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YUI.add('yui2-profilerviewer', function(Y) {
    var YAHOO    = Y.YUI2;
Copyright (c) 2011, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Code licensed under the BSD License:
version: 2.9.0
(function() {

     * The ProfilerViewer module provides a graphical display for viewing
         * the output of the YUI Profiler <>.
     * @module profilerviewer
     * @requires yahoo, dom, event, element, profiler, yuiloader

     * A widget to view YUI Profiler output.
     * @namespace YAHOO.widget
     * @class ProfilerViewer
     * @extends YAHOO.util.Element
     * @constructor
     * @param {HTMLElement | String | Object} el(optional) The html 
     * element into which the ProfileViewer should be rendered. 
     * An element will be created if none provided.
     * @param {Object} attr (optional) A key map of the ProfilerViewer's 
     * initial attributes.  Ignored if first arg is an attributes object.
    YAHOO.widget.ProfilerViewer = function(el, attr) {
        attr = attr || {};
        if (arguments.length == 1 && !YAHOO.lang.isString(el) && !el.nodeName) {
            attr = el;
            el = attr.element || null;
        if (!el && !attr.element) {
            el = this._createProfilerViewerElement();
        }, el, attr); 
                YAHOO.log("ProfilerViewer instantiated.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");

    YAHOO.extend(YAHOO.widget.ProfilerViewer, YAHOO.util.Element);
        // Static members of YAHOO.widget.ProfilerViewer:
        YAHOO.lang.augmentObject(YAHOO.widget.ProfilerViewer, {
                 * Classname for ProfilerViewer containing element.
                 * @static
                 * @property CLASS
                 * @type string
                 * @public
                 * @default "yui-pv"
                CLASS: 'yui-pv',
                 * Classname for ProfilerViewer button dashboard. 
                 * @static
                 * @property CLASS_DASHBOARD
                 * @type string
                 * @public
                 * @default "yui-pv-dashboard"
                CLASS_DASHBOARD: 'yui-pv-dashboard',

                 * Classname for the "refresh data" button. 
                 * @static
                 * @property CLASS_REFRESH
                 * @type string
                 * @public
                 * @default "yui-pv-refresh"
                CLASS_REFRESH: 'yui-pv-refresh',

                 * Classname for busy indicator in the dashboard. 
                 * @static
                 * @property CLASS_BUSY
                 * @type string
                 * @public
                 * @default "yui-pv-busy"
                CLASS_BUSY: 'yui-pv-busy',
                 * Classname for element containing the chart and chart
                 * legend elements.
                 * @static
                 * @property CLASS_CHART_CONTAINER
                 * @type string
                 * @public
                 * @default "yui-pv-chartcontainer"
                CLASS_CHART_CONTAINER: 'yui-pv-chartcontainer',
                 * Classname for element containing the chart.
                 * @static
                 * @property CLASS_CHART
                 * @type string
                 * @public
                 * @default "yui-pv-chart"
                CLASS_CHART: 'yui-pv-chart',
                 * Classname for element containing the chart's legend. 
                 * @static
                 * @property CLASS_CHART_LEGEND
                 * @type string
                 * @public
                 * @default "yui-pv-chartlegend"
                CLASS_CHART_LEGEND: 'yui-pv-chartlegend',
                 * Classname for element containing the datatable. 
                 * @static
                 * @property CLASS_TABLE
                 * @type string
                 * @public
                 * @default "yui-pv-table"
                CLASS_TABLE: 'yui-pv-table',
                 * HTML strings used in the UI. Values will be inserted into DOM with innerHTML.
                 * @static
                 * @property STRINGS
                 * @object
                 * @public
                 * @default English language strings for UI.
                STRINGS: {
                        title: "YUI ProfilerViewer",
                        buttons: {
                                viewprofiler: "View Profiler Data",
                                hideprofiler: "Hide Profiler Report",
                                showchart: "Show Chart",
                                hidechart: "Hide Chart",
                                refreshdata: "Refresh Data"
                        colHeads: {
                                //key: [column head label, width in pixels]
                                fn: ["Function/Method", null], //must auto-size
                                calls: ["Calls", 40],
                                avg: ["Average", 80],
                                min: ["Shortest", 70],
                                max: ["Longest", 70],
                                total: ["Total Time", 70],
                                pct: ["Percent", 70]
                        millisecondsAbbrev: "ms",
                        initMessage: "initialiazing chart...",
                        installFlashMessage: "Unable to load Flash content. The YUI Charts Control requires Flash Player 9.0.45 or higher. You can download the latest version of Flash Player from the <a href=''>Adobe Flash Player Download Center</a>."

                 * Function used to format numbers in milliseconds
                 * for chart; must be publicly accessible, per Charts spec.
                 * @static
                 * @property timeAxisLabelFunction
                 * @type function
                 * @private
                timeAxisLabelFunction: function(n) {
                        var a = (n === Math.floor(n)) ? n : (Math.round(n*1000))/1000;
                        return (a + " " + YAHOO.widget.ProfilerViewer.STRINGS.millisecondsAbbrev);

                 * Function used to format percent numbers for chart; must
                 * be publicly accessible, per Charts spec.
                 * @static
                 * @property percentAxisLabelFunction
                 * @type function
                 * @private
                percentAxisLabelFunction: function(n) {
                        var a = (n === Math.floor(n)) ? n : (Math.round(n*100))/100;
                        return (a + "%");

    var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom;
    var Event = YAHOO.util.Event;
        var Profiler = YAHOO.tool.Profiler;
        var PV = YAHOO.widget.ProfilerViewer;
        var proto = PV.prototype;

     * Refreshes the data displayed in the ProfilerViewer. When called,
         * this will invoke a refresh of the DataTable and (if displayed)
         * the Chart.
     * @method refreshData
     * @return void
         * @public
        proto.refreshData = function() {
                YAHOO.log("Data refresh requested via refreshData method.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");

     * Returns the element containing the console's header.
     * @method getHeadEl
     * @return HTMLElement
         * @public
        proto.getHeadEl = function() {
                YAHOO.log("Head element requested via getHeadEl.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
                return (this._headEl) ? Dom.get(this._headEl) : false;

     * Returns the element containing the console's body, including
         * the chart and the datatable..
     * @method getBodyEl
     * @return HTMLElement
         * @public
        proto.getBodyEl = function() {
                YAHOO.log("Body element requested via getBodyEl.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
                return (this._bodyEl) ? Dom.get(this._bodyEl) : false;

     * Returns the element containing the console's chart.
     * @method getChartEl
     * @return HTMLElement
         * @public
        proto.getChartEl = function() {
                YAHOO.log("Chart element requested via getChartEl.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
                return (this._chartEl) ? Dom.get(this._chartEl) : false;

     * Returns the element containing the console's dataTable.
     * @method getTableEl
     * @return HTMLElement
         * @public
        proto.getTableEl = function() {
                YAHOO.log("DataTable element requested via getTableEl.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
                return (this._tableEl) ? Dom.get(this._tableEl) : false;

     * Returns the element containing the console's DataTable
         * instance.
     * @method getDataTable
     * @return YAHOO.widget.DataTable
         * @public
        proto.getDataTable = function() {
                YAHOO.log("DataTable instance requested via getDataTable.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
                return this._dataTable;

     * Returns the element containing the console's Chart instance.
     * @method getChart
     * @return YAHOO.widget.BarChart
         * @public
        proto.getChart = function() {
                YAHOO.log("Chart instance requested via getChart.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
                return this._chart;

    proto._rendered = false;
        proto._headEl = null;
        proto._bodyEl = null;
        proto._toggleVisibleEl = null;
        proto._busyEl = null;
        proto._busy = false;
        proto._tableEl = null;
        proto._dataTable = null;

        proto._chartEl = null;
        proto._chartLegendEl = null;
        proto._chartElHeight = 250;
        proto._chart = null;
        proto._chartInitialized = false;


        proto._init = function() {
                 * CUSTOM EVENTS
                 * Fired when a data refresh is requested. No arguments are passed
                 * with this event.
                 * @event refreshDataEvent
                 * Fired when the viewer canvas first renders. No arguments are passed
                 * with this event.
                 * @event renderEvent

                this.on("dataRefreshEvent", this._refreshDataTable, this, true);
                if(this.get("showChart")) {
                        this.on("sortedByChange", this._refreshChart);

                YAHOO.log("ProfilerViewer instance initialization complete.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");

         * If no element is passed in, create it as the first element
         * in the document.
         * @method _createProfilerViewerElement
         * @return HTMLElement
         * @private
        proto._createProfilerViewerElement = function() {
                YAHOO.log("Creating root element...", "info", "ProfilerViewer");

                var el = document.createElement("div");
                document.body.insertBefore(el, document.body.firstChild);
                Dom.addClass(el, this.SKIN_CLASS);
                Dom.addClass(el, PV.CLASS);
                return el;
     * Provides a readable name for the ProfilerViewer instance.
     * @method toString
     * @return String
         * @private
    proto.toString = function() {
        return "ProfilerViewer " + (this.get('id') || this.get('tagName'));

     * Toggles visibility of the viewer canvas.
     * @method _toggleVisible
     * @return void
         * @private
        proto._toggleVisible = function() {
                YAHOO.log("Toggling visibility to " + !this.get("visible") + ".", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
                var newVis = (this.get("visible")) ? false : true;
                this.set("visible", newVis);

     * Shows the viewer canvas.
     * @method show
     * @return void
         * @private
         proto._show = function() {
                if(!this._busy) {
                        if(!this._rendered) {
                                var loader = new YAHOO.util.YUILoader();
                                if (this.get("base")) {
                                        loader.base = this.get("base");
                                var modules = ["datatable"];
                                if(this.get("showChart")) {
                                loader.insert({ require: modules,
                                                                onSuccess: function() {
                                                                scope: this});
                        } else {
                                var el = this.get("element");
                                Dom.removeClass(el, "yui-pv-minimized");
                                this._toggleVisibleEl.innerHTML = PV.STRINGS.buttons.hideprofiler;
                                //The Flash Charts component can't be set to display:none,
                                //and even after positioning it offscreen the screen
                                //may fail to repaint in some browsers.  Adding an empty
                                //style rule to the console body can help force a repaint:
                                Dom.addClass(el, "yui-pv-null");
                                Dom.removeClass(el, "yui-pv-null");
                                //Always refresh data when changing to visible:

     * Hides the viewer canvas.
     * @method hide
     * @return void
         * @private
        proto._hide = function() {
                this._toggleVisibleEl.innerHTML = PV.STRINGS.buttons.viewprofiler;
                Dom.addClass(this.get("element"), "yui-pv-minimized");
         * Render the viewer canvas
         * @method _render
         * @return void
         * @private
        proto._render = function() {
                YAHOO.log("Beginning to render ProfilerViewer canvas...", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
                Dom.removeClass(this.get("element"), "yui-pv-minimized");
                if(this.get("showChart")) {
                this._rendered = true;
                this._toggleVisibleEl.innerHTML = PV.STRINGS.buttons.hideprofiler;

                YAHOO.log("ProfilerViewer rendering complete...", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
         * Set up the DOM structure for the ProfilerViewer launcher.
         * @method _initLauncherDOM
         * @private
        proto._initLauncherDOM = function() {
                YAHOO.log("Creating the launcher...", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
                var el = this.get("element");
                Dom.addClass(el, PV.CLASS);
                Dom.addClass(el, "yui-pv-minimized");

                this._headEl = document.createElement("div");
                Dom.addClass(this._headEl, "hd");
                var s = PV.STRINGS.buttons;
                var b = (this.get("visible")) ? s.hideprofiler : s.viewprofiler;
                this._toggleVisibleEl = this._createButton(b, this._headEl);
                this._refreshEl = this._createButton(s.refreshdata, this._headEl);
                Dom.addClass(this._refreshEl, PV.CLASS_REFRESH);
                this._busyEl = document.createElement("span");

                var title = document.createElement("h4");
                title.innerHTML = PV.STRINGS.title;
                Event.on(this._toggleVisibleEl, "click", this._toggleVisible, this, true);
                Event.on(this._refreshEl, "click", function() {
                        if(!this._busy) {
                }, this, true);

         * Set up the DOM structure for the ProfilerViewer canvas,
         * including the holder for the DataTable.
         * @method _initViewerDOM
         * @private
        proto._initViewerDOM = function() {
                YAHOO.log("Creating DOM structure for viewer...", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
                var el = this.get("element");
                this._bodyEl = document.createElement("div");
                Dom.addClass(this._bodyEl, "bd");
                this._tableEl = document.createElement("div");
                Dom.addClass(this._tableEl, PV.CLASS_TABLE);

         * Set up the DOM structure for the ProfilerViewer canvas.
         * @method _initChartDOM
         * @private
        proto._initChartDOM = function() {
                YAHOO.log("Adding DOM structure for chart...", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
                this._chartContainer = document.createElement("div");
                Dom.addClass(this._chartContainer, PV.CLASS_CHART_CONTAINER);
                var chl = document.createElement("div");
                Dom.addClass(chl, PV.CLASS_CHART_LEGEND);
                var chw = document.createElement("div");

                this._chartLegendEl = document.createElement("dl");
                this._chartLegendEl.innerHTML = "<dd>" + PV.STRINGS.initMessage + "</dd>";
                this._chartEl = document.createElement("div");
                Dom.addClass(this._chartEl, PV.CLASS_CHART);
                var msg = document.createElement("p");
                msg.innerHTML = PV.STRINGS.installFlashMessage;

         * Create anchor elements for use as buttons. Args: label
         * is text to appear on the face of the button, parentEl
         * is the el to which the anchor will be attached, position
         * is true for inserting as the first node and false for
         * inserting as the last node of the parentEl.
         * @method _createButton
         * @private
        proto._createButton = function(label, parentEl, position) {
                var b = document.createElement("a");
                b.innerHTML = b.title = label;
                if(parentEl) {
                        if(!position) {
                        } else {
                                parentEl.insertBefore(b, parentEl.firstChild);  
                return b;
         * Set's console busy state.
         * @method _setBusyState
         * @private
        proto._setBusyState = function(b) {
                if(b) {
                        Dom.addClass(this._busyEl, PV.CLASS_BUSY);
                        this._busy = true;
                } else {
                        Dom.removeClass(this._busyEl, PV.CLASS_BUSY);
                        this._busy = false;

         * Generages a sorting function based on current sortedBy
         * values.
         * @method _createProfilerViewerElement
         * @private
        proto._genSortFunction = function(key, dir) {
                var by = key;
                var direction = dir;
                return function(a, b) {
                        if (direction == YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_ASC) {
                                return a[by] - b[by];   
                        } else {
                                return ((a[by] - b[by]) * -1);

         * Utility function for array sums.
         * @method _arraySum
         * @private
         var _arraySum = function(arr){
                var ct = 0;
                for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; ct+=arr[i++]){}
                return ct;
         * Retrieves data from Profiler, filtering and sorting as needed
         * based on current widget state.  Adds calculated percentage
         * column and function name to data returned by Profiler.
         * @method _getProfilerData
         * @private
        proto._getProfilerData = function() {
                YAHOO.log("Profiler data requested from function DataSource.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
                var obj = Profiler.getFullReport();
                var arr = [];
                var totalTime = 0;
                for (name in obj) {
                if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(obj, name)) {
                                var r = obj[name];
                                var o = {};
                                o.fn = name; //add function name to record
                                o.points = r.points.slice(); //copy live array
                                o.calls = r.calls;
                                o.min = r.min;
                                o.max = r.max;
                                o.avg = r.avg;
                       = _arraySum(o.points);
                                o.points = r.points;
                                var f = this.get("filter");
                                if((!f) || (f(o))) {
                                        totalTime +=;
                //add calculated percentage column
                for (var i = 0, j = arr.length; i < j; i++) {
                        arr[i].pct = (totalTime) ? (arr[i].total * 100) / totalTime : 0;        

                var sortedBy = this.get("sortedBy");
                var key = sortedBy.key;
                var dir = sortedBy.dir;         

                arr.sort(this._genSortFunction(key, dir));
                YAHOO.log("Returning data from DataSource: " + YAHOO.lang.dump(arr), "info", "ProfilerViewer");
                return arr;
         * Set up the DataTable.
         * @method _initDataTable
         * @private
        proto._initDataTable = function() {
                YAHOO.log("Creating DataTable instance...", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
                var self = this;
                //Set up the JS Function DataSource, pulling data from
                //the Profiler.
                this._dataSource = new YAHOO.util.DataSource(
                        function() {
                                responseType: YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSARRAY,
                                maxCacheEntries: 0
                var ds = this._dataSource;

                ds.responseSchema =
                        fields: [ "fn", "avg", "calls", "max", "min", "total", "pct", "points"]
                //Set up the DataTable.
                var formatTimeValue = function(elCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData) {
                        var a = (oData === Math.floor(oData)) ? oData : (Math.round(oData*1000))/1000;
                        elCell.innerHTML = a + " " + PV.STRINGS.millisecondsAbbrev;

                var formatPercent = function(elCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData) {
                        var a = (oData === Math.floor(oData)) ? oData : (Math.round(oData*100))/100;
                        elCell.innerHTML = a + "%";
                var a = YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_ASC;
                var d = YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_DESC;
                var c = PV.STRINGS.colHeads;
                var f = formatTimeValue;
                var cols = [
                        {key:"fn", sortable:true, label: c.fn[0],
                                sortOptions: {defaultDir:a}, 
                                resizeable: (YAHOO.util.DragDrop) ? true : false,
                        {key:"calls", sortable:true, label: c.calls[0],
                                sortOptions: {defaultDir:d},
                        {key:"avg", sortable:true, label: c.avg[0],
                                sortOptions: {defaultDir:d},
                        {key:"min", sortable:true, label: c.min[0],
                                sortOptions: {defaultDir:a},
                        {key:"max", sortable:true, label: c.max[0],
                                sortOptions: {defaultDir:d},
                        {key:"total", sortable:true, label:[0],
                                sortOptions: {defaultDir:d},
                        {key:"pct", sortable:true, label: c.pct[0],
                                sortOptions: {defaultDir:d}, 

                this._dataTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable(this._tableEl, cols, ds, {
                        sortedBy: {
                                key: "total",
                                dir: YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_DESC
                var dt = this._dataTable;

                //Wire up DataTable events to drive the rest of the UI.
                dt.subscribe("sortedByChange", this._sortedByChange, this, true);
                dt.subscribe("renderEvent", this._dataTableRenderHandler, this, true);
                dt.subscribe("initEvent", this._dataTableRenderHandler, this, true);
                Event.on(this._tableEl.getElementsByTagName("th"), "click", this._thClickHandler, this, true);
                YAHOO.log("DataTable initialized.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
         * Proxy the sort event in DataTable into the ProfilerViewer
         * attribute.
         * @method _sortedByChange
         * @private
        proto._sortedByChange = function(o) {
                if(o.newValue && o.newValue.key) {
                        YAHOO.log("Relaying DataTable sortedBy value change; new key: " + o.newValue.key + "; new direction: " + o.newValue.dir + ".", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
                        this.set("sortedBy", {key: o.newValue.key, dir:o.newValue.dir});
         * Proxy the render event in DataTable into the ProfilerViewer
         * attribute.
         * @method _dataTableRenderHandler
         * @private
        proto._dataTableRenderHandler = function(o) {
                YAHOO.log("DataTable's render event has fired.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
         * Event handler for clicks on the DataTable's sortable column
         * heads.
         * @method _thClickHandler
         * @private
        proto._thClickHandler = function(o) {
                YAHOO.log("DataTable's header row was clicked for sorting.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");

         * Refresh DataTable, getting new data from Profiler.
         * @method _refreshDataTable
         * @private
        proto._refreshDataTable = function(args) {
                YAHOO.log("Beginning to refresh DataTable contents...", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
                var dt = this._dataTable;
                dt.getDataSource().sendRequest("", dt.onDataReturnInitializeTable, dt);
                YAHOO.log("DataTable refresh complete.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");

         * Refresh chart, getting new data from table.
         * @method _refreshChart
         * @private
        proto._refreshChart = function() {
                YAHOO.log("Beginning to refresh Chart contents...", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
                switch (this.get("sortedBy").key) {
                        case "fn":
                                /*Keep the same data on the chart, but force update to 
                                  reflect new sort order on function/method name: */
                                this._chart.set("dataSource", this._chart.get("dataSource"));
                                /*no further action necessary; chart redraws*/
                        case "calls":
                                /*Null out the xAxis formatting before redrawing chart.*/
                                this._chart.set("xAxis", this._chartAxisDefinitionPlain);
                        case "pct":
                                this._chart.set("xAxis", this._chartAxisDefinitionPercent);
                                /*Set the default xAxis; redraw legend; set the new series definition.*/
                                this._chart.set("xAxis", this._chartAxisDefinitionTime);
                this._chart.set("series", this._getSeriesDef(this.get("sortedBy").key));

                YAHOO.log("Chart refresh complete.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
         * Get data for the Chart from DataTable recordset
         * @method _getChartData
         * @private
        proto._getChartData = function() {
                YAHOO.log("Getting data for chart from function DataSource.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
                //var records = this._getProfilerData();
                var records = this._dataTable.getRecordSet().getRecords(0, this.get("maxChartFunctions"));
                var arr = [];
                for (var i = 0, j = records.length; i<j; i++) {
                YAHOO.log("Returning data to Chart: " + YAHOO.lang.dump(arr), "info", "ProfilerViewer");
                return arr;
         * Build series definition based on current configuration attributes.
         * @method _getSeriesDef
         * @private
        proto._getSeriesDef = function(field) {
                var sd = this.get("chartSeriesDefinitions")[field];
                var arr = [];
                for(var i = 0, j =; i<j; i++) {
                        var c = this.get("chartSeriesDefinitions")[[i]];
                                 style: {,}
                YAHOO.log("Returning new series definition to chart: " + YAHOO.lang.dump(arr), "info", "ProfilerViewer");
                return arr;
         * Set up the Chart.
         * @method _initChart
         * @private
        proto._initChart = function() {
                YAHOO.log("Initializing chart...", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
                YAHOO.widget.Chart.SWFURL = this.get("swfUrl");

                var self = this;

                //Create DataSource based on records currently displayed
                //at the top of the sort list in the DataTable.
                var ds = new YAHOO.util.DataSource(
                        //force the jsfunction DataSource to run in the scope of
                        //the ProfilerViewer, not in the YAHOO.util.DataSource scope:
                        function() {
                                responseType: YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSARRAY,
                                maxCacheEntries: 0

                ds.responseSchema =
                        fields: [ "fn", "avg", "calls", "max", "min", "total", "pct" ]
                ds.subscribe('responseEvent', this._sizeChartCanvas, this, true);
                //Set up the chart itself.
                this._chartAxisDefinitionTime = new YAHOO.widget.NumericAxis();
                this._chartAxisDefinitionTime.labelFunction = "YAHOO.widget.ProfilerViewer.timeAxisLabelFunction";
                this._chartAxisDefinitionPercent = new YAHOO.widget.NumericAxis();
                this._chartAxisDefinitionPercent.labelFunction = "YAHOO.widget.ProfilerViewer.percentAxisLabelFunction";

                this._chartAxisDefinitionPlain = new YAHOO.widget.NumericAxis();
                this._chart = new YAHOO.widget.BarChart( this._chartEl, ds,
                        yField: "fn",
                        series: this._getSeriesDef(this.get("sortedBy").key),
                        style: this.get("chartStyle"),
                        xAxis: this._chartAxisDefinitionTime
                } );
                this._chartInitialized = true;
                this._dataTable.unsubscribe("initEvent", this._initChart, this);
                this._dataTable.subscribe("initEvent", this._refreshChart, this, true);
                YAHOO.log("Chart initialization complete.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
         * Set up the Chart's legend
         * @method _drawChartLegend
         * @private
        proto._drawChartLegend = function() {
                YAHOO.log("Drawing chart legend...", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
                var seriesDefs = this.get("chartSeriesDefinitions");
                var currentDef = seriesDefs[this.get("sortedBy").key];
                var l = this._chartLegendEl;
                l.innerHTML = "";
                for(var i = 0, j =; i<j; i++) {
                        var c = seriesDefs[[i]];
                        var dt = document.createElement("dt");
                        Dom.setStyle(dt, "backgroundColor", "#" +;
                        var dd = document.createElement("dd");
                        dd.innerHTML = c.displayName;
         * Resize the chart's canvas if based on number of records
         * returned from the chart's datasource.
         * @method _sizeChartCanvas
         * @private
        proto._sizeChartCanvas = function(o) {
                YAHOO.log("Resizing chart canvas...", "info", "ProfilerViewer");
                var bars = (o) ? o.response.length : this.get("maxChartFunctions");
                var s = (bars * 36) + 34;
                if (s != parseInt(this._chartElHeight, 10)) {
                        this._chartElHeight = s;
                        Dom.setStyle(this._chartEl, "height", s + "px");

     * setAttributeConfigs TabView specific properties.
     * @method initAttributes
     * @param {Object} attr Hash of initial attributes
         * @method initAttributes
         * @private
    proto.initAttributes = function(attr) {
                YAHOO.log("Initializing attributes...", "info", "ProfilerViewer");, attr);
         * The YUI Loader base path from which to pull YUI files needed
                 * in the rendering of the ProfilerViewer canvas.  Passed directly
                 * to YUI Loader.  Leave blank to draw files from
         * @attribute base
         * @type string
                 * @default ""
        this.setAttributeConfig('base', {
            value: attr.base

         * The height of the DataTable.  The table will scroll
                 * vertically if the content overflows the specified
                 * height.
         * @attribute tableHeight
         * @type string
                 * @default "15em"
        this.setAttributeConfig('tableHeight', {
            value: attr.tableHeight || "15em",
                        method: function(s) {
                                if(this._dataTable) {
                                        this._dataTable.set("height", s);
         * The default column key to sort by.  Valid keys are: fn, calls,
                 * avg, min, max, total.  Valid dir values are: 
                 * YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_ASC and
                 * YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_DESC (or their
                 * string equivalents).
         * @attribute sortedBy
         * @type string
                 * @default {key:"total", dir:"yui-dt-desc"}
        this.setAttributeConfig('sortedBy', {
            value: attr.sortedBy || {key:"total", dir:"yui-dt-desc"}

         * A filter function to use in selecting functions that will
                 * appear in the ProfilerViewer report.  The function is passed
                 * a function report object and should return a boolean indicating
                 * whether that function should be included in the ProfilerViewer
                 * display.  The argument is structured as follows:
                 * {
                 *              fn: <str function name>,
                 *              calls : <n number of calls>,
                 *              avg : <n average call duration>,
                 *              max: <n duration of longest call>,
                 *              min: <n duration of shortest call>,
                 *              total: <n total time of all calls>
                 *              points : <array time in ms of each call>
                 *      }
                 * For example, you would use the follwing filter function to 
                 * return only functions that have been called at least once:
                 *      function(o) {
                 *              return (o.calls > 0);
                 *      }
         * @attribute filter
         * @type function
                 * @default null
        this.setAttributeConfig('filter', {
            value: attr.filter || null,
                        validator: YAHOO.lang.isFunction

                 * The path to the YUI Charts swf file; must be a full URI
                 * or a path relative to the page being profiled. Changes at runtime
                 * not supported; pass this value in at instantiation.
                 * @attribute swfUrl
                 * @type string
                 * @default ""
                this.setAttributeConfig('swfUrl', {
                        value: attr.swfUrl || ""

         * The maximum number of functions to profile in the chart. The
                 * greater the number of functions, the greater the height of the
                 * chart canvas.
                 * height.
         * @attribute maxChartFunctions
         * @type int
                 * @default 6
        this.setAttributeConfig('maxChartFunctions', {
            value: attr.maxChartFunctions || 6,
                        method: function(s) {
                                if(this._rendered) {
                        validator: YAHOO.lang.isNumber
         * The style object that defines the chart's visual presentation.
                 * Conforms to the style attribute passed to the Charts Control
                 * constructor.  See Charts Control User's Guide for more information
                 * on how to format this object.
         * @attribute chartStyle
         * @type obj
                 * @default See JS source for default definitions.
        this.setAttributeConfig('chartStyle', {
            value:      attr.chartStyle || {
                                                name: "Arial",
                                                color: 0xeeee5c,
                                                size: 12
                                                color: "6e6e63"
                        method: function() {
                                        if(this._rendered && this.get("showChart")) {
         * The series definition information to use when charting
                 * specific fields on the chart.  "displayName", "xField",
                 * and "style" members are used to construct the series
                 * definition; the "group" member is the array of fields
                 * that should be charted when the table is sorted by a
                 * given field. The "displayName" string value will be
                 * treated as markup and inserted into the DOM with innerHTML.
         * @attribute chartSeriesDefinitions
         * @type obj
                 * @default See JS source for full default definitions.
        this.setAttributeConfig('chartSeriesDefinitions', {
            value:      attr.chartSeriesDefinitions ||  {
                                                total: {
                                                        xField: "total",
                                                        style: {color:"4d95dd", size:20},
                                                        group: ["total"]
                                                calls: {                
                                                        displayName: PV.STRINGS.colHeads.calls[0],
                                                        xField: "calls",
                                                        style: {color:"edff9f", size:20},
                                                        group: ["calls"]
                                                avg: {
                                                        displayName: PV.STRINGS.colHeads.avg[0],
                                                        xField: "avg",
                                                        style: {color:"209daf", size:9},
                                                        group: ["avg", "min", "max"]
                                                min: {
                                                        displayName: PV.STRINGS.colHeads.min[0],
                                                        xField: "min",
                                                        style: {color:"b6ecf4", size:9},
                                                        group: ["avg", "min", "max"]
                                                max: {
                                                        displayName: PV.STRINGS.colHeads.max[0],
                                                        xField: "max",
                                                        style: {color:"29c7de", size:9},
                                                        group: ["avg", "min", "max"]
                                                pct: {
                                                        displayName: PV.STRINGS.colHeads.pct[0],
                                                        xField: "pct",
                                                        style: {color:"C96EDB", size:20},
                                                        group: ["pct"]
                        method: function() {
                                        if(this._rendered && this.get("showChart")) {
         * The default visibility setting for the viewer canvas. If true,
                 * the viewer will load all necessary files and render itself
                 * immediately upon instantiation; otherwise, the viewer will
                 * load only minimal resources until the user toggles visibility
                 * via the UI.
         * @attribute visible
         * @type boolean
                 * @default false
        this.setAttributeConfig('visible', {
            value: attr.visible || false,
                        validator: YAHOO.lang.isBoolean,
                        method: function(b) {
                                if(b) {
                                } else {
                                        if (this._rendered) {

         * The default visibility setting for the chart.
         * @attribute showChart
         * @type boolean
                 * @default true
        this.setAttributeConfig('showChart', {
            value: attr.showChart || true,
                        validator: YAHOO.lang.isBoolean,
                        writeOnce: true
      , attr);
                YAHOO.log("Attributes initialized.", "info", "ProfilerViewer");

YAHOO.register("profilerviewer", YAHOO.widget.ProfilerViewer, {version: "2.9.0", build: "2800"});

}, '2.9.0' ,{"requires": ["yui2-skin-sam-profilerviewer", "yui2-yuiloader", "yui2-dom", "yui2-event", "yui2-element", "yui2-profiler"]});