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YUI.add('widget-base', function (Y, NAME) {
* Provides the base Widget class, with HTML Parser support
* @module widget
* @main widget
* Provides the base Widget class
* @module widget
* @submodule widget-base
var L = Y.Lang,
Node = Y.Node,
ClassNameManager = Y.ClassNameManager,
_getClassName = ClassNameManager.getClassName,
_toInitialCap = Y.cached(function(str) {
return str.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1);
// K-Weight, IE GC optimizations
CONTENT = "content",
VISIBLE = "visible",
HIDDEN = "hidden",
DISABLED = "disabled",
FOCUSED = "focused",
WIDTH = "width",
HEIGHT = "height",
BOUNDING_BOX = "boundingBox",
CONTENT_BOX = "contentBox",
PARENT_NODE = "parentNode",
OWNER_DOCUMENT = "ownerDocument",
AUTO = "auto",
SRC_NODE = "srcNode",
BODY = "body",
TAB_INDEX = "tabIndex",
ID = "id",
RENDER = "render",
RENDERED = "rendered",
DESTROYED = "destroyed",
STRINGS = "strings",
DIV = "<div></div>",
CHANGE = "Change",
LOADING = "loading",
_UISET = "_uiSet",
EMPTY_FN = function() {},
TRUE = true,
FALSE = false,
ATTRS = {},
WEBKIT = Y.UA.webkit,
// Widget nodeid-to-instance map.
_instances = {};
* A base class for widgets, providing:
* <ul>
* <li>The render lifecycle method, in addition to the init and destroy
* lifecycle methods provide by Base</li>
* <li>Abstract methods to support consistent MVC structure across
* widgets: renderer, renderUI, bindUI, syncUI</li>
* <li>Support for common widget attributes, such as boundingBox, contentBox, visible,
* disabled, focused, strings</li>
* </ul>
* @param config {Object} Object literal specifying widget configuration properties.
* @class Widget
* @constructor
* @extends Base
function Widget(config) {
// kweight
var widget = this,
constructor = widget.constructor;
widget._strs = {};
widget._cssPrefix = constructor.CSS_PREFIX || _getClassName(constructor.NAME.toLowerCase());
// We need a config for HTML_PARSER to work.
config = config || {};, config);
render = widget.get(RENDER);
if (render) {
// Render could be a node or boolean
if (render !== TRUE) {
parentNode = render;
* Static property provides a string to identify the class.
* <p>
* Currently used to apply class identifiers to the bounding box
* and to classify events fired by the widget.
* </p>
* @property NAME
* @type String
* @static
Widget.NAME = "widget";
* Constant used to identify state changes originating from
* the DOM (as opposed to the JavaScript model).
* @property UI_SRC
* @type String
* @static
* @final
UI = Widget.UI_SRC = "ui";
* Static property used to define the default attribute
* configuration for the Widget.
* @property ATTRS
* @type Object
* @static
// Trying to optimize kweight by setting up attrs this way saves about 0.4K min'd
* @attribute id
* @writeOnce
* @default Generated using guid()
* @type String
valueFn: "_guid",
writeOnce: TRUE
* Flag indicating whether or not this Widget
* has been through the render lifecycle phase.
* @attribute rendered
* @readOnly
* @default false
* @type boolean
readOnly: TRUE
* @attribute boundingBox
* @description The outermost DOM node for the Widget, used for sizing and positioning
* of a Widget as well as a containing element for any decorator elements used
* for skinning.
* @type String | Node
* @writeOnce
setter: "_setBB",
writeOnce: TRUE
* @attribute contentBox
* @description A DOM node that is a direct descendant of a Widget's bounding box that
* houses its content.
* @type String | Node
* @writeOnce
setter: "_setCB",
writeOnce: TRUE
* @attribute tabIndex
* @description Number (between -32767 to 32767) indicating the widget's
* position in the default tab flow. The value is used to set the
* "tabIndex" attribute on the widget's bounding box. Negative values allow
* the widget to receive DOM focus programmatically (by calling the focus
* method), while being removed from the default tab flow. A value of
* null removes the "tabIndex" attribute from the widget's bounding box.
* @type Number
* @default null
value: null,
validator: "_validTabIndex"
* @attribute focused
* @description Boolean indicating if the Widget, or one of its descendants,
* has focus.
* @readOnly
* @default false
* @type boolean
value: FALSE,
* @attribute disabled
* @description Boolean indicating if the Widget should be disabled. The disabled implementation
* is left to the specific classes extending widget.
* @default false
* @type boolean
value: FALSE
* @attribute visible
* @description Boolean indicating whether or not the Widget is visible.
* @default TRUE
* @type boolean
value: TRUE
* @attribute height
* @description String with units, or number, representing the height of the Widget. If a number is provided,
* the default unit, defined by the Widgets DEF_UNIT, property is used.
* @default EMPTY_STR
* @type {String | Number}
value: EMPTY_STR
* @attribute width
* @description String with units, or number, representing the width of the Widget. If a number is provided,
* the default unit, defined by the Widgets DEF_UNIT, property is used.
* @default EMPTY_STR
* @type {String | Number}
value: EMPTY_STR
* @attribute strings
* @description Collection of strings used to label elements of the Widget's UI.
* @default null
* @type Object
value: {},
setter: "_strSetter",
getter: "_strGetter"
* Whether or not to render the widget automatically after init, and optionally, to which parent node.
* @attribute render
* @type boolean | Node
* @writeOnce
* The css prefix which the static Widget.getClassName method should use when constructing class names
* @property CSS_PREFIX
* @type String
* @default Widget.NAME.toLowerCase()
* @private
* @static
Widget.CSS_PREFIX = _getClassName(Widget.NAME.toLowerCase());
* Generate a standard prefixed classname for the Widget, prefixed by the default prefix defined
* by the <code>Y.config.classNamePrefix</code> attribute used by <code>ClassNameManager</code> and
* <code>Widget.NAME.toLowerCase()</code> (e.g. "yui-widget-xxxxx-yyyyy", based on default values for
* the prefix and widget class name).
* <p>
* The instance based version of this method can be used to generate standard prefixed classnames,
* based on the instances NAME, as opposed to Widget.NAME. This method should be used when you
* need to use a constant class name across different types instances.
* </p>
* @method getClassName
* @param {String*} args* 0..n strings which should be concatenated, using the default separator defined by ClassNameManager, to create the class name
Widget.getClassName = function() {
// arguments needs to be array'fied to concat
return _getClassName.apply(ClassNameManager, [Widget.CSS_PREFIX].concat(Y.Array(arguments), true));
_getWidgetClassName = Widget.getClassName;
* Returns the widget instance whose bounding box contains, or is, the given node.
* <p>
* In the case of nested widgets, the nearest bounding box ancestor is used to
* return the widget instance.
* </p>
* @method getByNode
* @static
* @param node {Node | String} The node for which to return a Widget instance. If a selector
* string is passed in, which selects more than one node, the first node found is used.
* @return {Widget} Widget instance, or null if not found.
Widget.getByNode = function(node) {
var widget,
widgetMarker = _getWidgetClassName();
node =;
if (node) {
node = node.ancestor("." + widgetMarker, true);
if (node) {
widget = _instances[Y.stamp(node, true)];
return widget || null;
Y.extend(Widget, Y.Base, {
* Returns a class name prefixed with the the value of the
* <code>YUI.config.classNamePrefix</code> attribute + the instances <code>NAME</code> property.
* Uses <code>YUI.config.classNameDelimiter</code> attribute to delimit the provided strings.
* e.g.
* <code>
* <pre>
* // returns "yui-slider-foo-bar", for a slider instance
* var scn = slider.getClassName('foo','bar');
* // returns "yui-overlay-foo-bar", for an overlay instance
* var ocn = overlay.getClassName('foo','bar');
* </pre>
* </code>
* @method getClassName
* @param {String} [classnames*] One or more classname bits to be joined and prefixed
getClassName: function () {
return _getClassName.apply(ClassNameManager, [this._cssPrefix].concat(Y.Array(arguments), true));
* Initializer lifecycle implementation for the Widget class. Registers the
* widget instance, and runs through the Widget's HTML_PARSER definition.
* @method initializer
* @protected
* @param config {Object} Configuration object literal for the widget
initializer: function(config) {
var bb = this.get(BOUNDING_BOX);
if (bb instanceof Node) {
* Notification event, which widget implementations can fire, when
* they change the content of the widget. This event has no default
* behavior and cannot be prevented, so the "on" or "after"
* moments are effectively equivalent (with on listeners being invoked before
* after listeners).
* @event widget:contentUpdate
* @preventable false
* @param {EventFacade} e The Event Facade
* Utility method used to add an entry to the boundingBox id to instance map.
* This method can be used to populate the instance with lazily created boundingBox Node references.
* @method _mapInstance
* @param {String} The boundingBox id
* @protected
_mapInstance : function(id) {
_instances[id] = this;
* Destructor lifecycle implementation for the Widget class. Purges events attached
* to the bounding box and content box, removes them from the DOM and removes
* the Widget from the list of registered widgets.
* @method destructor
* @protected
destructor: function() {
var boundingBox = this.get(BOUNDING_BOX),
if (boundingBox instanceof Node) {
bbGuid = Y.stamp(boundingBox,true);
if (bbGuid in _instances) {
delete _instances[bbGuid];
* <p>
* Destroy lifecycle method. Fires the destroy
* event, prior to invoking destructors for the
* class hierarchy.
* Overrides Base's implementation, to support arguments to destroy
* </p>
* <p>
* Subscribers to the destroy
* event can invoke preventDefault on the event object, to prevent destruction
* from proceeding.
* </p>
* @method destroy
* @param destroyAllNodes {Boolean} If true, all nodes contained within the Widget are
* removed and destroyed. Defaults to false due to potentially high run-time cost.
* @return {Widget} A reference to this object
* @chainable
destroy: function(destroyAllNodes) {
this._destroyAllNodes = destroyAllNodes;
return Widget.superclass.destroy.apply(this);
* Removes and destroys the widgets rendered boundingBox, contentBox,
* and detaches bound UI events.
* @method _destroyBox
* @protected
_destroyBox : function() {
var boundingBox = this.get(BOUNDING_BOX),
contentBox = this.get(CONTENT_BOX),
deep = this._destroyAllNodes,
same = boundingBox && boundingBox.compareTo(contentBox);
if (this.UI_EVENTS) {
if (contentBox) {
if (deep) {
if (!same) {
if (deep) {
* Establishes the initial DOM for the widget. Invoking this
* method will lead to the creating of all DOM elements for
* the widget (or the manipulation of existing DOM elements
* for the progressive enhancement use case).
* <p>
* This method should only be invoked once for an initialized
* widget.
* </p>
* <p>
* It delegates to the widget specific renderer method to do
* the actual work.
* </p>
* @method render
* @chainable
* @final
* @param parentNode {Object | String} Optional. The Node under which the
* Widget is to be rendered. This can be a Node instance or a CSS selector string.
* <p>
* If the selector string returns more than one Node, the first node will be used
* as the parentNode. NOTE: This argument is required if both the boundingBox and contentBox
* are not currently in the document. If it's not provided, the Widget will be rendered
* to the body of the current document in this case.
* </p>
render: function(parentNode) {
if (!this.get(DESTROYED) && !this.get(RENDERED)) {
* Lifecycle event for the render phase, fired prior to rendering the UI
* for the widget (prior to invoking the widget's renderer method).
* <p>
* Subscribers to the "on" moment of this event, will be notified
* before the widget is rendered.
* </p>
* <p>
* Subscribers to the "after" moment of this event, will be notified
* after rendering is complete.
* </p>
* @event render
* @preventable _defRenderFn
* @param {EventFacade} e The Event Facade
this.publish(RENDER, {
defaultFn: this._defRenderFn
});, {parentNode: (parentNode) ? : null});
return this;
* Default render handler
* @method _defRenderFn
* @protected
* @param {EventFacade} e The Event object
* @param {Node} parentNode The parent node to render to, if passed in to the <code>render</code> method
_defRenderFn : function(e) {
this._parentNode = e.parentNode;
this._set(RENDERED, TRUE);
* Creates DOM (or manipulates DOM for progressive enhancement)
* This method is invoked by render() and is not chained
* automatically for the class hierarchy (unlike initializer, destructor)
* so it should be chained manually for subclasses if required.
* @method renderer
* @protected
renderer: function() {
// kweight
var widget = this;
* Configures/Sets up listeners to bind Widget State to UI/DOM
* This method is not called by framework and is not chained
* automatically for the class hierarchy.
* @method bindUI
* @protected
* Adds nodes to the DOM
* This method is not called by framework and is not chained
* automatically for the class hierarchy.
* @method renderUI
* @protected
renderUI: EMPTY_FN,
* Refreshes the rendered UI, based on Widget State
* This method is not called by framework and is not chained
* automatically for the class hierarchy.
* @method syncUI
* @protected
* @method hide
* @description Hides the Widget by setting the "visible" attribute to "false".
* @chainable
hide: function() {
return this.set(VISIBLE, FALSE);
* @method show
* @description Shows the Widget by setting the "visible" attribute to "true".
* @chainable
show: function() {
return this.set(VISIBLE, TRUE);
* @method focus
* @description Causes the Widget to receive the focus by setting the "focused"
* attribute to "true".
* @chainable
focus: function () {
return this._set(FOCUSED, TRUE);
* @method blur
* @description Causes the Widget to lose focus by setting the "focused" attribute
* to "false"
* @chainable
blur: function () {
return this._set(FOCUSED, FALSE);
* @method enable
* @description Set the Widget's "disabled" attribute to "false".
* @chainable
enable: function() {
return this.set(DISABLED, FALSE);
* @method disable
* @description Set the Widget's "disabled" attribute to "true".
* @chainable
disable: function() {
return this.set(DISABLED, TRUE);
* @method _uiSizeCB
* @protected
* @param {boolean} expand
_uiSizeCB : function(expand) {
this.get(CONTENT_BOX).toggleClass(_getWidgetClassName(CONTENT, "expanded"), expand);
* Helper method to collect the boundingBox and contentBox and append to the provided parentNode, if not
* already a child. The owner document of the boundingBox, or the owner document of the contentBox will be used
* as the document into which the Widget is rendered if a parentNode is node is not provided. If both the boundingBox and
* the contentBox are not currently in the document, and no parentNode is provided, the widget will be rendered
* to the current document's body.
* @method _renderBox
* @private
* @param {Node} parentNode The parentNode to render the widget to. If not provided, and both the boundingBox and
* the contentBox are not currently in the document, the widget will be rendered to the current document's body.
_renderBox: function(parentNode) {
// TODO: Performance Optimization [ More effective algo to reduce Node refs, compares, replaces? ]
var widget = this, // kweight
contentBox = widget.get(CONTENT_BOX),
boundingBox = widget.get(BOUNDING_BOX),
srcNode = widget.get(SRC_NODE),
defParentNode = widget.DEF_PARENT_NODE,
doc = (srcNode && srcNode.get(OWNER_DOCUMENT)) || boundingBox.get(OWNER_DOCUMENT) || contentBox.get(OWNER_DOCUMENT);
// If srcNode (assume it's always in doc), have contentBox take its place (widget render responsible for re-use of srcNode contents)
if (srcNode && !srcNode.compareTo(contentBox) && !contentBox.inDoc(doc)) {
if (!boundingBox.compareTo(contentBox.get(PARENT_NODE)) && !boundingBox.compareTo(contentBox)) {
// If contentBox box is already in the document, have boundingBox box take it's place
if (contentBox.inDoc(doc)) {
parentNode = parentNode || (defParentNode &&;
if (parentNode) {
} else if (!boundingBox.inDoc(doc)) {, 0);
* Setter for the boundingBox attribute
* @method _setBB
* @private
* @param {Node|String} node
* @return Node
_setBB: function(node) {
return this._setBox(this.get(ID), node, this.BOUNDING_TEMPLATE, true);
* Setter for the contentBox attribute
* @method _setCB
* @private
* @param {Node|String} node
* @return Node
_setCB: function(node) {
return (this.CONTENT_TEMPLATE === null) ? this.get(BOUNDING_BOX) : this._setBox(null, node, this.CONTENT_TEMPLATE, false);
* Returns the default value for the boundingBox attribute.
* For the Widget class, this will most commonly be null (resulting in a new
* boundingBox node instance being created), unless a srcNode was provided
* and CONTENT_TEMPLATE is null, in which case it will be srcNode.
* This behavior was introduced in 3.18.1 to accomodate single-box widgets
* whose BB & CB both point to srcNode (e.g. Y.Button).
* @method _defaultBB
* @protected
_defaultBB : function() {
var node = this.get(SRC_NODE),
nullCT = (this.CONTENT_TEMPLATE === null);
return ((node && nullCT) ? node : null);
* Returns the default value for the contentBox attribute.
* For the Widget class, this will be the srcNode if provided, otherwise null (resulting in
* a new contentBox node instance being created)
* @method _defaultCB
* @protected
_defaultCB : function(node) {
return this.get(SRC_NODE) || null;
* Helper method to set the bounding/content box, or create it from
* the provided template if not found.
* @method _setBox
* @private
* @param {String} id The node's id attribute
* @param {Node|String} node The node reference
* @param {String} template HTML string template for the node
* @param {boolean} isBounding true if this is the boundingBox, false if it's the contentBox
* @return {Node} The node
_setBox : function(id, node, template, isBounding) {
node =;
if (!node) {
node = Node.create(template);
if (isBounding) {
this._bbFromTemplate = true;
} else {
this._cbFromTemplate = true;
if (!node.get(ID)) {
node.set(ID, id || Y.guid());
return node;
* Initializes the UI state for the Widget's bounding/content boxes.
* @method _renderUI
* @protected
_renderUI: function() {
* Applies standard class names to the boundingBox and contentBox
* @method _renderBoxClassNames
* @protected
_renderBoxClassNames : function() {
var classes = this._getClasses(),
boundingBox = this.get(BOUNDING_BOX),
// Start from Widget Sub Class
for (i = classes.length-3; i >= 0; i--) {
cl = classes[i];
boundingBox.addClass(cl.CSS_PREFIX || _getClassName(cl.NAME.toLowerCase()));
// Use instance based name for content box
* Removes class names representative of the widget's loading state from
* the boundingBox.
* @method _removeLoadingClassNames
* @protected
_removeLoadingClassNames: function () {
var boundingBox = this.get(BOUNDING_BOX),
contentBox = this.get(CONTENT_BOX),
instClass = this.getClassName(LOADING),
widgetClass = _getWidgetClassName(LOADING);
* Sets up DOM and CustomEvent listeners for the widget.
* @method _bindUI
* @protected
_bindUI: function() {
* @method _unbindUI
* @protected
_unbindUI : function(boundingBox) {
* Sets up DOM listeners, on elements rendered by the widget.
* @method _bindDOM
* @protected
_bindDOM : function() {
var oDocument = this.get(BOUNDING_BOX).get(OWNER_DOCUMENT),
focusHandle = Widget._hDocFocus;
// Shared listener across all Widgets.
if (!focusHandle) {
focusHandle = Widget._hDocFocus = oDocument.on("focus", this._onDocFocus, this);
focusHandle.listeners = {
count: 0
focusHandle.listeners[Y.stamp(this, true)] = true;
// Fix for Webkit:
// Document doesn't receive focus in Webkit when the user mouses
// down on it, so the "focused" attribute won't get set to the
// correct value. Keeping this instance based for now, potential better performance.
// Otherwise we'll end up looking up widgets from the DOM on every mousedown.
if (WEBKIT){
this._hDocMouseDown = oDocument.on("mousedown", this._onDocMouseDown, this);
* @method _unbindDOM
* @protected
_unbindDOM : function(boundingBox) {
var focusHandle = Widget._hDocFocus,
yuid = Y.stamp(this, true),
mouseHandle = this._hDocMouseDown;
if (focusHandle) {
focusListeners = focusHandle.listeners;
if (focusListeners[yuid]) {
delete focusListeners[yuid];
if (focusListeners.count === 0) {
Widget._hDocFocus = null;
if (WEBKIT && mouseHandle) {
* Updates the widget UI to reflect the attribute state.
* @method _syncUI
* @protected
_syncUI: function() {
* Sets the height on the widget's bounding box element
* @method _uiSetHeight
* @protected
* @param {String | Number} val
_uiSetHeight: function(val) {
this._uiSetDim(HEIGHT, val);
this._uiSizeCB((val !== EMPTY_STR && val !== AUTO));
* Sets the width on the widget's bounding box element
* @method _uiSetWidth
* @protected
* @param {String | Number} val
_uiSetWidth: function(val) {
this._uiSetDim(WIDTH, val);
* @method _uiSetDim
* @private
* @param {String} dim The dimension - "width" or "height"
* @param {Number | String} val The value to set
_uiSetDim: function(dimension, val) {
this.get(BOUNDING_BOX).setStyle(dimension, L.isNumber(val) ? val + this.DEF_UNIT : val);
* Sets the visible state for the UI
* @method _uiSetVisible
* @protected
* @param {boolean} val
_uiSetVisible: function(val) {
this.get(BOUNDING_BOX).toggleClass(this.getClassName(HIDDEN), !val);
* Sets the disabled state for the UI
* @method _uiSetDisabled
* @protected
* @param {boolean} val
_uiSetDisabled: function(val) {
this.get(BOUNDING_BOX).toggleClass(this.getClassName(DISABLED), val);
* Sets the focused state for the UI
* @method _uiSetFocused
* @protected
* @param {boolean} val
* @param {string} src String representing the source that triggered an update to
* the UI.
_uiSetFocused: function(val, src) {
var boundingBox = this.get(BOUNDING_BOX);
boundingBox.toggleClass(this.getClassName(FOCUSED), val);
if (src !== UI) {
if (val) {
} else {
* Set the tabIndex on the widget's rendered UI
* @method _uiSetTabIndex
* @protected
* @param Number
_uiSetTabIndex: function(index) {
var boundingBox = this.get(BOUNDING_BOX);
if (L.isNumber(index)) {
boundingBox.set(TAB_INDEX, index);
} else {
* @method _onDocMouseDown
* @description "mousedown" event handler for the owner document of the
* widget's bounding box.
* @protected
* @param {EventFacade} evt The event facade for the DOM focus event
_onDocMouseDown: function (evt) {
if (this._domFocus) {
* DOM focus event handler, used to sync the state of the Widget with the DOM
* @method _onDocFocus
* @protected
* @param {EventFacade} evt The event facade for the DOM focus event
_onDocFocus: function (evt) {
var widget = Widget.getByNode(,
activeWidget = Widget._active;
if (activeWidget && (activeWidget !== widget)) {
activeWidget._domFocus = false;
activeWidget._set(FOCUSED, false, {src:UI});
Widget._active = null;
if (widget) {
widget._domFocus = true;
widget._set(FOCUSED, true, {src:UI});
Widget._active = widget;
* Generic toString implementation for all widgets.
* @method toString
* @return {String} The default string value for the widget [ displays the NAME of the instance, and the unique id ]
toString: function() {
// Using deprecated name prop for kweight squeeze.
return + "[" + this.get(ID) + "]";
* Default unit to use for dimension values
* @property DEF_UNIT
* @type String
DEF_UNIT : "px",
* Default node to render the bounding box to. If not set,
* will default to the current document body.
* @property DEF_PARENT_NODE
* @type String | Node
* Property defining the markup template for content box. If your Widget doesn't
* need the dual boundingBox/contentBox structure, set CONTENT_TEMPLATE to null,
* and contentBox and boundingBox will both point to the same Node.
* @type String
* Property defining the markup template for bounding box.
* @type String
* @method _guid
* @protected
_guid : function() {
return Y.guid();
* @method _validTabIndex
* @protected
* @param {Number} tabIndex
_validTabIndex : function (tabIndex) {
return (L.isNumber(tabIndex) || L.isNull(tabIndex));
* Binds after listeners for the list of attributes provided
* @method _bindAttrUI
* @private
* @param {Array} attrs
_bindAttrUI : function(attrs) {
var i,
l = attrs.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
this.after(attrs[i] + CHANGE, this._setAttrUI);
* Invokes the _uiSet=ATTR NAME> method for the list of attributes provided
* @method _syncAttrUI
* @private
* @param {Array} attrs
_syncAttrUI : function(attrs) {
var i, l = attrs.length, attr;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
attr = attrs[i];
this[_UISET + _toInitialCap(attr)](this.get(attr));
* @method _setAttrUI
* @private
* @param {EventFacade} e
_setAttrUI : function(e) {
if ( === this) {
this[_UISET + _toInitialCap(e.attrName)](e.newVal, e.src);
* The default setter for the strings attribute. Merges partial sets
* into the full string set, to allow users to partial sets of strings
* @method _strSetter
* @protected
* @param {Object} strings
* @return {String} The full set of strings to set
_strSetter : function(strings) {
return Y.merge(this.get(STRINGS), strings);
* Helper method to get a specific string value
* @deprecated Used by deprecated WidgetLocale implementations.
* @method getString
* @param {String} key
* @return {String} The string
getString : function(key) {
return this.get(STRINGS)[key];
* Helper method to get the complete set of strings for the widget
* @deprecated Used by deprecated WidgetLocale implementations.
* @method getStrings
* @param {String} key
* @return {String} The strings
getStrings : function() {
return this.get(STRINGS);
* The lists of UI attributes to bind and sync for widget's _bindUI and _syncUI implementations
* @property _UI_ATTRS
* @type Object
* @private
Y.Widget = Widget;
}, '3.18.1', {
"requires": [
"skinnable": true