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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
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* Provides \core\update\testable_api class.
* @package core_plugin
* @subpackage fixtures
* @category test
* @copyright 2015 David Mudrak <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace core\update;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Testable variant of \core\update\api class.
* Provides access to some protected methods we want to explicitly test and
* bypass the actual cURL calls by providing fake responses.
* @copyright 2015 David Mudrak <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class testable_api extends api {
* Provides access to the parent protected method.
* @param int $branch
* @return string
public function convert_branch_numbering_format($branch) {
return parent::convert_branch_numbering_format($branch);
* Returns fake URL of the pluginfo.php API end-point.
* @return string
protected function get_serviceurl_pluginfo() {
return 'http://testab.le/api/pluginfo.php';
* Mimics the call to the given end-point service with the given parameters.
* This simulates a hypothetical plugins directory with a single plugin
* 'foo_bar' available (with a single release).
* @param string $serviceurl
* @param array $params
* @return stdClass|bool
protected function call_service($serviceurl, array $params=array()) {
$response = (object)array(
'data' => null,
'info' => null,
'status' => null,
$foobarinfo = (object)array(
'status' => 'OK',
'apiver' => '1.3',
'pluginfo' => (object)array(
'id' => 42,
'name' => 'Foo bar',
'component' => 'foo_bar',
'source' => '',
'doc' => '',
'bugs' => '',
'discussion' => '',
'version' => false,
$version2015093000info = (object)array(
'id' => '6765',
'version' => '2015093000',
'release' => '1.0',
'maturity' => '200',
'downloadurl' => 'http://mood.le/plugins/foo_bar/',
'downloadmd5' => 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e',
'vcssystem' => '',
'vcssystemother' => '',
'vcsrepositoryurl' => '',
'vcsbranch' => '',
'vcstag' => '',
'supportedmoodles' => array(
'version' => '2015041700',
'release' => '2.9'
'version' => '2015110900',
'release' => '3.0'
$version2015100400info = (object)array(
'id' => '6796',
'version' => '2015100400',
'release' => '1.1',
'maturity' => '200',
'downloadurl' => 'http://mood.le/plugins/foo_bar/',
'downloadmd5' => 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e',
'vcssystem' => '',
'vcssystemother' => '',
'vcsrepositoryurl' => '',
'vcsbranch' => '',
'vcstag' => '',
'supportedmoodles' => array(
'version' => '2015110900',
'release' => '3.0'
$version2015100500info = (object)array(
'id' => '6799',
'version' => '2015100500',
'release' => '2.0beta',
'maturity' => '100',
'downloadurl' => 'http://mood.le/plugins/foo_bar/',
'downloadmd5' => 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e',
'vcssystem' => '',
'vcssystemother' => '',
'vcsrepositoryurl' => '',
'vcsbranch' => '',
'vcstag' => '',
'supportedmoodles' => array(
'version' => '2015110900',
'release' => '3.0'
if ($serviceurl === 'http://testab.le/api/pluginfo.php') {
if (strpos($params['plugin'], 'foo_bar@') === 0) {
$response->data = $foobarinfo;
$response->info = array(
'http_code' => 200,
$response->status = '200 OK';
if (substr($params['plugin'], -11) === '@2015093000') {
$response->data->pluginfo->version = $version2015093000info;
if (substr($params['plugin'], -11) === '@2015100400') {
$response->data->pluginfo->version = $version2015100400info;
if (substr($params['plugin'], -11) === '@2015100500') {
$response->data->pluginfo->version = $version2015100500info;
} else if ($params['plugin'] === 'foo_bar' and isset($params['branch']) and isset($params['minversion'])) {
$response->data = $foobarinfo;
$response->info = array(
'http_code' => 200,
$response->status = '200 OK';
if ($params['minversion'] <= 2015100400) {
// If two stable versions fullfilling the required version are
// available, the /1.3/pluginfo.php API returns the more recent one.
$response->data->pluginfo->version = $version2015100400info;
} else if ($params['minversion'] <= 2015100500) {
// The /1.3/pluginfo.php API returns versions with lower
// maturity if it is the only way how to fullfil the
// required minimal version.
$response->data->pluginfo->version = $version2015100500info;
} else {
$response->info = array(
'http_code' => 404,
$response->status = '404 Not Found (unknown plugin)';
return $response;
} else {
return 'This should not happen';