Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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This files describes API changes in /mod/data - plugins,
information provided here is intended especially for developers.

=== 4.4.1 ===
* The `data_add_record` method accepts a new `$approved` parameter to set the corresponding state of the new record

=== 4.4 ===
* The following behat steps are now deprecated. Use data generators instead:
  - I add a ":fieldtype" field to ":activityname" database and I fill the form with:
  - I add an entry to ":activityname" database with:
* Use of mustache templates for rendering add/modify fields forms. Elimination of all mod/data/field/*/mod.html files.
* A function get_field_params() in data_field_base can be extended by datafield plugins to get their parameters.

=== 4.3 ===
* Function data_export_xls() has been deprecated and moved to deprecatedlib, because xls support has already been dropped.
* Functions data_export_csv(), data_export_ods() and data_get_exportdata() have been deprecated due to a bigger
  refactoring of the way data is being exported. This is now being done by new exporter classes
  \mod_data\local\exporter\csv_entries_exporter and \mod_data\local\exporter\ods_entries_exporter (inheriting from
  exporter base class \mod_data\local\exporter\entries_exporter) as well as \mod_data\local\exporter\utils::data_exportdata().
* Function data_import_csv() has been deprecated and moved to deprecatedlib due to a bigger rework of the way data is
  being imported. This is now being done by new importer class \mod_data\local\importer\csv_importer inheriting from new
  class \mod_data\local\importer.
* Field base class now has two new methods file_export_supported() and export_file_value(). The method
  file_export_supported() can be overwritten to declare that a field type can/wants to export a file. In this case this
  field type will have to implement the method export_file_value() returning this file for exporting. Also: This field
  type will have to export the name of the file by overwriting text_export_supported() to return true and make the
  method export_text_value() return the name of the file.
* The field types file and picture now are able to export the file/picture.
* Field base class now has two new methods file_import_supported() and import_file_value(). The method
  file_import_supported() can be overwritten to declare that a field type is able to import a file. In this case this
  field type will have to implement the method import_file_value() doing the actual import of the file being passed.
* The field types file and picture now are able to import the file/picture.

=== 4.2 ===
* The field base class now has a method validate(). Overwrite it in the field type to provide validation of field type's
  parameters in the field add/modify form.
* New tags are added to the current mod_data\templates class: ##otherfields##, [[FIELD#name]],
  and [[FIELD#description]].
* The mod_data\template class can provide preprocessor methods to optimize some tags. From now on,
  when load_template_tags detects a tag, it will call a "preprocess_tag_TAGNAME" method if it exists.
  This preprocessing can be used, for example, to precalculate some content. Currently, this preprocessor
  is used to detect which fields needs to be renderer when a ##otherfields## is used.

=== 4.1 ===
* The method data_view is now deprecated. Use $maganer->set_module_viewed instead.
* The data_print_template function is now deprecated and replaced by mod_data\template class.
* The data_print_ratings function now has an extra $print to get the ratings output instead of printing it directly.
* The following functions have been deprecated because they have been moved to the manager class:
  - data_get_available_presets
  - data_get_available_site_presets
  - data_preset_name
  - data_presets_export
  - data_presets_generate_xml
  - data_presets_save
  - is_directory_a_preset
* mod_data_external::add_entry() function throws an error when trying to add an entry to a database with no field created.
* data_user_can_add_entry() function returns false for any user if there is no field created on the database.
* From now on, the data_generate_default_template method will always return a string with the template content or an empty
  string when there is no content available.
* The following classes have been deprecated from lib.php because they have been moved to use manager class:
  - data_preset_importer
  - data_preset_existing_importer
  - data_preset_upload_importer
* import_setting_mappings() function has been deprecated. Use importing_preset() instead.
* $fieldselect single_select type parameter has been deprecated for fields_action_bar class constructor, and a new action_menu
  type parameter has been added.
* The $urlselect, $saveaspresetbutton and $exportpresetbutton parameters in the constructor of the fields_action_bar class
have been deprecated too and are not used anymore.
* The $saveaspresetbutton and $exportpresetbutton parameters in the constructor of the templates_action_bar class
have been deprecated and are not used anymore. Besides, a new parameter, $actionsselect, has been added to the
constructor of this class.
* A new parameter, $actionsselect, has been added to the presets_action_bar constructor.
* A new parameter, $mode, has been added to the view_action_bar constructor.
* The $hassaveaspreset and $haveexportpreset parameters in the get_fields_action_bar() action_bar class have been deprecated and
are not used anymore.

=== 3.7 ===
* External functions get_entries, get_entry and search_entries now return an additional field "tags" containing the entry tags.

=== 3.4 ===
* External function mod_data_external::search_entries() now returns the maxcount field: Total count of records that the user could
    see in the database (if all the search criterias were removed).
* External function get_entry now returns an additional field "ratinginfo" containing the entry rating information.

=== 3.3.2 ===
* data_refresh_events() Now takes two additional parameters to refine the update to a specific instance. This function
  now optionally takes the module instance object or ID, and the course module object or ID. Please try to send the full
  objects instead of the ids to save DB calls.

=== 3.3 ===

* External function get_databases_by_courses now return more fields for users with mod/data:viewentry capability enabled:
    maxentries, rssarticles, singletemplate, listtemplate, listtemplateheader, listtemplatefooter, addtemplate,
    rsstemplate, rsstitletemplate, csstemplate, jstemplate, asearchtemplate, approval, defaultsort, defaultsortdir, manageapproved.
* Data field classes extending data_field_base should implement the get_config_for_external method.
    This method is used for returning the field settings for external functions.
    You should check the user capabilities of the current user before returning any field setting value.
    This is intended to protect field settings like private keys for external systems.
* Required entries has been added to the Activity completion setting of mod_form. Entries required for completion
    (in the entries section) is no longer displayed for new instances and will be deprecated in a future release
    in favour of the new completion setting.

=== 3.2 ===

* New hook - update_content_import - Can be implemented by field subplugins data_field_* class
    This can be used to pre-process data from a csv file before it is inserted into the database.