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@mod @mod_forum
Feature: Posting to all groups in a separate group discussion is restricted to users with access to all groups
In order to post to all groups in a forum with separate groups
As a teacher
I need to have the accessallgroups capability
Given the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname | email |
| teacher1 | Teacher | 1 | |
| noneditor1 | Non-editing teacher | 1 | |
| noneditor2 | Non-editing teacher | 2 | |
| student1 | Student | 1 | |
| student2 | Student | 2 | |
| student3 | Student | 3 | |
| student4 | Student | 4 | |
And the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | category |
| Course 1 | C1 | 0 |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher |
| noneditor1 | C1 | teacher |
| noneditor2 | C1 | teacher |
| student1 | C1 | student |
| student2 | C1 | student |
| student3 | C1 | student |
| student4 | C1 | student |
And the following "groups" exist:
| name | course | idnumber | participation |
| Group A | C1 | G1 | 1 |
| Group B | C1 | G2 | 1 |
| Group C | C1 | G3 | 1 |
| Group D | C1 | G4 | 0 |
And the following "group members" exist:
| user | group |
| teacher1 | G1 |
| teacher1 | G2 |
| noneditor1 | G1 |
| noneditor1 | G2 |
| noneditor1 | G3 |
| noneditor2 | G1 |
| noneditor2 | G2 |
| student1 | G1 |
| student2 | G1 |
| student2 | G2 |
| student3 | G4 |
And the following "activities" exist:
| activity | name | course | idnumber | groupmode |
| forum | Standard forum name | C1 | sepgroups | 1 |
And the following "mod_forum > discussions" exist:
| forum | name | subject | message | group |
| sepgroups | Initial Disc ALL | Initial Disc ALL | Disc ALL content | All participants |
| sepgroups | Initial Disc G1 | Initial Disc G1 | Disc G1 content | G1 |
| sepgroups | Initial Disc G2 | Initial Disc G2 | Disc G2 content | G2 |
| sepgroups | Initial Disc G3 | Initial Disc G3 | Disc G3 content | G3 |
Scenario: Teacher with accessallgroups can view all groups
When I am on the "Standard forum name" "forum activity" page logged in as teacher1
Then the "Separate groups" select box should contain "All participants"
And the "Separate groups" select box should contain "Group A"
And the "Separate groups" select box should contain "Group B"
And the "Separate groups" select box should contain "Group C"
And the "Separate groups" select box should not contain "Group D"
And I select "All participants" from the "Separate groups" singleselect
And I should see "Initial Disc ALL"
And I should see "Initial Disc G1"
And I should see "Initial Disc G2"
And I should see "Initial Disc G2"
And I select "Group A" from the "Separate groups" singleselect
And I should see "Initial Disc ALL"
And I should see "Initial Disc G1"
But I should not see "Initial Disc G2"
And I should not see "Initial Disc G3"
And I select "Group B" from the "Separate groups" singleselect
And I should see "Initial Disc ALL"
And I should see "Initial Disc G2"
But I should not see "Initial Disc G1"
And I should not see "Initial Disc G3"
Scenario: Teacher with accessallgroups can select any group when posting
Given I am on the "Standard forum name" "forum activity" page logged in as teacher1
When I click on "Add discussion topic" "link"
And I click on "Advanced" "button"
Then the "Group" select box should contain "All participants"
And the "Group" select box should contain "Group A"
And the "Group" select box should contain "Group B"
And the "Group" select box should contain "Group C"
And the "Group" select box should not contain "Group D"
And I should see "Post a copy to all groups"
Scenario: Teacher with accessallgroups can post in groups they are a member of
Given I am on the "Standard forum name" "forum activity" page logged in as teacher1
And I select "Group A" from the "Separate groups" singleselect
When I click on "Add discussion topic" "link"
And I click on "Advanced" "button"
Then I should see "Post a copy to all groups"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Subject | Teacher 1 -> Group B |
| Message | Teacher 1 -> Group B |
# Change the group in the post form.
| Group | Group B |
And I press "Post to forum"
And I wait to be redirected
# We should be redirected to the group that we selected when posting.
And the field "Separate groups" matches value "Group B"
And I should see "Group B" in the "Teacher 1 -> Group B" "table_row"
And I should not see "Group A" in the "Teacher 1 -> Group B" "table_row"
And I should not see "Group C" in the "Teacher 1 -> Group B" "table_row"
# It should also be displayed under All participants
And I select "All participants" from the "Separate groups" singleselect
And I should see "Group B" in the "Teacher 1 -> Group B" "table_row"
And I should not see "Group A" in the "Teacher 1 -> Group B" "table_row"
And I should not see "Group C" in the "Teacher 1 -> Group B" "table_row"
# It should not be displayed in Groups A, or C.
And I select "Group A" from the "Separate groups" singleselect
And I should not see "Teacher 1 -> Group B"
And I select "Group C" from the "Separate groups" singleselect
And I should not see "Teacher 1 -> Group B"
Scenario: Teacher with accessallgroups can post in groups they are not a member of
Given I am on the "Standard forum name" "forum activity" page logged in as teacher1
And I select "Group A" from the "Separate groups" singleselect
When I click on "Add discussion topic" "link"
And I click on "Advanced" "button"
Then I should see "Post a copy to all groups"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Subject | Teacher 1 -> Group C |
| Message | Teacher 1 -> Group C |
| Group | Group C |
And I press "Post to forum"
And I wait to be redirected
# We should be redirected to the group that we selected when posting.
And the field "Separate groups" matches value "Group C"
# We redirect to the group posted in automatically.
And I should see "Group C" in the "Teacher 1 -> Group C" "table_row"
And I should not see "Group A" in the "Teacher 1 -> Group C" "table_row"
And I should not see "Group B" in the "Teacher 1 -> Group C" "table_row"
# It should also be displayed under All participants
And I select "All participants" from the "Separate groups" singleselect
And I should see "Group C" in the "Teacher 1 -> Group C" "table_row"
And I should not see "Group A" in the "Teacher 1 -> Group C" "table_row"
And I should not see "Group B" in the "Teacher 1 -> Group C" "table_row"
# It should not be displayed in Groups A, or B.
And I select "Group A" from the "Separate groups" singleselect
And I should not see "Teacher 1 -> Group C"
And I select "Group B" from the "Separate groups" singleselect
And I should not see "Teacher 1 -> Group C"
Scenario: Teacher with accessallgroups can post to all groups
Given I am on the "Standard forum name" "forum activity" page logged in as teacher1
When I click on "Add discussion topic" "link"
And I click on "Advanced" "button"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Subject | Teacher 1 -> Post to all |
| Message | Teacher 1 -> Post to all |
| Post a copy to all groups | 1 |
And I press "Post to forum"
And I wait to be redirected
# Posting to all groups means that we should be redirected to the page we started from.
And the field "Separate groups" matches value "All participants"
And I select "Group A" from the "Separate groups" singleselect
Then I should see "Group A" in the "Teacher 1 -> Post to all" "table_row"
And I should not see "Group B" in the "Teacher 1 -> Post to all" "table_row"
And I should not see "Group C" in the "Teacher 1 -> Post to all" "table_row"
And I select "Group B" from the "Separate groups" singleselect
And I should see "Group B" in the "Teacher 1 -> Post to all" "table_row"
And I should not see "Group A" in the "Teacher 1 -> Post to all" "table_row"
And I should not see "Group C" in the "Teacher 1 -> Post to all" "table_row"
And I select "Group C" from the "Separate groups" singleselect
And I should see "Group C" in the "Teacher 1 -> Post to all" "table_row"
And I should not see "Group A" in the "Teacher 1 -> Post to all" "table_row"
And I should not see "Group B" in the "Teacher 1 -> Post to all" "table_row"
# No point testing the "All participants".
Scenario: Students in one group can only post in their group
When I am on the "Standard forum name" "forum activity" page logged in as student1
Then I should see "Group A"
And I click on "Add discussion topic" "link"
And I should see "Group A"
And I should not see "Group B"
And I should not see "Group C"
And I should not see "Post a copy to all groups"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Subject | Student -> B |
| Message | Student -> B |
And I press "Post to forum"
And I wait to be redirected
And I should see "Group A" in the "Student -> B" "table_row"
And I should not see "Group B" in the "Student -> B" "table_row"
Scenario: Students in no group can see all group discussions, but not post.
When I am on the "Standard forum name" "forum activity" page logged in as student4
Then I should see "All participants"
And I should see "Initial Disc ALL"
And I should see "You are not able to create a discussion"
And I should not see "Add discussion topic"
Scenario: Students in non-participation groups can see all group discussions, but not post.
When I am on the "Standard forum name" "forum activity" page logged in as student3
Then I should see "All participants"
And I should see "Initial Disc ALL"
And I should see "You are not able to create a discussion"
And I should not see "Add discussion topic"
Scenario: Students in multiple group can post in all of their group individually
When I am on the "Standard forum name" "forum activity" page logged in as student2
And I select "Group A" from the "Separate groups" singleselect
And I click on "Add discussion topic" "link"
And I click on "Advanced" "button"
And the "Group" select box should not contain "All participants"
And the "Group" select box should contain "Group A"
And the "Group" select box should contain "Group B"
And the "Group" select box should not contain "Group C"
And I should not see "Post a copy to all groups"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Subject | Student -> B |
| Message | Student -> B |
| Group | Group B |
And I press "Post to forum"
And I wait to be redirected
# We should be redirected to the group that we selected when posting.
And the field "Separate groups" matches value "Group B"
And I should see "Group B" in the "Student -> B" "table_row"
And I should not see "Group A" in the "Student -> B" "table_row"
And I select "Group A" from the "Separate groups" singleselect
And I should not see "Student -> B"
# Now try posting in Group A (starting at Group B)
And I select "Group B" from the "Separate groups" singleselect
And I click on "Add discussion topic" "link"
And I click on "Advanced" "button"
And the "Group" select box should not contain "All participants"
And the "Group" select box should contain "Group A"
And the "Group" select box should contain "Group B"
And the "Group" select box should not contain "Group C"
And I should not see "Post a copy to all groups"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Subject | Student -> A |
| Message | Student -> A |
| Group | Group A |
And I press "Post to forum"
And I wait to be redirected
# We should be redirected to the group that we selected when posting.
And the field "Separate groups" matches value "Group A"
And I should see "Group A" in the "Student -> A" "table_row"
And I should not see "Group B" in the "Student -> A" "table_row"
And I select "Group B" from the "Separate groups" singleselect
And I should not see "Student -> A"
Scenario: Teacher in all groups but without accessallgroups can only post in their groups
Given I am on the "Standard forum name" "forum activity" page logged in as noneditor1
When I click on "Add discussion topic" "link"
And I click on "Advanced" "button"
Then the "Group" select box should not contain "All participants"
And the "Group" select box should contain "Group A"
And the "Group" select box should contain "Group B"
And I should see "Post a copy to all groups"
Scenario: Teacher in some groups and without accessallgroups can only post in their groups
Given I am on the "Standard forum name" "forum activity" page logged in as noneditor1
When I click on "Add discussion topic" "link"
And I click on "Advanced" "button"
Then the "Group" select box should not contain "All participants"
And the "Group" select box should contain "Group A"
And the "Group" select box should contain "Group B"
And I should see "Post a copy to all groups"
Scenario: Students can view all participants discussions in separate groups mode
When I am on the "Standard forum name" "forum activity" page logged in as student1
Then I should see "Initial Disc ALL"