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $this->filters[0]) as $keyword) {
// Search all user name fields.
$usernamewhere = array();
foreach (self::get_ordered_user_name_fields() as $usernamefield) {
$usernamewhere[] = $DB->sql_like($usernamefield, '?', false);
$args[] = '%' . $keyword . '%';
// Add user name fields where to keywords where.
if (!empty($usernamewhere)) {
$keywordswhere[] = '(' . implode(' OR ', $usernamewhere) . ')';
// Add keywords where to SQL where.
if (!empty($keywordswhere)) {
$where[] = '(' . implode(' AND ', $keywordswhere) . ')';
$order = array((object) array(
'name' => 'u.firstname',
'reverse' => true
return array($fields, $join, $where, $order, $args);
* Execute given query and return any results
* @param string $query
* @param array $args Used for placeholders
* @return array
protected function get_sql_results($query, $args, $limitfrom = 0, $limitnum = 0) {
global $DB;
return $DB->get_records_sql($query, $args, $limitfrom, $limitnum);