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YUI.add('timers', function (Y, NAME) {
Provides utilities for timed asynchronous callback execution.
Y.soon is a setImmediate/process.nextTick/setTimeout wrapper.
This module includes [asap.js]( for scheduling
asynchronous tasks.
@module timers
@main timers
@author Steven Olmsted
// Hack. asap.js is written as a Node module and expects require, module and
// global to be available in the module's scope.
var module = {},
global =;
// `asap` only requires a `queue` module that is bundled into this same file.
function require(mod) {
return Queue;
"use strict";
module.exports = Queue;
function Queue(capacity) {
this.capacity = this.snap(capacity);
this.length = 0;
this.front = 0;
Queue.prototype.push = function (value) {
var length = this.length;
if (this.capacity <= length) {
this.grow(this.snap(this.capacity * this.growFactor));
var index = (this.front + length) & (this.capacity - 1);
this[index] = value;
this.length = length + 1;
Queue.prototype.shift = function () {
var front = this.front;
var result = this[front];
this[front] = void 0;
this.front = (front + 1) & (this.capacity - 1);
return result;
Queue.prototype.grow = function (capacity) {
var oldFront = this.front;
var oldCapacity = this.capacity;
var oldQueue = new Array(oldCapacity);
var length = this.length;
copy(this, 0, oldQueue, 0, oldCapacity);
this.capacity = capacity;
this.front = 0;
if (oldFront + length <= oldCapacity) {
// Can perform direct linear copy
copy(oldQueue, oldFront, this, 0, length);
} else {
// Cannot perform copy directly, perform as much as possible at the
// end, and then copy the rest to the beginning of the buffer
var lengthBeforeWrapping =
length - ((oldFront + length) & (oldCapacity - 1));
length - lengthBeforeWrapping
Queue.prototype.initialize = function () {
var length = this.capacity;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
this[i] = void 0;
Queue.prototype.snap = function (capacity) {
if (typeof capacity !== "number") {
return this.minCapacity;
return pow2AtLeast(
Math.min(this.maxCapacity, Math.max(this.minCapacity, capacity))
Queue.prototype.maxCapacity = (1 << 30) | 0;
Queue.prototype.minCapacity = 16;
Queue.prototype.growFactor = 8;
function copy(source, sourceIndex, target, targetIndex, length) {
for (var index = 0; index < length; ++index) {
target[index + targetIndex] = source[index + sourceIndex];
function pow2AtLeast(n) {
n = n >>> 0;
n = n - 1;
n = n | (n >> 1);
n = n | (n >> 2);
n = n | (n >> 4);
n = n | (n >> 8);
n = n | (n >> 16);
return n + 1;
"use strict";
// Use the fastest possible means to execute a task in a future turn
// of the event loop.
// Queue is a circular buffer with good locality of reference and doesn't
// allocate new memory unless there are more than `InitialCapacity` parallel
// tasks in which case it will resize itself generously to x8 more capacity.
// The use case of asap should require no or few amount of resizes during
// runtime.
// Calling a task frees a slot immediately so if the calling
// has a side effect of queuing itself again, it can be sustained
// without additional memory
// Queue specifically uses
// Because:
// 1. We need fast .length operation, since queue
// could have changed after every iteration
// 2. Modulus can be negated by using power-of-two
// capacities and replacing it with bitwise AND
// 3. It will not be used in a multi-threaded situation.
var Queue = require("./queue");
//1024 = InitialCapacity
var queue = new Queue(1024);
var flushing = false;
var requestFlush = void 0;
var hasSetImmediate = typeof setImmediate === "function";
var domain;
// Avoid shims from browserify.
// The existence of `global` in browsers is guaranteed by browserify.
var process = global.process;
// Note that some fake-Node environments,
// like the Mocha test runner, introduce a `process` global.
var isNodeJS = !!process && ({}) === "[object process]";
function flush() {
/* jshint loopfunc: true */
while (queue.length > 0) {
var task = queue.shift();
try {;
} catch (e) {
if (isNodeJS) {
// In node, uncaught exceptions are considered fatal errors.
// Re-throw them to interrupt flushing!
// Ensure continuation if an uncaught exception is suppressed
// listening process.on("uncaughtException") or domain("error").
throw e;
} else {
// In browsers, uncaught exceptions are not fatal.
// Re-throw them asynchronously to avoid slow-downs.
setTimeout(function () {
throw e;
}, 0);
flushing = false;
if (isNodeJS) {
// Node.js
requestFlush = function () {
// Ensure flushing is not bound to any domain.
var currentDomain = process.domain;
if (currentDomain) {
domain = domain || (1,require)("domain"); = process.domain = null;
// Avoid tick recursion - use setImmediate if it exists.
if (flushing && hasSetImmediate) {
} else {
if (currentDomain) { = process.domain = currentDomain;
} else if (hasSetImmediate) {
// In IE10, or
requestFlush = function () {
} else if (typeof MessageChannel !== "undefined") {
// modern browsers
var channel = new MessageChannel();
// At least Safari Version 6.0.5 (8536.30.1) intermittently cannot create
// working message ports the first time a page loads.
channel.port1.onmessage = function () {
requestFlush = requestPortFlush;
channel.port1.onmessage = flush;
var requestPortFlush = function () {
// Opera requires us to provide a message payload, regardless of
// whether we use it.
requestFlush = function () {
setTimeout(flush, 0);
} else {
// old browsers
requestFlush = function () {
setTimeout(flush, 0);
function asap(task) {
if (isNodeJS && process.domain) {
task = process.domain.bind(task);
if (!flushing) {
flushing = true;
module.exports = asap;
@module timers
Y.soon accepts a callback function. The callback function will be called
once in a future turn of the JavaScript event loop. If the function
requires a specific execution context or arguments, wrap it with Y.bind.
Y.soon returns an object with a cancel method. If the cancel method is
called before the callback function, the callback function won't be
@method soon
@for YUI
@param {Function} callbackFunction
@return {Object} An object with a cancel method. If the cancel method is
called before the callback function, the callback function won't be
function soon(callbackFunction) {
var canceled;
soon._asynchronizer(function () {
// Some asynchronizers may provide their own cancellation
// methods such as clearImmediate or clearTimeout but some
// asynchronizers do not. For simplicity, cancellation is
// entirely handled here rather than wrapping the other methods.
// All asynchronizers are expected to always call this anonymous
// function.
if (!canceled) {
return {
cancel: function () {
canceled = 1;
soon._asynchronizer = asap;
soon._impl = 'asap';
Y.soon = soon;
}, '3.18.1', {"requires": ["yui-base"]});