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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
namespace mod_forum;
use mod_forum_tests_generator_trait;
use mod_forum_tests_cron_trait;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/forum/lib.php');
require_once(__DIR__ . '/cron_trait.php');
require_once(__DIR__ . '/generator_trait.php');
* The forum module mail generation tests.
* @package mod_forum
* @category test
* @copyright 2013 Andrew Nicols
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class mail_test extends \advanced_testcase {
// Make use of the cron tester trait.
use mod_forum_tests_cron_trait;
// Make use of the test generator trait.
use mod_forum_tests_generator_trait;
* @var \phpunit_message_sink
protected $messagesink;
* @var \phpunit_mailer_sink
protected $mailsink;
/** @var \phpunit_event_sink */
protected $eventsink;
public function setUp(): void {
global $CFG;
// We must clear the subscription caches. This has to be done both before each test, and after in case of other
// tests using these functions.
// Messaging is not compatible with transactions...
// Catch all messages.
$this->messagesink = $this->redirectMessages();
$this->mailsink = $this->redirectEmails();
// Forcibly reduce the maxeditingtime to a second in the past to
// ensure that messages are sent out.
$CFG->maxeditingtime = -1;
public function tearDown(): void {
// We must clear the subscription caches. This has to be done both before each test, and after in case of other
// tests using these functions.
* Perform message inbound setup for the mod_forum reply handler.
protected function helper_spoof_message_inbound_setup() {
global $CFG, $DB;
// Setup the default Inbound Message mailbox settings.
$CFG->messageinbound_domain = '';
$CFG->messageinbound_enabled = true;
// Must be no longer than 15 characters.
$CFG->messageinbound_mailbox = 'moodlemoodle123';
$record = $DB->get_record('messageinbound_handlers', array('classname' => '\mod_forum\message\inbound\reply_handler'));
$record->enabled = true;
$record->id = $DB->update_record('messageinbound_handlers', $record);
public function test_cron_message_includes_courseid() {
// Create a course, with a forum.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_FORCESUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
// Create two users enrolled in the course as students.
list($author, $recipient) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2);
// Post a discussion to the forum.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
$expect = [
'author' => (object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => 1,
'recipient' => (object) [
'userid' => $recipient->id,
'messages' => 1,
$this->eventsink = $this->redirectEvents();
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, [$post]);
$events = $this->eventsink->get_events();
$event = reset($events);
$this->assertEquals($course->id, $event->other['courseid']);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($recipient, [$post]);
public function test_forced_subscription() {
global $DB;
// Create a course, with a forum.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_FORCESUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
// Create users enrolled in the course as students.
list($author, $recipient, $unconfirmed, $deleted) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 4);
// Make the third user unconfirmed (thence inactive) to make sure it does not break the notifications.
$DB->set_field('user', 'confirmed', 0, ['id' => $unconfirmed->id]);
// Mark the fourth user as deleted to make sure it does not break the notifications.
$DB->set_field('user', 'deleted', 1, ['id' => $deleted->id]);
// Post a discussion to the forum.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
$expect = [
(object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => 1,
(object) [
'userid' => $recipient->id,
'messages' => 1,
(object) [
'userid' => $unconfirmed->id,
'messages' => 0,
(object) [
'userid' => $deleted->id,
'messages' => 0,
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, [$post]);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($recipient, [$post]);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($unconfirmed, []);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($deleted, []);
* Ensure that for a forum with subscription disabled that standard users will not receive posts.
public function test_subscription_disabled_standard_users() {
global $DB;
// Create a course, with a forum.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_DISALLOWSUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
// Create two users enrolled in the course as students.
list($author, $recipient) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2);
// Post a discussion to the forum.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
// Run cron and check that the expected number of users received the notification.
$expect = [
(object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => 0,
(object) [
'userid' => $recipient->id,
'messages' => 0,
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, []);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($recipient, []);
* Ensure that for a forum with subscription disabled that a user subscribed to the forum will receive the post.
public function test_subscription_disabled_user_subscribed_forum() {
global $DB;
// Create a course, with a forum.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_DISALLOWSUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
// Create two users enrolled in the course as students.
list($author, $recipient) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2);
// A user with the manageactivities capability within the course can subscribe.
$roleids = $DB->get_records_menu('role', null, '', 'shortname, id');
assign_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', CAP_ALLOW, $roleids['student'], \context_course::instance($course->id));
// Suscribe the recipient only.
\mod_forum\subscriptions::subscribe_user($recipient->id, $forum);
$this->assertEquals(1, $DB->count_records('forum_subscriptions', array(
'userid' => $recipient->id,
'forum' => $forum->id,
// Post a discussion to the forum.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
// Run cron and check that the expected number of users received the notification.
$expect = [
'author' => (object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'recipient' => (object) [
'userid' => $recipient->id,
'messages' => 1,
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, []);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($recipient, [$post]);
* Ensure that for a forum with subscription disabled that a user subscribed to the discussion will receive the
* post.
public function test_subscription_disabled_user_subscribed_discussion() {
global $DB;
// Create a course, with a forum.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_DISALLOWSUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
// Create two users enrolled in the course as students.
list($author, $recipient) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2);
// A user with the manageactivities capability within the course can subscribe.
$roleids = $DB->get_records_menu('role', null, '', 'shortname, id');
assign_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', CAP_ALLOW, $roleids['student'], \context_course::instance($course->id));
// Run cron and check that the expected number of users received the notification.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
// Subscribe the user to the discussion.
\mod_forum\subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($recipient->id, $discussion);
$this->helper_update_subscription_time($recipient, $discussion, -60);
// Run cron and check that the expected number of users received the notification.
$expect = [
'author' => (object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'recipient' => (object) [
'userid' => $recipient->id,
'messages' => 1,
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, []);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($recipient, [$post]);
* Ensure that for a forum with automatic subscription that users receive posts.
public function test_automatic() {
// Create a course, with a forum.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_INITIALSUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
// Create two users enrolled in the course as students.
list($author, $recipient) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2);
// Post a discussion to the forum.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
$expect = [
(object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => 1,
(object) [
'userid' => $recipient->id,
'messages' => 1,
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, [$post]);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($recipient, [$post]);
* Ensure that private replies are not sent to users with an automatic subscription unless they are an expected
* recipient.
public function test_automatic_with_private_reply() {
// Create a course, with a forum.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', [
'course' => $course->id,
'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_INITIALSUBSCRIBE,
[$student, $otherstudent] = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2, 'student');
[$teacher, $otherteacher] = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2, 'teacher');
[$discussion, $post] = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $student);
$reply = $this->helper_post_to_discussion($forum, $discussion, $teacher, [
'privatereplyto' => $student->id,
// The private reply is queued to all messages as reply visibility may change between queueing, and sending.
$expect = [
(object) [
'userid' => $student->id,
'messages' => 2,
(object) [
'userid' => $otherstudent->id,
'messages' => 2,
(object) [
'userid' => $teacher->id,
'messages' => 2,
(object) [
'userid' => $otherteacher->id,
'messages' => 2,
// The actual messages sent will respect private replies.
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($student, [$post, $reply]);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($teacher, [$post, $reply]);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($otherteacher, [$post, $reply]);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($otherstudent, [$post]);
public function test_optional() {
// Create a course, with a forum.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
// Create two users enrolled in the course as students.
list($author, $recipient) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2);
// Post a discussion to the forum.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
$expect = [
(object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => 0,
(object) [
'userid' => $recipient->id,
'messages' => 0,
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, []);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($recipient, []);
public function test_automatic_with_unsubscribed_user() {
// Create a course, with a forum.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_INITIALSUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
// Create two users enrolled in the course as students.
list($author, $recipient) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2);
// Unsubscribe the 'author' user from the forum.
\mod_forum\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user($author->id, $forum);
// Post a discussion to the forum.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
$expect = [
(object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => 0,
(object) [
'userid' => $recipient->id,
'messages' => 1,
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, []);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($recipient, [$post]);
public function test_optional_with_subscribed_user() {
// Create a course, with a forum.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
// Create two users enrolled in the course as students.
list($author, $recipient) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2);
// Subscribe the 'recipient' user from the forum.
\mod_forum\subscriptions::subscribe_user($recipient->id, $forum);
// Post a discussion to the forum.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
$expect = [
(object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => 0,
(object) [
'userid' => $recipient->id,
'messages' => 1,
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, []);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($recipient, [$post]);
public function test_automatic_with_unsubscribed_discussion() {
// Create a course, with a forum.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_INITIALSUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
// Create two users enrolled in the course as students.
list($author, $recipient) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2);
// Post a discussion to the forum.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
// Unsubscribe the 'author' user from the discussion.
\mod_forum\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id, $discussion);
$this->assertFalse(\mod_forum\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $forum, $discussion->id));
$this->assertTrue(\mod_forum\subscriptions::is_subscribed($recipient->id, $forum, $discussion->id));
$expect = [
(object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => 0,
(object) [
'userid' => $recipient->id,
'messages' => 1,
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, []);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($recipient, [$post]);
public function test_optional_with_subscribed_discussion() {
// Create a course, with a forum.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
// Create two users enrolled in the course as students.
list($author, $recipient) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2);
// Post a discussion to the forum.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
$this->helper_update_post_time($post, -90);
// Subscribe the 'recipient' user to the discussion.
\mod_forum\subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($recipient->id, $discussion);
$this->helper_update_subscription_time($recipient, $discussion, -60);
// Initially we don't expect any user to receive this post as you cannot subscribe to a discussion until after
// you have read it.
$expect = [
(object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => 0,
(object) [
'userid' => $recipient->id,
'messages' => 0,
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, []);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($recipient, []);
// Have a user reply to the discussion.
$reply = $this->helper_post_to_discussion($forum, $discussion, $author);
$this->helper_update_post_time($reply, -30);
// We expect only one user to receive this post.
$expect = [
(object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => 0,
(object) [
'userid' => $recipient->id,
'messages' => 1,
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, []);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($recipient, [$reply]);
public function test_optional_with_subscribed_discussion_and_post() {
// Create a course, with a forum.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
// Create two users enrolled in the course as students.
list($author, $recipient) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2);
// Post a discussion to the forum.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
$this->helper_update_post_time($post, -90);
// Have a user reply to the discussion before we subscribed.
$reply = $this->helper_post_to_discussion($forum, $discussion, $author);
$this->helper_update_post_time($reply, -75);
// Subscribe the 'recipient' user to the discussion.
\mod_forum\subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($recipient->id, $discussion);
$this->helper_update_subscription_time($recipient, $discussion, -60);
// Have a user reply to the discussion.
$reply = $this->helper_post_to_discussion($forum, $discussion, $author);
$this->helper_update_post_time($reply, -30);
// We expect only one user to receive this post.
// The original post won't be received as it was written before the user subscribed.
$expect = [
(object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => 0,
(object) [
'userid' => $recipient->id,
'messages' => 1,
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, []);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($recipient, [$reply]);
public function test_automatic_with_subscribed_discussion_in_unsubscribed_forum() {
// Create a course, with a forum.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_INITIALSUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
// Create two users enrolled in the course as students.
list($author, $recipient) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2);
// Post a discussion to the forum.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
$this->helper_update_post_time($post, -90);
// Unsubscribe the 'author' user from the forum.
\mod_forum\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user($author->id, $forum);
// Then re-subscribe them to the discussion.
\mod_forum\subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id, $discussion);
$this->helper_update_subscription_time($author, $discussion, -60);
$expect = [
(object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => 0,
(object) [
'userid' => $recipient->id,
'messages' => 1,
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, []);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($recipient, [$post]);
// Now post a reply to the original post.
$reply = $this->helper_post_to_discussion($forum, $discussion, $author);
$this->helper_update_post_time($reply, -30);
$expect = [
(object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => 1,
(object) [
'userid' => $recipient->id,
'messages' => 1,
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, [$reply]);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($recipient, [$reply]);
public function test_optional_with_unsubscribed_discussion_in_subscribed_forum() {
// Create a course, with a forum.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
// Create two users enrolled in the course as students.
list($author, $recipient) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2);
// Post a discussion to the forum.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
// Unsubscribe the 'recipient' user from the discussion.
\mod_forum\subscriptions::subscribe_user($recipient->id, $forum);
// Then unsubscribe them from the discussion.
\mod_forum\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($recipient->id, $discussion);
// We don't expect any users to receive this post.
$expect = [
(object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => 0,
(object) [
'userid' => $recipient->id,
'messages' => 0,
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, []);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($recipient, []);
* Test that a user unsubscribed from a forum who has subscribed to a discussion, only receives posts made after
* they subscribed to the discussion.
public function test_forum_discussion_subscription_forum_unsubscribed_discussion_subscribed_after_post() {
// Create a course, with a forum.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
$expectedmessages = array();
// Create a user enrolled in the course as a student.
list($author) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 1);
// Post a discussion to the forum.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
$this->helper_update_post_time($post, -90);
$expectedmessages[] = array(
'id' => $post->id,
'subject' => $post->subject,
'count' => 0,
// Then subscribe the user to the discussion.
$this->assertTrue(\mod_forum\subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id, $discussion));
$this->helper_update_subscription_time($author, $discussion, -60);
// Then post a reply to the first discussion.
$reply = $this->helper_post_to_discussion($forum, $discussion, $author);
$this->helper_update_post_time($reply, -30);
$expect = [
(object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => 1,
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, [$reply]);
public function test_subscription_by_inactive_users() {
global $DB;
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
// Create two users enrolled in the course as students.
list($author, $u1, $u2, $u3) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 4);
// Subscribe the three users to the forum.
\mod_forum\subscriptions::subscribe_user($u1->id, $forum);
\mod_forum\subscriptions::subscribe_user($u2->id, $forum);
\mod_forum\subscriptions::subscribe_user($u3->id, $forum);
// Make the first user inactive - suspended.
$DB->set_field('user', 'suspended', 1, ['id' => $u1->id]);
// Make the second user inactive - unable to log in.
$DB->set_field('user', 'auth', 'nologin', ['id' => $u2->id]);
// Post a discussion to the forum.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
$expect = [
(object) [
'userid' => $u1->id,
'messages' => 0,
(object) [
'userid' => $u2->id,
'messages' => 0,
(object) [
'userid' => $u3->id,
'messages' => 1,
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($u1, []);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($u2, []);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($u3, [$post]);
public function test_forum_message_inbound_multiple_posts() {
// Create a course, with a forum.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_FORCESUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
// Create a user enrolled in the course as a student.
list($author) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 1);
$expectedmessages = array();
// Post a discussion to the forum.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
$this->helper_update_post_time($post, -90);
$expectedmessages[] = (object) [
'id' => $post->id,
'subject' => $post->subject,
'count' => 0,
// Then post a reply to the first discussion.
$reply = $this->helper_post_to_discussion($forum, $discussion, $author);
$this->helper_update_post_time($reply, -60);
$expectedmessages[] = (object) [
'id' => $reply->id,
'subject' => $reply->subject,
'count' => 1,
// Ensure that messageinbound is enabled and configured for the forum handler.
$author->emailstop = '0';
set_user_preference('message_provider_mod_forum_posts_enabled', 'email', $author);
// Run cron and check that the expected number of users received the notification.
// Clear the mailsink, and close the messagesink.
$expect = [
'author' => (object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => count($expectedmessages),
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, $expectedmessages);
$messages = $this->mailsink->get_messages();
// There should be the expected number of messages.
$this->assertEquals(2, count($messages));
foreach ($messages as $message) {
$this->assertMatchesRegularExpression('/Reply-To: moodlemoodle123\+[^@]*', $message->header);
public function test_long_subject() {
// Create a course, with a forum.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_FORCESUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
// Create a user enrolled in the course as student.
list($author) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 1);
// Post a discussion to the forum.
$subject = 'This is the very long forum post subject that somebody was very kind of leaving, it is intended to check if long subject comes in mail correctly. Thank you.';
$a = (object)array('courseshortname' => $course->shortname, 'forumname' => $forum->name, 'subject' => $subject);
$expectedsubject = get_string('postmailsubject', 'forum', $a);
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author, array('name' => $subject));
// Run cron and check that the expected number of users received the notification.
$expect = [
'author' => (object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => 1,
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, [$post]);
$messages = $this->messagesink->get_messages_by_component('mod_forum');
$message = reset($messages);
$this->assertEquals($author->id, $message->useridfrom);
$this->assertEquals($expectedsubject, $message->subject);
* Test inital email and reply email subjects
public function test_subjects() {
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_FORCESUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
list($author) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 1);
list($commenter) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 1);
$strre = get_string('re', 'forum');
// New posts should not have Re: in the subject.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
$expect = [
'author' => (object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => 1,
'commenter' => (object) [
'userid' => $commenter->id,
'messages' => 1,
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, [$post]);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($commenter, [$post]);
$messages = $this->messagesink->get_messages();
$this->assertStringNotContainsString($strre, $messages[0]->subject);
// Replies should have Re: in the subject.
$reply = $this->helper_post_to_discussion($forum, $discussion, $commenter);
$expect = [
'author' => (object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => 1,
'commenter' => (object) [
'userid' => $commenter->id,
'messages' => 1,
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($commenter, [$reply]);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, [$reply]);
$messages = $this->messagesink->get_messages();
$this->assertStringContainsString($strre, $messages[0]->subject);
$this->assertStringContainsString($strre, $messages[1]->subject);
* dataProvider for test_forum_post_email_templates().
public function forum_post_email_templates_provider() {
// Base information, we'll build variations based on it.
$base = array(
'user' => array('firstname' => 'Love', 'lastname' => 'Moodle', 'mailformat' => 0, 'maildigest' => 0),
'course' => array('shortname' => '101', 'fullname' => 'Moodle 101'),
'forums' => array(
'name' => 'Moodle Forum',
'forumposts' => array(
'name' => 'Hello Moodle',
'message' => 'Welcome to Moodle',
'messageformat' => FORMAT_MOODLE,
'attachments' => array(
'filename' => 'example.txt',
'filecontents' => 'Basic information about the course'
'expectations' => array(
'subject' => '.*101.*Hello',
'contents' => array(
'Attachment example.txt:' . '\r*\n' .
'\d*/mod_forum/attachment/\d*/example.txt' . '\r*\n',
'Hello Moodle', 'Moodle Forum', 'Welcome.*Moodle', 'Love Moodle', '1\d1'
// Build the text cases.
$textcases = array('Text mail without ampersands, quotes or lt/gt' => array('data' => $base));
// Single and double quotes everywhere.
$newcase = $base;
$newcase['user']['lastname'] = 'Moodle\'"';
$newcase['course']['shortname'] = '101\'"';
$newcase['forums'][0]['name'] = 'Moodle Forum\'"';
$newcase['forums'][0]['forumposts'][0]['name'] = 'Hello Moodle\'"';
$newcase['forums'][0]['forumposts'][0]['message'] = 'Welcome to Moodle\'"';
$newcase['expectations'][0]['contents'] = array(
'Attachment example.txt:', '~{\$a', '~&(quot|\#039);', 'Love Moodle\'', '101\'', 'Moodle Forum\'"',
'Hello Moodle\'"', 'Welcome to Moodle\'"');
$textcases['Text mail with quotes everywhere'] = array('data' => $newcase);
// Lt and gt everywhere. This case is completely borked because format_string()
// strips tags with $CFG->formatstringstriptags and also escapes < and > (correct
// for web presentation but not for text email). See MDL-19829.
$newcase = $base;
$newcase['user']['lastname'] = 'Moodle>';
$newcase['course']['shortname'] = '101>';
$newcase['forums'][0]['name'] = 'Moodle Forum>';
$newcase['forums'][0]['forumposts'][0]['name'] = 'Hello Moodle>';
$newcase['forums'][0]['forumposts'][0]['message'] = 'Welcome to Moodle>';
$newcase['expectations'][0]['contents'] = array(
'Attachment example.txt:', '~{\$a', '~&gt;', 'Love Moodle>', '101>', 'Moodle Forum>',
'Hello Moodle>', 'Welcome to Moodle>');
$textcases['Text mail with gt and lt everywhere'] = array('data' => $newcase);
// Ampersands everywhere. This case is completely borked because format_string()
// escapes ampersands (correct for web presentation but not for text email). See MDL-19829.
$newcase = $base;
$newcase['user']['lastname'] = 'Moodle&';
$newcase['course']['shortname'] = '101&';
$newcase['forums'][0]['name'] = 'Moodle Forum&';
$newcase['forums'][0]['forumposts'][0]['name'] = 'Hello Moodle&';
$newcase['forums'][0]['forumposts'][0]['message'] = 'Welcome to Moodle&';
$newcase['expectations'][0]['contents'] = array(
'Attachment example.txt:', '~{\$a', '~&amp;', 'Love Moodle&', '101&', 'Moodle Forum&',
'Hello Moodle&', 'Welcome to Moodle&');
$textcases['Text mail with ampersands everywhere'] = array('data' => $newcase);
// Text+image message i.e. @@PLUGINFILE@@ token handling.
$newcase = $base;
$newcase['forums'][0]['forumposts'][0]['name'] = 'Text and image';
$newcase['forums'][0]['forumposts'][0]['message'] = 'Welcome to Moodle, '
.'@@PLUGINFILE@@/Screen%20Shot%202016-03-22%20at%205.54.36%20AM%20%281%29.png !';
$newcase['expectations'][0]['subject'] = '.*101.*Text and image';
$newcase['expectations'][0]['contents'] = array(
'Attachment example.txt:' . '\r*\n' .
'\d*/mod_forum/attachment/\d*/example.txt' . '\r*\n' ,
'Text and image', 'Moodle Forum',
'Welcome to Moodle, *' . '\r*\n' . '.*'
.'Screen%20Shot%202016-03-22%20at%205\.54\.36%20AM%20%281%29\.png *' . '\r*\n' . '.*!',
'Love Moodle', '1\d1');
$textcases['Text mail with text+image message i.e. @@PLUGINFILE@@ token handling'] = array('data' => $newcase);
// Now the html cases.
$htmlcases = array();
// New base for html cases, no quotes, lts, gts or ampersands.
$htmlbase = $base;
$htmlbase['user']['mailformat'] = 1;
$htmlbase['expectations'][0]['contents'] = array(
'<div class="attachments">( *\n *)?<a href',
'<div class="subject">\n.*Hello Moodle', '>Moodle Forum', '>Welcome.*Moodle', '>Love Moodle', '>1\d1');
$htmlcases['HTML mail without ampersands, quotes or lt/gt'] = array('data' => $htmlbase);
// Single and double quotes, lt and gt, ampersands everywhere.
$newcase = $htmlbase;
$newcase['user']['lastname'] = 'Moodle\'">&';
$newcase['course']['shortname'] = '101\'">&';
$newcase['forums'][0]['name'] = 'Moodle Forum\'">&';
$newcase['forums'][0]['forumposts'][0]['name'] = 'Hello Moodle\'">&';
$newcase['forums'][0]['forumposts'][0]['message'] = 'Welcome to Moodle\'">&';
$newcase['expectations'][0]['contents'] = array(
'<div class="attachments">( *\n *)?<a href',
'<div class="subject">\n.*Hello Moodle\'">&', '>Moodle Forum\'">&',
'>Welcome.*Moodle\'">&', '>Love Moodle&\#039;">&', '>101\'">&');
$htmlcases['HTML mail with quotes, gt, lt and ampersand everywhere'] = array('data' => $newcase);
// Text+image message i.e. @@PLUGINFILE@@ token handling.
$newcase = $htmlbase;
$newcase['forums'][0]['forumposts'][0]['name'] = 'HTML text and image';
$newcase['forums'][0]['forumposts'][0]['message'] = '<p>Welcome to Moodle, '
.'<img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Screen%20Shot%202016-03-22%20at%205.54.36%20AM%20%281%29.png"'
.' alt="" width="200" height="393" class="img-fluid" />!</p>';
$newcase['expectations'][0]['subject'] = '.*101.*HTML text and image';
$newcase['expectations'][0]['contents'] = array(
'<div class="attachments">( *\n *)?<a href',
'<div class="subject">\n.*HTML text and image', '>Moodle Forum',
'<p>Welcome to Moodle, '
.'<img src="[^/]*/\d+/mod_forum/post/\d+/'
.' alt="" width="200" height="393" class="img-fluid" />!</p>',
'>Love Moodle', '>1\d1');
$htmlcases['HTML mail with text+image message i.e. @@PLUGINFILE@@ token handling'] = array('data' => $newcase);
return $textcases + $htmlcases;
* Verify forum emails body using templates to generate the expected results.
* @dataProvider forum_post_email_templates_provider
* @param array $data provider samples.
public function test_forum_post_email_templates($data) {
global $DB;
// Create the course, with the specified options.
$options = array();
foreach ($data['course'] as $option => $value) {
$options[$option] = $value;
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course($options);
// Create the user, with the specified options and enrol in the course.
$options = array();
foreach ($data['user'] as $option => $value) {
$options[$option] = $value;
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user($options);
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user->id, $course->id);
// Create forums, always force susbscribed (for easy), with the specified options.
$posts = array();
foreach ($data['forums'] as $dataforum) {
$forumposts = isset($dataforum['forumposts']) ? $dataforum['forumposts'] : array();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_FORCESUBSCRIBE);
foreach ($dataforum as $option => $value) {
$options[$option] = $value;
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
// Create posts, always for immediate delivery (for easy), with the specified options.
foreach ($forumposts as $forumpost) {
$attachments = isset($forumpost['attachments']) ? $forumpost['attachments'] : array();
$postoptions = array('course' => $course->id, 'forum' => $forum->id, 'userid' => $user->id,
'mailnow' => 1, 'attachment' => !empty($attachments));
foreach ($forumpost as $option => $value) {
$postoptions[$option] = $value;
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $user, $postoptions);
$posts[$post->subject] = $post; // Need this to verify cron output.
// Add the attachments to the post.
if ($attachments) {
$fs = get_file_storage();
foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
$filerecord = array(
'contextid' => \context_module::instance($forum->cmid)->id,
'component' => 'mod_forum',
'filearea' => 'attachment',
'itemid' => $post->id,
'filepath' => '/',
'filename' => $attachment['filename']
$fs->create_file_from_string($filerecord, $attachment['filecontents']);
$DB->set_field('forum_posts', 'attachment', '1', array('id' => $post->id));
// Clear the mailsink and close the messagesink.
// (surely setup should provide us this cleared but...)
$expect = [
'author' => (object) [
'userid' => $user->id,
'messages' => count($posts),
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($user, $posts);
// Get the mails.
$mails = $this->mailsink->get_messages();
// Start testing the expectations.
$expectations = $data['expectations'];
// Assert the number is the expected.
$this->assertSame(count($expectations), count($mails));
// Start processing mails, first localizing its expectations, then checking them.
foreach ($mails as $mail) {
// Find the corresponding expectation.
$foundexpectation = null;
foreach ($expectations as $key => $expectation) {
// All expectations must have a subject for matching.
if (!isset($expectation['subject'])) {
$this->fail('Provider expectation missing mandatory subject');
if (preg_match('!' . $expectation['subject'] . '!', $mail->subject)) {
// If we already had found the expectation, there are non-unique subjects. Fail.
if (isset($foundexpectation)) {
$this->fail('Multiple expectations found (by subject matching). Please make them unique.');
$foundexpectation = $expectation;
// Arrived here, we should have found the expectations.
$this->assertNotEmpty($foundexpectation, 'Expectation not found for the mail');
// If we have found the expectation and have contents to match, let's do it.
if (isset($foundexpectation) and isset($foundexpectation['contents'])) {
$mail->body = quoted_printable_decode($mail->body);
if (!is_array($foundexpectation['contents'])) { // Accept both string and array.
$foundexpectation['contents'] = array($foundexpectation['contents']);
foreach ($foundexpectation['contents'] as $content) {
if (strpos($content, '~') !== 0) {
$this->assertMatchesRegularExpression('#' . $content . '#m', $mail->body);
} else {
preg_match('#' . substr($content, 1) . '#m', $mail->body, $matches);
$this->assertDoesNotMatchRegularExpression('#' . substr($content, 1) . '#m', $mail->body);
// Finished, there should not be remaining expectations.
$this->assertCount(0, $expectations);
* Ensure that posts already mailed are not re-sent.
public function test_already_mailed() {
global $DB;
// Create a course, with a forum.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_INITIALSUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
// Create two users enrolled in the course as students.
list($author, $recipient) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2);
// Post a discussion to the forum.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
$DB->set_field('forum_posts', 'mailed', 1);
// No posts shoudl be considered.
// No notifications should be queued.
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, []);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($recipient, []);
* Ensure that posts marked mailnow are not suspect to the maxeditingtime.
public function test_mailnow() {
global $CFG, $DB;
// Update the maxeditingtime to 1 day so that posts won't be sent.
$CFG->maxeditingtime = DAYSECS;
// Create a course, with a forum.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_INITIALSUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
// Create two users enrolled in the course as students.
list($author, $recipient) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2);
// Post a discussion to the forum.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
// Post a discussion to the forum.
list($discussion, $postmailednow) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author, ['mailnow' => 1]);
// Only the mailnow post should be considered.
$expect = [
'author' => (object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => 1,
'recipient' => (object) [
'userid' => $recipient->id,
'messages' => 1,
// No notifications should be queued.
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, [$postmailednow]);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($recipient, [$postmailednow]);
* Ensure that if a user has no permission to view a post, then it is not sent.
public function test_access_coursemodule_hidden() {
global $CFG, $DB;
// Create a course, with a forum.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_INITIALSUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
// Create two users enrolled in the course as students.
list($author, $recipient) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2);
// Create one users enrolled in the course as an editing teacher.
list($editor) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 1, 'editingteacher');
// Post a discussion to the forum.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
// Hide the coursemodule.
set_coursemodule_visible($forum->cmid, 0);
// Only the mailnow post should be considered.
$expect = [
'author' => (object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => 1,
'recipient' => (object) [
'userid' => $recipient->id,
'messages' => 1,
'editor' => (object) [
'userid' => $editor->id,
'messages' => 1,
// No notifications should be queued.
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, [], true);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($recipient, [], true);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($editor, [$post], true);
* Ensure that if a user loses permission to view a post after it is queued, that it is not sent.
public function test_access_coursemodule_hidden_after_queue() {
global $CFG, $DB;
// Create a course, with a forum.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_INITIALSUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
// Create two users enrolled in the course as students.
list($author, $recipient) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2);
// Create one users enrolled in the course as an editing teacher.
list($editor) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 1, 'editingteacher');
// Post a discussion to the forum.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
// Only the mailnow post should be considered.
$expect = [
'author' => (object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => 1,
'recipient' => (object) [
'userid' => $recipient->id,
'messages' => 1,
'editor' => (object) [
'userid' => $editor->id,
'messages' => 1,
// Hide the coursemodule.
set_coursemodule_visible($forum->cmid, 0);
// No notifications should be queued for the students.
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, [], true);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($recipient, [], true);
// The editing teacher should still receive the post.
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($editor, [$post]);
* Ensure that messages are not sent until the timestart.
public function test_access_before_timestart() {
global $CFG, $DB;
// Create a course, with a forum.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_INITIALSUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
// Create two users enrolled in the course as students.
list($author, $recipient) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2);
// Create one users enrolled in the course as an editing teacher.
list($editor) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 1, 'editingteacher');
// Post a discussion to the forum.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
// Update the discussion to have a timestart in the future.
$DB->set_field('forum_discussions', 'timestart', time() + DAYSECS);
// None should be sent.
// No notifications should be queued for any user.
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, []);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($recipient, []);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($editor, []);
// Update the discussion to have a timestart in the past.
$DB->set_field('forum_discussions', 'timestart', time() - DAYSECS);
// Now should be sent to all.
$expect = [
'author' => (object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => 1,
'recipient' => (object) [
'userid' => $recipient->id,
'messages' => 1,
'editor' => (object) [
'userid' => $editor->id,
'messages' => 1,
// No notifications should be queued for any user.
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, [$post]);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($recipient, [$post]);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($editor, [$post]);
* Ensure that messages are not sent after the timeend.
public function test_access_after_timeend() {
global $CFG, $DB;
// Create a course, with a forum.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_INITIALSUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
// Create two users enrolled in the course as students.
list($author, $recipient) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2);
// Create one users enrolled in the course as an editing teacher.
list($editor) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 1, 'editingteacher');
// Post a discussion to the forum.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
// Update the discussion to have a timestart in the past.
$DB->set_field('forum_discussions', 'timeend', time() - DAYSECS);
// None should be sent.
// No notifications should be queued for any user.
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, []);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($recipient, []);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($editor, []);
// Update the discussion to have a timestart in the past.
$DB->set_field('forum_discussions', 'timeend', time() + DAYSECS);
// Now should be sent to all.
$expect = [
'author' => (object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => 1,
'recipient' => (object) [
'userid' => $recipient->id,
'messages' => 1,
'editor' => (object) [
'userid' => $editor->id,
'messages' => 1,
// No notifications should be queued for any user.
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, [$post]);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($recipient, [$post]);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($editor, [$post]);
* Test notification comes with customdata.
public function test_notification_customdata() {
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_FORCESUBSCRIBE);
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $options);
list($author) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 1);
list($commenter) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 1);
$strre = get_string('re', 'forum');
// New posts should not have Re: in the subject.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_forum($forum, $author);
$expect = [
'author' => (object) [
'userid' => $author->id,
'messages' => 1,
'commenter' => (object) [
'userid' => $commenter->id,
'messages' => 1,
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($author, [$post]);
$this->send_notifications_and_assert($commenter, [$post]);
$messages = $this->messagesink->get_messages_by_component('mod_forum');
$messages = reset($messages);
$customdata = json_decode($messages->customdata);
$this->assertEquals($forum->id, $customdata->instance);
$this->assertEquals($forum->cmid, $customdata->cmid);
$this->assertEquals($post->id, $customdata->postid);
$this->assertEquals($discussion->id, $customdata->discussionid);
$this->assertObjectHasProperty('notificationiconurl', $customdata);
$this->assertObjectHasProperty('actionbuttons', $customdata);
$this->assertCount(1, (array) $customdata->actionbuttons);