Autoría | Ultima modificación | Ver Log |
// This file is part of MailTest for Moodle -
// MailTest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// MailTest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with MailTest. If not, see <>.
* Displays the form and processes the form submission.
* @package local_mailtest
* @copyright 2015-2024 TNG Consulting Inc. -
* @author Michael Milette
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
// Include config.php.
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../config.php');
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/adminlib.php');
// Include our function library.
$pluginname = 'mailtest';
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/local/' . $pluginname . '/locallib.php');
// Globals.
global $CFG, $OUTPUT, $USER, $SITE, $PAGE;
// Ensure only administrators have access.
$homeurl = new moodle_url('/');
if (!is_siteadmin()) {
redirect($homeurl, "This feature is only available for site administrators.", 5);
// URL Parameters.
// There are none.
// Include form.
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/classes/' . $pluginname . '_form.php');
// Heading ==========================================================.
$title = get_string('pluginname', 'local_' . $pluginname);
$heading = get_string('heading', 'local_' . $pluginname);
$url = new moodle_url('/local/' . $pluginname . '/');
if ($CFG->branch >= 25) { // Moodle 2.5+.
$context = context_system::instance();
} else {
$context = get_system_context();
admin_externalpage_setup('local_' . $pluginname); // Sets the navbar & expands navmenu.
// Setup the form.
$CFG->noreplyaddress = empty($CFG->noreplyaddress) ? 'noreply@' . get_host_from_url($CFG->wwwroot) : $CFG->noreplyaddress;
if (!empty($CFG->emailonlyfromnoreplyaddress) || $CFG->branch >= 32) { // Always send from no reply address.
// Use primary administrator's name if support name has not been configured.
$primaryadmin = get_admin();
$CFG->supportname = empty($CFG->supportname) ? fullname($primaryadmin, true) : $CFG->supportname;
// Use noreply address.
$fromemail = local_mailtest_generate_email_user($CFG->noreplyaddress, format_string($CFG->supportname));
$fromdefault = $CFG->noreplyaddress;
} else { // Otherwise defaults to send from primary admin user.
$fromemail = get_admin();
$fromdefault = $fromemail->email;
$form = new mailtest_form(null, ['fromdefault' => $fromdefault]);
if ($form->is_cancelled()) {
echo $OUTPUT->header();
// Display or process the form. =====================================.
$data = $form->get_data();
if (!$data) { // Display the form.
echo $OUTPUT->heading($heading);
// Display a warning if Cron hasn't run in a while. =============.
$cronwarning = '';
if ($CFG->branch >= 37) {
defined('MINSECS') || define('MINSECS', 200); // For pre-Moodle 3.9 compatibility.
$lastcron = get_config('tool_task', 'lastcronstart');
$cronoverdue = ($lastcron < time() - 3600 * 24);
$check = $PAGE->get_renderer('core', 'admin');
if ($cronoverdue) {
$cronwarning .= $check->cron_overdue_warning($cronoverdue);
$lastcroninterval = get_config('tool_task', 'lastcroninterval');
$expectedfrequency = $CFG->expectedcronfrequency ?? MINSECS;
$croninfrequent = !$cronoverdue && ($lastcroninterval > ($expectedfrequency + MINSECS)
|| $lastcron < time() - $expectedfrequency);
if ($croninfrequent) {
$cronwarning .= $check->cron_infrequent_warning($croninfrequent);
} else { // Up to and including Moodle 3.6.
if ($CFG->branch >= 27) { // Moodle 2.7+.
$sql = 'SELECT MAX(lastruntime) FROM {task_scheduled}';
} else {
$sql = 'SELECT MAX(lastcron) FROM {modules}';
$lastcron = $DB->get_field_sql($sql);
$cronoverdue = ($lastcron < time() - 3600 * 24);
if ($cronoverdue) { // Cron is overdue.
if (empty($CFG->cronclionly)) {
// Determine build link to run cron.
$cronurl = new moodle_url('/admin/cron.php');
if (!empty($CFG->cronremotepassword)) {
$cronurl = new moodle_url('/admin/cron.php', ['password' => $CFG->cronremotepassword]);
$cronwarning .= get_string('cronwarning', 'admin', $cronurl->out());
} else {
$cronwarning .= get_string('cronwarningcli', 'admin');
if ($cronoverdue) { // Cron is overdue.
$msg = '';
$msg .= '<h3 class="alert-heading">' . get_string('warning') . '</h3>';
$msg .= $cronwarning;
$msg .= '<p>' . get_string('cron_help', 'admin');
if (!empty($CFG->branch)) {
$icon = $OUTPUT->pix_icon('help', get_string('moreinfo'));
$link = $CFG->docroot . '/' . $CFG->branch . '/' . substr(current_language(), 0, 2) . '/Cron';
$msg .= html_writer::link($link, $icon, ['class' => 'helplink', 'target' => '_blank', 'rel' => 'external']);
$msg .= '</p>';
$msg .= '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="' . get_string('closebuttontitle') . '">'
. '<span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button>';
local_mailtest_msgbox($msg, null, 3, 'alert alert-danger alert-block alert-dismissible fade show');
// Display the form. ============================================.
} else {
// Send test email.
if (!isset($data->sender)) {
$data->sender = $CFG->noreplyaddress;
$fromemail = local_mailtest_generate_email_user($data->sender);
if ($CFG->branch >= 26) {
$toemail = core_text::strtolower($data->recipient);
} else {
$toemail = textlib::strtolower($data->recipient);
if ($toemail !== clean_param($toemail, PARAM_EMAIL)) {
local_mailtest_msgbox(get_string('invalidemail'), get_string('error'), 2, 'errorbox', $url->out());
$toemail = local_mailtest_generate_email_user($toemail, '');
if (email_should_be_diverted($toemail->email)) {
$toemail->email = $toemail->email . ' <strong>(' .
get_string('divertedto', 'local_' . $pluginname, $CFG->divertallemailsto) . ')</strong>';
$subject = format_string($SITE->fullname, true, ['escape' => false]);
// Add some system information.
$a = new stdClass();
if (isloggedin()) {
$a->regstatus = get_string('registered', 'local_' . $pluginname, $USER->username);
} else {
$a->regstatus = get_string('notregistered', 'local_' . $pluginname);
$a->lang = current_language();
$a->browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$a->referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
$a->release = $CFG->release;
$a->ip = local_mailtest_getuserip();
$messagehtml = get_string('message', 'local_' . $pluginname, $a);
$messagetext = html_to_text($messagehtml);
echo '<h2 class="alert-heading">' . get_string('testing', 'local_' . $pluginname) . '</h2>';
echo '<p>' . get_string('from') . ' : ' . $fromemail->email . '<br>
🡇 🡇 🡇<br>
' . get_string('server', 'local_' . $pluginname, (empty($CFG->smtphosts) ? 'PHPMailer' : $CFG->smtphosts)) . '<br>
🡇 🡇 🡇<br>
' . get_string('to') . ' : ' . $toemail->email . '</p>';
// Manage Moodle SMTP debugging display.
$debuglevel = $CFG->debug;
$debugdisplay = $CFG->debugdisplay;
$debugsmtp = isset($CFG->debugsmtp) && $CFG->debugsmtp;
$showlog = !empty($data->alwaysshowlog) || ($debugdisplay && $debugsmtp);
// Set debug level to a minimum of NORMAL: Show errors, warnings and notices.
if ($CFG->debug < 15) {
$CFG->debug = 15;
$CFG->debugdisplay = true;
$CFG->debugsmtp = true;
if (empty($CFG->smtphosts)) {
$success = email_to_user($toemail, $fromemail, $subject, $messagetext, $messagehtml, '', '', true, $fromemail->email);
$smtplog = get_string('nologavailable', 'local_' . $pluginname);
if (!empty($phplog = ini_get('mail.log'))) {
if ($phplog == 'syslog' && strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
$smtplog .= '<pre>mail.log : ' . get_string('winsyslog', 'local_' . $pluginname) . '</pre>';
} else {
$smtplog .= '<pre>mail.log : ' . $phplog . '</pre>';
} else {
$success = email_to_user($toemail, $fromemail, $subject, $messagetext, $messagehtml, '', '', true, $fromemail->email);
$smtplog = ob_get_contents();
$smtplog = '<figure class="border border-dark p-2">' . $smtplog . '</figure>';
$CFG->debug = $debuglevel;
$CFG->debugdisplay = $debugdisplay;
$CFG->debugsmtp = $debugsmtp;
if ($success) { // Success.
$title = get_string('success');
$msg = '<p>';
if (empty($CFG->smtphosts)) {
$msg .= get_string('sentmailphp', 'local_' . $pluginname);
} else {
$msg .= get_string('sentmail', 'local_' . $pluginname);
// Display a list of common reasons the email may not have been delivered.
if (empty($CFG->smtphosts)) {
$extrainfo = '<li>' . get_string('failphpmailerconfig', 'local_' . $pluginname) . '</li>';
} else {
$extrainfo = '';
$msg .= ' ' . get_string('commondeliveryissues', 'local_' . $pluginname, $extrainfo);
local_mailtest_msgbox($msg, $title, 2, 'infobox', $url->out());
if ($showlog) {
// Display debugging info if settings were already on before the test or user wants to force display.
echo $smtplog;
} else if (!empty($CFG->smtphosts)) {
// Failed to deliver message using SMTP.
$errtype = 'errorunknown';
// Diagnose failed SMTP connection issues.
$issues = '';
if (strpos($smtplog, '220') === false) { // Missing 220 code, connection failed.
$errtype = 'errorcommunications';
// Check for domain, security protocol and port issues for each specified mail server.
$hosts = explode(';', $CFG->smtphosts);
foreach ($hosts as $host) {
if (empty($host)) {
continue; // Skip if blank.
// Split the host and the port.
$host = explode(':', $host . ':25'); // Set default port to 25 in case none was specified.
[$host, $port] = $host;
$port = (int)$port;
// Check for DNS record lookup failure. Skip if host is an IP address.
if (
filter_var($host, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) === false // Not an IP address.
&& empty(@dns_get_record($host)) // The address does not have a DNS record.
&& gethostbyname($host) == $host
) { // Address does not resolve to an IP address (e.g. localhost).
$issues .= '<li>' . get_string('faildnslookup', 'local_' . $pluginname, $host) . '</li>';
// If using SSL or TLS, port is not usually 25.
if ($port == 25 && !empty($CFG->smtpsecure)) {
// No port or port 25 was specified for a SSL/TLS connection.
$issues .= '<li>' . get_string('failmissingport', 'local_' . $pluginname, $CFG->smtpsecure) . '</li>';
// Port is not 25 but a secure protocol was not specified.
if ($port != 25 && empty($CFG->smtpsecure)) {
// Non default port specified for a non SSL/TLS connection.
$issues .= '<li>';
$issues .= get_string('failmissingprotocol', 'local_' . $pluginname, $port);
$issues .= '</li>';
// The port and protocol don't match. Although it can, the SSL port is rarely 587, and TLS is rarely 465.
if ($port == 587 && $CFG->smtpsecure == 'ssl' || $port == 465 && $CFG->smtpsecure == 'tls') {
$issues .= '<li>' . get_string(
'local_' . $pluginname,
['port' => $port, 'protocol' => $CFG->smtpsecure]
) . '</li>';
// Connection timeout issues.
$fp = @fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 10);
if (!$fp) {
if (stripos($errstr, 'Connection timed out') !== false) {
// Connection timed out due to possible issues such as ISP blocking outbound SMTP connections.
$issues .= '<li>' . get_string('failoutboundsmtpblocked', 'local_' . $pluginname) . '</li>';
} else {
// Server's port was closed.
$issues .= '<li>' . get_string('failclosedport', 'local_' . $pluginname, $port) . '</li>';
// Add a list common issues.
$issues .= get_string('commoncommissues', 'local_' . $pluginname);
} else {
} else if (strpos($smtplog, '250') === false) { // No 250 code.
// No or very limited communication between Moodle and the SMTP server.
$errtype = 'errorcommunications';
$issues .= get_string('failaccessdenied', 'local_' . $pluginname);
} else {
// SMTP mail server refused the email.
$errtype = 'errorsend';
// Diagnose possible authentication issues.
// Invalid credentials - username and/or password are incorrect.
if (strpos($smtplog, '530') !== false || strpos($smtplog, '535') !== false || strpos($smtplog, '235') === false) {
$issues .= get_string('failcredentials', 'local_' . $pluginname);
// No-reply address is probably fake or contains a typo.
// Your mail server requires a real email address with a real mailbox.
if (strpos($smtplog, '550') !== false) {
$issues .= get_string('failunknownmailbox', 'local_' . $pluginname);
$smtplog = '<h4>' . get_string('connectionlog', 'local_' . $pluginname) . '</h4>' . $smtplog;
$continuelink = ($CFG->branch >= 32) ? 'outgoingmailconfig' : 'messagesettingemail';
$msg = get_string($errtype, 'local_' . $pluginname, '../../admin/settings.php?section=' . $continuelink);
// Display diagnostic information, if available.
if (!empty($issues)) {
$title = get_string('additionalinfo', 'local_' . $pluginname);
$msg .= '<p>' . $title . '</p><ul>' . $issues . '</ul>' . $smtplog;
// Also display the results of the dialogue between Moodle and the SMTP server.
local_mailtest_msgbox($msg, get_string('emailfail', 'local_' . $pluginname), 3, 'errorbox', $url->out());
} else {
// Failed to send message using PHPMailer.
$title = get_string('emailfail', 'local_' . $pluginname);
$msg = get_string('failphpmailer', 'local_' . $pluginname);
local_mailtest_msgbox($msg, $title, 3, 'errorbox', $url->out());
// Footing =========================================================.
echo $OUTPUT->footer();