Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

namespace core;

use admin_category;
use admin_externalpage;
use admin_root;
use admin_settingpage;
use admin_setting_configdirectory;
use admin_setting_configduration;
use admin_setting_configexecutable;
use admin_setting_configfile;
use admin_setting_configmixedhostiplist;
use admin_setting_configpasswordunmask;
use admin_setting_configtext;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

global $CFG;

 * Provides the unit tests for admin tree functionality.
 * @package     core
 * @category    test
 * @copyright   2013 David Mudrak <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class admintree_test extends \advanced_testcase {

     * Adding nodes into the admin tree.
    public function test_add_nodes() {

        $tree = new admin_root(true);
        $tree->add('root', $one = new admin_category('one', 'One'));
        $tree->add('root', new admin_category('three', 'Three'));
        $tree->add('one', new admin_category('one-one', 'One-one'));
        $tree->add('one', new admin_category('one-three', 'One-three'));

        // Check the order of nodes in the root.
        $map = array();
        foreach ($tree->children as $child) {
            $map[] = $child->name;
        $this->assertEquals(array('one', 'three'), $map);

        // Insert a node into the middle.
        $tree->add('root', new admin_category('two', 'Two'), 'three');
        $map = array();
        foreach ($tree->children as $child) {
            $map[] = $child->name;
        $this->assertEquals(array('one', 'two', 'three'), $map);

        // Non-existing sibling.
        $tree->add('root', new admin_category('four', 'Four'), 'five');
        $this->assertDebuggingCalled('Sibling five not found', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);

        $tree->add('root', new admin_category('five', 'Five'));
        $map = array();
        foreach ($tree->children as $child) {
            $map[] = $child->name;
        $this->assertEquals(array('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five'), $map);

        // Insert a node into the middle of the subcategory.
        $tree->add('one', new admin_category('one-two', 'One-two'), 'one-three');
        $map = array();
        foreach ($one->children as $child) {
            $map[] = $child->name;
        $this->assertEquals(array('one-one', 'one-two', 'one-three'), $map);

        // Check just siblings, not parents or children.
        $tree->add('one', new admin_category('one-four', 'One-four'), 'one');
        $this->assertDebuggingCalled('Sibling one not found', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);

        $tree->add('root', new admin_category('six', 'Six'), 'one-two');
        $this->assertDebuggingCalled('Sibling one-two not found', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);

        // Me! Me! I wanna be first!
        $tree->add('root', new admin_externalpage('zero', 'Zero', ''), 'one');
        $map = array();
        foreach ($tree->children as $child) {
            $map[] = $child->name;
        $this->assertEquals(array('zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six'), $map);

    public function test_add_nodes_before_invalid1() {
        $tree = new admin_root(true);
        $tree->add('root', new admin_externalpage('foo', 'Foo', ''), array('moodle:site/config'));

    public function test_add_nodes_before_invalid2() {
        $tree = new admin_root(true);
        $tree->add('root', new admin_category('bar', 'Bar'), '');

     * Test that changes to config trigger events.
    public function test_config_log_created_event() {
        global $DB;

        $adminroot = new admin_root(true);
        $adminroot->add('root', $one = new admin_category('one', 'One'));
        $page = new admin_settingpage('page', 'Page');
        $page->add(new admin_setting_configtext('text1', 'Text 1', '', ''));
        $page->add(new admin_setting_configpasswordunmask('pass1', 'Password 1', '', ''));
        $adminroot->add('one', $page);

        $sink = $this->redirectEvents();
        $data = array('s__text1' => 'sometext', 's__pass1' => '');
        $this->save_config_data($adminroot, $data);

        $events = $sink->get_events();
        $event = array_pop($events);
        $this->assertInstanceOf('\core\event\config_log_created', $event);

        $sink = $this->redirectEvents();
        $data = array('s__text1'=>'other', 's__pass1'=>'nice password');
        $count = $this->save_config_data($adminroot, $data);

        $events = $sink->get_events();
        $event = array_pop($events);
        $this->assertInstanceOf('\core\event\config_log_created', $event);
        // Verify password was nuked.
        $this->assertNotEquals($event->other['value'], 'nice password');


     * Testing whether a configexecutable setting is executable.
    public function test_admin_setting_configexecutable() {
        global $CFG;

        $CFG->theme = 'classic';
        $executable = new admin_setting_configexecutable('test1', 'Text 1', 'Help Path', '');

        // Check for an invalid path.
        $result = $executable->output_html($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/tests/other/file_does_not_exist');
        $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression('/class="text-danger"/', $result);

        // Check for a directory.
        $result = $executable->output_html($CFG->dirroot);
        $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression('/class="text-danger"/', $result);

        // Check for a file which is not executable.
        $result = $executable->output_html($CFG->dirroot . '/filter/tex/readme_moodle.txt');
        $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression('/class="text-danger"/', $result);

        // Check for an executable file.
        if ($CFG->ostype == 'WINDOWS') {
            $filetocheck = 'mimetex.exe';
        } else {
            $filetocheck = 'mimetex.darwin';
        $result = $executable->output_html($CFG->dirroot . '/filter/tex/' . $filetocheck);
        $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression('/class="text-success"/', $result);

        // Check for no file specified.
        $result = $executable->output_html('');
        $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression('/name="s__test1"/', $result);
        $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression('/value=""/', $result);

     * Saving of values.
    public function test_config_logging() {
        global $DB;

        $DB->delete_records('config_log', array());

        $adminroot = new admin_root(true);
        $adminroot->add('root', $one = new admin_category('one', 'One'));
        $page = new admin_settingpage('page', 'Page');
        $page->add(new admin_setting_configtext('text1', 'Text 1', '', ''));
        $page->add(new admin_setting_configpasswordunmask('pass1', 'Password 1', '', ''));
        $adminroot->add('one', $page);

        $data = array('s__text1'=>'sometext', 's__pass1'=>'');
        $count = $this->save_config_data($adminroot, $data);

        $this->assertEquals(2, $count);
        $records = $DB->get_records('config_log', array(), 'id asc');
        $this->assertCount(2, $records);
        $record = array_shift($records);
        $this->assertSame('text1', $record->name);
        $this->assertSame('sometext', $record->value);
        $record = array_shift($records);
        $this->assertSame('pass1', $record->name);
        $this->assertSame('', $record->value);

        $DB->delete_records('config_log', array());
        $data = array('s__text1'=>'other', 's__pass1'=>'nice password');
        $count = $this->save_config_data($adminroot, $data);

        $this->assertEquals(2, $count);
        $records = $DB->get_records('config_log', array(), 'id asc');
        $this->assertCount(2, $records);
        $record = array_shift($records);
        $this->assertSame('text1', $record->name);
        $this->assertSame('sometext', $record->oldvalue);
        $this->assertSame('other', $record->value);
        $record = array_shift($records);
        $this->assertSame('pass1', $record->name);
        $this->assertSame('', $record->oldvalue);
        $this->assertSame('********', $record->value);

        $DB->delete_records('config_log', array());
        $data = array('s__text1'=>'', 's__pass1'=>'');
        $count = $this->save_config_data($adminroot, $data);

        $this->assertEquals(2, $count);
        $records = $DB->get_records('config_log', array(), 'id asc');
        $this->assertCount(2, $records);
        $record = array_shift($records);
        $this->assertSame('text1', $record->name);
        $this->assertSame('other', $record->oldvalue);
        $this->assertSame('', $record->value);
        $record = array_shift($records);
        $this->assertSame('pass1', $record->name);
        $this->assertSame('********', $record->oldvalue);
        $this->assertSame('', $record->value);

    protected function save_config_data(admin_root $adminroot, array $data) {
        $adminroot->errors = array();

        $settings = admin_find_write_settings($adminroot, $data);

        $count = 0;
        foreach ($settings as $fullname=>$setting) {
            /** @var $setting admin_setting */
            $original = $setting->get_setting();
            $error = $setting->write_setting($data[$fullname]);
            if ($error !== '') {
                $adminroot->errors[$fullname] = new \stdClass();
                $adminroot->errors[$fullname]->data  = $data[$fullname];
                $adminroot->errors[$fullname]->id    = $setting->get_id();
                $adminroot->errors[$fullname]->error = $error;
            } else {
            if ($setting->post_write_settings($original)) {

        return $count;

    public function test_preventexecpath() {

        set_config('preventexecpath', 0);
        set_config('execpath', null, 'abc_cde');
        $this->assertFalse(get_config('abc_cde', 'execpath'));
        $setting = new admin_setting_configexecutable('abc_cde/execpath', 'some desc', '', '/xx/yy');
        $this->assertSame('/oo/pp', get_config('abc_cde', 'execpath'));

        // Prevent changes.
        set_config('preventexecpath', 1);
        $this->assertSame('/oo/pp', get_config('abc_cde', 'execpath'));

        // Use default in install.
        set_config('execpath', null, 'abc_cde');
        $this->assertSame('/xx/yy', get_config('abc_cde', 'execpath'));

        // Use empty value if no default.
        $setting = new admin_setting_configexecutable('abc_cde/execpath', 'some desc', '', null);
        set_config('execpath', null, 'abc_cde');
        $this->assertSame('', get_config('abc_cde', 'execpath'));

        // This also affects admin_setting_configfile and admin_setting_configdirectory.

        set_config('preventexecpath', 0);
        set_config('execpath', null, 'abc_cde');
        $this->assertFalse(get_config('abc_cde', 'execpath'));
        $setting = new admin_setting_configfile('abc_cde/execpath', 'some desc', '', '/xx/yy');
        $this->assertSame('/oo/pp', get_config('abc_cde', 'execpath'));

        // Prevent changes.
        set_config('preventexecpath', 1);
        $this->assertSame('/oo/pp', get_config('abc_cde', 'execpath'));

        // Use default in install.
        set_config('execpath', null, 'abc_cde');
        $this->assertSame('/xx/yy', get_config('abc_cde', 'execpath'));

        // Use empty value if no default.
        $setting = new admin_setting_configfile('abc_cde/execpath', 'some desc', '', null);
        set_config('execpath', null, 'abc_cde');
        $this->assertSame('', get_config('abc_cde', 'execpath'));

        set_config('preventexecpath', 0);
        set_config('execpath', null, 'abc_cde');
        $this->assertFalse(get_config('abc_cde', 'execpath'));
        $setting = new admin_setting_configdirectory('abc_cde/execpath', 'some desc', '', '/xx/yy');
        $this->assertSame('/oo/pp', get_config('abc_cde', 'execpath'));

        // Prevent changes.
        set_config('preventexecpath', 1);
        $this->assertSame('/oo/pp', get_config('abc_cde', 'execpath'));

        // Use default in install.
        set_config('execpath', null, 'abc_cde');
        $this->assertSame('/xx/yy', get_config('abc_cde', 'execpath'));

        // Use empty value if no default.
        $setting = new admin_setting_configdirectory('abc_cde/execpath', 'some desc', '', null);
        set_config('execpath', null, 'abc_cde');
        $this->assertSame('', get_config('abc_cde', 'execpath'));

     * Test setting an empty duration displays the correct validation message.
    public function test_emptydurationvalue() {
        $adminsetting = new admin_setting_configduration('abc_cde/duration', 'some desc', '', '');

        // A value that isn't a number is treated as a zero, so we expect to see no error message.
        $this->assertEmpty($adminsetting->write_setting(['u' => '3600', 'v' => 'abc']));

     * Test setting for blocked hosts
     * For testing the admin settings element only. Test for blocked hosts functionality can be found
     * in lib/tests/curl_security_helper_test.php
    public function test_mixedhostiplist() {

        $adminsetting = new admin_setting_configmixedhostiplist('abc_cde/hostiplist', 'some desc', '', '');

        // Test valid settings.
        $validsimplesettings = [

        foreach ($validsimplesettings as $setting) {
            $errormessage = $adminsetting->write_setting($setting);
            $this->assertEmpty($errormessage, $errormessage);
            $this->assertSame($setting, get_config('abc_cde', 'hostiplist'));
            $this->assertSame($setting, $adminsetting->get_setting());

        // Test valid international site names.
        $valididnsettings = [
            'правительство.рф' => 'xn--80aealotwbjpid2k.xn--p1ai',
            'faß.de' => '',
            'ß.ß' => 'xn--zca.xn--zca',
            '*.tharkû' => '*',

        foreach ($valididnsettings as $setting => $encodedsetting) {
            $errormessage = $adminsetting->write_setting($setting);
            $this->assertEmpty($errormessage, $errormessage);
            $this->assertSame($encodedsetting, get_config('abc_cde', 'hostiplist'));
            $this->assertSame($setting, $adminsetting->get_setting());

        // Invalid settings.
        $this->assertEquals('These entries are invalid: nonvalid site name', $adminsetting->write_setting('nonvalid site name'));
        $this->assertEquals('Empty lines are not valid', $adminsetting->write_setting("localhost\n"));

     * Verifies the $ADMIN global (adminroot cache) is properly reset when changing users, which might occur naturally during cron.
    public function test_adminroot_cache_reset() {
        global $DB;
        // Current user is a manager at site context, which won't have access to the 'debugging' section of the admin tree.
        $manageruser = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
        $context = \context_system::instance();
        $managerrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'manager'));
        role_assign($managerrole->id, $manageruser->id, $context->id);
        $adminroot = admin_get_root();
        $section = $adminroot->locate('debugging');

        // Now, change the user to an admin user and confirm we get a new copy of the admin tree when next we ask for it.
        $adminuser = get_admin();
        $adminroot = admin_get_root();
        $section = $adminroot->locate('debugging');
        $this->assertInstanceOf('\admin_settingpage', $section);