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# This is the language of our project.
language: php
# Installs the required version of Firefox for Behat, an updated version
# of PostgreSQL and extra APT packages. Java 8 is only required
# for Mustache command.
postgresql: "9.5"
- mysql
- postgresql
- docker
# Cache NPM's and Composer's caches to speed up build times.
- $HOME/.composer/cache
- $HOME/.npm
# Determines which versions of PHP to test our project against. Each version
# listed here will create a separate build and run the tests against that
# version of PHP.
- 7.0
- 7.1
- 7.2
- 7.3
- 7.4
# This section sets up the environment variables for the build.
# This line determines which version branch of Moodle to test against.
- IGNORE_PATHS=lang,editor,library,reporting
# This matrix is used for testing against multiple databases. So for
# each version of PHP being tested, one build will be created for each
# database listed here. EG: for PHP 5.6, one build will be created
# using PHP 5.6 and pgsql. In addition, another build will be created
# using PHP 5.6 and mysqli.
- DB=pgsql
- DB=mysqli
# Optionally, it is possible to specify a different Moodle repo to use
# (git:// is used by default):
# - MOODLE_REPO=git://
# This lists steps that are run before the installation step.
# This disables XDebug which should speed up the build.
- phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini
# Currently we are inside of the clone of your repository. We move up two
# directories to build the project.
- cd ../..
# Install this project into a directory called "ci".
- composer create-project -n --no-dev --prefer-dist moodlehq/moodle-plugin-ci ci ^3
# Update the $PATH so scripts from this project can be called easily.
- export PATH="$(cd ci/bin; pwd):$(cd ci/vendor/bin; pwd):$PATH"
# This lists steps that are run for installation and setup.
# Run the default install. The overview of what this does:
# - Clone the Moodle project into a directory called moodle.
# - Create a data directory called moodledata.
# - Create Moodle config.php, database, etc.
# - Copy your plugin(s) into Moodle.
# - Run Composer install within Moodle.
# - Run NPM install in Moodle and in your plugin if it has a "package.json".
# - Run "grunt ignorefiles" within Moodle to update ignore file lists.
# - If your plugin has Behat features, then Behat will be setup.
# - If your plugin has unit tests, then PHPUnit will be setup.
- moodle-plugin-ci install
# This lists steps that are run for the purposes of testing. Any of
# these steps can be re-ordered or removed to your liking. And of
# course, you can add any of your own custom steps.
# This step lints your PHP files to check for syntax errors.
- moodle-plugin-ci phplint
# This step runs the PHP Copy/Paste Detector on your plugin.
# This helps to find code duplication.
- moodle-plugin-ci phpcpd
# This step runs the PHP Mess Detector on your plugin. This helps to find
# potential problems with your code which can result in
# refactoring opportunities.
- moodle-plugin-ci phpmd
# This step runs the Moodle Code Checker to make sure that your plugin
# conforms to the Moodle coding standards. It is highly recommended
# that you keep this step.
- moodle-plugin-ci codechecker
# This step runs Moodle PHPDoc checker on your plugin.
# - moodle-plugin-ci phpdoc
# This step runs some light validation on the plugin file structure
# and code. Validation can be plugin specific.
- moodle-plugin-ci validate
# This step validates your plugin's upgrade steps.
- moodle-plugin-ci savepoints
# This step validates the HTML and Javascript in your Mustache templates.
# - moodle-plugin-ci mustache
# This step runs Grunt tasks on the plugin. By default, it tries to run
# tasks relevant to your plugin and Moodle version, but you can run
# specific tasks by passing them as options,
# EG: moodle-plugin-ci grunt -t task1 -t task2
# - moodle-plugin-ci grunt
# This step runs the PHPUnit tests of your plugin. If your plugin has
# PHPUnit tests, then it is highly recommended that you keep this step.
- moodle-plugin-ci phpunit
# This step runs the Behat tests of your plugin. If your plugin has
# Behat tests, then it is highly recommended that you keep this step.
# There are two important options that you may want to use:
# - The auto rerun option allows you to rerun failures X number of times,
# default is 2, EG usage: --auto-rerun 3
# - The dump option allows you to print the failure HTML to the console,
# handy for debugging, EG usage: --dump
# - The suite option allows you to set the theme to use for behat test. If
# not specified, the default theme is used, EG usage: --suite boost