Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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YUI.add('node-base', function (Y, NAME) {

 * @module node
 * @submodule node-base

var methods = [
 * Determines whether the node has the given className.
 * @method hasClass
 * @for Node
 * @param {String} className the class name to search for
 * @return {Boolean} Whether or not the node has the specified class

 * Adds a class name to the node.
 * @method addClass
 * @param {String} className the class name to add to the node's class attribute
 * @chainable

 * Removes a class name from the node.
 * @method removeClass
 * @param {String} className the class name to remove from the node's class attribute
 * @chainable

 * Replace a class with another class on the node.
 * If no oldClassName is present, the newClassName is simply added.
 * @method replaceClass
 * @param {String} oldClassName the class name to be replaced
 * @param {String} newClassName the class name that will be replacing the old class name
 * @chainable

 * If the className exists on the node it is removed, if it doesn't exist it is added.
 * @method toggleClass
 * @param {String} className the class name to be toggled
 * @param {Boolean} force Option to force adding or removing the class.
 * @chainable

Y.Node.importMethod(Y.DOM, methods);
 * Determines whether each node has the given className.
 * @method hasClass
 * @see Node.hasClass
 * @for NodeList
 * @param {String} className the class name to search for
 * @return {Array} An array of booleans for each node bound to the NodeList.

 * Adds a class name to each node.
 * @method addClass
 * @see Node.addClass
 * @param {String} className the class name to add to each node's class attribute
 * @chainable

 * Removes a class name from each node.
 * @method removeClass
 * @see Node.removeClass
 * @param {String} className the class name to remove from each node's class attribute
 * @chainable

 * Replace a class with another class for each node.
 * If no oldClassName is present, the newClassName is simply added.
 * @method replaceClass
 * @see Node.replaceClass
 * @param {String} oldClassName the class name to be replaced
 * @param {String} newClassName the class name that will be replacing the old class name
 * @chainable

 * For each node, if the className exists on the node it is removed, if it doesn't exist it is added.
 * @method toggleClass
 * @see Node.toggleClass
 * @param {String} className the class name to be toggled
 * @chainable
Y.NodeList.importMethod(Y.Node.prototype, methods);
 * @module node
 * @submodule node-base

var Y_Node = Y.Node,
    Y_DOM = Y.DOM;

 * Returns a new dom node using the provided markup string.
 * @method create
 * @static
 * @param {String} html The markup used to create the element.
 * Use <a href="../classes/Escape.html#method_html">`Y.Escape.html()`</a>
 * to escape html content.
 * @param {HTMLDocument} doc An optional document context
 * @return {Node} A Node instance bound to a DOM node or fragment
 * @for Node
Y_Node.create = function(html, doc) {
    if (doc && doc._node) {
        doc = doc._node;
    return, doc));

Y.mix(Y_Node.prototype, {
     * Creates a new Node using the provided markup string.
     * @method create
     * @param {String} html The markup used to create the element.
     * Use <a href="../classes/Escape.html#method_html">`Y.Escape.html()`</a>
     * to escape html content.
     * @param {HTMLDocument} doc An optional document context
     * @return {Node} A Node instance bound to a DOM node or fragment
    create: Y_Node.create,

     * Inserts the content before the reference node.
     * @method insert
     * @param {String | Node | HTMLElement | NodeList | HTMLCollection} content The content to insert.
     * Use <a href="../classes/Escape.html#method_html">`Y.Escape.html()`</a>
     * to escape html content.
     * @param {Int | Node | HTMLElement | String} where The position to insert at.
     * Possible "where" arguments
     * <dl>
     * <dt>Y.Node</dt>
     * <dd>The Node to insert before</dd>
     * <dt>HTMLElement</dt>
     * <dd>The element to insert before</dd>
     * <dt>Int</dt>
     * <dd>The index of the child element to insert before</dd>
     * <dt>"replace"</dt>
     * <dd>Replaces the existing HTML</dd>
     * <dt>"before"</dt>
     * <dd>Inserts before the existing HTML</dd>
     * <dt>"before"</dt>
     * <dd>Inserts content before the node</dd>
     * <dt>"after"</dt>
     * <dd>Inserts content after the node</dd>
     * </dl>
     * @chainable
    insert: function(content, where) {
        this._insert(content, where);
        return this;

    _insert: function(content, where) {
        var node = this._node,
            ret = null;

        if (typeof where == 'number') { // allow index
            where = this._node.childNodes[where];
        } else if (where && where._node) { // Node
            where = where._node;

        if (content && typeof content != 'string') { // allow Node or NodeList/Array instances
            content = content._node || content._nodes || content;
        ret = Y_DOM.addHTML(node, content, where);

        return ret;

     * Inserts the content as the firstChild of the node.
     * @method prepend
     * @param {String | Node | HTMLElement} content The content to insert.
     * Use <a href="../classes/Escape.html#method_html">`Y.Escape.html()`</a>
     * to escape html content.
     * @chainable
    prepend: function(content) {
        return this.insert(content, 0);

     * Inserts the content as the lastChild of the node.
     * @method append
     * @param {String | Node | HTMLElement} content The content to insert.
     * Use <a href="../classes/Escape.html#method_html">`Y.Escape.html()`</a>
     * to escape html content.
     * @chainable
    append: function(content) {
        return this.insert(content, null);

     * @method appendChild
     * @param {String | HTMLElement | Node} node Node to be appended.
     * Use <a href="../classes/Escape.html#method_html">`Y.Escape.html()`</a>
     * to escape html content.
     * @return {Node} The appended node
    appendChild: function(node) {
        return Y_Node.scrubVal(this._insert(node));

     * @method insertBefore
     * @param {String | HTMLElement | Node} newNode Node to be appended
     * @param {HTMLElement | Node} refNode Node to be inserted before.
     * Use <a href="../classes/Escape.html#method_html">`Y.Escape.html()`</a>
     * to escape html content.
     * @return {Node} The inserted node
    insertBefore: function(newNode, refNode) {
        return Y.Node.scrubVal(this._insert(newNode, refNode));

     * Appends the node to the given node.
     * @example
     *      // appendTo returns the node that has been created beforehand
     *      Y.Node.create('<p></p>').appendTo('body').set('text', 'hello world!');
     * @method appendTo
     * @param {Node | HTMLElement | String} node The node to append to.
     *  If `node` is a string it will be considered as a css selector and only the first matching node will be used.
     * @chainable
    appendTo: function(node) {;
        return this;

    // This method is deprecated, and is intentionally left undocumented.
    // Use `setHTML` instead.
    setContent: function(content) {
        this._insert(content, 'replace');
        return this;

    // This method is deprecated, and is intentionally left undocumented.
    // Use `getHTML` instead.
    getContent: function() {
        var node = this;

        if (node._node.nodeType === 11) { // 11 === Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE
            // "this", when it is a document fragment, must be cloned because
            // the nodes contained in the fragment actually disappear once
            // the fragment is appended anywhere
            node = node.create("<div/>").append(node.cloneNode(true));

        return node.get("innerHTML");

 * Replaces the node's current html content with the content provided.
 * Note that this passes to innerHTML and is not escaped.
 * Use <a href="../classes/Escape.html#method_html">`Y.Escape.html()`</a>
 * to escape html content or `set('text')` to add as text.
 * @method setHTML
 * @param {String | Node | HTMLElement | NodeList | HTMLCollection} content The content to insert
 * @chainable
Y.Node.prototype.setHTML = Y.Node.prototype.setContent;

 * Returns the node's current html content (e.g. innerHTML)
 * @method getHTML
 * @return {String} The html content
Y.Node.prototype.getHTML = Y.Node.prototype.getContent;

Y.NodeList.importMethod(Y.Node.prototype, [
     * Called on each Node instance
     * @for NodeList
     * @method append
     * @see Node.append

     * Called on each Node instance
     * @for NodeList
     * @method insert
     * @see Node.insert

     * Called on each Node instance
     * @for NodeList
     * @method appendChild
     * @see Node.appendChild

     * Called on each Node instance
     * @for NodeList
     * @method insertBefore
     * @see Node.insertBefore

     * Called on each Node instance
     * @for NodeList
     * @method prepend
     * @see Node.prepend



     * Called on each Node instance
     * Note that this passes to innerHTML and is not escaped.
     * Use <a href="../classes/Escape.html#method_html">`Y.Escape.html()`</a>
     * to escape html content or `set('text')` to add as text.
     * @for NodeList
     * @method setHTML
     * @see Node.setHTML

     * Called on each Node instance
     * @for NodeList
     * @method getHTML
     * @see Node.getHTML
 * @module node
 * @submodule node-base

var Y_Node = Y.Node,
    Y_DOM = Y.DOM;

 * Static collection of configuration attributes for special handling
 * @property ATTRS
 * @static
 * @type object
Y_Node.ATTRS = {
     * Allows for getting and setting the text of an element.
     * Formatting is preserved and special characters are treated literally.
     * @config text
     * @type String
    text: {
        getter: function() {
            return Y_DOM.getText(this._node);

        setter: function(content) {
            Y_DOM.setText(this._node, content);
            return content;

     * Allows for getting and setting the text of an element.
     * Formatting is preserved and special characters are treated literally.
     * @config for
     * @type String
    'for': {
        getter: function() {
            return Y_DOM.getAttribute(this._node, 'for');

        setter: function(val) {
            Y_DOM.setAttribute(this._node, 'for', val);
            return val;

    'options': {
        getter: function() {
            return this._node.getElementsByTagName('option');

     * Returns a NodeList instance of all HTMLElement children.
     * @readOnly
     * @config children
     * @type NodeList
    'children': {
        getter: function() {
            var node = this._node,
                children = node.children,
                childNodes, i, len;

            if (!children) {
                childNodes = node.childNodes;
                children = [];

                for (i = 0, len = childNodes.length; i < len; ++i) {
                    if (childNodes[i].tagName) {
                        children[children.length] = childNodes[i];
            return Y.all(children);

    value: {
        getter: function() {
            return Y_DOM.getValue(this._node);

        setter: function(val) {
            Y_DOM.setValue(this._node, val);
            return val;

Y.Node.importMethod(Y.DOM, [
     * Allows setting attributes on DOM nodes, normalizing in some cases.
     * This passes through to the DOM node, allowing for custom attributes.
     * @method setAttribute
     * @for Node
     * @for NodeList
     * @chainable
     * @param {string} name The attribute name
     * @param {string} value The value to set
     * Allows getting attributes on DOM nodes, normalizing in some cases.
     * This passes through to the DOM node, allowing for custom attributes.
     * @method getAttribute
     * @for Node
     * @for NodeList
     * @param {string} name The attribute name
     * @return {string} The attribute value

 * @module node
 * @submodule node-base

var Y_Node = Y.Node;
var Y_NodeList = Y.NodeList;
 * List of events that route to DOM events
 * @static
 * @property DOM_EVENTS
 * @for Node

    abort: 1,
    beforeunload: 1,
    blur: 1,
    change: 1,
    click: 1,
    close: 1,
    command: 1,
    contextmenu: 1,
    copy: 1,
    cut: 1,
    dblclick: 1,
    DOMMouseScroll: 1,
    drag: 1,
    dragstart: 1,
    dragenter: 1,
    dragover: 1,
    dragleave: 1,
    dragend: 1,
    drop: 1,
    error: 1,
    focus: 1,
    key: 1,
    keydown: 1,
    keypress: 1,
    keyup: 1,
    load: 1,
    message: 1,
    mousedown: 1,
    mouseenter: 1,
    mouseleave: 1,
    mousemove: 1,
    mousemultiwheel: 1,
    mouseout: 1,
    mouseover: 1,
    mouseup: 1,
    mousewheel: 1,
    orientationchange: 1,
    paste: 1,
    reset: 1,
    resize: 1,
    select: 1,
    selectstart: 1,
    submit: 1,
    scroll: 1,
    textInput: 1,
    unload: 1,
    invalid: 1

// Add custom event adaptors to this list.  This will make it so
// that delegate, key, available, contentready, etc all will
// be available through Node.on
Y.mix(Y_Node.DOM_EVENTS, Y.Env.evt.plugins);

Y.augment(Y_Node, Y.EventTarget);

Y.mix(Y_Node.prototype, {
     * Removes event listeners from the node and (optionally) its subtree
     * @method purge
     * @param {Boolean} recurse (optional) Whether or not to remove listeners from the
     * node's subtree
     * @param {String} type (optional) Only remove listeners of the specified type
     * @chainable
    purge: function(recurse, type) {
        Y.Event.purgeElement(this._node, recurse, type);
        return this;


Y.mix(Y.NodeList.prototype, {
    _prepEvtArgs: function(type, fn, context) {
        // map to Y.on/after signature (type, fn, nodes, context, arg1, arg2, etc)
        var args = Y.Array(arguments, 0, true);

        if (args.length < 2) { // type only (event hash) just add nodes
            args[2] = this._nodes;
        } else {
            args.splice(2, 0, this._nodes);

        args[3] = context || this; // default to NodeList instance as context

        return args;

    Subscribe a callback function for each `Node` in the collection to execute
    in response to a DOM event.

    NOTE: Generally, the `on()` method should be avoided on `NodeLists`, in
    favor of using event delegation from a parent Node.  See the Event user
    guide for details.

    Most DOM events are associated with a preventable default behavior, such as
    link clicks navigating to a new page.  Callbacks are passed a
    `DOMEventFacade` object as their first argument (usually called `e`) that
    can be used to prevent this default behavior with `e.preventDefault()`. See
    the `DOMEventFacade` API for all available properties and methods on the

    By default, the `this` object will be the `NodeList` that the subscription
    came from, <em>not the `Node` that received the event</em>.  Use
    `e.currentTarget` to refer to the `Node`.

    Returning `false` from a callback is supported as an alternative to calling
    `e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation();`.  However, it is recommended to
    use the event methods.


        Y.all(".sku").on("keydown", function (e) {
            if (e.keyCode === 13) {

                // Use e.currentTarget to refer to the individual Node
                var item = Y.MyApp.searchInventory( e.currentTarget.get('value') );
                // etc ...

    @method on
    @param {String} type The name of the event
    @param {Function} fn The callback to execute in response to the event
    @param {Object} [context] Override `this` object in callback
    @param {Any} [arg*] 0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber
    @return {EventHandle} A subscription handle capable of detaching that
    @for NodeList
    on: function(type, fn, context) {
        return Y.on.apply(Y, this._prepEvtArgs.apply(this, arguments));

     * Applies an one-time event listener to each Node bound to the NodeList.
     * @method once
     * @param {String} type The event being listened for
     * @param {Function} fn The handler to call when the event fires
     * @param {Object} context The context to call the handler with.
     * Default is the NodeList instance.
     * @return {EventHandle} A subscription handle capable of detaching that
     *                    subscription
     * @for NodeList
    once: function(type, fn, context) {
        return Y.once.apply(Y, this._prepEvtArgs.apply(this, arguments));

     * Applies an event listener to each Node bound to the NodeList.
     * The handler is called only after all on() handlers are called
     * and the event is not prevented.
     * @method after
     * @param {String} type The event being listened for
     * @param {Function} fn The handler to call when the event fires
     * @param {Object} context The context to call the handler with.
     * Default is the NodeList instance.
     * @return {EventHandle} A subscription handle capable of detaching that
     *                    subscription
     * @for NodeList
    after: function(type, fn, context) {
        return Y.after.apply(Y, this._prepEvtArgs.apply(this, arguments));

     * Applies an one-time event listener to each Node bound to the NodeList
     * that will be called only after all on() handlers are called and the
     * event is not prevented.
     * @method onceAfter
     * @param {String} type The event being listened for
     * @param {Function} fn The handler to call when the event fires
     * @param {Object} context The context to call the handler with.
     * Default is the NodeList instance.
     * @return {EventHandle} A subscription handle capable of detaching that
     *                    subscription
     * @for NodeList
    onceAfter: function(type, fn, context) {
        return Y.onceAfter.apply(Y, this._prepEvtArgs.apply(this, arguments));

Y_NodeList.importMethod(Y.Node.prototype, [
      * Called on each Node instance
      * @method detach
      * @see Node.detach
      * @for NodeList

    /** Called on each Node instance
      * @method detachAll
      * @see Node.detachAll
      * @for NodeList

Subscribe a callback function to execute in response to a DOM event or custom

Most DOM events are associated with a preventable default behavior such as
link clicks navigating to a new page.  Callbacks are passed a `DOMEventFacade`
object as their first argument (usually called `e`) that can be used to
prevent this default behavior with `e.preventDefault()`. See the
`DOMEventFacade` API for all available properties and methods on the object.

If the event name passed as the first parameter is not a whitelisted DOM event,
it will be treated as a custom event subscriptions, allowing
`'customEventName')` later in the code.  Refer to the Event user guide
for the full DOM event whitelist.

By default, the `this` object in the callback will refer to the subscribed

Returning `false` from a callback is supported as an alternative to calling
`e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation();`.  However, it is recommended to use
the event methods.

@example"#my-form").on("submit", function (e) {

        // proceed with ajax form submission instead...

@method on
@param {String} type The name of the event
@param {Function} fn The callback to execute in response to the event
@param {Object} [context] Override `this` object in callback
@param {Any} [arg*] 0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber
@return {EventHandle} A subscription handle capable of detaching that
@for Node

Y.mix(Y.Node.ATTRS, {
    offsetHeight: {
        setter: function(h) {
            Y.DOM.setHeight(this._node, h);
            return h;

        getter: function() {
            return this._node.offsetHeight;

    offsetWidth: {
        setter: function(w) {
            Y.DOM.setWidth(this._node, w);
            return w;

        getter: function() {
            return this._node.offsetWidth;

Y.mix(Y.Node.prototype, {
    sizeTo: function(w, h) {
        var node;
        if (arguments.length < 2) {
            node =;
            w = node.get('offsetWidth');
            h = node.get('offsetHeight');

            offsetWidth: w,
            offsetHeight: h

if (!Y.config.doc.documentElement.hasAttribute) { // IE < 8
    Y.Node.prototype.hasAttribute = function(attr) {
        if (attr === 'value') {
            if (this.get('value') !== "") { // IE < 8 fails to populate specified when set in HTML
                return true;
        return !!(this._node.attributes[attr] &&

// IE throws an error when calling focus() on an element that's invisible, not
// displayed, or disabled.
Y.Node.prototype.focus = function () {
    try {
    } catch (e) {

    return this;

// IE throws error when setting input.type = 'hidden',
// input.setAttribute('type', 'hidden') and input.attributes.type.value = 'hidden'
Y.Node.ATTRS.type = {
    setter: function(val) {
        if (val === 'hidden') {
            try {
                this._node.type = 'hidden';
            } catch(e) {
       = 'none';
                this._inputType = 'hidden';
        } else {
            try { // IE errors when changing the type from "hidden'
                this._node.type = val;
            } catch (e) {
        return val;

    getter: function() {
        return this._inputType || this._node.type;

    _bypassProxy: true // don't update DOM when using with Attribute

if (Y.config.doc.createElement('form').elements.nodeType) {
    // IE: elements collection is also FORM node which trips up scrubVal.
    Y.Node.ATTRS.elements = {
            getter: function() {
                return this.all('input, textarea, button, select');
 * Provides methods for managing custom Node data.
 * @module node
 * @main node
 * @submodule node-data

Y.mix(Y.Node.prototype, {
    _initData: function() {
        if (! ('_data' in this)) {
            this._data = {};

    * @method getData
    * @for Node
    * @description Retrieves arbitrary data stored on a Node instance.
    * If no data is associated with the Node, it will attempt to retrieve
    * a value from the corresponding HTML data attribute. (e.g. node.getData('foo')
    * will check node.getAttribute('data-foo')).
    * @param {string} name Optional name of the data field to retrieve.
    * If no name is given, all data is returned.
    * @return {any | Object} Whatever is stored at the given field,
    * or an object hash of all fields.
    getData: function(name) {
        var data = this._data,
            ret = data;

        if (arguments.length) { // single field
            if (name in data) {
                ret = data[name];
            } else { // initialize from HTML attribute
                ret = this._getDataAttribute(name);
        } else if (typeof data == 'object' && data !== null) { // all fields
            ret = {};
            Y.Object.each(data, function(v, n) {
                ret[n] = v;

            ret = this._getDataAttributes(ret);

        return ret;


    _getDataAttributes: function(ret) {
        ret = ret || {};
        var i = 0,
            attrs = this._node.attributes,
            len = attrs.length,
            prefix = this.DATA_PREFIX,
            prefixLength = prefix.length,

        while (i < len) {
            name = attrs[i].name;
            if (name.indexOf(prefix) === 0) {
                name = name.substr(prefixLength);
                if (!(name in ret)) { // only merge if not already stored
                    ret[name] = this._getDataAttribute(name);

            i += 1;

        return ret;

    _getDataAttribute: function(name) {
        name = this.DATA_PREFIX + name;

        var node = this._node,
            attrs = node.attributes,
            data = attrs && attrs[name] && attrs[name].value;

        return data;

    * @method setData
    * @for Node
    * @description Stores arbitrary data on a Node instance.
    * This is not stored with the DOM node.
    * @param {string} name The name of the field to set. If no val
    * is given, name is treated as the data and overrides any existing data.
    * @param {any} val The value to be assigned to the field.
    * @chainable
    setData: function(name, val) {
        if (arguments.length > 1) {
            this._data[name] = val;
        } else {
            this._data = name;

       return this;

    * @method clearData
    * @for Node
    * @description Clears internally stored data.
    * @param {string} name The name of the field to clear. If no name
    * is given, all data is cleared.
    * @chainable
    clearData: function(name) {
        if ('_data' in this) {
            if (typeof name != 'undefined') {
                delete this._data[name];
            } else {
                delete this._data;

        return this;

Y.mix(Y.NodeList.prototype, {
    * @method getData
    * @for NodeList
    * @description Retrieves arbitrary data stored on each Node instance
    * bound to the NodeList.
    * @see Node
    * @param {string} name Optional name of the data field to retrieve.
    * If no name is given, all data is returned.
    * @return {Array} An array containing all of the data for each Node instance.
    * or an object hash of all fields.
    getData: function(name) {
        var args = (arguments.length) ? [name] : [];
        return this._invoke('getData', args, true);

    * @method setData
    * @for NodeList
    * @description Stores arbitrary data on each Node instance bound to the
    *  NodeList. This is not stored with the DOM node.
    * @param {string} name The name of the field to set. If no name
    * is given, name is treated as the data and overrides any existing data.
    * @param {any} val The value to be assigned to the field.
    * @chainable
    setData: function(name, val) {
        var args = (arguments.length > 1) ? [name, val] : [name];
        return this._invoke('setData', args);

    * @method clearData
    * @for NodeList
    * @description Clears data on all Node instances bound to the NodeList.
    * @param {string} name The name of the field to clear. If no name
    * is given, all data is cleared.
    * @chainable
    clearData: function(name) {
        var args = (arguments.length) ? [name] : [];
        return this._invoke('clearData', [name]);

}, '3.18.1', {"requires": ["event-base", "node-core", "dom-base", "dom-style"]});