AutorÃa | Ultima modificación | Ver Log |
@mod @mod_data
Feature: Users can edit the database templates
In order to use custom templates for entries
As a teacher
I need to edit the templates html
Given the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname | email |
| teacher1 | Teacher | 1 | |
And the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | category |
| Course 1 | C1 | 0 |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher |
And the following "activities" exist:
| activity | name | intro | course | idnumber |
| data | Test database name | Database intro | C1 | data1 |
And the following "mod_data > fields" exist:
| database | type | name | description |
| data1 | text | field1 | Test field description |
| data1 | text | field2 | Test field 2 description |
And the following "mod_data > entries" exist:
| database | field1 | field2 |
| data1 | Student entry 1 | Some content 1 |
And I am on the "Test database name" "data activity" page logged in as teacher1
And I navigate to "Templates" in current page administration
And I set the field "Templates tertiary navigation" to "List view template"
Scenario: Edit list template
Given I set the following fields to these values:
| Header | New header! |
| Repeated entry | [[field1]] and [[field2]]! |
| Footer | New footer! |
And I click on "Save" "button" in the "sticky-footer" "region"
When I navigate to "Database" in current page administration
Then I should see "New header!"
And I should see "Student entry 1 and Some content 1!"
And I should see "New footer!"
Scenario: Edit single template
Given I set the field "Templates tertiary navigation" to "Single view template"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Single view template | [[field1]] and [[field2]] details! |
And I click on "Save" "button" in the "sticky-footer" "region"
When I navigate to "Database" in current page administration
And I set the field "View mode tertiary navigation" to "Single view"
Then I should see "Student entry 1 and Some content 1 details!"
Scenario: Edit add entry template
Given I set the field "Templates tertiary navigation" to "Add entry template"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Add entry template | [[field1]] [[field2]] Form extra! |
And I click on "Save" "button" in the "sticky-footer" "region"
When I navigate to "Database" in current page administration
And I click on "Add entry" "button"
Then I should see "Form extra!"
Scenario: Edit advanced search template
Given I set the field "Templates tertiary navigation" to "Advanced search template"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Advanced search template | New advanced search template! |
And I click on "Save" "button" in the "sticky-footer" "region"
When I navigate to "Database" in current page administration
And I click on "Advanced search" "checkbox"
Then I should see "New advanced search template!"
Scenario: Edit without the wysiwyg editor
Given I click on "Enable code editor" "checkbox"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Repeated entry | <span class="d-none">Nope</span>Yep! |
And I click on "Save" "button" in the "sticky-footer" "region"
When I navigate to "Database" in current page administration
Then I should not see "Nope"
And I should see "Yep!"
Scenario: Edit CSS teamplate
Given I click on "Enable code editor" "checkbox"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Repeated entry | <span class="hideme">Nope</span>Yep! |
And I click on "Save" "button" in the "sticky-footer" "region"
And I set the field "Templates tertiary navigation" to "Custom CSS"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Custom CSS | .hideme {display: none;} |
And I click on "Save" "button" in the "sticky-footer" "region"
When I navigate to "Database" in current page administration
Then I should not see "Nope"
And I should see "Yep!"
Scenario: Edit Custom JavaScript
Given I click on "Enable code editor" "checkbox"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Repeated entry | <span id="hideme">Nope</span>Yep! |
And I click on "Save" "button" in the "sticky-footer" "region"
And I set the field "Templates tertiary navigation" to "Custom JavaScript"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Custom JavaScript | window.onload = () => document.querySelector('#hideme').style.display = 'none'; |
And I click on "Save" "button" in the "sticky-footer" "region"
When I navigate to "Database" in current page administration
Then I should not see "Nope"
And I should see "Yep!"
Scenario: Reset database activity template
Given I set the following fields to these values:
| Header | New header! |
| Repeated entry | This is the template content |
| Footer | New footer! |
And I click on "Save" "button" in the "sticky-footer" "region"
And I navigate to "Database" in current page administration
And I should see "New header!"
And I should see "This is the template content"
And I should see "New footer!"
And I should not see "Student entry 1"
And I should not see "Some content 1"
When I navigate to "Templates" in current page administration
And I set the field "Templates tertiary navigation" to "List view template"
And I click on "Actions" "button"
And I choose "Reset current template" in the open action menu
And I should see "This will permanently remove the List view template for your current preset."
And I click on "Reset" "button" in the "Reset template?" "dialogue"
Then I should see "Template reset"
And I navigate to "Database" in current page administration
And I should not see "New header!"
And I should not see "This is the template content"
And I should not see "New footer!"
And I should see "Student entry 1"
And I should see "Some content 1"
Scenario: Reset all database templates using the action menu
Given the following "mod_data > templates" exist:
| database | name | content |
| data1 | singletemplate | Initial single |
| data1 | listtemplate | Initial list |
| data1 | addtemplate | Initial add |
| data1 | asearchtemplate | Initial search |
And I navigate to "Database" in current page administration
And I should see "Initial list"
And I should not see "Student entry 1"
And I should not see "Some content 1"
And I click on "Advanced search" "checkbox"
And I should see "Initial search"
And I set the field "View mode tertiary navigation" to "Single view"
And I should see "Initial single"
And I should not see "Student entry 1"
And I should not see "Some content 1"
And I click on "Add entry" "button"
And I should see "Initial add"
When I navigate to "Templates" in current page administration
And I click on "Actions" "button"
And I choose "Reset all templates" in the open action menu
And I should see "You're about to remove all templates for your current preset."
And I click on "Reset" "button" in the "Reset all templates?" "dialogue"
Then I should see "All templates reset"
And I navigate to "Database" in current page administration
And I should not see "Initial list"
And I should see "Student entry 1"
And I should see "Some content 1"
And I click on "Advanced search" "checkbox"
And I should not see "Initial search"
And I set the field "View mode tertiary navigation" to "Single view"
And I should not see "Initial single"
And I should see "Student entry 1"
And I should see "Some content 1"
And I click on "Add entry" "button"
And I should not see "Initial add"
Scenario: Reset all database templates using the reset template button
Given the following "mod_data > templates" exist:
| database | name | content |
| data1 | singletemplate | Initial single |
| data1 | listtemplate | Initial list |
| data1 | addtemplate | Initial add |
| data1 | asearchtemplate | Initial search |
And I navigate to "Database" in current page administration
And I should see "Initial list"
And I should not see "Student entry 1"
And I should not see "Some content 1"
And I click on "Advanced search" "checkbox"
And I should see "Initial search"
And I set the field "View mode tertiary navigation" to "Single view"
And I should see "Initial single"
And I should not see "Student entry 1"
And I should not see "Some content 1"
And I click on "Add entry" "button"
And I should see "Initial add"
When I navigate to "Templates" in current page administration
And I click on "Actions" "button"
And I choose "Reset current template" in the open action menu
And I should see "This will permanently remove the Add entry template for your current preset."
And I click on "Reset all templates" "checkbox"
And I click on "Reset" "button" in the "Reset template?" "dialogue"
Then I should see "All templates reset"
And I navigate to "Database" in current page administration
And I should not see "Initial list"
And I should see "Student entry 1"
And I should see "Some content 1"
And I click on "Advanced search" "checkbox"
And I should not see "Initial search"
And I set the field "View mode tertiary navigation" to "Single view"
And I should not see "Initial single"
And I should see "Student entry 1"
And I should see "Some content 1"
And I click on "Add entry" "button"
And I should not see "Initial add"