Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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Modification History:

 *** NOTE ***
  This file contains the CHANGELOG for the initial release. For subsequent
  releases, the CHANGLELOG is maintained in the package.xml file itself.
  Please edit package.xml instead.

 03/02/2008   kannan, checkin xhprof_html/ and xhprof_lib/ directories.
              cjiang  [These contain PHP sources for the UI as well
                      as various supporting libraries to compute
                      "flat" info, diff reports, aggregate results
                      of multiple runs, typeahead support, etc.]
 02/20/2008   kannan  add basic sanity tests for the extension
 02/19/2008   kannan  register constants for optional profiler flags;
                      add xhprof.output_dir ini setting.
 01/22/2008   ps      port cpu affinity functions to FreeBSD
 01/15/2008   kannan  intercept builtins even if zend_execute_internal
                      were null to begin with
 01/14/2008   kannan  track builtins by default;
                      fix compiler warnings with fwd decls
 12/22/2008   cjiang  Further refactoring of the code for open sourcing:
                      (1). Remove level 1 profiling mode.
                      (2). Add xhprof_sample_enable, xhprof_sample_disable.
                      (3). Unifiy function and global variable prefix.
                      (4). Group relevant functions together.
                      (5). Migrate change history to CHANAGELOG file.
 12/19/2008   kannan  First step refactoring for open sourcing:
                      (1). Put basic direcotry structure
                      (2). Rename extension and function names
                      (3). Add LICENCE header.
 06/17/2008   veeve   use cycle_timer() for XHPROF_MODE_SAMPLED
 03/27/2008   cjiang  Add a 'hash-based' filter to reduce the number
                      of expensive call-stack tranversal on recursion
 03/17/2008   kannan  must not keep state on C stack to handle
                      exit (which causes _zend_bailout to longjmp
 02/25/2008   kannan  add xhprof_flags to toggle various metric
                      collections (buitins on/off, cpu metric on/off
                      memory stats on/off)
 02/14/2008   cjiang  Use cycle_timer based on 'rdtsc' instruction
                      on x86 machines to replace gettimeofday. rdtsc
                      is extremely cheap compared with gettimeofday
                      or getrusage.
 12/06/2007   veeve   bump version 1.1.2,
                      added hp_global_t
                      added mode callbacks, made modes extensible
                      added sampler mode
 12/05/2007   veeve   added doc; house cleaning
 11/28/2007   kannan  split include accounting into load/run_init
 11/09/2007   kannan  memory usage profiling
 10/27/2007   kannan  handle recursive calls, "include" operations
 10/20/2007   kannan  add hierarchical profiling; incl vs. exclusive
                      function times; browser based UI; diff and
                      aggregation support
 10/10/2007   hzhao   creation (flat function profiles)

  Haiping Zhao 
  Kannan Muthukkaruppan
  Venkat Venkataramani
  Changhao Jiang