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Feature: Check for minimum or maximimum version of Moodle
In order adapt acceptance tests for different versions of Moodle
As a developer
I should be able to skip tests according to the Moodle version present on a site
Scenario: Minimum version too low
Given the site is running Moodle version 99.0 or higher
# The following steps should not be executed. If they are, the test will fail.
When I log in as "admin"
Then I should not see "Home"
Scenario: Maximum version too high
Given the site is running Moodle version 3.0 or lower
# The following steps should not be executed. If they are, the test will fail.
When I log in as "admin"
Then I should not see "Home"
Scenario: Minimum version OK
Given the site is running Moodle version 3.0 or higher
When I log in as "admin"
Then I should see "Home"
Scenario: Maximum version OK
Given the site is running Moodle version 99.0 or lower
When I log in as "admin"
Then I should see "Home"