Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
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namespace mod_h5pactivity\output\result;

use core_xapi\local\statement\item_result;
use mod_h5pactivity\local\manager;

 * Result test class for H5P activity.
 * @package    mod_h5pactivity
 * @covers     \mod_h5pactivity\output\result
 * @category   test
 * @copyright  2023 Laurent David <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class result_test extends \advanced_testcase {
     * Data provider for result export_options test
     * @return array[]
    public static function result_data_provider(): array {
        return [
            'fill-in with case sensitive' => [
                'result' => [
                    'interactiontype' => 'fill-in',
                    'description' => '<p>Fill in the missing words</p>
                              <p>Meow .... this is a __________</p>
                              <p>Bark... this is a __________</p>',
                    'correctpattern' => '["{case_matters=true}cat[,]dog"]',
                    'response' => 'Cat[,]dog',
                    'additionals' => '{"extensions":{"http:\\/\\/\\/x-api\\/h5p-local-content-id":31,'
                        . '"https:\\/\\/\\/x-api\\/case-sensitivity":true,'
                        . '"https:\\/\\/\\/x-api\\/alternatives":[["cat"],["dog"]]},"contextExtensions":{}}',
                'useranswers' => [
                    'Gap #1 - cat' => (object) ['answer' => 'Cat', 'incorrect' => true],
                    'Gap #2 - dog' => (object) ['answer' => 'dog', 'correct' => true],
            'fill-in with case insensitive' => [
                'result' => [
                    'interactiontype' => 'fill-in',
                    'description' => '<p>Fill in the missing words</p>
                              <p>Meow .... this is a __________</p>
                              <p>Bark... this is a __________</p>',
                    'correctpattern' => '["{case_matters=false}cat[,]dog"]',
                    'response' => 'Cat[,]dog',
                    'additionals' => '{"extensions":{"http:\\/\\/\\/x-api\\/h5p-local-content-id":31,'
                        . '"https:\\/\\/\\/x-api\\/case-sensitivity":false,'
                        . '"https:\\/\\/\\/x-api\\/alternatives":[["cat"],["dog"]]},"contextExtensions":{}}',
                'useranswers' => [
                    'Gap #1 - cat' => (object) ['answer' => 'Cat', 'correct' => true],
                    'Gap #2 - dog' => (object) ['answer' => 'dog', 'correct' => true],
            'drag and drop' => [
                'result' => [
                    'interactiontype' => 'matching',
                    'description' => 'Drag and Drop Test',
                    'correctpattern' => '["0[.]0[,]0[.]2[,]1[.]1[,]1[.]0"]',
                    'response' => '0[.]0[,]1[.]1[,]0[.]2[,]0[.]3',
                    'additionals' => '{"source":[{"id":"0","description":{"en-US":"Answer 1 (DZ1 and DZ2)\n"}},'
                        . '{"id":"1","description":{"en-US":"Anwser 2 (DZ2)\n"}},'
                        . '{"id":"2","description":{"en-US":"Anwser 3 (DZ1)\n"}},'
                        . '{"id":"3","description":{"en-US":"Anwser 4 (neither)\n"}}],'
                        . '"target":[{"id":"0","description":{"en-US":"Dropzone 1\n"}},'
                        . '{"id":"1","description":{"en-US":"Dropzone 2\n"}}],'
                        . '"extensions":{"http:\/\/\/x-api\/h5p-local-content-id":41,'
                        . '"http:\/\/\/x-api\/h5p-subContentId":"59590246-f16e-4855-8dd6-c80e892ef96b"},'
                        . '"contextExtensions":{}}',
                'useranswers' => [
                    'Answer 1 (DZ1 and DZ2) - Dropzone 1, Dropzone 2' => (object) ['answer' => 'Dropzone 1', 'correct' => true],
                    'Anwser 2 (DZ2) - Dropzone 2' => (object) ['answer' => 'Dropzone 2', 'correct' => true],
                    'Anwser 3 (DZ1) - Dropzone 1' => (object) ['answer' => 'Dropzone 1', 'correct' => true],
                    'Anwser 4 (neither) - ' => (object) ['answer' => 'Dropzone 1', 'incorrect' => true],
            'drag and drop with no answer' => [
                'result' => [
                    'interactiontype' => 'matching',
                    'description' => 'Drag and Drop Test',
                    'correctpattern' => '["0[.]0[,]0[.]2[,]1[.]1[,]1[.]0"]',
                    'response' => '1[.]0[,]1[.]1',
                    'additionals' => '{"source":[{"id":"0","description":{"en-US":"Answer 1 (DZ1 and DZ2)\n"}},'
                        . '{"id":"1","description":{"en-US":"Anwser 2 (DZ2)\n"}},'
                        . '{"id":"2","description":{"en-US":"Anwser 3 (DZ1)\n"}},'
                        . '{"id":"3","description":{"en-US":"Anwser 4 (neither)\n"}}],'
                        . '"target":[{"id":"0","description":{"en-US":"Dropzone 1\n"}},'
                        . '{"id":"1","description":{"en-US":"Dropzone 2\n"}}],'
                        . '"extensions":{"http:\/\/\/x-api\/h5p-local-content-id":41,'
                        . '"http:\/\/\/x-api\/h5p-subContentId":"59590246-f16e-4855-8dd6-c80e892ef96b"},'
                        . '"contextExtensions":{}}',
                'useranswers' => [
                    'Answer 1 (DZ1 and DZ2) - Dropzone 1, Dropzone 2' => (object) ['answer' => 'Dropzone 2', 'correct' => true],
                    'Anwser 2 (DZ2) - Dropzone 2' => (object) ['answer' => 'Dropzone 2', 'correct' => true],
                    'Anwser 3 (DZ1) - Dropzone 1' => (object) ['answer' => 'None', 'incorrect' => true],
                    'Anwser 4 (neither) - ' => (object) ['answer' => 'None', 'correct' => true],
            'sort the paragraph text' => [
                'result' => [
                    'interactiontype' => 'sequencing',
                    'description' => 'SortParagraphs',
                    'correctpattern' => '["0[,]1[,]2[,]3[,]4"]',
                    'response' => '0[,]1[,]3[,]2[,]4',
                    'additionals' => '{"choices":[{"id":0,"description":{"en":"First I wake up at 7.30 am\\n",'
                        . '"en-US":"First I wake up at 7.30 am\\n"}}'
                        . ',{"id":1,"description":{"en":"Next I get dressed\\n","en-US":"Next I get dressed\\n"}},'
                        . '{"id":2,"description":{"en":"Afterward I have breakfast\\n","en-US":"Afterward I have breakfast\\n"}},'
                        . '{"id":3,"description":{"en":"I brush my teeth\\n","en-US":"I brush my teeth\\n"}},'
                        . '{"id":4,"description":{"en":"Finally I go school\\n","en-US":"Finally I go school\\n"}}],'
                        . '"https:\\/\\/\\/x-api\\/duplicates-interchangeable":1},"contextExtensions":{}}',
                'useranswers' => [
                    '#1 - First I wake up at 7.30 am' => (object) ['answer' => 'Correct answer', 'pass' => true],
                    '#2 - Next I get dressed' => (object) ['answer' => 'Correct answer', 'pass' => true],
                    '#3 - Afterward I have breakfast' => (object) ['answer' => 'Incorrect answer', 'fail' => true],
                    '#4 - I brush my teeth' => (object) ['answer' => 'Incorrect answer', 'fail' => true],
                    '#5 - Finally I go school' => (object) ['answer' => 'Correct answer', 'pass' => true],
            'sequencing images' => [
                'result' => [
                    'interactiontype' => 'sequencing',
                    'description' => 'Order the planets from smallest to largest',
                    'correctpattern' => '["item_3[,]item_0[,]item_7[,]item_1[,]item_5[,]item_2[,]item_4[,]item_6"]',
                    'response' => 'item_0[,]item_1[,]item_3[,]item_2[,]item_5[,]item_4[,]item_6[,]item_7',
                    'additionals' => '{"choices":[{"id":"item_3","description":{"en-US":"Mercury"}},'
                        . '{"id":"item_0","description":{"en-US":"Mars"}},{"id":"item_7","description":{"en-US":"Earth"}},'
                        . '{"id":"item_1","description":{"en-US":"Venus"}},{"id":"item_5","description":{"en-US":"Uranus"}},'
                        . '{"id":"item_2","description":{"en-US":"Neptune"}},{"id":"item_4","description":{"en-US":"Saturn"}},'
                        . '{"id":"item_6","description":{"en-US":"Jupiter"}}],"extensions":'
                        . '{"http:\/\/\/x-api\/h5p-local-content-id":43},"contextExtensions":{}}',
                'useranswers' => [
                    '#1 - Mercury' => (object) ['answer' => 'Correct answer', 'pass' => true],
                    '#2 - Mars' => (object) ['answer' => 'Correct answer', 'pass' => true],
                    '#3 - Earth' => (object) ['answer' => 'Incorrect answer', 'fail' => true],
                    '#4 - Venus' => (object) ['answer' => 'Incorrect answer', 'fail' => true],
                    '#5 - Uranus' => (object) ['answer' => 'Incorrect answer', 'fail' => true],
                    '#6 - Neptune' => (object) ['answer' => 'Incorrect answer', 'fail' => true],
                    '#7 - Saturn' => (object) ['answer' => 'Correct answer', 'pass' => true],
                    '#8 - Jupiter' => (object) ['answer' => 'Correct answer', 'pass' => true],

     * Test result export_options
     * @param array $providedresultdata
     * @param array $expecteduseranswers
     * @return void
     * @dataProvider result_data_provider
     * @covers       \mod_h5pactivity\output\result::export_options
    public function test_result_options(array $providedresultdata, array $expecteduseranswers): void {

        $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
        $activity = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('h5pactivity',
            ['course' => $course]);

        $manager = manager::create_from_instance($activity);
        $cm = $manager->get_coursemodule();
        $student = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_and_enrol($course, 'student');

        $generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_h5pactivity');

        $params = ['cmid' => $cm->id, 'userid' => $student->id];
        $attempt = $generator->create_content($activity, $params);
        $resultdata = [
            'attemptid' => $attempt->id,
            'subcontent' => '',
            'timecreated' => time(),
            'completion' => true,
            'success' => true,
            'score' => (object) ['min' => 0, 'max' => 2, 'raw' => 2, 'scaled' => 1],
            'duration' => 'PT25S',
        $resultdata = array_merge($resultdata, $providedresultdata);
        $result = item_result::create_from_data((object) $resultdata);
        $classname = "mod_h5pactivity\\output\\result\\{$providedresultdata['interactiontype']}";
        $classname = str_replace('-', '', $classname);

        $reflectionoutput = new \ReflectionClass($classname);
        $constructor = $reflectionoutput->getConstructor();
        $resultoutput = $reflectionoutput->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
        $constructor->invoke($resultoutput, $result->get_data());

        $exportoptions = $reflectionoutput->getMethod('export_options');

        $data = $exportoptions->invoke($resultoutput);
        $useranswersdata = array_map(function($item) {
            return $item->useranswer ?? null;
        }, $data);
        $keys = array_map(function($item) {
            return $item->description . ' - ' . ($item->correctanswer->answer ?? '');
        }, $data);

        $useranswersdata = array_combine($keys, $useranswersdata);
        $this->assertEquals($expecteduseranswers, $useranswersdata);