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@mod @mod_forum
Feature: A user can navigate to previous and next discussions
In order to get go the previous discussion
As a user
I need to click on the previous discussion link
Given the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname | email |
| teacher1 | Teacher | 1 | |
| student1 | Student | 1 | |
| student2 | Student | 2 | |
And the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | category |
| Course 1 | C1 | 0 |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher |
| student1 | C1 | student |
| student2 | C1 | student |
And the following "groups" exist:
| name | course | idnumber |
| Group 1 | C1 | G1 |
| Group 2 | C1 | G2 |
And the following "group members" exist:
| user | group |
| teacher1 | G1 |
| teacher1 | G2 |
| student1 | G1 |
| student2 | G2 |
Scenario: A user can navigate between discussions
Given the following "activities" exist:
| activity | name | course | idnumber | groupmode |
| forum | Test forum name | C1 | forum | 0 |
And the following "mod_forum > discussions" exist:
| user | forum | name | message |
| teacher1 | forum | Discussion 1 | Test post message |
| teacher1 | forum | Discussion 2 | Test post message |
| teacher1 | forum | Discussion 3 | Test post message |
And I am on the "Test forum name" "forum activity" page logged in as teacher1
When I follow "Discussion 3"
Then I should not see "Discussion 1"
And I should see "Discussion 2"
And I follow "Discussion 2"
And I should see "Discussion 1"
And I should see "Discussion 3"
And I follow "Discussion 1"
And I should see "Discussion 2"
And I should not see "Discussion 3"
And I follow "Reply"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Message | Answer to discussion |
# We need to wait a bit to guarantee that the post is created after the previous ones.
# because there is a bug in the forum_get_discussion_neighbours() when all the discussion
# last modified times are the same. See MDL-79247 for more details.
And I wait "1" seconds
And I press "Post to forum"
And I should not see "Discussion 2"
And I should see "Discussion 3"
And I follow "Discussion 3"
And I should see "Discussion 1"
And I should see "Discussion 2"
And I follow "Discussion 2"
And I should not see "Discussion 1"
And I should see "Discussion 3"
Scenario: A user can navigate between discussions with visible groups
Given the following "activities" exist:
| activity | name | course | idnumber | groupmode |
| forum | Test forum name | C1 | forum | 2 |
And the following "mod_forum > discussions" exist:
| user | forum | name | message |
| student1 | forum | Discussion 1 Group 0 | Test post message |
| student1 | forum | Discussion 2 Group 0 | Test post message |
And the following "mod_forum > discussions" exist:
| user | forum | name | message | group |
| student1 | forum | Discussion 1 Group 1 | Test post message | G1 |
| student1 | forum | Discussion 2 Group 1 | Test post message | G1 |
| student1 | forum | Discussion 1 Group 2 | Test post message | G2 |
| student1 | forum | Discussion 2 Group 2 | Test post message | G2 |
When I am on the "Test forum name" "forum activity" page logged in as student1
And I select "All participants" from the "Visible groups" singleselect
And I follow "Discussion 1 Group 0"
Then I should see "Discussion 2 Group 0"
And I should not see "Group 1"
And I should not see "Group 2"
And I follow "Discussion 2 Group 0"
And I should see "Discussion 1 Group 0"
And I should see "Discussion 1 Group 1"
And I follow "Discussion 1 Group 1"
And I should see "Discussion 2 Group 0"
And I should see "Discussion 2 Group 1"
And I follow "Test forum name"
And I follow "Discussion 1 Group 2"
And I should see "Discussion 2 Group 1"
And I should see "Discussion 2 Group 2"
And I follow "Test forum name"
And I select "Group 1" from the "Visible groups" singleselect
And I follow "Discussion 1 Group 1"
And I should see "Discussion 2 Group 0"
And I should see "Discussion 2 Group 1"
And I follow "Discussion 2 Group 1"
And I should see "Discussion 1 Group 1"
And I should not see "Group 2"
Scenario: A user can navigate between discussions with separate groups
Given the following "activities" exist:
| activity | name | course | idnumber | groupmode |
| forum | Test forum name | C1 | forum | 1 |
And the following "mod_forum > discussions" exist:
| user | forum | name | message |
| student1 | forum | Discussion 1 Group 0 | Test post message |
| student1 | forum | Discussion 2 Group 0 | Test post message |
And the following "mod_forum > discussions" exist:
| user | forum | name | message | group |
| student1 | forum | Discussion 1 Group 1 | Test post message | G1 |
| student1 | forum | Discussion 2 Group 1 | Test post message | G1 |
| student1 | forum | Discussion 1 Group 2 | Test post message | G2 |
| student1 | forum | Discussion 2 Group 2 | Test post message | G2 |
When I am on the "Test forum name" "forum activity" page logged in as student1
And I follow "Discussion 1 Group 1"
Then I should see "Discussion 2 Group 0"
And I should see "Discussion 2 Group 1"
And I follow "Discussion 2 Group 1"
And I should see "Discussion 1 Group 1"
And I should not see "Group 2"