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* This file is part of CFPropertyList.
* The PHP implementation of Apple's PropertyList can handle XML PropertyLists
* as well as binary PropertyLists. It offers functionality to easily convert
* data between worlds, e.g. recalculating timestamps from unix epoch to apple
* epoch and vice versa. A feature to automagically create (guess) the plist
* structure from a normal PHP data structure will help you dump your data to
* plist in no time.
* Copyright (c) 2018 Teclib'
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @author Rodney Rehm <>
* @author Christian Kruse <>
* @copyright Copyright © 2018 Teclib
* @package plist
* @license MIT
* @link
* @link Property Lists
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace CFPropertyList;
* Facility for reading and writing binary PropertyLists. Ported from {@link CFBinaryPList.c}.
* @example example-read-02.php Read a Binary PropertyList
* @example example-read-03.php Read a PropertyList without knowing the type
abstract class CFBinaryPropertyList
* Content of the plist (unparsed string)
* @var string
protected $content = null;
* position in the (unparsed) string
* @var integer
protected $pos = 0;
* Table containing uniqued objects
* @var array
protected $uniqueTable = array();
* Number of objects in file
* @var integer
protected $countObjects = 0;
* The length of all strings in the file (byte length, not character length)
* @var integer
protected $stringSize = 0;
* The length of all ints in file (byte length)
* @var integer
protected $intSize = 0;
* The length of misc objects (i.e. not integer and not string) in file
* @var integer
protected $miscSize = 0;
* Number of object references in file (needed to calculate reference byte length)
* @var integer
protected $objectRefs = 0;
* Number of objects written during save phase; needed to calculate the size of the object table
* @var integer
protected $writtenObjectCount = 0;
* Table containing all objects in the file
protected $objectTable = array();
* The size of object references
protected $objectRefSize = 0;
* The „offsets” (i.e. the different entries) in the file
protected $offsets = array();
* Read a „null type” (filler byte, true, false, 0 byte)
* @param $length The byte itself
* @return the byte value (e.g. CFBoolean(true), CFBoolean(false), 0 or 15)
* @throws PListException on encountering an unknown null type
protected function readBinaryNullType($length)
switch ($length) {
case 0:
return 0; // null type
case 8:
return new CFBoolean(false);
case 9:
return new CFBoolean(true);
case 15:
return 15; // fill type
throw new PListException("unknown null type: $length");
* Create an 64 bit integer using bcmath or gmp
* @param int $hi The higher word
* @param int $lo The lower word
* @return mixed The integer (as int if possible, as string if not possible)
* @throws PListException if neither gmp nor bc available
protected static function make64Int($hi, $lo)
// on x64, we can just use int
if (PHP_INT_SIZE > 4) {
return (((int)$hi)<<32) | ((int)$lo);
// lower word has to be unsigned since we don't use bitwise or, we use bcadd/gmp_add
$lo = sprintf("%u", $lo);
// use GMP or bcmath if possible
if (function_exists("gmp_mul")) {
return gmp_strval(gmp_add(gmp_mul($hi, "4294967296"), $lo));
if (function_exists("bcmul")) {
return bcadd(bcmul($hi, "4294967296"), $lo);
if (class_exists('Math_BigInteger')) {
$bi = new \Math_BigInteger($hi);
return $bi->multiply(new \Math_BigInteger("4294967296"))->add(new \Math_BigInteger($lo))->toString();
throw new PListException("either gmp or bc has to be installed, or the Math_BigInteger has to be available!");
* Read an integer value
* @param integer $length The length (in bytes) of the integer value, coded as „set bit $length to 1”
* @return CFNumber The integer value
* @throws PListException if integer val is invalid
* @throws IOException if read error occurs
* @uses make64Int() to overcome PHP's big integer problems
protected function readBinaryInt($length)
if ($length > 3) {
throw new PListException("Integer greater than 8 bytes: $length");
$nbytes = 1 << $length;
$val = null;
if (strlen($buff = substr($this->content, $this->pos, $nbytes)) != $nbytes) {
throw IOException::readError("");
$this->pos += $nbytes;
switch ($length) {
case 0:
$val = unpack("C", $buff);
$val = $val[1];
case 1:
$val = unpack("n", $buff);
$val = $val[1];
case 2:
$val = unpack("N", $buff);
$val = $val[1];
case 3:
$words = unpack("Nhighword/Nlowword", $buff);
//$val = $words['highword'] << 32 | $words['lowword'];
$val = self::make64Int($words['highword'], $words['lowword']);
return new CFNumber($val);
* Read a real value
* @param integer $length The length (in bytes) of the integer value, coded as „set bit $length to 1”
* @return CFNumber The real value
* @throws PListException if real val is invalid
* @throws IOException if read error occurs
protected function readBinaryReal($length)
if ($length > 3) {
throw new PListException("Real greater than 8 bytes: $length");
$nbytes = 1 << $length;
$val = null;
if (strlen($buff = substr($this->content, $this->pos, $nbytes)) != $nbytes) {
throw IOException::readError("");
$this->pos += $nbytes;
switch ($length) {
case 0: // 1 byte float? must be an error
case 1: // 2 byte float? must be an error
$x = $length + 1;
throw new PListException("got {$x} byte float, must be an error!");
case 2:
$val = unpack("f", strrev($buff));
$val = $val[1];
case 3:
$val = unpack("d", strrev($buff));
$val = $val[1];
return new CFNumber($val);
* Read a date value
* @param integer $length The length (in bytes) of the integer value, coded as „set bit $length to 1”
* @return CFDate The date value
* @throws PListException if date val is invalid
* @throws IOException if read error occurs
protected function readBinaryDate($length)
if ($length > 3) {
throw new PListException("Date greater than 8 bytes: $length");
$nbytes = 1 << $length;
$val = null;
if (strlen($buff = substr($this->content, $this->pos, $nbytes)) != $nbytes) {
throw IOException::readError("");
$this->pos += $nbytes;
switch ($length) {
case 0: // 1 byte CFDate is an error
case 1: // 2 byte CFDate is an error
$x = $length + 1;
throw new PListException("{$x} byte CFdate, error");
case 2:
$val = unpack("f", strrev($buff));
$val = $val[1];
case 3:
$val = unpack("d", strrev($buff));
$val = $val[1];
return new CFDate($val, CFDate::TIMESTAMP_APPLE);
* Read a data value
* @param integer $length The length (in bytes) of the integer value, coded as „set bit $length to 1”
* @return CFData The data value
* @throws IOException if read error occurs
protected function readBinaryData($length)
if ($length == 0) {
$buff = "";
} else {
$buff = substr($this->content, $this->pos, $length);
if (strlen($buff) != $length) {
throw IOException::readError("");
$this->pos += $length;
return new CFData($buff, false);
* Read a string value, usually coded as utf8
* @param integer $length The length (in bytes) of the string value
* @return CFString The string value, utf8 encoded
* @throws IOException if read error occurs
protected function readBinaryString($length)
if ($length == 0) {
$buff = "";
} else {
if (strlen($buff = substr($this->content, $this->pos, $length)) != $length) {
throw IOException::readError("");
$this->pos += $length;
if (!isset($this->uniqueTable[$buff])) {
$this->uniqueTable[$buff] = true;
return new CFString($buff);
* Convert the given string from one charset to another.
* Trying to use MBString, Iconv, Recode - in that particular order.
* @param string $string the string to convert
* @param string $fromCharset the charset the given string is currently encoded in
* @param string $toCharset the charset to convert to, defaults to UTF-8
* @return string the converted string
* @throws PListException on neither MBString, Iconv, Recode being available
public static function convertCharset($string, $fromCharset, $toCharset = 'UTF-8')
if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
return mb_convert_encoding($string, $toCharset, $fromCharset);
if (function_exists('iconv')) {
return iconv($fromCharset, $toCharset, $string);
if (function_exists('recode_string')) {
return recode_string($fromCharset .'..'. $toCharset, $string);
throw new PListException('neither iconv nor mbstring supported. how are we supposed to work on strings here?');
* Count characters considering character set
* Trying to use MBString, Iconv - in that particular order.
* @param string $string the string to convert
* @param string $charset the charset the given string is currently encoded in
* @return integer The number of characters in that string
* @throws PListException on neither MBString, Iconv being available
public static function charsetStrlen($string, $charset = "UTF-8")
if (function_exists('mb_strlen')) {
return mb_strlen($string, $charset);
if (function_exists('iconv_strlen')) {
return iconv_strlen($string, $charset);
throw new PListException('neither iconv nor mbstring supported. how are we supposed to work on strings here?');
* Read a unicode string value, coded as UTF-16BE
* @param integer $length The length (in bytes) of the string value
* @return CFString The string value, utf8 encoded
* @throws IOException if read error occurs
protected function readBinaryUnicodeString($length)
/* The problem is: we get the length of the string IN CHARACTERS;
since a char in UTF-16 can be 16 or 32 bit long, we don't really know
how long the string is in bytes */
if (strlen($buff = substr($this->content, $this->pos, 2*$length)) != 2*$length) {
throw IOException::readError("");
$this->pos += 2 * $length;
if (!isset($this->uniqueTable[$buff])) {
$this->uniqueTable[$buff] = true;
return new CFString(self::convertCharset($buff, "UTF-16BE", "UTF-8"));
* Read an array value, including contained objects
* @param integer $length The number of contained objects
* @return CFArray The array value, including the objects
* @throws IOException if read error occurs
protected function readBinaryArray($length)
$ary = new CFArray();
// first: read object refs
if ($length != 0) {
if (strlen($buff = substr($this->content, $this->pos, $length * $this->objectRefSize)) != $length * $this->objectRefSize) {
throw IOException::readError("");
$this->pos += $length * $this->objectRefSize;
$objects = self::unpackWithSize($this->objectRefSize, $buff);
// now: read objects
for ($i=0; $i<$length; ++$i) {
$object = $this->readBinaryObjectAt($objects[$i+1]+1);
return $ary;
* Read a dictionary value, including contained objects
* @param integer $length The number of contained objects
* @return CFDictionary The dictionary value, including the objects
* @throws IOException if read error occurs
protected function readBinaryDict($length)
$dict = new CFDictionary();
// first: read keys
if ($length != 0) {
if (strlen($buff = substr($this->content, $this->pos, $length * $this->objectRefSize)) != $length * $this->objectRefSize) {
throw IOException::readError("");
$this->pos += $length * $this->objectRefSize;
$keys = self::unpackWithSize($this->objectRefSize, $buff);
// second: read object refs
if (strlen($buff = substr($this->content, $this->pos, $length * $this->objectRefSize)) != $length * $this->objectRefSize) {
throw IOException::readError("");
$this->pos += $length * $this->objectRefSize;
$objects = self::unpackWithSize($this->objectRefSize, $buff);
// read real keys and objects
for ($i=0; $i<$length; ++$i) {
$key = $this->readBinaryObjectAt($keys[$i+1]+1);
$object = $this->readBinaryObjectAt($objects[$i+1]+1);
$dict->add($key->getValue(), $object);
return $dict;
* Read an object type byte, decode it and delegate to the correct reader function
* @return mixed The value of the delegate reader, so any of the CFType subclasses
* @throws IOException if read error occurs
public function readBinaryObject()
// first: read the marker byte
if (strlen($buff = substr($this->content, $this->pos, 1)) != 1) {
throw IOException::readError("");
$object_length = unpack("C*", $buff);
$object_length = $object_length[1] & 0xF;
$buff = unpack("H*", $buff);
$buff = $buff[1];
$object_type = substr($buff, 0, 1);
if ($object_type != "0" && $object_length == 15) {
$object_length = $this->readBinaryObject();
$object_length = $object_length->getValue();
$retval = null;
switch ($object_type) {
case '0': // null, false, true, fillbyte
$retval = $this->readBinaryNullType($object_length);
case '1': // integer
$retval = $this->readBinaryInt($object_length);
case '2': // real
$retval = $this->readBinaryReal($object_length);
case '3': // date
$retval = $this->readBinaryDate($object_length);
case '4': // data
$retval = $this->readBinaryData($object_length);
case '5': // byte string, usually utf8 encoded
$retval = $this->readBinaryString($object_length);
case '6': // unicode string (utf16be)
$retval = $this->readBinaryUnicodeString($object_length);
case '8':
$num = $this->readBinaryInt($object_length);
$retval = new CFUid($num->getValue());
case 'a': // array
$retval = $this->readBinaryArray($object_length);
case 'd': // dictionary
$retval = $this->readBinaryDict($object_length);
return $retval;
* Read an object type byte at position $pos, decode it and delegate to the correct reader function
* @param integer $pos The table position in the offsets table
* @return mixed The value of the delegate reader, so any of the CFType subclasses
public function readBinaryObjectAt($pos)
$this->pos = $this->offsets[$pos];
return $this->readBinaryObject();
* Parse a binary plist string
* @return void
* @throws IOException if read error occurs
public function parseBinaryString()
$this->uniqueTable = array();
$this->countObjects = 0;
$this->stringSize = 0;
$this->intSize = 0;
$this->miscSize = 0;
$this->objectRefs = 0;
$this->writtenObjectCount = 0;
$this->objectTable = array();
$this->objectRefSize = 0;
$this->offsets = array();
// first, we read the trailer: 32 byte from the end
$buff = substr($this->content, -32);
if (strlen($buff) < 32) {
throw new PListException('Error in PList format: content is less than at least necessary 32 bytes!');
$infos = unpack("x6/Coffset_size/Cobject_ref_size/x4/Nnumber_of_objects/x4/Ntop_object/x4/Ntable_offset", $buff);
// after that, get the offset table
$coded_offset_table = substr($this->content, $infos['table_offset'], $infos['number_of_objects'] * $infos['offset_size']);
if (strlen($coded_offset_table) != $infos['number_of_objects'] * $infos['offset_size']) {
throw IOException::readError("");
$this->countObjects = $infos['number_of_objects'];
// decode offset table
$formats = array("","C*","n*",null,"N*");
if ($infos['offset_size'] == 3) {
/* since PHP does not support parenthesis in pack/unpack expressions,
"(H6)*" does not work and we have to work round this by repeating the
expression as often as it fits in the string
$this->offsets = array(null);
while ($coded_offset_table) {
$str = unpack("H6", $coded_offset_table);
$this->offsets[] = hexdec($str[1]);
$coded_offset_table = substr($coded_offset_table, 3);
} else {
$this->offsets = unpack($formats[$infos['offset_size']], $coded_offset_table);
$this->uniqueTable = array();
$this->objectRefSize = $infos['object_ref_size'];
$top = $this->readBinaryObjectAt($infos['top_object']+1);
* Read a binary plist stream
* @param resource $stream The stream to read
* @return void
* @throws IOException if read error occurs
public function readBinaryStream($stream)
if (($str = stream_get_contents($stream)) === false || empty($str)) {
throw new PListException("Error reading stream!");
* parse a binary plist string
* @param string $content The stream to read, defaults to {@link $this->content}
* @return void
* @throws IOException if read error occurs
public function parseBinary($content = null)
if ($content !== null) {
$this->content = $content;
if (empty($this->content)) {
throw new PListException("Content may not be empty!");
if (substr($this->content, 0, 8) != 'bplist00') {
throw new PListException("Invalid binary string!");
$this->pos = 0;
* Read a binary plist file
* @param string $file The file to read
* @return void
* @throws IOException if read error occurs
public function readBinary($file)
if (!($fd = fopen($file, "rb"))) {
throw new IOException("Could not open file {$file}!");
* calculate the bytes needed for a size integer value
* @param integer $int The integer value to calculate
* @return integer The number of bytes needed
public static function bytesSizeInt($int)
$nbytes = 0;
if ($int > 0xE) {
$nbytes += 2; // 2 size-bytes
if ($int > 0xFF) {
$nbytes += 1; // 3 size-bytes
if ($int > 0xFFFF) {
$nbytes += 2; // 5 size-bytes
return $nbytes;
* Calculate the byte needed for a „normal” integer value
* @param integer $int The integer value
* @return integer The number of bytes needed + 1 (because of the „marker byte”)
public static function bytesInt($int)
$nbytes = 1;
if ($int > 0xFF) {
$nbytes += 1; // 2 byte integer
if ($int > 0xFFFF) {
$nbytes += 2; // 4 byte integer
if ($int > 0xFFFFFFFF) {
$nbytes += 4; // 8 byte integer
if ($int < 0) {
$nbytes += 7; // 8 byte integer (since it is signed)
return $nbytes + 1; // one „marker” byte
* „pack” a value (i.e. write the binary representation as big endian to a string) with the specified size
* @param integer $nbytes The number of bytes to pack
* @param integer $int The integer value to pack
* @return string The packed value as string
public static function packItWithSize($nbytes, $int)
$formats = array("C", "n", "N", "N");
$format = $formats[$nbytes-1];
if ($nbytes == 3) {
return substr(pack($format, $int), -3);
return pack($format, $int);
* „unpack” multiple values of the specified size (i.e. get the integers from their binary representation) from a string
* @param integer $nbytes The number of bytes of each value to unpack
* @param integer $buff The string packed with integer values
* @return array The unpacked integers
public static function unpackWithSize($nbytes, $buff)
$formats = array("C*", "n*", "N*", "N*");
$format = $formats[$nbytes-1];
if ($nbytes == 3) {
$buff = "\0" . implode("\0", str_split($buff, 3));
return unpack($format, $buff);
* Calculate the bytes needed to save the number of objects
* @param integer $count_objects The number of objects
* @return integer The number of bytes
public static function bytesNeeded($count_objects)
$nbytes = 0;
while ($count_objects >= 1) {
$count_objects /= 256;
return $nbytes;
* Code an integer to byte representation
* @param integer $int The integer value
* @return string The packed byte value
public static function intBytes($int)
$intbytes = "";
if ($int > 0xFFFF) {
$intbytes = "\x12".pack("N", $int); // 4 byte integer
} elseif ($int > 0xFF) {
$intbytes = "\x11".pack("n", $int); // 2 byte integer
} else {
$intbytes = "\x10".pack("C", $int); // 8 byte integer
return $intbytes;
* Code an type byte, consisting of the type marker and the length of the type
* @param string $type The type byte value (i.e. "d" for dictionaries)
* @param integer $type_len The length of the type
* @return string The packed type byte value
public static function typeBytes($type, $type_len)
$optional_int = "";
if ($type_len < 15) {
$type .= sprintf("%x", $type_len);
} else {
$type .= "f";
$optional_int = self::intBytes($type_len);
return pack("H*", $type).$optional_int;
* Count number of objects and create a unique table for strings
* @param $value The value to count and unique
* @return void
protected function uniqueAndCountValues($value)
// no uniquing for other types than CFString and CFData
if ($value instanceof CFNumber) {
$val = $value->getValue();
if (intval($val) == $val && !is_float($val) && strpos($val, '.') === false) {
$this->intSize += self::bytesInt($val);
} else {
$this->miscSize += 9; // 9 bytes (8 + marker byte) for real
} elseif ($value instanceof CFDate) {
$this->miscSize += 9; // since date in plist is real, we need 9 byte (8 + marker byte)
} elseif ($value instanceof CFBoolean) {
$this->miscSize += 1;
} elseif ($value instanceof CFArray) {
$cnt = 0;
foreach ($value as $v) {
$this->objectRefs++; // each array member is a ref
$this->intSize += self::bytesSizeInt($cnt);
$this->miscSize++; // marker byte for array
} elseif ($value instanceof CFDictionary) {
$cnt = 0;
foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
if (!isset($this->uniqueTable[$k])) {
$this->uniqueTable[$k] = 0;
$len = self::binaryStrlen($k);
$this->stringSize += $len + 1;
$this->intSize += self::bytesSizeInt(self::charsetStrlen($k, 'UTF-8'));
$this->objectRefs += 2; // both, key and value, are refs
$this->miscSize++; // marker byte for dict
$this->intSize += self::bytesSizeInt($cnt);
} elseif ($value instanceof CFData) {
$val = $value->getValue();
$len = strlen($val);
$this->intSize += self::bytesSizeInt($len);
$this->miscSize += $len + 1;
} else {
$val = $value->getValue();
if (!isset($this->uniqueTable[$val])) {
$this->uniqueTable[$val] = 0;
$len = self::binaryStrlen($val);
$this->stringSize += $len + 1;
$this->intSize += self::bytesSizeInt(self::charsetStrlen($val, 'UTF-8'));
* Convert CFPropertyList to binary format; since we have to count our objects we simply unique CFDictionary and CFArray
* @return string The binary plist content
public function toBinary()
$this->uniqueTable = array();
$this->countObjects = 0;
$this->stringSize = 0;
$this->intSize = 0;
$this->miscSize = 0;
$this->objectRefs = 0;
$this->writtenObjectCount = 0;
$this->objectTable = array();
$this->objectRefSize = 0;
$this->offsets = array();
$binary_str = "bplist00";
$value = $this->getValue(true);
$this->countObjects += count($this->uniqueTable);
$this->objectRefSize = self::bytesNeeded($this->countObjects);
$file_size = $this->stringSize + $this->intSize + $this->miscSize + $this->objectRefs * $this->objectRefSize + 40;
$offset_size = self::bytesNeeded($file_size);
$table_offset = $file_size - 32;
$this->objectTable = array();
$this->writtenObjectCount = 0;
$this->uniqueTable = array(); // we needed it to calculate several values
$object_offset = 8;
$offsets = array();
for ($i=0; $i<count($this->objectTable); ++$i) {
$binary_str .= $this->objectTable[$i];
$offsets[$i] = $object_offset;
$object_offset += strlen($this->objectTable[$i]);
for ($i=0; $i<count($offsets); ++$i) {
$binary_str .= self::packItWithSize($offset_size, $offsets[$i]);
$binary_str .= pack("x6CC", $offset_size, $this->objectRefSize);
$binary_str .= pack("x4N", $this->countObjects);
$binary_str .= pack("x4N", 0);
$binary_str .= pack("x4N", $table_offset);
return $binary_str;
* Counts the number of bytes the string will have when coded; utf-16be if non-ascii characters are present.
* @param string $val The string value
* @return integer The length of the coded string in bytes
protected static function binaryStrlen($val)
$val = (string) $val;
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($val); ++$i) {
if (ord($val[$i]) >= 128) {
$val = self::convertCharset($val, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16BE');
return strlen($val);
return strlen($val);
* Uniques and transforms a string value to binary format and adds it to the object table
* @param string $val The string value
* @return integer The position in the object table
public function stringToBinary($val)
$saved_object_count = -1;
if (!isset($this->uniqueTable[$val])) {
$saved_object_count = $this->writtenObjectCount++;
$this->uniqueTable[$val] = $saved_object_count;
$utf16 = false;
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($val); ++$i) {
if (ord($val[$i]) >= 128) {
$utf16 = true;
if ($utf16) {
$bdata = self::typeBytes("6", mb_strlen($val, 'UTF-8')); // 6 is 0110, unicode string (utf16be)
$val = self::convertCharset($val, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16BE');
$this->objectTable[$saved_object_count] = $bdata.$val;
} else {
$bdata = self::typeBytes("5", strlen($val)); // 5 is 0101 which is an ASCII string (seems to be ASCII encoded)
$this->objectTable[$saved_object_count] = $bdata.$val;
} else {
$saved_object_count = $this->uniqueTable[$val];
return $saved_object_count;
* Codes an integer to binary format
* @param integer $value The integer value
* @return string the coded integer
protected function intToBinary($value)
$nbytes = 0;
if ($value > 0xFF) {
$nbytes = 1; // 1 byte integer
if ($value > 0xFFFF) {
$nbytes += 1; // 4 byte integer
if ($value > 0xFFFFFFFF) {
$nbytes += 1; // 8 byte integer
if ($value < 0) {
$nbytes = 3; // 8 byte integer, since signed
$bdata = self::typeBytes("1", $nbytes); // 1 is 0001, type indicator for integer
$buff = "";
if ($nbytes < 3) {
if ($nbytes == 0) {
$fmt = "C";
} elseif ($nbytes == 1) {
$fmt = "n";
} else {
$fmt = "N";
$buff = pack($fmt, $value);
} else {
if (PHP_INT_SIZE > 4) {
// 64 bit signed integer; we need the higher and the lower 32 bit of the value
$high_word = $value >> 32;
$low_word = $value & 0xFFFFFFFF;
} else {
// since PHP can only handle 32bit signed, we can only get 32bit signed values at this point - values above 0x7FFFFFFF are
// floats. So we ignore the existance of 64bit on non-64bit-machines
if ($value < 0) {
$high_word = 0xFFFFFFFF;
} else {
$high_word = 0;
$low_word = $value;
$buff = pack("N", $high_word).pack("N", $low_word);
return $bdata.$buff;
* Codes a real value to binary format
* @param float $val The real value
* @return string The coded real
protected function realToBinary($val)
$bdata = self::typeBytes("2", 3); // 2 is 0010, type indicator for reals
return $bdata.strrev(pack("d", (float)$val));
public function uidToBinary($value)
$saved_object_count = $this->writtenObjectCount++;
$val = "";
$nbytes = 0;
if ($value > 0xFF) {
$nbytes = 1; // 1 byte integer
if ($value > 0xFFFF) {
$nbytes += 1; // 4 byte integer
if ($value > 0xFFFFFFFF) {
$nbytes += 1; // 8 byte integer
if ($value < 0) {
$nbytes = 3; // 8 byte integer, since signed
$bdata = self::typeBytes("1000", $nbytes); // 1 is 0001, type indicator for integer
$buff = "";
if ($nbytes < 3) {
if ($nbytes == 0) {
$fmt = "C";
} elseif ($nbytes == 1) {
$fmt = "n";
} else {
$fmt = "N";
$buff = pack($fmt, $value);
} else {
if (PHP_INT_SIZE > 4) {
// 64 bit signed integer; we need the higher and the lower 32 bit of the value
$high_word = $value >> 32;
$low_word = $value & 0xFFFFFFFF;
} else {
// since PHP can only handle 32bit signed, we can only get 32bit signed values at this point - values above 0x7FFFFFFF are
// floats. So we ignore the existance of 64bit on non-64bit-machines
if ($value < 0) {
$high_word = 0xFFFFFFFF;
} else {
$high_word = 0;
$low_word = $value;
$buff = pack("N", $high_word).pack("N", $low_word);
$val = $bdata.$buff;
$this->objectTable[$saved_object_count] = $val;
return $saved_object_count;
* Converts a numeric value to binary and adds it to the object table
* @param numeric $value The numeric value
* @return integer The position in the object table
public function numToBinary($value)
$saved_object_count = $this->writtenObjectCount++;
$val = "";
if (intval($value) == $value && !is_float($value) && strpos($value, '.') === false) {
$val = $this->intToBinary($value);
} else {
$val = $this->realToBinary($value);
$this->objectTable[$saved_object_count] = $val;
return $saved_object_count;
* Convert date value (apple format) to binary and adds it to the object table
* @param integer $value The date value
* @return integer The position of the coded value in the object table
public function dateToBinary($val)
$saved_object_count = $this->writtenObjectCount++;
$hour = gmdate("H", $val);
$min = gmdate("i", $val);
$sec = gmdate("s", $val);
$mday = gmdate("j", $val);
$mon = gmdate("n", $val);
$year = gmdate("Y", $val);
$val = gmmktime($hour, $min, $sec, $mon, $mday, $year) - CFDate::DATE_DIFF_APPLE_UNIX; // CFDate is a real, number of seconds since 01/01/2001 00:00:00 GMT
$bdata = self::typeBytes("3", 3); // 3 is 0011, type indicator for date
$this->objectTable[$saved_object_count] = $bdata.strrev(pack("d", $val));
return $saved_object_count;
* Convert a bool value to binary and add it to the object table
* @param bool $val The boolean value
* @return integer The position in the object table
public function boolToBinary($val)
$saved_object_count = $this->writtenObjectCount++;
$this->objectTable[$saved_object_count] = $val ? "\x9" : "\x8"; // 0x9 is 1001, type indicator for true; 0x8 is 1000, type indicator for false
return $saved_object_count;
* Convert data value to binary format and add it to the object table
* @param string $val The data value
* @return integer The position in the object table
public function dataToBinary($val)
$saved_object_count = $this->writtenObjectCount++;
$bdata = self::typeBytes("4", strlen($val)); // a is 1000, type indicator for data
$this->objectTable[$saved_object_count] = $bdata.$val;
return $saved_object_count;
* Convert array to binary format and add it to the object table
* @param CFArray $val The array to convert
* @return integer The position in the object table
public function arrayToBinary($val)
$saved_object_count = $this->writtenObjectCount++;
$bdata = self::typeBytes("a", count($val->getValue())); // a is 1010, type indicator for arrays
foreach ($val as $v) {
$bval = $v->toBinary($this);
$bdata .= self::packItWithSize($this->objectRefSize, $bval);
$this->objectTable[$saved_object_count] = $bdata;
return $saved_object_count;
* Convert dictionary to binary format and add it to the object table
* @param CFDictionary $val The dict to convert
* @return integer The position in the object table
public function dictToBinary($val)
$saved_object_count = $this->writtenObjectCount++;
$bdata = self::typeBytes("d", count($val->getValue())); // d=1101, type indicator for dictionary
foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
$str = new CFString($k);
$key = $str->toBinary($this);
$bdata .= self::packItWithSize($this->objectRefSize, $key);
foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
$bval = $v->toBinary($this);
$bdata .= self::packItWithSize($this->objectRefSize, $bval);
$this->objectTable[$saved_object_count] = $bdata;
return $saved_object_count;
# eof