Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


Autoría | Ultima modificación | Ver Log |

// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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namespace mod_bigbluebuttonbn\completion;

use cm_info;
use core_completion\activity_custom_completion;
use mod_bigbluebuttonbn\extension;
use mod_bigbluebuttonbn\instance;
use mod_bigbluebuttonbn\logger;
use moodle_exception;
use stdClass;

 * Class custom_completion
 * @package   mod_bigbluebuttonbn
 * @copyright 2010 onwards, Blindside Networks Inc
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
 * @author    Laurent David (
class custom_completion extends activity_custom_completion {

     * Filters for logs
    const FILTERS = [
        'completionattendance' => [logger::EVENT_SUMMARY],
        'completionengagementchats' => [logger::EVENT_SUMMARY],
        'completionengagementtalks' => [logger::EVENT_SUMMARY],
        'completionengagementraisehand' => [logger::EVENT_SUMMARY],
        'completionengagementpollvotes' => [logger::EVENT_SUMMARY],
        'completionengagementemojis' => [logger::EVENT_SUMMARY],

     * @var array $completionaddons array of extension class for the completion
    private $completionaddons;

     * activity_custom_completion constructor.
     * @param cm_info $cm
     * @param int $userid
     * @param array|null $completionstate The current state of the core completion criteria
    public function __construct(cm_info $cm, int $userid, ?array $completionstate = null) {
        parent::__construct($cm, $userid, $completionstate);
        $completionaddonsclasses = extension::custom_completion_addons_instances($cm, $userid, $completionstate);
        $this->completionaddons = array_map(function($targetclassname) use ($cm, $userid, $completionstate) {
            return new $targetclassname($cm, $userid, $completionstate);
        }, $completionaddonsclasses);

     * Get current state
     * @param string $rule
     * @return int
    public function get_state(string $rule): int {
        // Get instance details.
        $instance = instance::get_from_cmid($this->cm->id);

        if (empty($instance)) {
            throw new moodle_exception("Can't find bigbluebuttonbn instance {$this->cm->instance}");

        // Default return value.
        $returnedvalue = COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE;
        $filters = self::FILTERS[$rule] ?? [logger::EVENT_SUMMARY];
        $logs = logger::get_user_completion_logs($instance, $this->userid, $filters);

        if (method_exists($this, "get_{$rule}_value")) {
            $completionvalue = $this->aggregate_values($logs, self::class . "::get_{$rule}_value");
            if ($completionvalue) {
                // So in this case we check the value set in the module setting. If we go over the threshold, then
                // this is complete.
                $rulevalue = $instance->get_instance_var($rule);
                if (!is_null($rulevalue)) {
                    if ($rulevalue <= $completionvalue) {
                        $returnedvalue = COMPLETION_COMPLETE;
                } else {
                    // If there is at least a hit, we consider it as complete.
                    $returnedvalue = $completionvalue ? COMPLETION_COMPLETE : COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE;
        // Check for any completion for this rule in addons / extensions.
        foreach ($this->completionaddons as $customcompletion) {
            if (in_array($rule, $customcompletion->get_defined_custom_rules())) {
                $returnedvalue = $returnedvalue || $customcompletion->get_state($rule);
        return $returnedvalue;

     * Compute current state from logs.
     * @param array $logs
     * @param callable $logvaluegetter
     * @return int the sum of all values for this particular event (it can be a duration or a number of hits)
    protected function aggregate_values(array $logs, callable $logvaluegetter): int {
        if (empty($logs)) {
            // As completion by engagement with $rulename hand was required, the activity hasn't been completed.
            return 0;

        $value = 0;
        foreach ($logs as $log) {
            $value += $logvaluegetter($log);

        return $value;

     * Fetch the list of custom completion rules that this module defines.
     * @return array
    public static function get_defined_custom_rules(): array {
        $rules = [
        $completionaddonsclasses = extension::custom_completion_addons_classes();
        foreach ($completionaddonsclasses as $customcompletion) {
            $rules = array_merge($rules, $customcompletion::get_defined_custom_rules());
        return $rules;

     * Returns an associative array of the descriptions of custom completion rules.
     * @return array
    public function get_custom_rule_descriptions(): array {
        $completionengagementchats = $this->cm->customdata['customcompletionrules']['completionengagementchats'] ?? 1;
        $completionengagementtalks = $this->cm->customdata['customcompletionrules']['completionengagementtalks'] ?? 1;
        $completionengagementraisehand = $this->cm->customdata['customcompletionrules']['completionengagementraisehand'] ?? 1;
        $completionengagementpollvotes = $this->cm->customdata['customcompletionrules']['completionengagementpollvotes'] ?? 1;
        $completionengagementemojis = $this->cm->customdata['customcompletionrules']['completionengagementemojis'] ?? 1;
        $completionattendance = $this->cm->customdata['customcompletionrules']['completionattendance'] ?? 1;
        $descriptions = [
            'completionengagementchats' => get_string('completionengagementchats_desc', 'mod_bigbluebuttonbn',
            'completionengagementtalks' => get_string('completionengagementtalks_desc', 'mod_bigbluebuttonbn',
            'completionengagementraisehand' => get_string('completionengagementraisehand_desc', 'mod_bigbluebuttonbn',
            'completionengagementpollvotes' => get_string('completionengagementpollvotes_desc', 'mod_bigbluebuttonbn',
            'completionengagementemojis' => get_string('completionengagementemojis_desc', 'mod_bigbluebuttonbn',
            'completionattendance' => get_string('completionattendance_desc', 'mod_bigbluebuttonbn',
        // Check for any completion for this rule in addons / extensions.
        foreach ($this->completionaddons as $customcompletion) {
            $descriptions = array_merge($descriptions, $customcompletion->get_custom_rule_descriptions());
        return $descriptions;

     * Returns an array of all completion rules, in the order they should be displayed to users.
     * @return array
    public function get_sort_order(): array {
        $rules = self::get_defined_custom_rules();
        array_unshift($rules, 'completionview');
        return $rules;

     * Get current states of completion in a human-friendly version
     * @return string[]
    public function get_printable_states(): array {
        $result = [];
        foreach ($this->get_available_custom_rules() as $rule) {
            $result[] = $this->get_printable_state($rule);
        return $result;

     * Get current states of completion for a rule in a human-friendly version
     * @param string $rule
     * @return string
    private function get_printable_state(string $rule): string {
        // Get instance details.
        $instance = instance::get_from_cmid($this->cm->id);

        if (empty($instance)) {
            throw new moodle_exception("Can't find bigbluebuttonbn instance {$this->cm->instance}");
        $summary = "";
        $filters = self::FILTERS[$rule] ?? [logger::EVENT_SUMMARY];
        $logs = logger::get_user_completion_logs($instance, $this->userid, $filters);

        if (method_exists($this, "get_{$rule}_value")) {
            $summary = get_string(
                $rule . '_event_desc',
                $this->aggregate_values($logs, self::class . "::get_{$rule}_value")
        return $summary;

     * Get current state in a friendly version
     * @param string $rule
     * @return string
    public function get_last_log_timestamp(string $rule): string {
        // Get instance details.
        $instance = instance::get_from_cmid($this->cm->id);

        if (empty($instance)) {
            throw new moodle_exception("Can't find bigbluebuttonbn instance {$this->cm->instance}");
        $filters = self::FILTERS[$rule] ?? [logger::EVENT_SUMMARY];
        return logger::get_user_completion_logs_max_timestamp($instance, $this->userid, $filters);

     * Get attendance summary value
     * @param stdClass $log
     * @return int
    protected static function get_completionattendance_value(stdClass $log): int {
        $summary = json_decode($log->meta);
        return empty($summary->data->duration) ? 0 : (int)($summary->data->duration / 60);

     * Get general completion engagement value
     * @param stdClass $log
     * @return int
    protected static function get_completionengagementchats_value(stdClass $log): int {
        return self::get_completionengagement_value($log, 'chats');

     * Get general completion engagement value
     * @param stdClass $log
     * @return int
    protected static function get_completionengagementtalks_value(stdClass $log): int {
        return self::get_completionengagement_value($log, 'talks');

     * Get general completion engagement value
     * @param stdClass $log
     * @return int
    protected static function get_completionengagementraisehand_value(stdClass $log): int {
        return self::get_completionengagement_value($log, 'raisehand');

     * Get general completion engagement value
     * @param stdClass $log
     * @return int
    protected static function get_completionengagementpollvotes_value(stdClass $log): int {
        return self::get_completionengagement_value($log, 'poll_votes');

     * Get general completion engagement value
     * @param stdClass $log
     * @return int
    protected static function get_completionengagementemojis_value(stdClass $log): int {
        return self::get_completionengagement_value($log, 'emojis');

     * Get general completion engagement value
     * @param stdClass $log
     * @param string $type
     * @return int
    protected static function get_completionengagement_value(stdClass $log, string $type): int {
        $summary = json_decode($log->meta);
        return intval($summary->data->engagement->$type ?? 0);