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* Book module language strings
* @package mod_book
* @copyright 2004-2012 Petr Skoda {@link}
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die;
$string['modulename'] = 'Book';
$string['modulename_help'] = 'The book module enables a teacher to create a multi-page resource in a book-like format, with chapters and subchapters. Books can contain media files as well as text and are useful for displaying lengthy passages of information which can be broken down into sections.
A book may be used
* To display reading material for individual modules of study
* As a staff departmental handbook
* As a showcase portfolio of student work';
$string['modulename_link'] = 'mod/book/view';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Books';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Book';
$string['pluginadministration'] = 'Book administration';
$string['toc'] = 'Table of contents';
$string['chapterandsubchaptersdeleted'] = 'Chapter "{$a->title}" and its {$a->subchapters} subchapters were deleted';
$string['chapterdeleted'] = 'Chapter "{$a->title}" was deleted';
$string['customtitles'] = 'Custom titles';
$string['customtitles_help'] = 'Normally the chapter title is displayed in the table of contents (TOC) AND as a heading above the content.
If the custom titles checkbox is ticked, the chapter title is NOT displayed as a heading above the content. A different title (perhaps longer than the chapter title) may be entered as part of the content.';
$string['chapters'] = 'Chapters';
$string['chaptertitle'] = 'Chapter title';
$string['content'] = 'Content';
$string['deletechapter'] = 'Delete chapter "{$a}"';
$string['editingchapter'] = 'Editing chapter';
$string['eventchaptercreated'] = 'Chapter created';
$string['eventchapterdeleted'] = 'Chapter deleted';
$string['eventchapterupdated'] = 'Chapter updated';
$string['eventchapterviewed'] = 'Chapter viewed';
$string['editchapter'] = 'Edit chapter "{$a}"';
$string['hidechapter'] = 'Hide chapter "{$a}"';
$string['indicator:cognitivedepth'] = 'Book cognitive';
$string['indicator:cognitivedepth_help'] = 'This indicator is based on the cognitive depth reached by the student in a Book resource.';
$string['indicator:cognitivedepthdef'] = 'Book cognitive';
$string['indicator:cognitivedepthdef_help'] = 'The participant has reached this percentage of the cognitive engagement offered by the Book activities during this analysis interval (Levels = No view, View)';
$string['indicator:cognitivedepthdef_link'] = 'Learning_analytics_indicators#Cognitive_depth';
$string['indicator:socialbreadth'] = 'Book social';
$string['indicator:socialbreadth_help'] = 'This indicator is based on the social breadth reached by the student in a Book resource.';
$string['indicator:socialbreadthdef'] = 'Book social';
$string['indicator:socialbreadthdef_help'] = 'The participant has reached this percentage of the social engagement offered by the Book activities during this analysis interval (Levels = No participation, Participant alone)';
$string['indicator:socialbreadthdef_link'] = 'Learning_analytics_indicators#Social_breadth';
$string['movechapterup'] = 'Move chapter up "{$a}"';
$string['movechapterdown'] = 'Move chapter down "{$a}"';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The book activity module does not store any personal data.';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Book - resource information';
$string['search:chapter'] = 'Book - chapters';
$string['showchapter'] = 'Show chapter "{$a}"';
$string['subchapter'] = 'Subchapter';
$string['navoptions'] = 'Available options for navigational links';
$string['navoptions_desc'] = 'Options for displaying navigation on the book pages';
$string['navstyle'] = 'Style of navigation';
$string['navstyle_help'] = '* Images - Icons are used for navigation
* Text - Chapter titles are used for navigation';
$string['nocontent'] = 'No content has been added to this book yet.';
$string['numbering'] = 'Chapter formatting';
$string['numbering_help'] = '* None - Chapter and subchapter titles have no formatting
* Numbers - Chapters and subchapter titles are numbered 1, 1.1, 1.2, 2, ...
* Bullets - Subchapters are indented and displayed with bullets in the table of contents
* Indented - Subchapters are indented in the table of contents';
$string['numbering0'] = 'None';
$string['numbering1'] = 'Numbers';
$string['numbering2'] = 'Bullets';
$string['numbering3'] = 'Indented';
$string['numberingoptions'] = 'Available options for chapter formatting';
$string['numberingoptions_desc'] = 'Options for displaying chapters and subchapters in the table of contents';
$string['addafter'] = 'Add new chapter';
$string['addafterchapter'] = 'Add new chapter after "{$a->title}"';
$string['previouschapter'] = 'Previous chapter';
$string['confchapterdelete'] = 'Do you really want to delete this chapter?';
$string['confchapterdeleteall'] = 'Do you really want to delete this chapter and all its subchapters?';
$string['top'] = 'top';
$string['navprev'] = 'Previous';
$string['navprevtitle'] = 'Previous: {$a}';
$string['navnext'] = 'Next';
$string['navnexttitle'] = 'Next: {$a}';
$string['navexit'] = 'Exit book';
$string['book:addinstance'] = 'Add a new book';
$string['book:read'] = 'View book';
$string['book:edit'] = 'Edit book chapters';
$string['book:viewhiddenchapters'] = 'View hidden book chapters';
$string['errorchapter'] = 'Error reading chapter of book.';
$string['page-mod-book-x'] = 'Any book module page';
$string['subchapternotice'] = '(Only available once the first chapter has been created)';
$string['subplugintype_booktool'] = 'Book tool';
$string['subplugintype_booktool_plural'] = 'Book tools';
$string['removeallbooktags'] = 'Remove all book tags';
$string['tagarea_book_chapters'] = 'Book chapters';
$string['tagsdeleted'] = 'Book tags have been deleted';
// Deprecated since Moodle 4.4.
$string['navimages'] = 'Images';
$string['navtext'] = 'Text';
$string['navtoc'] = 'TOC Only';