Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


Autoría | Ultima modificación | Ver Log |

@mod @mod_data
Feature: Users can be required to specify certain fields when adding entries to database activities
  In order to constrain user input
  As a teacher
  I need to specify certain fields as required when I add entries to databases

    Given the following "users" exist:
      | username | firstname | lastname | email |
      | student1 | Student | 1 | |
      | teacher1 | Teacher | 1 | |
    And the following "courses" exist:
      | fullname | shortname | category |
      | Course 1 | C1 | 0 |
    And the following "course enrolments" exist:
      | user | course | role |
      | teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher |
      | student1 | C1 | student |
    And the following "activities" exist:
      | activity | name               | intro | course | idnumber |
      | data     | Test database name | n     | C1     | data1    |
    And the following "mod_data > fields" exist:
      | database | type        | name                          | required | description                   | param1                         |
      | data1    | text        | Base Text input               | 1        | Base Text input               |                                |
      | data1    | checkbox    | Required Checkbox             | 1        | Base Text input               | Required Checkbox Option 1     |
      | data1    | checkbox    | Required Two-Option Checkbox  | 1        | Required Two-Option Checkbox  | RTOC Option 1\nRTOC Option 2   |
      | data1    | latlong     | Required Coordinates          | 1        | Required Coordinates          |                                |
      | data1    | menu        | Required Menu                 | 1        | Required Menu                 | Option 1                       |
      | data1    | number      | Required Number               | 1        | Required Number               |                                |
      | data1    | radiobutton | Required Radio                | 1        | Required Radio                | Required Radio Option 1        |
      | data1    | text        | Required Text input           | 1        | Required Text input           |                                |
      | data1    | textarea    | Required Text area            | 1        | Required Text area            |                                |
      | data1    | url         | Required URL                  | 1        | Required URL                  |                                |
      | data1    | multimenu   | Required Multimenu            | 1        | Required Multimenu            | Option 1                       |
      | data1    | multimenu   | Required Two-Option Multimenu | 1        | Required Two-Option Multimenu | Option 1\nOption 2             |
      | data1    | checkbox    | Not required Checkbox         | 0        | Not required Checkbox         | Not required Checkbox Option 1 |
      | data1    | latlong     | Not required Coordinates      | 0        | Not required Coordinates      |                                |
      | data1    | menu        | Not required Menu             | 0        | Not required Menu             | Option 1                       |
      | data1    | number      | Not required Number           | 0        | Not required Number           |                                |
      | data1    | radiobutton | Not required Radio            | 0        | Not required Radio            | Not required Radio Option 1    |
      | data1    | text        | Not required Text input       | 0        | Not required Text input       |                                |
      | data1    | textarea    | Not required Text area        | 0        | Not required Text area        |                                |
      | data1    | url         | Not required URL              | 0        | Not required URL              |                                |
      | data1    | multimenu   | Not required Multimenu        | 0        | Not required Multimenu        | Option 1                       |

  Scenario: Students receive errors for empty required fields but not for optional fields
    Given I am on the "Test database name" "data activity" page logged in as student1
    And I click on "Add entry" "button"
    And I set the field "Base Text input" to "Some input to allow us to submit the otherwise empty form"
    When I press "Save"
#    Then ".alert" "css_element" should exist in the "//div[contains(@id,'defaulttemplate-addentry']//div[position()=1]]" "xpath_element"
    Then ".alert" "css_element" should appear after "Checkbox" "text"
    And ".alert" "css_element" should appear before "Required Checkbox" "text"
    And ".alert" "css_element" should appear after "Two-Option Checkbox" "text"
    And ".alert" "css_element" should appear before "Required Two-Option Checkbox" "text"
    And ".alert" "css_element" should appear after "Coordinates" "text"
    And ".alert" "css_element" should appear before "Required Coordinates" "text"
    And ".alert" "css_element" should appear after "Menu" "text"
    And ".alert" "css_element" should appear before "Required Menu" "text"
    And ".alert" "css_element" should appear after "Radio" "text"
    And ".alert" "css_element" should appear before "Required Radio" "text"
    And ".alert" "css_element" should appear after "Text input" "text"
    And ".alert" "css_element" should appear before "Required Text input" "text"
    And ".alert" "css_element" should appear after "Text area" "text"
    And ".alert" "css_element" should appear before "Required Text area" "text"
    And ".alert" "css_element" should appear after "URL" "text"
    And ".alert" "css_element" should appear before "Required URL" "text"
    And ".alert" "css_element" should appear after "Multimenu" "text"
    And ".alert" "css_element" should appear before "Required Multimenu" "text"
    And ".alert" "css_element" should appear after "Two-Option Multimenu" "text"
    And ".alert" "css_element" should appear before "Required Two-Option Multimenu" "text"
    And I am on "Course 1" course homepage
    And I follow "Test database name"
    And I should see "No entries yet"

  Scenario: Students receive no error for filled in required fields
    Given I am on the "Test database name" "data activity" page logged in as student1
    And I click on "Add entry" "button"
    And I set the following fields to these values:
       | Base Text input               | Some input to allow us to submit the otherwise empty form |
       | Required Checkbox Option 1    | 1                                                         |
       | RTOC Option 1                 | 1                                                         |
       | Latitude                      | 0                                                         |
       | Longitude                     | 0                                                         |
       | Required Menu                 | 1                                                         |
       | Required Number               | 1                                                         |
       | Required Radio Option 1       | 1                                                         |
       | Required Text input           | New entry text                                            |
       | Required Text area            | More text                                                 |
       | Required URL                  |                                       |
       | Required Multimenu            | 1                                                         |
       | Required Two-Option Multimenu | 1                                                         |
    When I press "Save"
    And I select "List view" from the "jump" singleselect
    Then I should not see "No entries in database"
    And I should see "New entry text"

  Scenario: Fields refill with data after having an error
    Given I am on the "Test database name" "data activity" page logged in as student1
    And I click on "Add entry" "button"
    And I set the following fields to these values:
       | RTOC Option 1                 | 1                   |
       | Latitude                      | 0                   |
       | Longitude                     | 0                   |
       | Required Menu                 | 1                   |
       | Required Number               | 1                   |
       | Required Radio Option 1       | 1                   |
       | Required Text input           | New entry text      |
       | Required Text area            | More text           |
       | Required URL                  | |
       | Required Multimenu            | 1                   |
       | Required Two-Option Multimenu | 1                   |
    When I press "Save"
    Then the following fields match these values:
       | Base Text input               |                     |
       | Latitude                      | 0                   |
       | Longitude                     | 0                   |
       | Required Menu                 | Option 1            |
       | Required Number               | 1                   |
       | Required Radio Option 1       | 1                   |
       | Required Text input           | New entry text      |
       | Required Text area            | More text           |
       | Required URL                  | |
       | Required Multimenu            | Option 1            |
       | Required Two-Option Multimenu | Option 1            |

  Scenario: A student fills in Latitude but not Longitude will see an error
    Given I am on the "Test database name" "data activity" page logged in as student1
    And I click on "Add entry" "button"
    And I set the following fields to these values:
       | Base Text input               | Some input to allow us to submit the otherwise empty form |
       | Required Checkbox Option 1    | 1                                                         |
       | RTOC Option 1                 | 1                                                         |
       | Latitude                      | 24                                                        |
       | Required Menu                 | 1                                                         |
       | Required Number               | 1                                                         |
       | Required Radio Option 1       | 1                                                         |
       | Required Text input           | New entry text                                            |
       | Required Text area            | More text                                                 |
       | Required URL                  |                                       |
       | Required Multimenu            | 1                                                         |
       | Required Two-Option Multimenu | 1                                                         |
       | Latitude                      | 20                                                        |
    When I press "Save"
    Then I should see "Both latitude and longitude are required."

  Scenario: A student filling in number and text fields with zero will not see an error.
  Scenario: A student fills in Latitude but not Longitude will see an error
    Given I am on the "Test database name" "data activity" page logged in as student1
    And I click on "Add entry" "button"
    And I set the following fields to these values:
       | Base Text input               | Some input to allow us to submit the otherwise empty form |
       | Required Checkbox Option 1    | 1                                                         |
       | RTOC Option 1                 | 1                                                         |
       | Latitude                      | 0                                                         |
       | Longitude                     | 0                                                         |
       | Required Menu                 | 1                                                         |
       | Required Number               | 0                                                         |
       | Required Radio Option 1       | 1                                                         |
       | Required Text input           | 0                                                         |
       | Required Text area            | 0                                                         |
       | Required URL                  |                                       |
       | Required Multimenu            | 1                                                         |
       | Required Two-Option Multimenu | 1                                                         |
    When I press "Save"
    And I select "List view" from the "jump" singleselect
    Then I should not see "No entries in database"
    And I should see "Some input to allow us to submit the otherwise empty form"