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Feature: Forms with a large number of fields
In order to use certain forms on large Moodle installations
As an admin
I need forms to work with more fields than the PHP max_input_vars setting
# Get to the fixture page.
Given the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | format |
| Course 1 | C1 | topics |
And the following "activities" exist:
| activity | name | intro | course | idnumber |
| label | L1 | <a href="../lib/tests/fixtures/max_input_vars.php">FixtureLink</a> | C1 | label1 |
When I am on the "C1" "Course" page logged in as "admin"
And I click on "FixtureLink" "link" in the "region-main" "region"
# Note: These tests do not actually use JavaScript but they don't work with
# the headless 'browser'.
Scenario: Small form with checkboxes (not using workaround)
When I follow "Advanced checkboxes / Small"
And I press "Submit here!"
Then I should see "_qf__core_max_input_vars_form=1"
And I should see "mform_isexpanded_id_general=1"
And I should see "arraytest=[13,42]"
And I should see "array2test=[13,42]"
And I should see "submitbutton=Submit here!"
And I should see "Bulk checkbox success: true"
Scenario: Small form with array fields (not using workaround)
When I follow "Select options / Small"
And I press "Submit here!"
Then I should see "_qf__core_max_input_vars_form=1"
And I should see "mform_isexpanded_id_general=1"
And I should see "arraytest=[13,42]"
And I should see "array2test=[13,42]"
And I should see "submitbutton=Submit here!"
And I should see "Bulk array success: true"
Scenario: Below limit form with array fields (uses workaround but doesn't need it)
When I follow "Select options / Below limit"
And I press "Submit here!"
Then I should see "_qf__core_max_input_vars_form=1"
And I should see "mform_isexpanded_id_general=1"
And I should see "arraytest=[13,42]"
And I should see "array2test=[13,42]"
And I should see "submitbutton=Submit here!"
And I should see "Bulk array success: true"
Scenario: Exact PHP limit length form with array fields (uses workaround but doesn't need it)
When I follow "Select options / Exact PHP limit"
And I press "Submit here!"
Then I should see "_qf__core_max_input_vars_form=1"
And I should see "mform_isexpanded_id_general=1"
And I should see "arraytest=[13,42]"
And I should see "array2test=[13,42]"
And I should see "submitbutton=Submit here!"
And I should see "Bulk array success: true"