Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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# Moodle - Local Reminders
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This plugin will send email reminders for [Moodle]( calendar events.

Reminders are very useful for both students as well as teachers to recall their scheduled events and activities before the actual moment.


## Features

General Features:

 * Ability to send reminders for site, user, course, group and activity calendar events.
 * Pre-defined and customizable reminders schedule (1, 3 and 7 days in-advance).
 * Ability to select roles eligible for receiving reminder emails.

In addition to that, there are lot of new features introduced in v2 of the plugin which is required to have Moodle 3.5 or later.

 * Send reminders to users who unable to complete an expired activity.
 * Send email reminders when a calendar event is created, updated or removed.
 * Ability to enable/disable and scheduling reminders per activity basis.
 * No reminders after a user has completed activity.
 * Added event location / timezone information to the reminder email.
 * New category event type support
 * Improved email style

And many bug fixes too.

## Compatibility

Plugin v2+ works in any Moodle versin 3.5 or above.

[See here for older versions](

## Installation

To install this plugin, you must be an administrator of your Moodle site.

 1. Downlod an appropriate version from [here]( based on your installed Moodle version.
 2. Go to Moodle `Site administration` > `Plugins` > `Install plugins`
 3. Upload the downloaded zip file to the provided box.
 4. Click `Show more...` and select `Local plugin (local)` under plugin type.
 5. Click `Install plugin from ZIP file`
 5. Provide your reminders settings once asked.
 6. That's it!

Also don't forget to show your love for this plugin in [here]( by clicking `Add to favourites`.

## Plugin Settings

Reminders are sent using Moodle's Scheduled tasks (since v3.5), and you can specify the running interval in `Site administration` > `Server` > `Scheduled tasks` > `Local Reminders`. By default, it has set to run in every 15 minutes.

**Note:** If you are using a Moodle version before 3.5, then you must edit `$plugin->cron` value in `version.php` file before uploading it for installation. This value is indicated in seconds.

To customize the plugin settings, go to `Site administration` > `Plugins` > `Reminders`.

Each setting and its functionality is described below.

 * Common Settings

 | Setting | Description | Default |
 | Enabled | enable/disable reminder plugin. Not a single reminder will be sent. This is provided to temporary disable plugin without uninstalling it. | yes |
 | Message Title Prefix | The text to prepend for each and every reminder email subject. Email subject will take format of `[${TITLE_PREFIX}] ${Subject}` | `Moodle-Reminder` |
 | Send As | Indicated the from user field of every reminder. You could use either as Moodle admin user or No reply address. | Site Admin |
 | No Reply Name | This will indicate No reply user name for email when you chose the option `No Reply Address` for `Send As` option. | `No Reply` |
 | Filter Calendar Events | Which calendar events to be filtered | Only visible events |

 * Changelog Events Change Reminders

 | Setting | Description | Default |
 | Send when Event Created | If checked, then a reminder will sent for the newly created calendar events immediately. | false |
 | Send when Event Updated | If checked, then a reminder will sent for the updated calendar events immediately. | false |
 | Send when Event Removed | If checked, then a reminder will sent for the removed calendar events immediately. | false |

In addition to above, user can control reminders for calendar event changes per event type. Under each event type, there is an option called `Enable for calendar change events` which allows user to enable/disable based on the event type.

 **Note**: per event type settings are considered only _after_ above change type setting considered.

  * Activity Event Reminders

 | Setting | Description | Default |
 | No reminders once completed | enable/disable sending reminders if a user has completed activity. If checked, he/she won't receive reminders anymore once completed. | true |
 | Activity Overdue Reminders | enable/disable sending reminders for users who still have not completed expired events | true |

## Changelog

#### v2.2.1
  * No reminders for hidden courses (#78)
  * Fixed coursecat deprecation warning (#76)
  * Fixed no-reply address not correctly being in the reminder emails (#77)
  * Fixed disabled course reminders are still sending issue (#84)

#### v2.2
  * Option to show/hide activity plugin name in reminder email subject (#71)
  * Support reminder customization for course and BigBlueButton events (#69, #70)

#### v2.1.2
  * Php 7.0 compatibility (#66)

#### v2.1.1
  * Check for custom completion status of activities (#62)

#### v2.1
  * Reminder interval customization per activity instance (#57)
  * Support for course category events (#40)

#### v2.0
  * Ability to send reminders after event completed for overdue students (#3)
  * Ability to enable/disable reminders per activity (#48)
  * Reminder email messages when calendar event created/changed/removed (#21)
  * Prevent sending more email reminders once a student has completed the activity
  * Added timezone/location to the email due dates (#32)
  * Improved email style (#31)
  * Additional cron task to clean old reminder data (#37)
  * Send reminders only to students who can submit assignment (#47)

#### v1.7
  * Excluded suspended users from course/activity events (#27)
  * Renamed admin cron function so that conflicting with legacy (#26)
  * Totara conflicting class name issue fixed (#25)
  * Support for moodle v3.8

#### v1.6.2
  * Fixed issue of conflicting class name

#### v1.6.1
  * Fix login redirect loop in Moodle v3.5, 3.6 and 3.7.

#### v1.6
  * Support for Moodle v3.5 and above.
  * Migrated to new Moodle task API.

#### v1.5.1
  * Fixed a bug where group reminders are not assigned when the event instance is empty

#### v1.5
  * support for moodle 3.0+
  * Ability to change mail sent user through configurations (#14)
  * Notice: undefined variable when opening admin settings page in Moodle 2.9 (#12)
  * Event reminders sent for individual quiz overrides (#11)
  * Fix time formatting when user has set 24hour format in calendar preferences
  * Fix cron errors resulting from new role (thanks to [colin-umn]:
  * Fix cron error caused by $courseroleids (thanks to [cdsmith-umn]:

#### v1.4.2
  * support for moodle 2.9+
  * ability to specify a custom schedule for sending reminders for any event type.

#### v1.4.1
  * support for moodle 2.8 (thanks to [jojoob]:
  * course specific settings added for reminders (thanks to [jojoob]:

#### v1.4
  * now works in Moodle 2.7.*
  * fixed bug sending reminders repeatedly to users.

#### v1.3.1
  * bug fixes
  * prevent users receiving alerts for an activity that they can't see. (Contributed by Julian Boulen)
  * exception handling

#### v1.3
  * now works in Moodle 2.5.*
  * time zone adjustment based on recipient of the reminder
  * reminder messages for activities (such as quizes, assignments, etc) are enhanced and visibility of some fields are restricted according to the constraints of such activities (eg: showing description field)

#### v1.2
  * now works in Moodle 2.4.*
  * fixed bug when sending reminders based on groups
  * group reminder message content has been made richer by including course and activity details.
  * added a setting to define the prefix for messages being sent, and added another setting to define to show/hide group name in the group reminder message.
  * cron cycle interval for this plugin has been reduced from 1-hour to 15-minutes.

#### v1.1
  * fixed bug of repeatedly sending reminders for same event.
  * removed 'Only hidden events from calendar' option from the settings page.
  * removed unused constants from the plugin.
  * improved cron trace of the plugin for ignored events.

#### v1.0.1
  * changed default settings
  * removed usage of deprecated functions

## License

[GNU GPL v3 or later](