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* This file contains the Block Region class used by the drag and drop manager.
* Provides drag and drop functionality for blocks.
* @module moodle-core-blockdraganddrop
* Constructs a new block region object.
* @namespace M.core.blockdraganddrop
* @class BlockRegion
* @constructor
* @extends Base
BLOCKREGION = function() {
BLOCKREGION.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
BLOCKREGION.prototype = {
* Called during the initialisation process of the object.
* @method initializer
initializer: function() {
var node = this.get('node');
Y.log('Block region `' + this.get('region') + '` initialising', 'info');
if (!node) {
Y.log('block region known about but no HTML structure found for it. Guessing structure.', 'warn');
node = this.create_and_add_node();
var body ='body'),
hasblocks = node.all('.' + CSS.BLOCK).size() > 0,
hasregionclass = this.get_has_region_class();
this.set('hasblocks', hasblocks);
if (!body.hasClass(hasregionclass)) {
body.addClass((hasblocks) ? this.get_used_region_class() : this.get_empty_region_class());
body.removeClass((hasblocks) ? this.get_empty_region_class() : this.get_used_region_class());
* Creates a generic block region node and adds it to the DOM at the best guess location.
* Any calling of this method is an unfortunate circumstance.
* @method create_and_add_node
* @return Node The newly created Node
create_and_add_node: function() {
var c = Y.Node.create,
region = this.get('region'),
node = c('<div id="block-region-' + region + '" data-droptarget="1"></div>')
.setData('blockregion', region),
regions = this.get('manager').get('regions'),
haspre = false,
haspost = false,
added = false,
for (i in regions) {
if (regions[i].match(/(pre|left)/)) {
haspre = regions[i];
} else if (regions[i].match(/(post|right)/)) {
haspost = regions[i];
if (haspre !== false && haspost !== false) {
if (region === haspre) {
post ='#block-region-' + haspost);
if (post) {
post.insert(node, 'before');
added = true;
} else {
pre ='#block-region-' + haspre);
if (pre) {
pre.insert(node, 'after');
added = true;
if (added === false) {'body').append(node);
this.set('node', node);
return node;
* Change the move icons to enhanced drag handles and changes the cursor to a move icon when over the header.
* @param M.core.dragdrop the block manager
* @method change_block_move_icons
change_block_move_icons: function(manager) {
var handle;
this.get('node').all('.' + CSS.BLOCK + ' a.' + CSS.EDITINGMOVE).each(function(moveicon) {
moveicon.setStyle('cursor', 'move');
handle = manager.get_drag_handle(moveicon.getAttribute('title'), '', 'icon', true);
// Dragdrop module assigns this with a button role by default.
// However, the block move icon is part of a menubar, so it should have a menuitem role.
handle.setAttribute('role', 'menuitem');
* Returns the class name on the body that signifies the document knows about this region.
* @method get_has_region_class
* @return String
get_has_region_class: function() {
return 'has-region-' + this.get('region');
* Returns the class name to use on the body if the region contains no blocks.
* @method get_empty_region_class
* @return String
get_empty_region_class: function() {
return 'empty-region-' + this.get('region');
* Returns the class name to use on the body if the region contains blocks.
* @method get_used_region_class
* @return String
get_used_region_class: function() {
return 'used-region-' + this.get('region');
* Returns the node to use as the drop target for this region.
* @method get_droptarget
* @return Node
get_droptarget: function() {
var node = this.get('node');
if (node.test('[data-droptarget="1"]')) {
return node;
* Enables the block region so that we can be sure the user can see it.
* This is done even if it is empty.
* @method enable
enable: function() {'body').addClass(this.get_used_region_class()).removeClass(this.get_empty_region_class());
* Disables the region if it contains no blocks, essentially hiding it from the user.
* @method disable_if_required
disable_if_required: function() {
if (this.get('node').all('.' + CSS.BLOCK).size() === 0) {'body').addClass(this.get_empty_region_class()).removeClass(this.get_used_region_class());
Y.extend(BLOCKREGION, Y.Base, BLOCKREGION.prototype, {
NAME: 'core-blocks-dragdrop-blockregion',
* The drag and drop manager that created this block region instance.
* @attribute manager
* @type M.core.blockdraganddrop.Manager
* @writeOnce
manager: {
// Can only be set during initialisation and must be set then.
writeOnce: 'initOnly',
validator: function(value) {
return Y.Lang.isObject(value) && value instanceof MANAGER;
* The name of the block region this object represents.
* @attribute region
* @type String
* @writeOnce
region: {
// Can only be set during initialisation and must be set then.
writeOnce: 'initOnly',
validator: function(value) {
return Y.Lang.isString(value);
* The node the block region HTML starts at.s
* @attribute region
* @type Y.Node
node: {
validator: function(value) {
return Y.Lang.isObject(value) || Y.Lang.isNull(value);
* True if the block region currently contains blocks.
* @attribute hasblocks
* @type Boolean
* @default false
hasblocks: {
value: false,
validator: function(value) {
return Y.Lang.isBoolean(value);