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@mod @mod_bigbluebuttonbn @javascript
Feature: Test the ability to run the full meeting lifecycle (start to end)
I can start a meeting then end it
Given a BigBlueButton mock server is configured
And I enable "bigbluebuttonbn" "mod" plugin
And the following config values are set as admin:
| bigbluebuttonbn_userlimit_editable | 1 |
And the following course exists:
| name | Test course |
| shortname | C1 |
And the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname | email |
| traverst | Terry | Travers | |
| uraverst | Uerry | Uravers | |
| vraverst | Verry | Vravers | |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| traverst | C1 | student |
| uraverst | C1 | student |
| vraverst | C1 | student |
And the following "activity" exists:
| course | C1 |
| activity | bigbluebuttonbn |
| name | Room recordings |
| idnumber | Room recordings |
| moderators | role:editingteacher |
| wait | 0 |
| userlimit | 2 |
Scenario: Users should be able to join a meeting then end the meeting for themselves and
return to the meeting page to join again.
When I am on the "Room recordings" Activity page logged in as traverst
And "Join session" "link" should exist
And I click on "Join session" "link"
And I switch to "bigbluebutton_conference" window
And I click on "End Meeting" "link"
# Selenium driver does not like the click action to be done before we
# automatically close the window so we need to make sure that the window
# is closed before.
And I close all opened windows
And I switch to the main window
And I reload the page
Then I should see "Room recordings"
And I should see "This room is ready. You can join the session now."
Scenario: Users can join the meeting until the maximum number of users has been reached
When I am on the "Room recordings" Activity page logged in as traverst
Then "Join session" "link" should exist
And I click on "Join session" "link"
And I switch to the main window
And I log out
And I am on the "Room recordings" Activity page logged in as uraverst
And "Join session" "link" should exist
And I click on "Join session" "link"
And I switch to the main window
And I log out
And I am on the "Room recordings" Activity page logged in as vraverst
And "Join session" "link" should not exist
And I should see "The limit of how many users allowed in a session has been reached"
And I log out
And I am on the "Room recordings" Activity page logged in as admin
And "Join session" "link" should not exist
And I should see "The limit of how many users allowed in a session has been reached"