Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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 * This file is part of FPDI
 * @package   setasign\Fpdi
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 Setasign GmbH & Co. KG (
 * @license The MIT License

namespace setasign\Fpdi;

use setasign\Fpdi\PdfParser\CrossReference\CrossReferenceException;
use setasign\Fpdi\PdfParser\Filter\FilterException;
use setasign\Fpdi\PdfParser\PdfParser;
use setasign\Fpdi\PdfParser\PdfParserException;
use setasign\Fpdi\PdfParser\StreamReader;
use setasign\Fpdi\PdfParser\Type\PdfArray;
use setasign\Fpdi\PdfParser\Type\PdfBoolean;
use setasign\Fpdi\PdfParser\Type\PdfDictionary;
use setasign\Fpdi\PdfParser\Type\PdfHexString;
use setasign\Fpdi\PdfParser\Type\PdfIndirectObject;
use setasign\Fpdi\PdfParser\Type\PdfIndirectObjectReference;
use setasign\Fpdi\PdfParser\Type\PdfName;
use setasign\Fpdi\PdfParser\Type\PdfNull;
use setasign\Fpdi\PdfParser\Type\PdfNumeric;
use setasign\Fpdi\PdfParser\Type\PdfStream;
use setasign\Fpdi\PdfParser\Type\PdfString;
use setasign\Fpdi\PdfParser\Type\PdfToken;
use setasign\Fpdi\PdfParser\Type\PdfType;
use setasign\Fpdi\PdfParser\Type\PdfTypeException;
use setasign\Fpdi\PdfReader\DataStructure\Rectangle;
use setasign\Fpdi\PdfReader\PageBoundaries;
use setasign\Fpdi\PdfReader\PdfReader;
use setasign\Fpdi\PdfReader\PdfReaderException;
use /* This namespace/class is used by the commercial FPDI PDF-Parser add-on. */
    /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedClassInspection */
    /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedNamespaceInspection */
    setasign\FpdiPdfParser\PdfParser\PdfParser as FpdiPdfParser;

 * The FpdiTrait
 * This trait offers the core functionalities of FPDI. By passing them to a trait we can reuse it with e.g. TCPDF in a
 * very easy way.
trait FpdiTrait
     * The pdf reader instances.
     * @var PdfReader[]
    protected $readers = [];

     * Instances created internally.
     * @var array
    protected $createdReaders = [];

     * The current reader id.
     * @var string|null
    protected $currentReaderId;

     * Data of all imported pages.
     * @var array
    protected $importedPages = [];

     * A map from object numbers of imported objects to new assigned object numbers by FPDF.
     * @var array
    protected $objectMap = [];

     * An array with information about objects, which needs to be copied to the resulting document.
     * @var array
    protected $objectsToCopy = [];

     * Release resources and file handles.
     * This method is called internally when the document is created successfully. By default it only cleans up
     * stream reader instances which were created internally.
     * @param bool $allReaders
    public function cleanUp($allReaders = false)
        $readers = $allReaders ? array_keys($this->readers) : $this->createdReaders;
        foreach ($readers as $id) {

        $this->createdReaders = [];

     * Set the minimal PDF version.
     * @param string $pdfVersion
    protected function setMinPdfVersion($pdfVersion)
        if (\version_compare($pdfVersion, $this->PDFVersion, '>')) {
            $this->PDFVersion = $pdfVersion;

    /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedClassInspection */
     * Get a new pdf parser instance.
     * @param StreamReader $streamReader
     * @param array $parserParams Individual parameters passed to the parser instance.
     * @return PdfParser|FpdiPdfParser
    protected function getPdfParserInstance(StreamReader $streamReader, array $parserParams = [])
        // note: if you get an exception here - turn off errors/warnings on not found classes for your autoloader.
        // psr-4 ( says: Autoloader implementations MUST NOT throw
        // exceptions, MUST NOT raise errors of any level, and SHOULD NOT return a value.
        /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedClassInspection */
        if (\class_exists(FpdiPdfParser::class)) {
            /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedClassInspection */
            return new FpdiPdfParser($streamReader, $parserParams);

        return new PdfParser($streamReader);

     * Get an unique reader id by the $file parameter.
     * @param string|resource|PdfReader|StreamReader $file An open file descriptor, a path to a file, a PdfReader
     *                                                     instance or a StreamReader instance.
     * @param array $parserParams Individual parameters passed to the parser instance.
     * @return string
    protected function getPdfReaderId($file, array $parserParams = [])
        if (\is_resource($file)) {
            $id = (string) $file;
        } elseif (\is_string($file)) {
            $id = \realpath($file);
            if ($id === false) {
                $id = $file;
        } elseif (\is_object($file)) {
            $id = \spl_object_hash($file);
        } else {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
                \sprintf('Invalid type in $file parameter (%s)', \gettype($file))

        /** @noinspection OffsetOperationsInspection */
        if (isset($this->readers[$id])) {
            return $id;

        if (\is_resource($file)) {
            $streamReader = new StreamReader($file);
        } elseif (\is_string($file)) {
            $streamReader = StreamReader::createByFile($file);
            $this->createdReaders[] = $id;
        } else {
            $streamReader = $file;

        $reader = new PdfReader($this->getPdfParserInstance($streamReader, $parserParams));
        /** @noinspection OffsetOperationsInspection */
        $this->readers[$id] = $reader;

        return $id;

     * Get a pdf reader instance by its id.
     * @param string $id
     * @return PdfReader
    protected function getPdfReader($id)
        if (isset($this->readers[$id])) {
            return $this->readers[$id];

        throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
            \sprintf('No pdf reader with the given id (%s) exists.', $id)

     * Set the source PDF file.
     * @param string|resource|StreamReader $file Path to the file or a stream resource or a StreamReader instance.
     * @return int The page count of the PDF document.
     * @throws PdfParserException
    public function setSourceFile($file)
        return $this->setSourceFileWithParserParams($file);

     * Set the source PDF file with parameters which are passed to the parser instance.
     * This method allows us to pass e.g. authentication information to the parser instance.
     * @param string|resource|StreamReader $file Path to the file or a stream resource or a StreamReader instance.
     * @param array $parserParams Individual parameters passed to the parser instance.
     * @return int The page count of the PDF document.
     * @throws CrossReferenceException
     * @throws PdfParserException
     * @throws PdfTypeException
    public function setSourceFileWithParserParams($file, array $parserParams = [])
        $this->currentReaderId = $this->getPdfReaderId($file, $parserParams);
        $this->objectsToCopy[$this->currentReaderId] = [];

        $reader = $this->getPdfReader($this->currentReaderId);

        return $reader->getPageCount();

     * Imports a page.
     * @param int $pageNumber The page number.
     * @param string $box The page boundary to import. Default set to PageBoundaries::CROP_BOX.
     * @param bool $groupXObject Define the form XObject as a group XObject to support transparency (if used).
     * @param bool $importExternalLinks Define whether external links are imported or not.
     * @return string A unique string identifying the imported page.
     * @throws CrossReferenceException
     * @throws FilterException
     * @throws PdfParserException
     * @throws PdfTypeException
     * @throws PdfReaderException
     * @see PageBoundaries
    public function importPage(
        $box = PageBoundaries::CROP_BOX,
        $groupXObject = true,
        $importExternalLinks = false
    ) {
        if ($this->currentReaderId === null) {
            throw new \BadMethodCallException('No reader initiated. Call setSourceFile() first.');

        $pageId = $this->currentReaderId;

        $pageNumber = (int)$pageNumber;
        $pageId .= '|' . $pageNumber . '|' . ($groupXObject ? '1' : '0') . '|' . ($importExternalLinks ? '1' : '0');

        // for backwards compatibility with FPDI 1
        $box = \ltrim($box, '/');
        if (!PageBoundaries::isValidName($box)) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
                \sprintf('Box name is invalid: "%s"', $box)

        $pageId .= '|' . $box;

        if (isset($this->importedPages[$pageId])) {
            return $pageId;

        $reader = $this->getPdfReader($this->currentReaderId);
        $page = $reader->getPage($pageNumber);

        $bbox = $page->getBoundary($box);
        if ($bbox === false) {
            throw new PdfReaderException(
                \sprintf("Page doesn't have a boundary box (%s).", $box),

        $dict = new PdfDictionary();
        $dict->value['Type'] = PdfName::create('XObject');
        $dict->value['Subtype'] = PdfName::create('Form');
        $dict->value['FormType'] = PdfNumeric::create(1);
        $dict->value['BBox'] = $bbox->toPdfArray();

        if ($groupXObject) {
            $dict->value['Group'] = PdfDictionary::create([
                'Type' => PdfName::create('Group'),
                'S' => PdfName::create('Transparency')

        $resources = $page->getAttribute('Resources');
        if ($resources !== null) {
            $dict->value['Resources'] = $resources;

        list($width, $height) = $page->getWidthAndHeight($box);

        $a = 1;
        $b = 0;
        $c = 0;
        $d = 1;
        $e = -$bbox->getLlx();
        $f = -$bbox->getLly();

        $rotation = $page->getRotation();

        if ($rotation !== 0) {
            $rotation *= -1;
            $angle = $rotation * M_PI / 180;
            $a = \cos($angle);
            $b = \sin($angle);
            $c = -$b;
            $d = $a;

            switch ($rotation) {
                case -90:
                    $e = -$bbox->getLly();
                    $f = $bbox->getUrx();
                case -180:
                    $e = $bbox->getUrx();
                    $f = $bbox->getUry();
                case -270:
                    $e = $bbox->getUry();
                    $f = -$bbox->getLlx();

        // we need to rotate/translate
        if ($a != 1 || $b != 0 || $c != 0 || $d != 1 || $e != 0 || $f != 0) {
            $dict->value['Matrix'] = PdfArray::create([
                PdfNumeric::create($a), PdfNumeric::create($b), PdfNumeric::create($c),
                PdfNumeric::create($d), PdfNumeric::create($e), PdfNumeric::create($f)

        // try to use the existing content stream
        $pageDict = $page->getPageDictionary();

        try {
            $contentsObject = PdfType::resolve(PdfDictionary::get($pageDict, 'Contents'), $reader->getParser(), true);
            $contents =  PdfType::resolve($contentsObject, $reader->getParser());

            // just copy the stream reference if it is only a single stream
            if (
                ($contentsIsStream = ($contents instanceof PdfStream))
                || ($contents instanceof PdfArray && \count($contents->value) === 1)
            ) {
                if ($contentsIsStream) {
                     * @var PdfIndirectObject $contentsObject
                    $stream = $contents;
                } else {
                    $stream = PdfType::resolve($contents->value[0], $reader->getParser());

                $filter = PdfDictionary::get($stream->value, 'Filter');
                if (!$filter instanceof PdfNull) {
                    $dict->value['Filter'] = $filter;
                $length = PdfType::resolve(PdfDictionary::get($stream->value, 'Length'), $reader->getParser());
                $dict->value['Length'] = $length;
                $stream->value = $dict;
                // otherwise extract it from the array and re-compress the whole stream
            } else {
                $streamContent = $this->compress
                    ? \gzcompress($page->getContentStream())
                    : $page->getContentStream();

                $dict->value['Length'] = PdfNumeric::create(\strlen($streamContent));
                if ($this->compress) {
                    $dict->value['Filter'] = PdfName::create('FlateDecode');

                $stream = PdfStream::create($dict, $streamContent);
        // Catch faulty pages and use an empty content stream
        } catch (FpdiException $e) {
            $dict->value['Length'] = PdfNumeric::create(0);
            $stream = PdfStream::create($dict, '');

        $externalLinks = [];
        if ($importExternalLinks) {
            $externalLinks = $page->getExternalLinks($box);

        $this->importedPages[$pageId] = [
            'objectNumber' => null,
            'readerId' => $this->currentReaderId,
            'id' => 'TPL' . $this->getNextTemplateId(),
            'width' => $width / $this->k,
            'height' => $height / $this->k,
            'stream' => $stream,
            'externalLinks' => $externalLinks

        return $pageId;

     * Draws an imported page onto the page.
     * Give only one of the size parameters (width, height) to calculate the other one automatically in view to the
     * aspect ratio.
     * @param mixed $pageId The page id
     * @param float|int|array $x The abscissa of upper-left corner. Alternatively you could use an assoc array
     *                           with the keys "x", "y", "width", "height", "adjustPageSize".
     * @param float|int $y The ordinate of upper-left corner.
     * @param float|int|null $width The width.
     * @param float|int|null $height The height.
     * @param bool $adjustPageSize
     * @return array The size.
     * @see Fpdi::getTemplateSize()
    public function useImportedPage($pageId, $x = 0, $y = 0, $width = null, $height = null, $adjustPageSize = false)
        if (\is_array($x)) {
            /** @noinspection OffsetOperationsInspection */
            \extract($x, EXTR_IF_EXISTS);
            /** @noinspection NotOptimalIfConditionsInspection */
            if (\is_array($x)) {
                $x = 0;

        if (!isset($this->importedPages[$pageId])) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Imported page does not exist!');

        $importedPage = $this->importedPages[$pageId];

        $originalSize = $this->getTemplateSize($pageId);
        $newSize = $this->getTemplateSize($pageId, $width, $height);
        if ($adjustPageSize) {
            $this->setPageFormat($newSize, $newSize['orientation']);

        $scaleX = ($newSize['width'] / $originalSize['width']);
        $scaleY = ($newSize['height'] / $originalSize['height']);
        $xPt = $x * $this->k;
        $yPt = $y * $this->k;
        $newHeightPt = $newSize['height'] * $this->k;

            // reset standard values, translate and scale
                'q 0 J 1 w 0 j 0 G 0 g %.4F 0 0 %.4F %.4F %.4F cm /%s Do Q',
                $this->hPt - $yPt - $newHeightPt,

        if (count($importedPage['externalLinks']) > 0) {
            foreach ($importedPage['externalLinks'] as $externalLink) {
                // mPDF uses also 'externalLinks' but doesn't come with a rect-value
                if (!isset($externalLink['rect'])) {

                /** @var Rectangle $rect */
                $rect = $externalLink['rect'];
                    $x + $rect->getLlx() / $this->k * $scaleX,
                    $y + $newSize['height'] - ($rect->getLly() + $rect->getHeight()) / $this->k * $scaleY,
                    $rect->getWidth() / $this->k * $scaleX,
                    $rect->getHeight()  / $this->k * $scaleY,

                $this->adjustLastLink($externalLink, $xPt, $scaleX, $yPt, $newHeightPt, $scaleY, $importedPage);

        return $newSize;

     * This method will add additional data to the last created link/annotation.
     * It is separated because TCPDF uses its own logic to handle link annotations.
     * This method is overwritten in the TCPDF implementation.
     * @param array $externalLink
     * @param float|int $xPt
     * @param float|int $scaleX
     * @param float|int $yPt
     * @param float|int $newHeightPt
     * @param float|int $scaleY
     * @param array $importedPage
     * @return void
    protected function adjustLastLink($externalLink, $xPt, $scaleX, $yPt, $newHeightPt, $scaleY, $importedPage)
        // let's create a relation of the newly created link to the data of the external link
        $lastLink = count($this->PageLinks[$this->page]);
        $this->PageLinks[$this->page][$lastLink - 1]['importedLink'] = $externalLink;
        if (count($externalLink['quadPoints']) > 0) {
            $quadPoints = [];
            for ($i = 0, $n = count($externalLink['quadPoints']); $i < $n; $i += 2) {
                $quadPoints[] = $xPt + $externalLink['quadPoints'][$i] * $scaleX;
                $quadPoints[] = $this->hPt - $yPt - $newHeightPt + $externalLink['quadPoints'][$i + 1] * $scaleY;

            $this->PageLinks[$this->page][$lastLink - 1]['quadPoints'] = $quadPoints;

     * Get the size of an imported page.
     * Give only one of the size parameters (width, height) to calculate the other one automatically in view to the
     * aspect ratio.
     * @param mixed $tpl The template id
     * @param float|int|null $width The width.
     * @param float|int|null $height The height.
     * @return array|bool An array with following keys: width, height, 0 (=width), 1 (=height), orientation (L or P)
    public function getImportedPageSize($tpl, $width = null, $height = null)
        if (isset($this->importedPages[$tpl])) {
            $importedPage = $this->importedPages[$tpl];

            if ($width === null && $height === null) {
                $width = $importedPage['width'];
                $height = $importedPage['height'];
            } elseif ($width === null) {
                $width = $height * $importedPage['width'] / $importedPage['height'];

            if ($height  === null) {
                $height = $width * $importedPage['height'] / $importedPage['width'];

            if ($height <= 0. || $width <= 0.) {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Width or height parameter needs to be larger than zero.');

            return [
                'width' => $width,
                'height' => $height,
                0 => $width,
                1 => $height,
                'orientation' => $width > $height ? 'L' : 'P'

        return false;

     * Writes a PdfType object to the resulting buffer.
     * @param PdfType $value
     * @throws PdfTypeException
    protected function writePdfType(PdfType $value)
        if ($value instanceof PdfNumeric) {
            if (\is_int($value->value)) {
                $this->_put($value->value . ' ', false);
            } else {
                $this->_put(\rtrim(\rtrim(\sprintf('%.5F', $value->value), '0'), '.') . ' ', false);
        } elseif ($value instanceof PdfName) {
            $this->_put('/' . $value->value . ' ', false);
        } elseif ($value instanceof PdfString) {
            $this->_put('(' . $value->value . ')', false);
        } elseif ($value instanceof PdfHexString) {
            $this->_put('<' . $value->value . '>', false);
        } elseif ($value instanceof PdfBoolean) {
            $this->_put($value->value ? 'true ' : 'false ', false);
        } elseif ($value instanceof PdfArray) {
            $this->_put('[', false);
            foreach ($value->value as $entry) {
        } elseif ($value instanceof PdfDictionary) {
            $this->_put('<<', false);
            foreach ($value->value as $name => $entry) {
                $this->_put('/' . $name . ' ', false);
        } elseif ($value instanceof PdfToken) {
        } elseif ($value instanceof PdfNull) {
            $this->_put('null ', false);
        } elseif ($value instanceof PdfStream) {
        } elseif ($value instanceof PdfIndirectObjectReference) {
            if (!isset($this->objectMap[$this->currentReaderId])) {
                $this->objectMap[$this->currentReaderId] = [];

            if (!isset($this->objectMap[$this->currentReaderId][$value->value])) {
                $this->objectMap[$this->currentReaderId][$value->value] = ++$this->n;
                $this->objectsToCopy[$this->currentReaderId][] = $value->value;

            $this->_put($this->objectMap[$this->currentReaderId][$value->value] . ' 0 R ', false);
        } elseif ($value instanceof PdfIndirectObject) {
            $n = $this->objectMap[$this->currentReaderId][$value->objectNumber];

            // add newline before "endobj" for all objects in view to PDF/A conformance
            if (
                    ($value->value instanceof PdfArray) ||
                    ($value->value instanceof PdfDictionary) ||
                    ($value->value instanceof PdfToken) ||
                    ($value->value instanceof PdfStream)
            ) {
                $this->_put("\n", false);
