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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
namespace core;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/ldaplib.php');
* ldap tests.
* @package core
* @category test
* @copyright Damyon Wiese, Iñaki Arenaza 2014
* @license GNU Public License
class ldaplib_test extends \advanced_testcase {
public function test_ldap_addslashes(): void {
// See if you want
// to add additional tests.
$tests = array(
array (
'test' => 'Simplest',
'expected' => 'Simplest',
array (
'test' => 'Simple case',
'expected' => 'Simple\\20case',
array (
'test' => 'Medium ‒ case',
'expected' => 'Medium\\20‒\\20case',
array (
'test' => '#Harder+case#',
'expected' => '\\23Harder\\2bcase\\23',
array (
'test' => ' Harder (and); harder case ',
'expected' => '\\20Harder\\20(and)\\3b\\20harder\\20case\\20',
array (
'test' => 'Really \\0 (hard) case!\\',
'expected' => 'Really\\20\\5c0\\20(hard)\\20case!\\5c',
array (
'test' => 'James "Jim" = Smith, III',
'expected' => 'James\\20\\22Jim\22\\20\\3d\\20Smith\\2c\\20III',
array (
'test' => ' <> ',
'expected' => '\\20\\20\\\\3e\\20',
foreach ($tests as $test) {
$this->assertSame($test['expected'], ldap_addslashes($test['test']));
public function test_ldap_stripslashes(): void {
// See if you want
// to add additional tests.
// IMPORTANT NOTICE: While ldap_addslashes() only produces one
// of the two defined ways of escaping/quoting (the ESC HEX
// HEX way defined in the grammar in Section 3 of RFC-4514)
// ldap_stripslashes() has to deal with both of them. So in
// addition to testing the same strings we test in
// test_ldap_stripslashes(), we need to also test strings
// using the second method.
$tests = array(
array (
'test' => 'Simplest',
'expected' => 'Simplest',
array (
'test' => 'Simple\\20case',
'expected' => 'Simple case',
array (
'test' => 'Simple\\ case',
'expected' => 'Simple case',
array (
'test' => 'Simple\\ \\63\\61\\73\\65',
'expected' => 'Simple case',
array (
'test' => 'Medium\\ ‒\\ case',
'expected' => 'Medium ‒ case',
array (
'test' => 'Medium\\20‒\\20case',
'expected' => 'Medium ‒ case',
array (
'test' => 'Medium\\20\\E2\\80\\92\\20case',
'expected' => 'Medium ‒ case',
array (
'test' => '\\23Harder\\2bcase\\23',
'expected' => '#Harder+case#',
array (
'test' => '\\#Harder\\+case\\#',
'expected' => '#Harder+case#',
array (
'test' => '\\20Harder\\20(and)\\3b\\20harder\\20case\\20',
'expected' => ' Harder (and); harder case ',
array (
'test' => '\\ Harder\\ (and)\\;\\ harder\\ case\\ ',
'expected' => ' Harder (and); harder case ',
array (
'test' => 'Really\\20\\5c0\\20(hard)\\20case!\\5c',
'expected' => 'Really \\0 (hard) case!\\',
array (
'test' => 'Really\\ \\\\0\\ (hard)\\ case!\\\\',
'expected' => 'Really \\0 (hard) case!\\',
array (
'test' => 'James\\20\\22Jim\\22\\20\\3d\\20Smith\\2c\\20III',
'expected' => 'James "Jim" = Smith, III',
array (
'test' => 'James\\ \\"Jim\\" \\= Smith\\, III',
'expected' => 'James "Jim" = Smith, III',
array (
'test' => '\\20\\20\\\\3e\\20',
'expected' => ' <> ',
array (
'test' => '\\ \\<\\>\\ ',
'expected' => ' <> ',
array (
'test' => 'Lu\\C4\\8Di\\C4\\87',
'expected' => 'Lučić',
foreach ($tests as $test) {
$this->assertSame($test['expected'], ldap_stripslashes($test['test']));
* Tests for ldap_normalise_objectclass.
* @dataProvider ldap_normalise_objectclass_provider
* @param array $args Arguments passed to ldap_normalise_objectclass
* @param string $expected The expected objectclass filter
public function test_ldap_normalise_objectclass($args, $expected): void {
$this->assertEquals($expected, call_user_func_array('ldap_normalise_objectclass', $args));
* Data provider for the test_ldap_normalise_objectclass testcase.
* @return array of testcases.
public function ldap_normalise_objectclass_provider() {
return array(
'Empty value' => array(
'Empty value with different default' => array(
array(null, 'lion'),
'Supplied unwrapped objectClass' => array(
'Supplied string value' => array(
'Supplied complex' => array(
* Tests for ldap_get_entries_moodle.
* NOTE: in order to execute this test you need to set up OpenLDAP server with core,
* cosine, nis and internet schemas and add configuration constants to
* config.php or phpunit.xml configuration file. The bind users *needs*
* permissions to create objects in the LDAP server, under the bind domain.
* define('TEST_LDAPLIB_HOST_URL', 'ldap://');
* define('TEST_LDAPLIB_BIND_DN', 'cn=someuser,dc=example,dc=local');
* define('TEST_LDAPLIB_BIND_PW', 'somepassword');
* define('TEST_LDAPLIB_DOMAIN', 'dc=example,dc=local');
public function test_ldap_get_entries_moodle(): void {
if (!defined('TEST_LDAPLIB_HOST_URL') or !defined('TEST_LDAPLIB_BIND_DN') or
!defined('TEST_LDAPLIB_BIND_PW') or !defined('TEST_LDAPLIB_DOMAIN')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('External LDAP test server not configured.');
// Make sure we can connect the server.
$debuginfo = '';
if (!$connection = ldap_connect_moodle(TEST_LDAPLIB_HOST_URL, 3, 'rfc2307', TEST_LDAPLIB_BIND_DN,
$this->markTestSkipped('Cannot connect to LDAP test server: '.$debuginfo);
// Create new empty test container.
if (!($containerdn = $this->create_test_container($connection, 'moodletest'))) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Can not create test LDAP container.');
// Add all the test objects.
$testobjects = $this->get_ldap_get_entries_moodle_test_objects();
if (!$this->add_test_objects($connection, $containerdn, $testobjects)) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Can not create LDAP test objects.');
// Now query about them and compare results.
foreach ($testobjects as $object) {
$dn = $this->get_object_dn($object, $containerdn);
$filter = $object['query']['filter'];
$attributes = $object['query']['attributes'];
$sr = ldap_read($connection, $dn, $filter, $attributes);
if (!$sr) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Cannot retrieve test objects from LDAP test server.');
$entries = ldap_get_entries_moodle($connection, $sr);
$actual = array_keys($entries[0]);
$expected = $object['expected'];
// We need to sort both arrays to be able to compare them, as the LDAP server
// might return attributes in any order.
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
// Clean up test objects and container.
$this->remove_test_objects($connection, $containerdn, $testobjects);
$this->remove_test_container($connection, $containerdn);
* Provide the array of test objects for the ldap_get_entries_moodle test case.
* @return array of test objects
protected function get_ldap_get_entries_moodle_test_objects() {
$testobjects = array(
// Test object 1.
// Add/remove this object to LDAP directory? There are existing standard LDAP
// objects that we might want to test, but that we shouldn't add/remove ourselves.
'addremove' => true,
// Relative (to test container) or absolute distinguished name (DN).
'relativedn' => true,
// Distinguished name for this object (interpretation depends on 'relativedn').
'dn' => 'cn=test1',
// Values to add to LDAP directory.
'values' => array(
'objectClass' => array('inetOrgPerson', 'organizationalPerson', 'person', 'posixAccount'),
'cn' => 'test1', // We don't care about the actual values, as long as they are unique.
'sn' => 'test1',
'givenName' => 'test1',
'uid' => 'test1',
'uidNumber' => '20001', // Start from 20000, then add test number.
'gidNumber' => '20001', // Start from 20000, then add test number.
'homeDirectory' => '/',
'userPassword' => '*',
// Attributes to query the object for.
'query' => array(
'filter' => '(objectClass=posixAccount)',
'attributes' => array(
// Expected values for the queried attributes' names.
'expected' => array(
// Test object 2.
'addremove' => true,
'relativedn' => true,
'dn' => 'cn=group2',
'values' => array(
'objectClass' => array('top', 'posixGroup'),
'cn' => 'group2', // We don't care about the actual values, as long as they are unique.
'gidNumber' => '20002', // Start from 20000, then add test number.
'memberUid' => '20002', // Start from 20000, then add test number.
'query' => array(
'filter' => '(objectClass=posixGroup)',
'attributes' => array(
'expected' => array(
// Test object 3.
'addremove' => false,
'relativedn' => false,
'dn' => '', // To query the RootDSE, we must specify the empty string as the absolute DN.
'values' => array(
'query' => array(
'filter' => '(objectClass=*)',
'attributes' => array(
'expected' => array(
return $testobjects;
* Create a new container in the LDAP domain, to hold the test objects. The
* container is created as a domain component (dc) + organizational unit (ou) object.
* @param object $connection Valid LDAP connection
* @param string $container Name of the test container to create.
* @return string or false Distinguished name for the created container, or false on error.
protected function create_test_container($connection, $container) {
$object = array();
$object['objectClass'] = array('dcObject', 'organizationalUnit');
$object['dc'] = $container;
$object['ou'] = $container;
$containerdn = 'dc='.$container.','.TEST_LDAPLIB_DOMAIN;
if (!ldap_add($connection, $containerdn, $object)) {
return false;
return $containerdn;
* Remove the container in the LDAP domain root that holds the test objects. The container
* *must* be empty before trying to remove it. Otherwise this function fails.
* @param object $connection Valid LDAP connection
* @param string $containerdn The distinguished of the container to remove.
protected function remove_test_container($connection, $containerdn) {
ldap_delete($connection, $containerdn);
* Add the test objects to the test container.
* @param resource $connection Valid LDAP connection
* @param string $containerdn The distinguished name of the container for the created objects.
* @param array $testobjects Array of the tests objects to create. The structure of
* the array elements *must* follow the structure of the value returned
* by ldap_get_entries_moodle_test_objects() member function.
* @return boolean True on success, false otherwise.
protected function add_test_objects($connection, $containerdn, $testobjects) {
foreach ($testobjects as $object) {
if ($object['addremove'] !== true) {
$dn = $this->get_object_dn($object, $containerdn);
$entry = $object['values'];
if (!ldap_add($connection, $dn, $entry)) {
return false;
return true;
* Remove the test objects from the test container.
* @param resource $connection Valid LDAP connection
* @param string $containerdn The distinguished name of the container for the objects to remove.
* @param array $testobjects Array of the tests objects to create. The structure of
* the array elements *must* follow the structure of the value returned
* by ldap_get_entries_moodle_test_objects() member function.
protected function remove_test_objects($connection, $containerdn, $testobjects) {
foreach ($testobjects as $object) {
if ($object['addremove'] !== true) {
$dn = $this->get_object_dn($object, $containerdn);
ldap_delete($connection, $dn);
* Get the distinguished name (DN) for a given object.
* @param object $object The LDAP object to calculate the DN for.
* @param string $containerdn The DN of the container to use for objects with relative DNs.
* @return string The calculated DN.
protected function get_object_dn($object, $containerdn) {
if ($object['relativedn']) {
$dn = $object['dn'].','.$containerdn;
} else {
$dn = $object['dn'];
return $dn;