Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

 * This file contains unit test related to xAPI library.
 * @package    core_xapi
 * @copyright  2020 Ferran Recio
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

namespace core_xapi\local;

use core_xapi\local\statement\item;
use core_xapi\local\statement\item_actor;
use core_xapi\local\statement\item_object;
use core_xapi\local\statement\item_activity;
use core_xapi\local\statement\item_verb;
use core_xapi\local\statement\item_agent;
use core_xapi\local\statement\item_group;
use core_xapi\local\statement\item_result;
use core_xapi\local\statement\item_attachment;
use core_xapi\local\statement\item_context;
use core_xapi\iri;
use core_xapi\xapi_exception;
use advanced_testcase;
use stdClass;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

 * Contains test cases for testing statement class.
 * @package    core_xapi
 * @since      Moodle 3.9
 * @copyright  2020 Ferran Recio
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class statement_test extends advanced_testcase {

     * Returns a valid item for a specific attribute.
     * @param string $itemname statement item name
     * @return item the resulting item
    private function get_valid_item(string $itemname): item {
        global $USER, $CFG;
        switch ($itemname) {
            case 'attachments':
            case 'attachment':
                $data = (object) [
                    'usageType' => iri::generate('example', 'attachment'),
                    'display' => (object) [
                        'en-US' => 'Example',
                    'description' => (object) [
                        'en-US' => 'Description example',
                    "contentType" => "image/jpg",
                    "length" => 1234,
                    "sha2" => "b94c0f1cffb77475c6f1899111a0181efe1d6177"
                return item_attachment::create_from_data($data);
            case 'authority':
                $data = (object) [
                    'objectType' => 'Agent',
                    'account' => (object) [
                        'homePage' => $CFG->wwwroot,
                        'name' => $USER->id,
                return item_agent::create_from_data($data);
        // For now, the rest of the optional properties have no validation
        // so we create a standard stdClass for all of them.
        $data = (object)[
            'some' => 'data',
        $classname = 'core_xapi\local\statement\item_'.$itemname;
        if (class_exists($classname)) {
            $item = $classname::create_from_data($data);
        } else {
            $item = item::create_from_data($data);
        return $item;

     * Test statement creation.
     * @dataProvider create_provider
     * @param bool $useagent if use agent as actor (or group if false)
     * @param array $extras extra item elements
     * @param array $extravalues extra string values
    public function test_create(bool $useagent, array $extras, array $extravalues): void {


        // Create one course with a group.
        $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
        $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user->id, $course->id);
        $group = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_group(array('courseid' => $course->id));
        $this->getDataGenerator()->create_group_member(array('groupid' => $group->id, 'userid' => $user->id));


        // Our statement.
        $statement = new statement();

        // Populate statement.
        if ($useagent) {
        } else {

        foreach ($extras as $extra) {
            $method = 'set_'.$extra;
            $item = $this->get_valid_item($extra);

        // For now extra values have no validation.
        foreach ($extravalues as $extra) {
            $method = 'set_'.$extra;

        // Check resulting statement.
        if ($useagent) {
            $stuser = $statement->get_user();
            $this->assertEquals($user->id, $stuser->id);
            $stusers = $statement->get_all_users();
            $this->assertCount(1, $stusers);
        } else {
            $stgroup = $statement->get_group();
            $this->assertEquals($group->id, $stgroup->id);
            $stusers = $statement->get_all_users();
            $this->assertCount(1, $stusers);
            $stuser = array_shift($stusers);
            $this->assertEquals($user->id, $stuser->id);
        $this->assertEquals('cook', $statement->get_verb_id());
        $this->assertEquals('paella', $statement->get_activity_id());

        // Check resulting json (only first node structure, internal structure
        // depends on every item json_encode test).
        $data = json_decode(json_encode($statement));
        $allextras = ['context', 'result', 'timestamp', 'stored', 'authority', 'version', 'attachments'];
        $alldefined = array_merge($extras, $extravalues);
        foreach ($allextras as $extra) {
            if (in_array($extra, $alldefined)) {
                $this->assertObjectHasProperty($extra, $data);
            } else {
                $this->assertObjectNotHasProperty($extra, $data);

     * Data provider for the test_create and test_create_from_data tests.
     * @return  array
    public function create_provider(): array {
        return [
            'Agent statement with no extras' => [
                true, [], []
            'Agent statement with context' => [
                true, ['context'], []
            'Agent statement with result' => [
                true, ['result'], []
            'Agent statement with timestamp' => [
                true, [], ['timestamp']
            'Agent statement with stored' => [
                true, [], ['stored']
            'Agent statement with authority' => [
                true, ['authority'], []
            'Agent statement with version' => [
                true, [], ['version']
            'Group statement with no extras' => [
                false, [], []
            'Group statement with context' => [
                false, ['context'], []
            'Group statement with result' => [
                false, ['result'], []
            'Group statement with timestamp' => [
                false, [], ['timestamp']
            'Group statement with stored' => [
                false, [], ['stored']
            'Group statement with authority' => [
                false, ['authority'], []
            'Group statement with version' => [
                false, [], ['version']

     * Test statement creation from xAPI statement data.
     * @dataProvider create_provider
     * @param bool $useagent if use agent as actor (or group if false)
     * @param array $extras extra item elements
     * @param array $extravalues extra string values
    public function test_create_from_data(bool $useagent, array $extras, array $extravalues): void {

        // Create one course with a group.
        $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
        $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user->id, $course->id);
        $group = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_group(array('courseid' => $course->id));
        $this->getDataGenerator()->create_group_member(array('groupid' => $group->id, 'userid' => $user->id));


        // Populate data.
        if ($useagent) {
            $actor = item_agent::create_from_user($user);
        } else {
            $actor = item_group::create_from_group($group);
        $verb = item_verb::create_from_id('cook');
        $object = item_activity::create_from_id('paella');

        $data = (object) [
            'actor' => $actor->get_data(),
            'verb' => $verb->get_data(),
            'object' => $object->get_data(),

        foreach ($extras as $extra) {
            $item = $this->get_valid_item($extra);
            $data->$extra = $item->get_data();

        // For now extra values have no validation.
        foreach ($extravalues as $extra) {
            $data->$extra = 'Example';

        $statement = statement::create_from_data($data);

        // Check resulting statement.
        if ($useagent) {
            $stuser = $statement->get_user();
            $this->assertEquals($user->id, $stuser->id);
            $stusers = $statement->get_all_users();
            $this->assertCount(1, $stusers);
        } else {
            $stgroup = $statement->get_group();
            $this->assertEquals($group->id, $stgroup->id);
            $stusers = $statement->get_all_users();
            $this->assertCount(1, $stusers);
            $stuser = array_shift($stusers);
            $this->assertEquals($user->id, $stuser->id);
        $this->assertEquals('cook', $statement->get_verb_id());
        $this->assertEquals('paella', $statement->get_activity_id());

        // Check resulting json (only first node structure, internal structure
        // depends on every item json_encode test).
        $data = json_decode(json_encode($statement));
        $allextras = ['context', 'result', 'timestamp', 'stored', 'authority', 'version', 'attachments'];
        $alldefined = array_merge($extras, $extravalues);
        foreach ($allextras as $extra) {
            if (in_array($extra, $alldefined)) {
                $this->assertObjectHasProperty($extra, $data);
            } else {
                $this->assertObjectNotHasProperty($extra, $data);

     * Test adding attachments to statement.
    public function test_add_attachment(): void {

        // Our statement.
        $statement = new statement();

        $attachments = $statement->get_attachments();

        $item = $this->get_valid_item('attachment');
        $itemdata = $item->get_data();

        $attachments = $statement->get_attachments();
        $this->assertCount(1, $attachments);

        $attachment = current($attachments);
        $attachmentdata = $attachment->get_data();
        $this->assertEquals($itemdata->usageType, $attachmentdata->usageType);
        $this->assertEquals($itemdata->length, $attachmentdata->length);

        // Check resulting json.
        $statementdata = json_decode(json_encode($statement));
        $this->assertObjectHasProperty('attachments', $statementdata);
        $this->assertCount(1, $statementdata->attachments);

     * Test adding attachments to statement.
    public function test_add_attachment_from_data(): void {


        $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();

        $actor = item_agent::create_from_user($user);
        $verb = item_verb::create_from_id('cook');
        $object = item_activity::create_from_id('paella');

        $data = (object) [
            'actor' => $actor->get_data(),
            'verb' => $verb->get_data(),
            'object' => $object->get_data(),

        $item = $this->get_valid_item('attachment');
        $itemdata = $item->get_data();
        $data->attachments = [$itemdata];

        $statement = statement::create_from_data($data);

        $attachments = $statement->get_attachments();
        $this->assertCount(1, $attachments);

        $attachment = current($attachments);
        $attachmentdata = $attachment->get_data();
        $this->assertEquals($itemdata->usageType, $attachmentdata->usageType);
        $this->assertEquals($itemdata->length, $attachmentdata->length);

        $statementdata = json_decode(json_encode($statement));
        $this->assertObjectHasProperty('attachments', $statementdata);
        $this->assertCount(1, $statementdata->attachments);

        // Now try to send an invalid attachments.
        $data->attachments = 'Invalid data';
        $statement = statement::create_from_data($data);

     * Test all getters into a not set statement.
     * @dataProvider invalid_gets_provider
     * @param string $method the method to test
     * @param bool $exception if an exception is expected
    public function test_invalid_gets(string $method, bool $exception): void {
        $statement = new statement();
        if ($exception) {
        $result = $statement->$method();

     * Data provider for the text_invalid_gets.
     * @return  array
    public function invalid_gets_provider(): array {
        return [
            'Method get_user on empty statement' => ['get_user', true],
            'Method get_all_users on empty statement' => ['get_all_users', true],
            'Method get_group on empty statement' => ['get_group', true],
            'Method get_verb_id on empty statement' => ['get_verb_id', true],
            'Method get_activity_id on empty statement' => ['get_activity_id', true],
            'Method get_actor on empty statement' => ['get_actor', false],
            'Method get_verb on empty statement' => ['get_verb', false],
            'Method get_object on empty statement' => ['get_object', false],
            'Method get_context on empty statement' => ['get_context', false],
            'Method get_result on empty statement' => ['get_result', false],
            'Method get_timestamp on empty statement' => ['get_timestamp', false],
            'Method get_stored on empty statement' => ['get_stored', false],
            'Method get_authority on empty statement' => ['get_authority', false],
            'Method get_version on empty statement' => ['get_version', false],
            'Method get_attachments on empty statement' => ['get_attachments', false],

     * Try to get a user from a group statement.
    public function test_invalid_get_user(): void {


        // Create one course with a group.
        $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
        $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user->id, $course->id);
        $group = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_group(array('courseid' => $course->id));
        $this->getDataGenerator()->create_group_member(array('groupid' => $group->id, 'userid' => $user->id));

        // Our statement.
        $statement = new statement();

        // Populate statement.


     * Try to get a group from an agent statement.
    public function test_invalid_get_group(): void {

        $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();

        // Our statement.
        $statement = new statement();

        // Populate statement.


     * Try to get activity Id from a statement with agent object.
    public function test_invalid_get_activity_id(): void {

        $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();

        // Our statement.
        $statement = new statement();

        // Populate statement with and agent object.


     * Test for invalid structures.
     * @dataProvider invalid_data_provider
     * @param bool $useuser if use user into statement
     * @param bool $userverb if use verb into statement
     * @param bool $useobject if use object into statement
    public function test_invalid_data(bool $useuser, bool $userverb, bool $useobject): void {

        $data = new stdClass();

        if ($useuser) {
            $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
            $data->actor = item_agent::create_from_user($user);
        if ($userverb) {
            $data->verb = item_verb::create_from_id('cook');
        if ($useobject) {
            $data->object = item_activity::create_from_id('paella');

        $statement = statement::create_from_data($data);

     * Data provider for the test_invalid_data tests.
     * @return  array
    public function invalid_data_provider(): array {
        return [
            'No actor, no verb, no object'  => [false, false, false],
            'No actor, verb, no object'     => [false, true, false],
            'No actor, no verb, object'     => [false, false, true],
            'No actor, verb, object'        => [false, true, true],
            'Actor, no verb, no object'     => [true, false, false],
            'Actor, verb, no object'        => [true, true, false],
            'Actor, no verb, object'        => [true, false, true],

     * Test minify statement.
    public function test_minify(): void {


        $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();


        // Our statement.
        $statement = new statement();

        // Populate statement.

        $min = $statement->minify();

        // Check calculated fields.
        $this->assertCount(6, $min);
        $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('actor', $min);
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('verb', $min);
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('object', $min);
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('context', $min);
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('result', $min);
        $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('timestamp', $min);
        $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('stored', $min);
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('authority', $min);
        $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('version', $min);
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('attachments', $min);